I Like That About Her 2

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I Like That About Her 2 Page 1

by Aleks Mitchell

  I Like That About Her (Book 2)

  Aleks Mitchell

  © 2018 Aleks Mitchell. All rights reserved.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 1

  The day had finally come. High school was officially over for Faith Cahill. She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t scared of what the prospective future held for her. Life had really turned around for Faith. She was finally pursuing what she wanted in life rather than what others wanted for her. Her relationship with her mother and father was getting better every day. It helped that her mother was getting the help that she needed and was being supportive of who Faith was. She was really making an effort in getting to know Chandler.

  Everything was perfect for Faith, except for one thing. In two months she and Chandler would be at different colleges. The two had decided that they wouldn’t do what a lot of couples did and go to the same school just for the sake of staying together. They wanted big things for their futures and in order to make those things happen they needed to go to the schools that had the best programs for what they were majoring in. For Chandler that was Princeton University and for Faith that was New York University.

  “What are you doing out here?” Chandler asked as she stepped out onto the back patio. Faith was sitting outside lost in her own thoughts.

  “Just needed some fresh air,” Faith answered quietly.

  “What’s wrong?” Chandler asked as she sat down next to her girlfriend.

  “Can’t I just be getting fresh air without there being something wrong?”

  “It’s your graduation party and you’re out here all alone instead of inside celebrating with everyone,” Chandler observed. “Why would I possibly think that something is wrong?”

  “Don’t worry, nothing is wrong.”

  “You really need to work on your acting, Faith,” Chandler joked.

  “Okay, that actually hurt a bit.”

  “Seriously, what’s bothering you?”

  “I’m just dreading what’s to come.”

  “That sounds depressing,” Chandler commented, her eyebrows furrowed in concern.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited about college,” Faith smiled sincerely. “I can’t wait actually. But, at the same time I know you and I won’t be spending as much time together anymore.”

  “Yeah, but that was bound to happen anyway. We’re going to be so busy with school work that I’m sure we’ll barely have the time to notice that we’re not a few blocks from each other.”

  “I guess you’re right,” Faith sighed.

  “Of course I am. Besides, we agreed that our love can survive the separation. We don’t want to look back and regret going to the wrong college just because we’re afraid of a little separation that in the long run won’t matter anyway.”

  “I agree, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t suck.”

  “Are you kidding? It sucks big time. But, it could be worse.”

  “How so?” Faith questioned.

  “You could have chosen to go to a school all the way in California. New York and New Jersey are right next to each other. We’ll only be an hour apart, which means we can easily visit each other anytime.”

  “True, not that we’ll have time with me being the lead in all of the productions and you being at the top of your class at Princeton.”

  “Don’t jinx me,” Chandler smiled, leaning in to kiss Faith softly.

  Faith smiled as she pulled back and looked into hazel eyes.

  “Don’t worry so much,” Chandler said. “The future is going to be great. You’ll see.”

  Present—12 Years Later

  “Good morning,” Andy beamed as Faith entered the kitchen. He was at the stove making the two of them eggs.

  “Must you be so chipper in the morning?” Faith grimaced.

  One thing that didn’t change over the last twelve years was Faith’s distaste for the mornings. It seemed like it was only getting worse with age.

  “Must you be so bitchy in the morning?” Andy responded.

  “Yes,” Faith answered obviously. “Any sane person would be if they had spent the previous night trying to fall asleep with the sound of constant moaning down the hall.”

  “Sorry sis, your house has thin walls.”

  “Then maybe you should get your own house, Andy. Not that I don’t love you but if you’re going to entertain women at all hours of the night a little consideration would be nice.”

  “Hey it wasn’t my fault that the girl was loud. But in all fairness I did rock her world.”

  “Okay, oversharing,” Faith grimaced as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

  Andy had his own apartment back in Burlington. He and their father were working together at their own law firm. He stayed at Faith’s house on any weekend when he’d be in New York. Faith had done well enough in her acting career that she was able to afford a decent sized house in New York.

  “Do you have to go to court today?” Faith asked as she sat down at the table.

  “Yeah, just for one case luckily. What about you? Got any big auditions today?”

  Andy sat down across from Faith, placing a plate of eggs in front of her and him.

  “No, I haven’t had an audition in weeks.”

  “What’s up with that? Tell your agent to light a fire up her ass.”

  “No, it’s not her. It’s me. I’ve just been too busy to go out for any of the auditions she’s wanted to send me out for.”

  “You’ve got to make time for your dream job Faith. I know you had a lot of success with that one role, but if you don’t work on getting more you’ll become yesterday’s news.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  “It’s just the cold hard reality of show business,” Andy shrugged.

  Faith looked at her phone to check the time. “I have to go get Ky.”

  “Give her a big old kiss for me,” Andy smiled.

  “I will,” Faith said, standing from her seat. “She’s getting so big.”

  “Not to mention crazy,” Andy said, rolling his eyes.

  “Andy,” Faith scolded.

  “I’m only speaking the truth.”

  Faith shook her head at her twin. He may have been twelve years older, but he was still the same old Andy. She had hoped her brother would have gained a filter as an adult. Apparently, some things would never change.

  Faith placed her empty plate in the sink and turned back to the man. “Make sure you lock up when you leave.”

  “Sure thing!”

  “See you later!”

  Ten minutes later Faith found herself standing outside of the apartment door. She thought she’d be used to this routine by now, but there was no getting used to something that felt so wrong.

  As Faith knocked on the door she let out a sigh, trying to ease some of the tension she was feeling.

  Just like any other day Faith. You’ve done this plenty of times. It should be simple by now. You’re just here to pick up Ky. That’s all.

  As the door opened, Faith smiled. Her smile quickly faltered when she was met with an unfamiliar face.

  Well that’s new.

  “Um, is Chand
ler here?” Faith questioned, confusion still evident on her face.

  “I’m sorry, yeah,” the woman responded. “She’s right inside. I’ll go get her.”

  The woman closed the door behind her as she walked back into the apartment.

  Who the hell was that? I know all of Chan’s friends. I’ve never seen that woman before in my life.

  Faith looked down at the floor as a terrible thought crossed her mind.

  What if she’s not just a friend? I mean she can’t be. Chandler doesn’t usually have friends spend the night. But, would she seriously have a woman spend the night on a night when she had Ky? She wouldn’t do that. I know she wouldn’t. She would never allow some stranger near Ky. Which can only mean one thing.

  The door quickly opened with an apologetic looking Chandler on the other side.

  Faith jumped at the sudden intrusion. She looked at Chandler, clearly frazzled.

  Chandler looked back at her and exhaled as she was met with the hurt look on Faith’s face.

  “Faith, I’m so sorry,” Chandler said quickly. “You’re early.”

  Faith couldn’t find her voice to respond. When she did it came out quiet and unsure. “Yeah, I left with too much time. Traffic wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.”

  “Faith,” Chandler sighed. “I didn’t want you to find out this way.”

  “Find out what exactly?” Faith asked. Though, she was pretty sure she already knew the answer to that question. “Who was that?”

  “Her name is Megan. She’s a doctor at Columbia Medical Center. We’ve kind of been seeing each other.”

  “Kind of?” Faith asked, a bit harsher than she intended to.

  “Okay, not kind of. We’ve been seeing each other.”

  Faith narrowed her eyes at Chandler. “It must be pretty serious for you to have her spend the night on a night when you have our daughter here.”

  “It is,” Chandler answered hesitantly.

  Faith didn’t have a response. She should have seen this coming, but she was in denial all of this time. Of course Chandler would start seeing someone. It had been six months since the breakup. She shouldn’t be surprised that Chandler was dating. It was just surreal to see her dating someone other than her.

  “I’ll go get Ky,” Chandler said quietly.

  Faith smiled as Chandler disappeared into the apartment.

  It’s official now. It’s really over. The only thing between Chandler and me now is Ky. I didn’t think this would hurt so much. But it does. Worse than I thought it would. This is the worse pain I’ve ever felt in my life.

  Chapter 2

  It had been a little over a month since school had started. Both women were so busy with getting acclimated with college life that they hadn’t had a chance to see each other. They talked on the phone and texted every day, but it was a stark contrast to being with each other all of the time.

  In October Faith finally had a chance to make a trip to Princeton. She couldn’t wait to be in her girlfriend’s arms again.

  As the dorm door swung open, Faith smiled excitedly. The second Chandler saw Faith she screamed and threw her arms around the blonde, pulling her into the dorm.

  “You’re here! I can’t believe you’re finally here!”

  “Me either,” Faith exhaled in relief. “I missed you so much.”

  “You have no idea how much I missed you,” Chandler replied, pulling back just enough to look Faith in the eyes. When she did she couldn’t help but kiss her. The two had a lot of catching up to do, especially in the kissing department.

  “I’m beginning to have a pretty good idea,” Faith joked, catching her breath after having her lips locked with the brunette’s.

  “Luckily the girl that was assigned to be my roommate decided to go to a different college last minute so we have the room all to ourselves,” Chandler smiled seductively.

  “Wow, I’m not even here five minutes and you’re already trying to get me into bed with you.”

  “Like I said, I really missed you,” Chandler smiled as she closed the door behind Faith.

  Faith looked around Chandler’s dorm, her eyes landing on a giant bulletin board with pictures of her all over it. Faith looked over the board with quizzical eyes.

  “You better be careful, someone might think you’re stalking me,” Faith joked.

  “Yeah, I may have gone a little overboard with the pictures. But, what can I say. I have a really hot girlfriend. Definitely worthy of an entire bulletin board.”

  Faith grinned as she kissed Chandler sweetly.

  “You’re dorm is so much nicer than mine,” Faith said.

  “I’m just better at decorating than you.”

  “Which is surprising considering my mother loves to decorate so much.”

  “Don’t worry. When I come see you I’ll help you make it your own.”

  “Well, make my corner my own. Unlike you I have a roommate. She’s quite peculiar to say the least.”

  “I’m sure she’s not that bad,” Chandler said as she sat down on the bed.

  “She doesn’t use Snapchat or Instagram, Chandler.”

  “Oh, you’re right. That is weird.”

  “Exactly,” Faith said, taking the spot next to Chandler on the bed. “Doesn’t she know that Snapchat and Instagram are essential nowadays?”

  “Hopefully your next roommate is with the times,” Chandler laughed.

  “Hopefully,” Faith shrugged. “I wish you could be my roommate.”

  “Well, someday I will be. We just have to get through college and then maybe you and I could move in together.”

  “You’d really want to?”

  “Obviously! I’d love for us to get a place together.”

  “That would be nice,” Faith said, smiling fondly at the thought.

  “It will be more than nice to have you with me all of the time,” Chandler said as she moved towards Faith. “To be able to do this whenever we want to.”

  Chandler gently pushed Faith onto her back, smiling down at the blonde.

  “Do what exactly?” Faith teased.

  “You’ll see.”


  After the awkward run in with Chandler, Faith took Ky to see Craig.

  Craig was a personal trainer and part owner of his own gym. The other part belonged to Faith. The two had grown even closer after high school ended. When Craig asked Faith to be his business partner, she accepted without hesitation. Though, she was more of a silent partner since her main focus was on her acting career.

  “There are my two favorite girls,” Craig exclaimed as he got up from his desk.

  “Dada,” Ky beamed. She stretched out her arms and practically jumped out of Faith’s arms and into Craig’s.

  “Hey Kylie,” Craig said. “Are you having a good morning with Mama?”


  “How is it fair that she’s with me more than you and yet she says Dada more than Mama?” Faith asked, dropping the diaper bag onto the floor.

  “It’s just because I’m the cooler parent,” Craig joked.

  “You wish!”

  When Faith and Chandler decided to have a baby together they opted to choose a donor that would be involved in their child’s life. They didn’t necessarily need help raising Ky, but they liked the idea of knowing who their child’s father was. They thought of Andy but that would mean that Chandler would have to carry the baby and that wasn’t an option with how demanding her residency was at the hospital.

  Craig was the obvious choice. He was thrilled to be the father of their baby. Ky ended up looking just like Faith. She had the same blonde hair and green eyes. Though Ky’s hair ended up being a few shades darker due to Craig’s dark brown hair.

  “I didn’t know you guys were coming by today,” Craig said, sitting back down at his desk with Ky on his lap.

  “Yeah, it was spur of the moment,” Faith answered, sitting down on the couch in the corner of his office. “I kind of needed to talk to you about someth

  “Something good or bad?”

  “Good for Chandler,” Faith said. “For me? Not so sure yet.”

  “That sounds serious. Doesn’t that sound serious Ky?”

  The toddler smiled at Craig and nodded her head no, earning a laugh from both of her parents.

  “So, what’s going on?” Craig asked.

  “I went to pick up Ky at Chandler’s apartment and there was another woman there. A beautiful woman! Maybe even more beautiful than me!”

  “I highly doubt that, Faith. You’re hands down the hottest woman I know and I’m gay. I’m sure Chandler would agree.”

  “Apparently not, since she’s seeing this woman!”

  “Is it serious?”

  “She wouldn’t have her stay the night with Ky there if it wasn’t,” Faith sighed.

  “Well, I hate to say this but it was bound to happen sooner or later. It’s been six months since you two ended things.”

  “We were together for years Craig! We had a child together!”

  “I know, but it’s not fun being alone. I’m sure Chandler gets pretty lonely especially when you have Ky. Don’t you ever feel lonely?”

  “Of course I do. But that doesn’t mean I’m ready to date someone else.”

  “Faith, you are ready. You just think you’re not. You should start dating too. It’ll be good for you. Come on, you can’t tell me you don’t miss sex.”

  “Well, yeah,” Faith blushed. “But, sex isn’t just sex for me. It’s more meaningful. It’s something I’ve only shared with Chandler.”

  “That’s unhealthy,” Craig joked.

  “Shut up,” Faith smiled.

  “Bad word!” Ky exclaimed.

  “Chandler taught her that,” Faith rolled her eyes.

  “Honey, that’s Mama’s favorite phrase,” Craig said to Ky. “Anyway, I still think it would be good for you to start dating. Ky and I don’t want you to be lonely.”

  “I’m fine, Craig. Besides, I’m definitely not over Chandler yet.”

  “All the more reason to date. It’ll help you get over Chandler.”

  “It wouldn’t be right to string someone else along if I know I’m still hung up on my ex. Besides, a part of me doesn’t want to get over her.”


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