Complete Works of Edmund Spenser

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Complete Works of Edmund Spenser Page 98

by Edmund Spenser

  Then taking leave of them, she forward went,

  To seeke her love, where he was to be sought;

  Ne rested till she came without relent 215

  Unto the land of Amazons, as she was bent.


  Whereof when newes to Radigund was brought,

  Not with amaze, as women wonted bee,

  She was confused in her troublous thought,

  But fild with courage and with joyous glee, 220

  As glad to heare of armes, the which now she

  Had long surceast, she bad to open bold,

  That she the face of her new foe might see.

  But when they of that yron man had told,

  Which late her folke had slaine, she bad them forth to hold. 225


  So there without the gate (as seemed best)

  She caused her pavilion be pight;

  In which stout Britomart her selfe did rest,

  Whiles Talus watched at the dore all night.

  All night likewise, they of the towne in fright 230

  Uppon their wall good watch and ward did keepe.

  The morrow next, so soone as dawning light

  Bad doe away the dampe of drouzie sleepe,

  The warlike Amazon out of her bowre did peepe;


  And caused streight a trumpet loud to shrill, 235

  To warne her foe to battell soone be prest:

  Who, long before awoke, (for she ful ill

  Could sleepe all night, that in unquiet brest

  Did closely harbour such a jealous guest)

  Was to the battell whilome ready dight. 240

  Eftsoones that warriouresse with haughty crest

  Did forth issue, all ready for the fight:

  On th’ other side her foe appeared soone in sight.


  But ere they reared hand, the Amazone

  Began the streight conditions to propound, 245

  With which she used still to tye her fone:

  To serve her so, as she the rest had bound.

  Which when the other heard, she sternly frownd

  For high disdaine of such indignity,

  And would no lenger treat, but bad them sound. 250

  For her no other termes should ever tie,

  Then what prescribed were by lawes of chevalrie.


  The trumpets sound, and they together run

  With greedy rage, and with their faulchins smot;

  Ne either sought the others strokes to shun, 255

  But through great fury both their skill forgot,

  And practicke use in armes: ne spared not

  Their dainty parts, which Nature had created

  So faire and tender, without staine or spot,

  For other uses then they them translated; 260

  Which they now hackt and hewd, as if such use they hated.


  As when a tygre and a lionesse

  Are met at spoyling of some hungry pray,

  Both challenge it with equall greedinesse:

  But first the tygre clawes thereon did lay; 265

  And therefore loth to loose her right away,

  Doth in defence thereof full stoutly stond:

  To which the lion strongly doth gainesay,

  That she to hunt the beast first tooke in hond;

  And therefore ought it have, where ever she it fond. 270


  Full fiercely layde the Amazon about,

  And dealt her blowes unmercifully sore:

  Which Britomart withstood with courage stout,

  And them repaide againe with double more.

  So long they fought, that all the grassie flore 275

  Was fild with bloud, which from their sides did flow,

  And gushed through their armes, that all in gore

  They trode, and on the ground their lives did strow,

  Like fruitles seede, of which untimely death should grow.


  At last proud Radigund with fell despight, 280

  Having by chaunce espide advantage neare,

  Let drive at her with all her dreadfull might,

  And thus upbrayding said: ‘This token beare

  Unto the man whom thou doest love so deare;

  And tell him for his sake thy life thou gavest.’ 285

  Which spitefull words she sore engriev’d to heare,

  Thus answer’d: ‘Lewdly thou my love depravest,

  Who shortly must repent that now so vainely bravest.’


  Nath’lesse that stroke so cruell passage found,

  That, glauncing on her shoulder plate, it bit 290

  Unto the bone, and made a griesly wound,

  That she her shield through raging smart of it

  Could scarse uphold; yet soone she it requit:

  For having force increast through furious paine,

  She her so rudely on the helmet smit, 295

  That it empierced to the very braine,

  And her proud person low prostrated on the plaine.


  Where being layd, the wrothfull Britonesse

  Stayd not till she came to her selfe againe,

  But in revenge both of her loves distresse, 300

  And her late vile reproch, though vaunted vaine,

  And also of her wound, which sore did paine,

  She with one stroke both head and helmet cleft.

  Which dreadfull sight when all her warlike traine

  There present saw, each one, of sence bereft, 305

  Fled fast into the towne, and her sole victor left.


  But yet so fast they could not home retrate,

  But that swift Talus did the formost win;

  And pressing through the preace unto the gate,

  Pelmell with them attonce did enter in. 310

  There then a piteous slaughter did begin:

  For all that ever came within his reach

  He with his yron flale did thresh so thin,

  That he no worke at all left for the leach:

  Like to an hideous storme, which nothing may empeach. 315


  And now by this the noble conqueresse

  Her selfe came in, her glory to partake;

  Where, though revengefull vow she did professe,

  Yet when she saw the heapes which he did make

  Of slaughtred carkasses, her heart did quake 320

  For very ruth, which did it almost rive,

  That she his fury willed him to slake:

  For else he sure had left not one alive,

  But all, in his revenge, of spirite would deprive.


  Tho, when she had his execution stayd, 325

  She for that yron prison did enquire,

  In which her wretched love was captive layd:

  Which breaking open with indignant ire,

  She entred into all the partes entire:

  Where when she saw that lothly uncouth sight, 330

  Of men disguiz’d in womanishe attire,

  Her heart gan grudge, for very deepe despight

  Of so unmanly maske, in misery misdight.


  At last when as to her owne love she came,

  Whom like disguize no lesse deformed had, 335

  At sight thereof abasht with secrete shame,

  She turnd her head aside, as nothing glad

  To have beheld a spectacle so bad.

  And then too well beleev’d that which tofore

  Jealous suspect as true untruely drad: 340

  Which vaine conceipt now nourishing no more,

  She sought with ruth to salve his sad misfortunes sore.


  Not so great wonder and astonishment

  Did the most chast Penelope possesse,

  To see her lord, that was reported drent, 345

  And dead long since in dolorous distresse,
r />   Come home to her in piteous wretchednesse,

  After long travell of full twenty yeares,

  That she knew not his favours likelynesse,

  For many scarres and many hoary heares, 350

  But stood long staring on him, mongst uncertaine feares.


  ‘Ah! my deare lord, what sight is this?’ quoth she;

  ‘What May-game hath misfortune made of you?

  Where is that dreadfull manly looke? where be

  Those mighty palmes, the which ye wont t’ embrew 355

  In bloud of kings, and great hoastes to subdew?

  Could ought on earth so wondrous change have wrought,

  As to have robde you of that manly hew?

  Could so great courage stouped have to ought?

  Then farewell, fleshly force; I see thy pride is nought.’ 360


  Thenceforth she streight into a bowre him brought,

  And causd him those uncomely weedes undight,

  And in their steede for other rayment sought,

  Whereof there was great store, and armors bright,

  Which had bene reft from many a noble knight; 365

  Whom that proud Amazon subdewed had,

  Whilest fortune favourd her successe in fight:

  In which when as she him anew had clad,

  She was reviv’d, and joyd much in his semblance glad.


  So there a while they afterwards remained, 370

  Him to refresh, and her late wounds to heale:

  During which space she there as princes rained,

  And changing all that forme of common weale,

  The liberty of women did repeale,

  Which they had long usurpt; and them restoring 375

  To mens subjection, did true justice deale:

  That all they, as a goddesse her adoring,

  Her wisedome did admire, and hearkned to her loring.


  For all those knights, which long in captive shade

  Had shrowded bene, she did from thraldome free, 380

  And magistrates of all that city made,

  And gave to them great living and large fee:

  And that they should for ever faithfull bee,

  Made them sweare fealty to Artegall:

  Who when him selfe now well recur’d did see, 385

  He purposd to proceed, what so be fall,

  Uppon his first adventure, which him forth did call.


  Full sad and sorrowfull was Britomart

  For his departure, her new cause of griefe;

  Yet wisely moderated her owne smart, 390

  Seeing his honor, which she tendred chiefe,

  Consisted much in that adventures priefe.

  The care whereof, and hope of his successe,

  Gave unto her great comfort and reliefe,

  That womanish complaints she did represse, 395

  And tempred for the time her present heavinesse.


  There she continu’d for a certaine space,

  Till through his want her woe did more increase:

  Then, hoping that the change of aire and place

  Would change her paine, and sorrow somewhat ease, 400

  She parted thence, her anguish to appease.

  Meane while her noble lord, Sir Artegall,

  Went on his way, ne ever howre did cease,

  Till he redeemed had that lady thrall:

  That for another canto will more fitly fall. 405

  Faerie Queene Detailed Table of Contents

  Glossary for ‘The Faerie Queene’

  Canto VIII

  Prince Arthure and Sir Artegall

  Free Samient from feare:

  They slay the Soudan, drive his wife

  Adicia to despaire.


  NOUGHT under heaven so strongly doth allure

  The sence of man, and all his minde possesse,

  As beauties lovely baite, that doth procure

  Great warriours oft their rigour to represse,

  And mighty hands forget their manlinesse; 5

  Drawne with the powre of an heart-robbing eye,

  And wrapt in fetters of a golden tresse,

  That can with melting pleasaunce mollifye

  Their hardned hearts, enur’d to bloud and cruelty.


  So whylome learnd that mighty Jewish swaine, 10

  Each of whose lockes did match a man in might,

  To lay his spoiles before his lemans traine:

  So also did that great Oetean knight

  For his loves sake his lions skin undight:

  And so did warlike Antony neglect 15

  The worlds whole rule for Cleopatras sight.

  Such wondrous powre hath wemens faire aspect,

  To captive men, and make them all the world reject.


  Yet could it not sterne Artegall retaine,

  Nor hold from suite of his avowed quest, 20

  Which he had undertane to Gloriane;

  But left his love, albe her strong request,

  Faire Britomart, in languor and unrest,

  And rode him selfe uppon his first intent:

  Ne day nor night did ever idly rest; 25

  Ne wight but onely Talus with him went,

  The true guide of his way and vertuous government.


  So travelling, he chaunst far off to heed

  A damzell, flying on a palfrey fast

  Before two knights, that after her did speed 30

  With all their powre, and her full fiercely chast

  In hope to have her overhent at last:

  Yet fled she fast, and both them farre outwent,

  Carried with wings of feare, like fowle aghast,

  With locks all loose, and rayment all torent; 35

  And ever as she rode, her eye was backeward bent.


  Soone after these he saw another knight,

  That after those two former rode apace,

  With speare in rest, and prickt with all his might:

  So ran they all, as they had bene at bace, 40

  They being chased, that did others chase.

  At length he saw the hindmost overtake

  One of those two, and force him turne his face;

  How ever loth he were his way to slake,

  Yet mote he algates now abide, and answere make. 45


  But th’ other still pursu’d the fearefull mayd;

  Who still from him as fast away did flie,

  Ne once for ought her speedy passage stayd,

  Till that at length she did before her spie

  Sir Artegall, to whom she streight did hie 50

  With gladfull hast, in hope of him to get

  Succour against her greedy enimy:

  Who, seeing her approch, gan forward set,

  To save her from her feare, and him from force to let.


  But he like hound full greedy of his pray, 55

  Being impatient of impediment,

  Continu’d still his course, and by the way

  Thought with his speare him quight have overwent.

  So both together, ylike felly bent,

  Like fiercely met. But Artegall was stronger, 60

  And better skild in tilt and turnament,

  And bore him quite out of his saddle, longer

  Then two speares length: so mischiefe overmatcht the wronger.


  And in his fall misfortune him mistooke;

  For on his head unhappily he pight, 65

  That his owne waight his necke asunder broke,

  And left there dead. Meane while the other knight

  Defeated had the other faytour quight,

  And all his bowels in his body brast:

  Whom leaving there in that dispiteous plight, 70

  He ran still on, thinking to follow fast

  His other fellow Pagan, which before him past.


  In stead of whom finding there ready prest

  Sir Artegall, without discretion

  He at him ran, with ready speare in rest: 75

  Who, seeing him come still so fiercely on,

  Against him made againe. So both anon

  Together met, and strongly either strooke

  And broke their speares; yet neither has forgon

  His horses backe, yet to and fro long shooke, 80

  And tottred like two towres, which through a tempest quooke.


  But when againe they had recovered sence,

  They drew their swords, in mind to make amends

  For what their speares had fayld of their pretence.

  Which when the damzell, who those deadly ends 85

  Of both her foes had seene, and now her frends

  For her beginning a more fearefull fray,

  She to them runnes in hast, and her haire rends,

  Crying to them their cruell hands to stay,

  Untill they both doe heare what she to them will say. 90


  They stayd their hands, when she thus gan to speake:

  ‘Ah! gentle knights, what meane ye thus unwise

  Upon your selves anothers wrong to wreake?

  I am the wrong’d, whom ye did enterprise

  Both to redresse, and both redrest likewise: 95

  Witnesse the Paynims both, whom ye may see

  There dead on ground. What doe ye then devise

  Of more revenge? if more, then I am shee

  Which was the roote of all; end your revenge on mee.’


  Whom when they heard so say, they lookt about, 100

  To weete if it were true, as she had told;

  Where when they saw their foes dead out of doubt,

  Eftsoones they gan their wrothfull hands to hold,

  And ventailes reare, each other to behold.

  Tho, when as Artegall did Arthure vew, 105

  So faire a creature, and so wondrous bold,

  He much admired both his heart and hew,

  And touched with intire affection, nigh him drew,


  Saying: ‘Sir knight, of pardon I you pray,

  That all unweeting have you wrong’d thus sore, 110

  Suffring my hand against my heart to stray:

  Which if ye please forgive, I will therefore

  Yeeld for amends my selfe yours evermore,

  Or what so penaunce shall by you be red.’

  To whom the Prince: ‘Certes, me needeth more 115

  To crave the same, whom errour so misled,

  As that I did mistake the living for the ded.


  ‘But sith ye please that both our blames shall die,

  Amends may for the trespasse soone be made,

  Since neither is endamadg’d much thereby.’ 120

  So can they both them selves full eath perswade


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