The Men of World War II

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The Men of World War II Page 114

by Stephen E. Ambrose

  John S. Elleshope

  George Elsey

  John Englehart

  Donald Ennett

  John L. Erexson

  Clay Ernest

  Frank Ernest, Jr.

  Rudi Escher

  Joseph H. Esclavon

  Don Eutzy

  Carl Evans

  Robert L. Evans

  James M. Everett

  Bobby Fachiri

  Richard P. Fahey, M.D.

  John T. Fanning

  Victor H. Fast

  William E. Faust

  Frank R. Feduik

  Jacob A. Feigion

  Bernard S. Feinberg

  Max Feldman

  Andrew A. Fellner

  Col Ferguson

  Mary Ferrell

  Richard Ferris

  H. Fielder

  Lewis Finkelstein

  Martin Finkelstein

  James F. Finn

  Richard Fiscus

  P. L. Fitts

  John E. Fitzgerald

  Steve Fitzgerald

  Barry Fixler

  Maro Flagg

  Tony Flamio deceased

  Richard S. Fleming

  Rev. K. Fletcher

  Arthur Flinner

  Robert A. Flory

  Hilton M. Floyd

  Edward J. Foley

  Michael R. D. Foot

  George Forteville

  George P. Fory

  Thomas J. Fournier

  Benjamin T. Frana

  Geoffrey B. Frank

  Benjamin Frans

  Richard A. Freed, Sr.

  George Freedman

  Roger Freeman

  Herbert A. Freemark

  Alfred L. Freiburger

  Max Friedlander

  J. C. Friedman

  Murray Friedman

  James T. Fudge, Ph.D.

  Dan Furlong

  Steve Gabre

  Francis Gabreski

  Frank Gaccione

  Clair R. Galdonik

  Edwin M. Gale

  Edward P. Gallogly

  Paul Gardiner

  Howard C. Gates

  Parker Gathings

  Ralph Gault

  Paul E. Gauthier

  Sims S. Gauthier

  William Gentry deceased

  Henry Gerald

  Edward Gerard

  Hon. Sam M. Gibbons

  Gerald Gibbs

  William D. Gibbs, Jr.

  Joseph P. Gibney

  Edward S. Giers

  Melvin R. Gift

  Robert Giguere

  Jack Gilfry

  Edward B. Giller

  Ed Gilleran

  James L. Gilligan

  Solon B. Gilmore

  Thomas J. Gintjee

  John Girolamo

  Thomas J. Glennon

  Emanuel E. Gluck

  Edward J. Gnatowski

  Franz Gockel

  Russell C. Goddard

  Harry Goldberg

  Glen Golden

  Henry L. Goldsmith

  Lawrence Goldstein

  Bryan L. Good

  George W. Goodspeed

  Ralph E. Goranson

  Walter Gordon

  Victor Gore

  Harry D. Graham

  Dick Granet

  Dennis G. Gray

  Jack Gray

  Leslie B. Gray

  Elmer R. Green

  Joseph L. Green

  David Greenberg

  John Montgomery Greene

  Gordon Emerson Greenlaw

  Gabriel N. Greenwood

  John Greenwood

  Richard Gresso

  Bill Grey

  Leslie Grice

  Len Griffing

  O. T. Grimes

  Maxwell Grimm

  R. K. Grondin

  Lyle Groundwater

  Samuel N. Grundfast

  Charlie Guarino

  William Guarnere

  Stanley Guess

  Carroll Guidry

  Grant G. Gullickson

  Martin Gutekunst

  Forrest Guth

  Mariano Guy

  Hyman Haas

  George R. Hackett

  Tim Hackney

  Harry T. Hagaman

  William J. Hahn

  Earl Hale

  Fred W. Hall, Jr.

  Raymond Hall

  Robert A. Hall

  Patricia Hamas

  J. H. Hamilton

  Warner H. Hamlett

  Dorr Hampton

  Clayton E. Hanks

  Curtis Hansen

  Michel Hardelay

  Randy Hardy

  Herman Hareland

  John Hargesheimer

  David Harmon

  William E. Harness

  Charles E. Harris

  Fred Harris

  Leslie Harris

  Clarence Hart

  William Hart

  Rainer Hartmetz

  George E. Hartshorn

  C. G. Hasselfeldt

  J. K. Havener

  Douglas Hawkins

  Wallace B. Hawkins

  Robert L. Hayes, III

  Robert L. Healey

  Gerald W. Heaney

  Bennie L. Heathman

  Charles W. Heins

  André Heintz

  Beatrice Heller

  B. P. Henderson

  Ted Henderson

  Cyril Hendry

  Gerald M. Henry

  Leonard F. Herb

  Paul Hernandez

  Leo Heroux

  Andrew Hertz

  R. Hesketh

  Clarence Hester

  James W. Hewitt

  Frederick von der Heydte

  Victor Hicken

  Howard W. Hicks

  Lindley R. Higgins

  Henry J. Hill

  Howard Hill

  James Hill

  O. B. Hill

  Ernest Hillberg

  John D. Hinton

  Herman Frank Hinze

  Newal Hobbs

  Robert A. Hobbs

  G. K. Hodenfield

  Jack L. Hodgkinson

  Marion C. Hoffman

  Ted Hoffmeister

  Barnett Hoffner

  James F. Hogan

  David Holbrook

  James G. Holland

  Penny Gooch Holloway

  Major Donald Holman

  Bill Holmes

  Frank Holmes

  Bob Holsher

  John Honan

  Josh Honan

  Ed H. Honnen

  George Honour

  John Hooper

  Thomas A. Home

  Merwin H. Horner, Jr.

  A. W. Horton

  Nathaniel R. Hoskot

  Warren Hotard

  Colin Howard

  E. D. Howard

  Frank O. Howard

  John Howard

  Raymond Howell

  Charles M. Huber

  Tony Hubert

  Jerry Hudson

  Charles Huff

  Dan Hugger

  R. R. Hughart

  A. H. Hultman

  Harry Hunt

  Albert W. Huntley

  Ernie Husted

  George Hutnick

  Bernard F. Hydo

  Jack Ihle

  Jack Ilfrey

  Bill Irving

  Don Irwin

  Jack R. Isaacs

  Orville Iverson

  Sam Jacks

  Col. C. L. Jackson

  Quiles R. Jacobs

  Jack Jacobsen

  Arthur Jahnke

  Alma Jakobson

  Herbert M. James deceased

  Charles Jarreau

  Ralph Jenkins

  Steve Jenkins

  Henry D. Jennings

  James Jennings

  Leroy Jennings

  Edward J. Jeziorski

  Harry Johnson

  Lagrande K. Johnson

  Russell Johnson

  Steve Johnson

  George H. Johnston

  Roland Johnston

  David M. Jones

  Edward G. Jones, Jr.

  George A. Jones

  J. Elmo Jones

  J. W. Jones

  James A. Jones

  Oscar W. Jones

  William E. Jones

  William H. Jones

  Captain Jordan

  Erik M. Juleen

  John Kaheny

  Albert Kamento

  Chris Kanaras

  Robert Karwoski

  Thomas S. Kattar

  M. B. Kauffman

  Robert E. Kaufman deceased

  Jack Keating

  Elbert Keel

  Ned F. Kegler

  Steve Kellman

  Dr. Edward J. Kelly

  Robert Kelly

  John Kemp

  Edward Kempton

  Frank J. Kennedy

  Harry Kennedy deceased

  George Kerchner

  Ester Kesler

  Leslie W. Kick

  Maurice Kiddler deceased

  William C. Kiessel

  R. H. Kilburn

  William Kilgore deceased

  Jack D. Kill

  Jerry R. Kimball deceased

  John T. King, III

  Russell King

  William L. King

  Lorin D. Kinsel

  Trenton L. Knack

  George Kobe

  Harvey W. Koenig

  Vincent A. Kordack

  Werner Kortenhaus

  Walter T. Kozack

  David Koziczkowski

  Chester Kozik

  Weldon L. Kratzer

  Herb Krauss

  E. Krieger

  Raymond Kristoff

  James A. Krucas

  M. G. Kruglinski

  L. M. Kuenzi

  Major Frank J. Kuhn, Jr.

  Clemens Kujawa

  Peter Kukurba

  William Kupp

  A. W. Kuppers

  Bob Kurtz

  James Q. Kurz

  R. Ben Kuykendall

  Ivan Ladany

  Richard G. Laine, Jr.

  George Lane

  Gilbert H. Lane

  Devon G. Larson

  Lance Larson

  John L. Latham

  Wood Lathrop Lawrence

  George Lawson

  Howard A. Lawson

  Reverend Bill Layton

  Ken Lease

  Leonard Lebenson

  Thomas Lee

  Wesley T. Leeper

  William H. Lefevre

  Elbert E. Legg

  George Leidenheimer

  Paul Lello

  G. W. Levers deceased

  Ronald Lewin

  John R. Lewis, Jr.

  Robert L. Lewis

  William Lewis

  Leo K. Lick

  Elinor Lilley

  R. J. Lindo

  Ruth S. Linley

  C. Carwood Lipton

  Lou Lisko

  Al Littke deceased

  John Livingston

  Warren R. Lloyd

  Bill Lodge

  Ralph Logan

  Donald E. Loker

  Joe Lola

  Noah F. Lomax

  Leonard Lomell

  James A. Long

  William R. Long, Sr.

  Paul Longrigg

  Kenneth P. Lord

  Roger V. Lovelace

  David Lownds

  Hans von Luck

  Walter Lukasavage, Jr.

  Ewell B. Lunsford deceased

  George Luz

  Lou Lyle

  Edward Lynch, Jr.

  Thomas Lynch

  Frederick Macdonald

  Edward P. Mackenzie

  John Mackenzie

  John H. MacPhee

  George W. Madison

  Donald J. Magilligan deceased

  Salva P. Maimone

  Lou Mais

  Frederick C. Maisel, Jr.

  Don Malarkey

  Edith Manford

  Ray A. Mann deceased

  Moses Defriese Manning

  Bob Maras

  Jim Marine

  Maynard C. Marquis

  John Marshall

  Paul M. Marshall

  Billy Martin

  Herbert F. Martin

  Homer Martin

  John Martin

  Peter Martin

  Russell Martin

  Thomas Martin

  Walter Martini

  Alexander Marzenoski

  Stan Mason

  Peter Masters

  John Mather

  Captain Russ Mathers

  S. H. Matheson

  Robert Mathias deceased

  Robert Mattingly

  William W. Maves

  John G. Mayer

  Craig Mays

  Buddy Mazzara

  Herbert E. McAdoo

  Sidney McCallum

  Joseph E. McCann, Jr.

  Donald McCarthy

  Dick McCauley

  William H. McChesney

  Earl E. McClung

  Billy McCoy

  Robert McCrory

  Francis H. McFarland

  Leroy D. McFarland

  John S. McGee

  Daniel A. McGovern

  George McGovern

  Rieman McIntosh

  Frank E. McKee

  Clarence McKelvey

  Anthony W. McKenzie

  Benjamin F. McKinney

  Erenest J. McKnight

  Colin H. McLaurin

  John McLean

  John W. McLean

  Stephen J. McLeod

  G. F. McMahon

  Allen M. McMath deceased

  Howard McMillen

  Raleigh L. McMullen

  Robert McMurray

  Neil McQuarrie

  G. V. McQueen

  Jack A. McQuiston

  Joe Meckoll

  Mac Meconis

  Stan Medland

  J. Medusky

  Jay H. Mehaffey

  Kenneth G. Meierhoefer

  Anthony J. Mennella

  Guillaume Mercader

  Don Mercier

  Douglas Meredith

  Dillon H. Merical

  James G. Merola

  Kenneth J. Merritt

  Frank Mertzel

  John E. Meyer

  Bruce F. Meyers

  Larry J. Micka

  Charles Middleton

  John R. Midkiff

  Jim Mildenberger

  George E. Miles

  Charles H. Miller

  Robert H. Miller

  Robert M. Miller

  Robert V. Miller

  Victor J. Miller

  Stanley E. Mills deceased

  Woodrow W. Millsaps

  William J. Milne

  James L. Milton

  Leslie D. Minchew

  Wallace E. Minnick

  Peronneau Mitchell

  Michael Mitroff

  Woodrow R. Mock, Jr.

  Jack Modesett

  Joseph S. Moelich, Sr.

  John Moench

  Charles D. Mohrle

  Albert Mominee

  David E. Mondt

  John Montgomery

  William C. Montgomery

  John Montrose

  Peter R. Moody

  Raymond E. Moon

  Ferdinand Morello

  Rocco J. Moretto

  Aubrey Morgan

  William J. Moriarity

  Jesse Morrow

  John R. G. Morschel

  Dan J. Morse

  Richard Mote

  Captain Andre Mouton

  Armin Mruck

  Bert Mullins

  Placido Munnia

  Gilbert E. Murdock

  James Murphy

  Claude Murray

  Frank Murray

  F. L. Mutter

  Romuald Nalecz-Tyminski

  E. Ray Nance

  Roger D. Nedry

  William S. Nehez

  Charles Neighbor

  Don Nel

  Donald T. Nelson

  Albert Nendza

  Cliff Neumann

  Kenneth C. Newberg

  George K. Newhall

  Arthur L. Nichols, Jr. deceased

  Roy W. Nickrent

  R. J. Nieblas

  Julius R. Noble

  Harry Nomburg

  Francis M. Norr

  Frank J. Nowacki

  Alfred Nuesser

  Ralph J. Nunley

  Donald W. Nuttall

  William Oatman

  Edward Obert

  Ralph G. Oehmcke

  Lou Offenberg

  Harold J. O’Leary

  Ingvald G. Olesrud

  Ross Olsen

  James C. O’Neal, Jr.

  William T. O’Neill

  John B. O’Rourke

  Lawrence Orr

  William Otlowski

  James Ousley

  William T. Owens

  Sherman J. Oyler

  Jim Oyster

  Joseph J. Palladino

  Clifford Palliser

  N. L. Palmer, Jr. deceased

  Francis A. Palys

  Ellison W. Parfitt

  Bill Parish

  Darel C. Parker

  Richard Parker

  W. E. Parker

  William Parker

  John Parkins

  Harry Parley

  Wally Parr

  Tony B. Parrino

  Harold L. Parris

  Philip J. Parrott

  Clifton Parshall

  Tom Parsons

  Fred C. Patheiger deceased

  Mario Patruno

  J. Robert Patterson

  Ralph Patton

  Michael C. Paul

  Vernon L. Paul deceased

  Anthony J. Paulino

  Joe Pavlick

  John M. Peck, M.D.

  James O. Peek

  Al Pekasiewicz

  John Pellegren

  Aaron D. Pendleton

  Ken Penn

  Juluis Perlinski deceased

  Marvin Perrett

  John A. Perry

  Gene Person

  Debs H. Peters deceased

  Earl W. Peters

  H. B. Peterson

  Jerry Peterson

  Lt. Col. Jerry Peterson

  Joseph L. Petry

  Elvin W. Phelps

  Woodrow W. Phelps

  Jack Phillips

  James Phillips

  Jerry L. Phillips

  Robert M. Phillips

  Paul Phinney

  Robert Piauge

  Harold Pickersgill

  Gregory Pidhorecki

  Dewey Pierce

  Exum L. Pike, Sr.

  Malvin R. Pike

  Joe Pilck

  Kenneth Pipes

  Pierre Piprel

  Sidney S. Platt

  Leonard Ploeckelman

  Edward Plona

  Tom Plumb

  Felix C. Podalok

  George T. Poe

  Forrest Pogue

  Lee Polek

  Sgt. John Polyniak

  Tom Porcella

  Mario Porcellini

  Angelo Porta

  Pat Porteous

  Donald Porter

  Dennis Pott

  Vincent Powell

  Cecil Powers

  Darrell Powers

  Ralph Powers

  Lee Pozek

  Orvis C. Preston

  Walter Preston

  L. A. Prewritt

  John Price

  Virgil T. Price

  Walter Pridmore

  Jack B. Prince

  Richard H. Quigley

  Tom Quigley

  Louis F. Quirk, Jr.

  John C. Raaen, Jr.

  Duwaine Raatz

  Robert J. Rader

  Paul Q. Radzom

  Emerald M. Ralston deceased

  John Ramano

  Oswaldo V. Ramirez

  Bill Ramsey

  Denver Randleman

  Louis Rann

  Glen Rappold

  Charles Ratliff


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