The Greater Journey

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The Greater Journey Page 69

by David McCullough

  Musée d’Histoire Naturelle, 117

  Napoleon I, Emperor of France, 11, 43, 44, 112, 120, 142, 181, 188, 236, 317

  Napoleon III, Emperor of France, 188, 201–6, 236, 244, 247, 251

  background of, 202–3

  and coup d’etat of December, 1851, 204–5

  description of, 201

  in Franco-Prussian War, 258–60

  leadership style of, 203

  personality of, 201–2

  popularity of, 203

  in prison escape, 203

  proclaimed emperor, 206

  Tocqueville on, 202

  Narrative of William W. Brown, a Fugitive Slave (Brown), 195

  Nation, 273

  National Academy, French, 159

  National Academy of the Arts of Design, 84, 96, 150, 154, 198, 242, 343

  National Assembly, French, 185, 186, 187–88

  dissolution of, 204

  National Guard, French, 183, 280, 285, 299, 300, 312

  central committee of, 307–8, 309, 319

  government assault on, 319–20

  onset of Paris Commune and, 306–7

  National Park Service, U.S., 455

  Nativist movement, 149–50

  Navy, U.S., 70, 361

  Nesbit, Evelyn, 454

  Netherlands, 269

  New American Practical Navigator, The (Bowditch), 118

  New Arabian Nights (Stevenson), 432

  New Gallery, 420

  New Orleans Courier, 166

  New York Commercial Advertiser, 150

  New York Evening Post, 83, 86, 149, 198, 384

  New York Herald, 140, 148

  New York Infirmary and College for Women, 194

  NewYork Mirror, 9, 15, 58, 100

  New York Observer, 93, 150, 159

  New York Times, 198, 204, 219, 232, 247–48, 251, 293, 384, 403, 415, 419, 454

  New York Tribune, 189, 305, 331

  New York University, 149

  New York World, 236, 273, 381

  Niagara Falls (Church), 249

  Nicholas I, Czar of Russia, 221

  Nichols, Rose, 438–39

  Niépce, Joseph-Nicéphore, 158

  Notions of the Americans (Cooper), 92

  Notre-Dame Cathedral, 104, 206, 208, 215, 405, 412

  Paris Commune and, 316, 325

  view of Paris from, 39–40

  Notre-Dame de Paris, see Hunchback of Notre-Dame, The Nourse, Elizabeth, 411

  Nouvelle République, 309

  Noyes, Edward, 356

  Oakley, Annie, 416

  Observateur, 175

  Offenbach, Jacques, 257

  Ogden, William B., 220–21, 234

  “Old Ironsides” (Holmes), 6

  Olympia (Manet), 399

  omnibuses, 31–32

  Ontario (horse), 436

  opera, 48–51

  at the Paris Opera, 48, 49–50, 135, 406

  at the Théâtre Italien, 48–49

  Opéra Comique, 226

  Osler, William, 132

  Ossoli, Angelo, 190

  Otello (Verdi), 48

  Otis, Harrison Gray, 9

  Otis, Sally Foster, 9, 143

  Otis Elevator Company, 417

  Owen, Clara Belle, 411–12

  Pacific (brig), 15

  Pacific (steamer), 210–11, 219

  Paget, Violet, see Lee, Vernon

  Pailleron, Édouard, 390

  Paine, Thomas, 211

  Palace of the Popes, 368

  Palais de Justice, 208, 286, 310, 322

  Palais de l’Élysée, 188

  Palais de l’Industrie, 220, 461

  Palais des Beaux-Arts, 415

  Palais des Machines, 415

  Palais Royal, 27, 28, 29, 52, 53, 112, 213, 227, 287, 322, 423

  Palazzo Colonna, 64

  “Panama Bubble,” 414

  Panama Canal, 407–8, 414

  Panama Canal Company, 414

  Panini, Giovanni Paolo, 63

  Pantheon, 193, 298, 299, 424

  Parc Monceau, 208

  Parc Neuilly, 416


  Americans and economy of, 334

  American students in, 119–23

  American women in, 188–89

  architecture of, 40, 46–47

  “art missionaries” in, 411

  beggars of, 36

  bridges of, 40–41

  cholera epidemic in, see cholera epidemic of 1832

  Cooper’s circumnavigation of, 37–38

  department stores in, 250–51

  dining in, 35

  1834 demonstrations in, 127–28

  1848 revolution in, see Revolution of 1848

  1851 population of, 207

  Expositions of, see specific Universal Expositions

  fashion in, 33–34, 49, 162, 204, 235

  first impressions of, 25–29

  foreigners in, 33–34, 49

  gambling in, 53

  gardens of, 28, 37, 42, 43–45

  glass material in, 34–35

  Grant’s visit to, 356

  illegitimate children in, 55–56

  July 4, 1832, celebration in, 94–95

  language and, 28, 32–33

  as la ville lumière, 208

  mail service in, 55–56

  medical center and hospitals of, see Paris Médicale

  metro system of, 446

  morgue of, 45–46

  Napoleon III’s transformation and modernization of, 206–9, 219, 236

  New Orleans’s affinity with, 164

  omnibuses of, 31–32

  origins of, 25, 40

  performing arts in, 48–51

  the poor in, 45

  prostitutes in, 54–55, 249

  Prussian siege of, see Paris, siege of

  restaurants and cafés of, 52–53

  Seventh Arrondissement of, 45, 73

  Sixth Arrondissement of, 29

  soldiers stationed in streets of, 55

  street lights of, 406

  Sundays in, 36–37

  trades practiced in, 35–36

  Twain’s view of, 248–49

  viewed from Montmartre, 38–39

  viewed from Notre-Dame, 39–40

  walking in, 31

  women of, 34, 42

  see also specific landmarks, sections, and streets

  Paris, siege of, 267–72, 279–301

  aftermath of, 304

  American Legation in, 271, 282, 290, 297

  Americans in, 284, 287–88

  American sympathy for, 293

  balloon mail in, 280

  death toll in, 297, 299, 303

  defenses in, 280, 286

  disease and, 289

  exchanges of correspondence in, 279–80

  expulsion of German population in, 270–72

  food and provisions crisis in, 287, 288–90, 293–97

  French sorties and attacks in, 280–81, 284, 291, 300

  French surrender in, 301, 303

  French troops in, 267–68

  Gambetta’s escape from, 281–82

  historic precedents for, 279

  insomnia suffered in, 288

  newspapers in, 287

  Prussian bombardment in, 297–99

  “Red Paris” uprising in, 284–86

  surrender of Metz and, 284

  Washburne in, 269–70, 271, 281, 282–83, 304–6

  Washburne’s diary of, 285–86, 287, 289, 290, 291–94, 295, 297, 298–301

  weather and, 279, 282, 287, 288–90, 292–94, 296, 300

  “wood riot” in, 295

  Paris Commune, 306–27

  aftermath of, 326–27

  archbishop arrest and execution in, 311–15, 318–21, 325

  atrocities in, 322–25

  Bloody Week in, 320

  destruction of landmarks in, 321

  “Friends of Order” protest in, 308

  government offensive in, 319–20

de Ville headquarters of, 308–9

  Louvre and, 316, 321, 323, 326–27

  Moulton estate and, 315–16

  Moulton-Rigault interview in, 310–11

  onset of, 306–8

  priests persecuted in, 311–12, 314

  refugees in exodus from, 312

  system of denunciation in, 309

  Vendôme column demolished in, 316–17

  Versailles government and, 308–9, 311

  Washburne in, 305–15, 318–21, 323, 325

  Washburne’s diary of, 312–13, 321, 324–25, 328–31

  Paris Exposition of 1855, 219–20, 247, 249

  Paris Guide, 261

  Parisians, The (Bulwer-Lytton), 209

  Parisii, 25, 279

  Paris Médicale, 103–6

  American medical practice and, 133

  American students in, 129–33

  black students in, 131

  dissection of cadavers in, 115–17

  foreign students in, 106

  hospitals of, 104–5

  leading physicians of, 105–6

  medical training in, 115

  population of, 103

  visitors to, 104

  women patients in, 115

  Paris Opera, 48–49, 135, 406

  Paris Salon, 388, 397

  Cassatt in, 337, 339, 341

  of 1884, 401–2

  Farragut piece in, 381

  Healy in, 143

  Madame X in, 401–2

  Sherman piece in, 439–40

  Parker, Theodore, 234

  Pasdeloup Orchestra, 389

  Pasteur, Louis, 113

  Holmes’s meeting with, 424–25

  Pathfinder, The (Cooper), 101

  Patrick, John Douglas, 416

  Payne, John Howard, 31, 79

  Peace of God, The (Adams Memorial), 430, 440–41

  Peale, Charles Willson, 78–79, 146

  Peale, Rembrandt, 64

  Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 340, 427

  Pennsylvania Railroad, 394

  Père Lachaise Cemetery, 45, 132, 323–24, 325

  Wall of the Communards of, 324

  Périgord, 52

  Petit, Georges, 397–98

  Petit Journal, Le, 415

  Peugeot, Armand, 445

  Phèdre (Racine), 367

  Philadelphia, 16

  photography, Morse intrigued by, 157–59

  Picture Gallery of Cardinal Silvio Valenti Gonzaga, The (Panini), 63–64

  Pilot, The (Cooper), 71

  Pioneers, The (Cooper), 70–71, 72, 106

  Pissarro, Camille, 342, 418, 419

  Place de la Concorde, 43, 260, 306, 313, 319, 320, 321

  Place de l’Étoile, 210

  Place du Panthéon, 209

  Place Vendôme, 43, 120, 308, 316–17, 320, 321, 326, 356

  Poland, 85, 186

  Polish-American Committee, 74

  Polk, James K., 160, 180, 185, 197

  Pont Alexandre III, 446, 448

  Pont d’Austerlitz, 214

  Pont d’Avignon, 368

  Pont des Arts, 41, 155, 451

  Pont d’Iéna, 247

  Pont Neuf, 40–41, 121, 168, 351, 425

  Portraits d’Enfants, see Daughters of Edward Darley Boit

  Pottawatomie Massacre, 225

  Poussin, Nicolas, 90

  Prado Museum, 389, 396

  Prairie, The (Cooper), 57, 61, 167

  Precaution (Cooper), 70

  Prefecture of Police, 322, 326

  Prendergast, Maurice, 426–27

  Presse, La, 212

  Printemps, Le, 251

  Prisoners from the Front (Homer), 249

  Procopio del Cotillo, Francesco, 57

  prostitutes, 54–55, 249

  Prussia, 247

  see also Franco-Prussian War

  Puccini, Giacomo, 221

  Puritan, The (Saint-Gaudens), 430, 448–49

  Putnam, Mary, 260, 270, 288–89, 297, 298, 304

  as graduate from École de Médecine, 289, 327

  Quai d’Orsay, 247

  Racine, Jean, 10, 51, 367

  Raft of the Medusa (Géricault), 65, 261

  Stowe’s admiration for, 216–17

  Raimondi, Carlo, 338

  Raphael, 42, 47, 62, 80

  Rappel, Le, 304

  Reading Le Figaro (Cassatt), 353–54

  Recollections (Washburne), 355

  Red Cross, 286

  Red Paris uprising, 284–88

  Reign of Terror, 11, 94, 325

  Rembrandt van Rijn, 63, 145, 218, 412

  Stowe on, 215

  Remington Arms Company, 270

  Reminiscences (Saint-Gaudens), 359

  Renaissance, 65, 80, 256

  Renault, Louis, 445

  Reni, Guido, 8, 90

  Renoir, Pierre-Auguste, 342, 351, 418, 419

  Répétition de Ballet (Ballet Rehearsal) (Degas), 342

  Republican Party, U.S., 277

  restaurants, 52–53

  see also specific restaurants and cafes

  Revolution of 1830, 65

  Revolution of 1848, 182–88, 307

  abdication of Louis-Philippe in, 183–84

  American recognition in, 185

  February uprising in, 182–83

  June uprising in, 186–88

  Marx’s comment on, 187

  republican government in, 184–85, 188

  Rush’s address in, 185

  Revue des Deux Mondes, 381–82

  Revue Musicale, La, 166

  Reynolds, William, 270

  Richard I (Lionheart), King of England, 24

  Richard III (Shakespeare), 312

  Richardson, Henry Hobson, 366, 442

  Ricord, Philippe, 105

  Rigault, Raoul, 309, 313–14

  Archbishop Darboy arrested by, 311–12

  death of, 322

  Lillie Moulton’s interview with, 310–11

  Right Bank, 45

  Rives, William C., 94, 201, 205

  Robinson, Theodore, 335, 415

  Robinson Crusoe (Defoe), 241

  Rocher de Cancale, 52

  Rocky Mountains, The (Bierstadt), 249

  Roderick Hudson (James), 332

  Rodin, Auguste, 449


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