Vampire Mate: BBW Paranormal Romance

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Vampire Mate: BBW Paranormal Romance Page 7

by Natalie Kristen

  But she knew that the demon lord would make good his threat. Hurt Charlotte to hurt her if she didn't do what he wanted.

  She teleported into the middle of her bedroom, and collapsed onto her bed.

  It was a few minutes after midnight, and the night had just begun.

  She had work to do.

  Working through the night wasn't the hard part.

  It was the morning after that she dreaded.


  Glenn stood on the balcony of his bedroom, at the very pinnacle of the luxurious Tine Towers, and looked up at the moonless night sky. He glanced through the glass into his dark, empty bedroom. Empty, as it always was.

  The blood bar hadn't assuaged his hunger. It didn't satisfy him. The alcoholic blood filled his stomach, and left him feeling hungrier and emptier than ever.

  He had to stop thinking about her.

  Turning away, he smoothed his palm along the metal railing and stared out at the city.

  New Moon City.

  It was a dark, dangerous, defiant city. It was a beautiful city. A brave city that wasn't afraid of creatures that went bump in the night. Instead, the city sought to police and protect these creatures, recognizing that while there might be monsters among them, not all of them were monsters. These monsters were hunted and taken down by the PAC Enforcers, who put their lives on the line to keep the human and paranormal civilian population safe.

  The city lights winked and stared up at him, watching him like so many pairs of luminous eyes. Glenn sighed heavily, the ache in his heart ever present, ever tormenting.

  Why did she choose to become a blood demoness?

  Didn't she know the price? Would he pay the price?

  He swore he would never take a blood demoness to his bed. But what if—what if she was his mate? Could he take her, take her blood, and free her?

  The air around him rippled, but Glenn didn't move.

  He kept his eyes on the city lights below, even as he sensed a presence behind him.

  He knew who it was.

  He closed his eyes to breathe her in.

  “He let you come?” Glenn asked without turning around.

  When she didn't answer, he let out a mirthless laugh. “No, you came not with his permission, but on his command.”

  He turned his head to the side at last to acknowledge her, her name leaving his lips on a ragged breath. “Charlene.”

  She took a step forward, and his cool, collected facade nearly faltered. She was...breathtaking.

  She was wearing a red strapless dress that just begged to be stripped from her lush, curvy body. Her blond hair was unadorned, framing her beautiful, blushing face. She wore only red lipstick to match her dress, and her neck and shoulders were bare. Glenn let his eyes drag down every inch of her delectable body. He could smell her blood, her feminine heat, her unique scent.

  Glenn scrubbed a hand down his face. He had been fooling himself, telling himself that he could resist her, that he wouldn't take her. He was already hard, every inch of him straining and aching to have her.

  This strange sense of anticipation and hope was new to Glenn. He had taken demonesses to his bed before. The demonesses he had bedded had all come to him of their own free will and want. They hadn't been ordered by their demon lord and Maker to appear outside his bedroom in a fuck me dress and looking so lost and vulnerable. He had taken those laughing, lusty demonesses to bed with no expectation and no pressure. He had known, even before tasting a droplet of their blood, that they were not his mate. The attraction was purely sexual, nothing more. Just a night of mindless, meaningless sex for all involved.

  But Charlene...was different.

  She was a demoness, yes, and he saw her before as a human, and was already attracted to her then. But his attraction to females had always been fleeting and shallow. The feelings never lingered, grew and burrowed into him, eating away at his heart and soul.

  And he had always steered clear of blood demonesses.

  There was just no pleasure to be had with a blood demoness.

  Vampire bites were intensely pleasurable, but the bite of a blood demon was excruciating and bloody. Like vampires, blood demons could only get their sustenance from licensed blood bars. No biting was allowed, except during sex. And blood demons made sure they got the most out of this legal exception.

  Blood demons gave all blood suckers a bad name.

  Glenn held himself still as Charlene took another tentative step towards him. She moved slowly, but not deliberately like a predator would. She swallowed repeatedly, and kept glancing down. Her eyes were red and puffy, like she had been crying.

  “If you don't want me here, I...I'll leave,” she stammered. There was no bitterness in her eyes, just a wariness and weariness which made him want to grab her into his arms and hold her and protect her.

  She swiped at her eyes and turned away. “I'm sorry, I think I should just...”

  “I want you. I...want you to stay.”

  She looked up in surprise, and he saw a small smile of gratitude cross her lovely, sad features. She had indeed been ordered to come to him by Sideous Kron. If he drove her away, she would be punished by Kron.

  But that wasn't the only reason why he wanted her to stay. It wasn't just to spare her the demon lord's punishment. It was to spare himself as well. Spare himself the punishment and agony of being apart from her.

  She blinked up at him, swaying slightly on her feet. “Glenn,” she whispered.

  He caught her just as she crumpled. He scooped her up in his arms and stared into her pale, bloodless face. Her body felt cold and weak, and she shivered as he misted her inside, into his bedroom.

  “Charlene,” he said, his voice harsh. “When did you last feed?”

  She struggled feebly as he lay her on his bed and dragged the covers up over her shaking body. He put his fingers against her neck and felt her weakening pulse as her eyelids fluttered shut.

  “You haven't had any blood,” he said. “You were sent here for supper, weren't you? You're to take my blood.”

  At this, she gasped and glared at him. “No!”

  Her outrage seemed to send a temporary surge of strength through her. She pushed herself up and snapped, “No, you pompous, presumptuous man! You are not my supper. I am yours!”

  Her arms shook with her strain and rage, and she collapsed back onto the pillows.

  Glenn gaped at her. Even blood starved and half conscious, she'd had enough fire and gumption in her to give him a dressing down.

  And what did she mean by those last three words?

  I am yours!

  He listened to the echo of her words in his mind, savoring them. If only she was really his. He forced his eyes open and shook his head. No, what she meant was—she was sent here as his supper. As a gift, as a bribe.

  He stared at her neck, at her pale face, and felt his traitorous body throb and harden with hunger.

  That wily, cunning demon was sweetening his offer for the land by sending him Charlene. I am yours! He could have her for the night, enjoy her, take her. She was his for tonight.

  The thought was making him hard as hell.

  Charlene's breathing was rapid and shallow, her eyelids jumping as her head turned from side to side. Her hands were trying to peel the covers off, and push herself up, but it was clear that she was in no state to even stand up. She needed blood now, or she might go into shock. There was a newly healed wound on her neck, and it was obvious that she had bled recently. Maybe less than an hour ago. How much blood had she lost?

  Glenn cursed and shrugged off his jacket. He undid the buttons on his shirt with one hand and lifted her up with his other hand. Pressing her mouth to his neck, he gritted out, “Drink, Charlene. Take my blood.”

  He felt her long lashes brush against his neck as she struggled against him. “No.” Charlene tried to push him away, but he held her fast. She opened her mouth to scream, and he pushed her teeth hard against his neck, breaking his skin.

bsp; “No, no!” Her protests became muffled when he pressed her mouth hard against the line of blood on his neck and demanded, “Drink. You need to feed, you stubborn woman!”

  He heard her cry out in agony and hunger. Then he felt her fangs.


  Charlene felt her fangs lengthen instantly as she tasted Glenn's blood on her lips. Her fangs descended against her will and sunk deep into Glenn's neck. He held himself completely still even as she shuddered and moaned at the intense pleasure.

  He good. Her nostrils flared as she breathed against his bare skin. His scent was strong and masculine, and the blood that filled her mouth and flowed down her throat was rich, dark, powerful. The blood filled her up, and as her strength and power surged, she felt herself wanting more, needing more. But it wasn't just his blood. She wanted him. She wanted the man, the vampire, the strong, dark male whose look and touch made her feel and yearn and hope. She sucked and lapped at his neck, clinging to his broad shoulders and digging her nails into his back. She wanted him so badly. She was already so wet for him, and she squirmed against him, wanting and needing him.

  Charlene closed her eyes and swallowed his blood. Very carefully, she pulled her fangs out, and she winced when she saw the terrible puncture marks she had caused. His neck was torn, ravaged by her sharp, serrated fangs, yet he never uttered a single sound. He hadn't jerked away in pain, or pushed her away in disgust when she pierced his neck and suckled desperately at his vein.

  All those big, bullying, badass rogues had screamed and flailed when she took their blood. When she stabbed her fangs into their necks, they had thrashed with the agonizing pain, their eyes reflecting their stark horror at what was happening to them.

  She knew that her bite was torture. But she hadn't felt any remorse when she bit all those violent, bullying humans and shifters. They had been terrorizing innocent, helpless females. She would make them hurt, make them pay.

  But Glenn...

  She didn't want to hurt Glenn.

  He hadn't even flinched when she tore into his neck. He had held her tightly, closely, intimately as she sucked and drank. He hadn't jerked and twisted away, screaming and struggling like all the other males.

  But the bite must have burnt. Yet he bore the pain, with pride.

  Glenn tasted wonderful, clean and strong. She didn't want to stop. No male had tasted like this. Glenn was heady, intoxicating and addictive. But if she didn't force herself to stop now, she would never stop. She would just drink him to death.

  Painfully, she forced her fangs to retract. She was still clinging to him, staring at his neck which was smeared dark red with his blood.

  “What...what have I done?” she whispered. “Oh Glenn...”

  She raised trembling fingers to his wound, but he caught her hand suddenly, staring at her with gleaming black eyes.

  “How do you feel?” he demanded. “Do you need more blood?”

  She shook her head quickly. “I...I feel better. I've never felt better,” she answered honestly. “That's enough for me.”

  “But that's not enough for me,” he said darkly, his fangs stabbing out. She gasped at the primal hunger in his eyes, and tried to scrabble back but he caught her wrists and pinned her down on his bed.

  He loomed over her, a dark, powerful male, his black eyes glowing with a raw, pulsing hunger. The two halves of his shirt fell open to reveal a hard, sculpted torso, and she glanced down to see a very prominent bulge at his crotch. He lowered his body, allowing her to feel that bulge between her thighs. Pushing against her, he rubbed at a very sensitive part of her, making her arch her back, her muscles clenching as moisture pooled between her legs. Panting, she blinked up at his handsome face and saw his veins throb at his temple and neck as he struggled against his lust and his want for her.

  “Glenn, p-please...” she whimpered, straining against his vice-like grip. She wanted to touch him, to pull him to her, and feel his bare skin against her. She wanted him inside her. Now.

  “What do you want, Charlene?” he said hoarsely.

  “I, Glenn. You,” she panted.

  Charlene blinked rapidly trying to clear her vision and her mind. She had just fed off Glenn, and now she was begging him to fuck her. She was out of her mind. Out of her mind with lust.

  She reached up and touched his neck with quivering fingers. He had stopped bleeding, and the wound was already healing, but she had no doubt that she had caused him pain. A lot of pain.

  “Glenn,” she said raggedly. “Your're hurt. I shouldn't have hurt you. It shouldn't be you. It should never have been you,” she whispered.

  His grip on her shoulders tightened until it was almost crushing.

  “Charlene, it should be me.” He yanked her to him fiercely. “It should always be me. It should only be me.”

  “But I hurt you. My bite...”

  “Your bite can't hurt me,” he laughed almost derisively. “To have your lips on my neck—” He half closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. “To have you in my bed, and so wet for me...”

  Charlene blushed furiously and squeezed her thighs together, sending another jolt of molten heat spearing down her body. He could scent and feel her arousal. And she had told him that she wanted him, hadn't she?

  Subtle, real subtle, Charlene.

  She bit her lip and turned to look away.

  “Charlene, look at me,” Glenn said softly.

  She met his eyes uncertainly.

  “I want you, Charlene. I take what I want, and I want you to do the same. You don't ever have to feel shy, or ashamed, with me. I'm going to taste you, Charlene. Every part of you, and I've going to make love to you the whole night. I'm not letting you out of my bed till dawn.” He held her chin between his thumb and forefinger and bent down to kiss her softly on the lips. The kiss was light and sweet, but it left her wanting more.

  “Glenn,” she said breathlessly.

  “Say that again.”


  “Say my name, and tell me what you want.”

  She forced air into her lungs, and looked deep into his eyes. “Glenn, I want you. I want you to make love to me. And—I want you to take my blood.”

  His eyes flashed and he reared up above her. For a heartbeat, she saw him as he truly was, a powerful, lethal Master vampire who could command other vampires and creatures. It terrified her, thrilled her and turned her on. God, she was so turned on after taking his blood. Sharing blood and sex with Glenn Constantine was something she never thought she'd be doing. Not in her wildest dreams.

  He released her, and she froze for just a second. But before she could twist away, he was upon her.

  He pushed her back onto the bed and pinned her arms up over her head. His mouth took hers in a kiss that was hard and demanding. His tongue pushed into her mouth, tasting her and demanding more.

  She gasped and her lips and thighs parted instinctively. His lust, his strength, his raw hunger awakened her own need, and she touched his tongue with her own, wanting to taste more of him as well. When she ran her tongue over his lips and kissed him back with unrestrained passion, she felt his whole body jerk as if he had just been electrocuted.

  “Charlene,” he gritted against her mouth. His hands moved down to caress her curves. Pushing the bodice of her dress down to release her breasts, he closed his lips over her nipple and sucked hard. Charlene moaned and raked her fingers through his dark hair, urging him to suckle her harder. She arched her back as he thumbed and licked her erect nipples, tugging them and circling them relentless with his tongue.

  Unzipping her dress, he flung the dress to the floor, and stared at her naked body with undisguised lust and admiration. She saw that he was highly aroused by the fact that she hadn't worn any underwear.

  “Spread your legs for me, Charlene,” he said.

  She obeyed, and parted her legs very slowly, feeling the cool silk sheets on his bed caress her skin.

  Glenn had undressed swiftly, and s
he felt his hard, naked body pressing down on her. With a finger under her chin, he tilted her face to him, forcing her to meet his eyes. “Look into my eyes when I make love to you,” he said.

  She swallowed and nodded. Shyly, she let her eyes roam down his broad shoulders to his powerful chest and narrow waist and hips. His body was toned, his muscles well defined and hard. Like all vampires, there was no tan line on his body, but he was a masterpiece of masculinity. Sculpted, chiseled, solid.

  Gazing into his black eyes, which were achingly tender, just watching her, waiting for her, she whispered, “Make love to me, Glenn.”

  He lowered his lips to hers, and kissed her in a deep, passionate kiss as he pushed her thighs wider apart.

  Very slowly, he pushed into her, sliding smoothly into her inch by inch, until he filled her completely. He stretched her to the max but she was more than ready for him. She had been ready from the very first time she laid eyes on him and their fingers touched. Her body had responded to him, awakening with a jolt and her mind had subconsciously memorized every detail of his handsome face and tall, broad body.

  Charlene gasped as Glenn buried himself to the hilt inside her, and stilled completely, holding her in his strong arms and gazing deeply into her eyes. “You okay?” he asked hoarsely.

  She nodded as she wrapped her legs around his hips and clung to him. Yes, she was okay. She was more than okay. In his bed, in his arms, she felt safe, alive, perfect. Her world was perfect, just for tonight.

  If she only had tonight, she would take it.

  Hell, perhaps tonight was really all she had.

  She'd decided the moment that Glenn pressed her lips to his neck and willingly gave her his blood, that she would not go through with Kron's plan. She couldn't let that unscrupulous, unsavory blood demon lord get his claws on that land. Imagine what he would do if his powers were multiplied and magnified. She had sensed that the demon was just biding his time, waiting until he was powerful enough to make his move. He had used up a considerable amount of his waning power to Make her a demoness. But he sure hadn't saved her ass out of the goodness of his demon heart. She was an investment. And he wanted now to reap the rewards of his investment.


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