Vampire Mate: BBW Paranormal Romance

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Vampire Mate: BBW Paranormal Romance Page 11

by Natalie Kristen

  She saw Glenn give Lucas's shoulder a firm squeeze and walk with him to the door. Bryn followed reluctantly.

  The door of the PAC medical bay closed behind them, and Charlene stood at the lift lobby, waiting for Lucas to lead the way.

  Bryn came up to Charlene, her frown gradually dissipating as she stared up at her face. “You really are her sister,” she said very softly. “I've seen your photographs. You...look the same. But you are no longer the same.”

  “She was Made into a blood demon by Sideous Kron, the demon Lord of Beasts and Bloodshed. Mr Kron has recently made the headlines by putting in an outrageous bid on a piece of land owned by GC Inc.,” Glenn said.

  Bryn's response summed up Charlene's feelings perfectly. “Shit.”

  Charlene closed her eyes briefly and thought of Charlotte. She saw her sister in Jasynta's capable hands, in Lucas's loving arms, being protected and loved.

  With a start, Charlene turned to Glenn. “How did you know I was in the alley, with that blood demon? You misted there with Lucas, didn't you?”

  “I saw you. And Lucas heard you,” Glenn said simply.

  Charlene swallowed. So Lucas had heard her whisper after all.

  The Alpha's gaze slid from Charlene to Glenn. “So, Glenn, is this your vigilante vampire? The one that you promised to recruit as an Enforcer for Jett?” Lucas arched a brow and inclined his head at Charlene. “My sister-in-law.”

  Glenn dragged his palm across his forehead. “And you, Lucas, would be my brother-in-law,” he deadpanned.

  Glenn's announcement was met with two seconds of utter silence as Lucas and Bryn's eyes bugged out of their heads.

  In unison, they spluttered, “She is your mate!”


  After everyone had pushed their eyeballs back into their heads and stopped staring at Charlene in stupefied awe, Glenn ushered Charlene into the conference room after a stunned Lucas. At the door, Lucas turned to tell Bryn to wait outside, since she was not a Council member but Charlene spoke up. “She's Charlotte's best friend. She has a right to know.”

  Lucas had frowned, then looked at Glenn. Glenn was the Master vampire who had turned Bryn, so in theory, Bryn was under his control. Some old school Master vampires still tried to hang on to that illusion of power over their vampires. But Glenn didn't interfere with his vampires, much. As long as they didn't become evil, they were pretty much safe from Glenn.

  Glenn gave Lucas a firm nod, which Lucas acknowledged. The Alpha motioned Bryn to a seat at the long conference table and picked up the phone. Glenn heard him call two Council members in, Jett Riley and Blake Madden.

  In less than a minute, Jett and Blake were in the conference room. The two men stared at Charlene, and Jett squinted at the red swirls at the corner of her eyes and said, “She's a blood demoness.”

  Blake, the werebear with the most powerful nose on the Council inhaled deeply. “But...why does she smell like a human? Pardon me for...”

  “It's all right.” Charlene faced the two men across the table and answered calmly, “I'm newly Made. My blood is still red, not black, and I haven't come into my demon form. And yes, I'm Charlotte's sister. I am Charlene Cole.”

  Glenn saw the shock on Jett and Blake's faces. “Yes, yes,” Jett said, recovering quickly. “I do see the resemblance. Now I know why we never found your body. We searched for one year, and then assumed the worst. That your body had been eaten.”

  Blake elbowed Jett in the ribs for his insensitive remark. “We're glad you're alive,” Blake told her. “I'm sure Charlotte must be so happy. She...”

  “Charlotte doesn't know about me,” Charlene cut in. “And I think it's best that she doesn't know. She didn't see me. She was already unconscious when I jumped in and fought the blood demon. Let her rest and recover well. She's in good hands, in a good place. There's no need for her to go through the pain of losing me—again.”

  Glenn rounded on her. “Charlene! What are you...”

  She didn't meet his eyes, just carried on stoically and stiffly, as if she had rehearsed the whole speech and was afraid that she'd lose her nerve if she didn't get all the words out at one go. “I was Made into a blood demoness by Sideous Kron. I am under his control and command. I hunt shifters in New Moon City for their blood, and drag them back to Kron. He takes their blood, tortures them to unleash and madden their beasts, and then I take them back to the city and turn them loose, as rogues. These rogues are more beast than man. In fact, they have become completely animal, beastly in every way. More blood and more beasts mean more power to Kron. For what I did, I should be hunted down and destroyed by your Enforcers. I...deserve to be destroyed. But destroying me would mean that I will be forever trapped by Kron. I am asking the PAC for a chance. The chance to be free. Let me destroy my demon Maker. I...won't fail.”

  Her voice remained strong and steady right to the end. But her words were like knives, each word gouging out a piece of Glenn's heart.

  “You can't do that.” The words scraped from his throat.

  “I can, and I will,” she snapped, then lowered her head and her voice. “If the PAC will let me.”

  The entire room had fallen silent, all eyes on him and Charlene. Glenn gripped her shoulders and forced her to face him. “Charlene, I can't...let you...”

  “You have to, Glenn,” she said softly, putting a hand against his cheek. “It's the only way.”

  Glenn looked up, and looked round at the Council members. Lucas's expression was grave. Blake was muttering under his breath and shaking his head, and Jett was cursing not too softly.

  Bryn jumped up. “You can't let her do it, Glenn! She's your mate!”

  This time, the silence in the room was absolute.

  No one spoke. No one dared to.

  All he heard was his own labored breathing, and a primal scream that was going on and on in his head.

  Glenn could feel his fangs pushing out, an instinctive reaction to pain and danger. He was ready to fight, to maim and kill. But where was the enemy? He couldn't kill Sideous Kron. He had to let Charlene kill him.

  Every word that Charlene had spoken was the truth. It was the only way. Glenn had spoken at length to Zorath, and Zorath had consulted with his mages and a few other demon princes. All had said the same thing.

  To be free, a Made demon had to destroy her demon Maker. And once the demon Maker was killed, all his demons would perish with him. The demons would be sucked back into the Abyss together with their Maker. Only the one who had slain her Maker by her own hand would be free.

  It really was the only way.

  The only way for his mate to be free.

  Glenn closed his eyes in pain. If you love her, let her go.

  Which bloody fool was it who said that?

  A fool who'd never had to let his mate go, that's who.

  Glenn closed his eyes. Sideous Kron would never free her. That demon lord would never let her go. He would keep her forever, by his side, enslaved, trapped, miserable.

  Glenn took a deep breath, letting the air burn his lungs. He wasn't Kron. He would never allow his mate to be trapped and miserable. He had promised to free her. Even if it killed him, he would do it.

  Charlene would be free. She wouldn't be a slave to a demon lord, a monster to a monster. That was what she wanted. And that was what he wanted for her as well.

  But it was just so fucking hard.

  “Whatever you decide, Glenn, the PAC is behind you,” Lucas spoke up quietly.

  Glenn gave a silent nod. It was his decision, his call to make.

  With supreme effort, Glenn tore his eyes from Charlene and stood up slowly.

  “Blake, I have a favor to ask of you.”

  “Anything, Glenn, just name it and it's done,” Blake answered instantly.

  “Zorath told me that to destroy a demon lord, you'll need to gouge his heart out with a blade made of demon bone. He said he gave Jasynta a knife that was forged by the most powerful mages in his court...”

  “Yes! Jasynta has the knife. It's in our bedroom,” Blake answered. “She used that knife to cut down that cursed Moon Flower and save all of us,” he said. Glenn could see the big bear shifter swelling with pride at the memory. Blake and Jasynta had gone to hell literally, to find and save each other. The knife that he was asking Blake for had been forged by the most powerful mages in Zorath's demon court, and the demon prince had presented it to Jasynta.

  “I know the knife holds sentimental value for Jasynta and you...” Glenn began.

  “Nah. It's just a knife. I didn't know it was made of demon bone though.” Blake frowned. “But if it can help your mate, then it's yours. And in fact, Jasynta will insist that you take it. When do you want it?”

  “Now. If possible.”

  “I'll speed home and get it right now!” Blake made for the door.

  Jett stared at Glenn, then stood up to face him. “My Enforcers are ready. Just tell us what you need us to do.”

  “The Council is behind you, Glenn,” Lucas said, squeezing Glenn's shoulder.

  “So am I.” Bryn jumped to her feet. “And so is Caleb Thorn. Yeah, Caleb and I are friends. We've always wondered when you would Call your vampires in. Now is the time, Glenn. Call us. You are our Master. We will fight for you, for your mate.”

  Glenn managed a smile for the loyal, fearless young vampire he had turned, and nodded.

  For his mate, he would use all the weapons and power at his disposal. He would help her destroy her demon Maker, and free herself from his power. With his help, with him at her side, she would not fail.

  She would be free. And if everything went according to the plan taking shape in his head, she would not leave him ever again.

  He loved her, and he would not let her go.

  Glenn turned to speak to Lucas, Jett and Bryn. “Tomorrow night, we fight Sideous Kron.”

  “We'll be ready,” they assured him.

  Glenn took Charlene's hand and said, “We'll wait here for Blake. I'll teach you how to use that demon knife. And...” He leaned in to whisper against her temple. “You'll spend this last night with me.”


  Charlene took the knife from Blake very carefully. The silvery blade was curved like a crescent moon, and the handle felt cool and solid in her fist. She touched the glinting blade gingerly with the tips of her fingers. “This is made of silver and demon bone?”

  “That's what Zorath said. And I trust Zorath,” Glenn replied tersely.


  She started, jerking her eyes up from the knife. “Yes, Blake?”

  “Jasynta wants me to tell you that Charlotte is healing very well, and she'll be good as new tomorrow night.”

  Charlene blinked her tears away quickly. “Thank you, and please, thank Jasynta for me. Thank you both so much,” she whispered.

  At the door, Blake stopped and abruptly pulled Glenn into a bear hug. “Tomorrow night,” was all the burly werebear said before leaving them alone, alone with each other and the knife which would end it all—tomorrow night.

  Glenn came to her and took her hand. “Come, let's get you to one of the training rooms upstairs.”

  “Training rooms? Where Jett trains his new Enforcers?”

  “Yes. You need to learn how to use that knife to cut out a demon's heart. You have to cut out Sideous Kron's heart tomorrow night.”

  “I will do it with pleasure.” Charlene wished she sounded more earnest and forceful. The sadness in her voice made her sound weak and pathetic.

  Glenn was walking ahead of her, leading her towards the lift. He glanced back over his shoulder just once, but that was all. His stride was purposeful as he entered the lift, and he stood silently beside her as the lift descended. His face was turned towards the display panel above the lift door, his expression grim. There was no softness, sorrow or pity in his eyes. Just a hard, unyielding resolve.

  They entered one of the smaller training rooms and Charlene gaped at the rows of lifelike dummies lining the walls.

  Glenn shrugged off his jacket and threw it on the back of a chair. “Come here,” he commanded. “Put down the knife and grab that dummy. No, not that one. The one on your left. Yes, that's it. Lay it down on the floor.”

  Charlene dropped the dummy on the floor and straightened up. She stared at the horned, scaly dummy and picked up her knife. Glenn crouched beside the dummy and said, “This is a demon dummy. Demon anatomy is not the same as shifter, vampire and human anatomy. Do you know where a demon's heart is?”

  Charlene knelt beside the dummy and pointed at its chest. “There.”

  “Wrong. If you stabbed him there, your blade will get stuck in his sternum. His heart is lower down.”

  “Um, here?” Charlene ventured, pressing her finger down on the dummy's abdomen. She recoiled in shock. The scales and skin texture felt very real.

  “These dummies are made to be as true to the real thing as possible. And yes, demon skin is a little rubbery,” Glenn said, noting her reaction. “Not soft like yours,” he added.

  She let out a laugh. “Not for long. If I hang around, I'll come into my demon form soon and become cold, scaly and rubbery—not something you'd want to share your bed with.”

  Glenn opened his mouth, but forced it shut and swallowed. He dragged his eyes away from her, and focused on the dummy. “A demon's heart is just above his groin.” Glenn pointed between the dummy's legs, which to Charlene's relief, had no genitalia. It was just covered with scales.

  “Hold the knife firmly, Charlene. Like this.” Glenn closed his hand over hers to grip the handle. “Plunge the blade into his body like this, with a curved motion, and you scoop out his heart with just one cut. Got it?”

  She nodded rapidly and practiced the movement on her own. “Yup. I think I got it.”

  “Good. Now do it. Cut out the demon's heart.” Glenn stood up and folded his arms.


  Charlene blinked the sweat from her eyes, and held the shaking knife over the dummy. With a cry, she stabbed the dummy between the legs and twisted the blade. The rubbery skin broke, and something hard and round rolled out of the dummy's body.

  “Charlene, you're supposed to cut out his heart, not his balls.” Glenn had his chin in his hand, but he managed to keep his face straight.

  Charlene stared at the spilled plastic organs. The dummy didn't bleed black blood, and she could see the organs neatly arranged inside its body. “I think I'd better see exactly where everything is,” she muttered, rising to her knees. Taking a deep breath, she flayed the dummy and flipped the two halves of its skin wide open. She began to memorize the position of the demon's organs inside its body.

  “You just have to know where his heart is,” Glenn commented, watching her point and probe at every single organ inside the dummy.

  “I need to know where his vital organs are, so I can inflict some serious injury,” she said without looking up. “He has to be near incapacitated before I can cut out his heart. Kron won't just lie down and let me have his heart. I'm going to have to fight him, and I'll have to fight dirty. That cunning old demon!”

  She continued memorizing and muttering to herself. Finally she looked up and said, “Can I try again?”

  Glenn nodded and got another demon dummy from the wall. But this time, he held it upright instead of laying it on its back on the floor.

  Charlene understood what she had to do. She went over to the dummy and readied her knife. Just as she was about to strike, she froze suddenly and asked Glenn, “You're not going to yank it away at the last second, are you? I'm just worried that I may cut you by mistake. And I don't want...”

  Glenn met her eyes. “You can't hurt me.” More than you already have.

  Charlene swallowed. “I have to do this,” she said softly, more to herself than him.

  Glenn held the dummy against him, close to his body in a choke hold. Charlene frowned, her eyes envisioning the exact position of the dummy's internal organs. The heart wa
s below the lungs, just above the crotch. Stab, slice and scoop it out. She had to be quick. Kron would be anticipating her moves and blocking her. Once she saw an opening, she had to go for it.

  In one swift, silent lunge, she pierced the dummy's skin with her blade and sliced into its body. Rotating her wrist, she severed the heart from its arteries and veins. Pushing her other hand into the cavity, she retrieved the severed heart and pulled it out of the dummy's body.

  She straightened up, holding the plastic heart in her palm.

  Glenn rewarded her with a quick smile. “Not bad. But not quick enough. Now—” He flung the dummy away and pulled another one from the wall. “Do it again. And don't hesitate this time.”

  Charlene's triumphant beam faded as she let the heart plop onto the floor. She was seeing a side of Glenn for the first time—the stern, focused taskmaster who knew what he wanted and didn't stop until he got it.

  He was intense and hard-driving. He was hard on her. He was even harder on himself.

  Charlene sighed and squared her shoulders. She would practice and practice until she got it right. The night was still young. She would carve out the hearts of a hundred dummies if she had to.

  Tomorrow night, she had just one chance.

  She had to get it right.

  “I won't hesitate.” She nodded at Glenn.

  Glenn grabbed a dummy and faced her. “Whenever you're ready.”

  She flexed her fingers and blew out a breath. “I'm ready.” As ready as I'll ever be.

  After two hours, and a dozen dummies later, Charlene moped her brow and threw the last plastic heart into the heap at the corner.

  She crouched and got ready to have another go at a demon dummy, but Glenn walked to her, and gently took the knife out of her hand.

  She was panting hard as she looked up at him in bewilderment.

  “Charlene.” He said her name so softly like a caress.

  She gasped when he folded her into his arms. “Aren't we going to practice anymore?” she stuttered. “What...?”

  “Come home with me, Charlene. Stay with me.”


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