Then Comes Marriage

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Then Comes Marriage Page 6

by Lillianna Blake

  “Hanna, will you join me and Samantha? We’re looking over the flower arrangements for tomorrow.” Zoe peeked over at Blu and AJ, then looked back at me. “I think they’re going to be occupied for a while.”

  “I think you’re right and yes, I’d love to join you.”

  After a quick goodbye to Jake, I climbed into Samantha’s rental car and we headed off to the florist. One of my favorite songs played on the radio, which eased me into a blissful state as two of my closest friends chatted in the front seat.

  “Blu seems a little nervous.” Samantha turned down the street that led to the florist. “I can remember feeling that way.”

  “Me too.” I closed my eyes as that nervousness washed over me once more. “I was sure that something would go wrong and convinced that Jake and I would never actually get married—like it was some kind of overdone prank.”

  “Oh wow.” Zoe laughed. “I haven’t experienced it for myself, but I have seen how nerve-wracking it can be. I think if Trent and I ever did it, we would just elope.”

  “Wait, what?” I leaned forward from the back seat. “Are you and Trent considering it?”

  “Easy now.” She winked at me. “I said ‘if.’”

  “‘If’ means maybe.” I grinned.

  “‘If’ means if I lose my mind I might consider it.”

  “Well, if you do lose your mind, and if you do decide to do it, and if you do elope, you’d better invite me!”

  “And me!” Samantha called out as she turned in to the florist’s.

  “I think you two don’t quite get the idea of eloping.” Zoe began to explain it to us as we walked into the florist’s.

  “I get it, but if we’re not all there, you’re going to pay a pretty steep price, my friend.”

  “Big threats from the woman with an overactive bladder.” Zoe raised an eyebrow and grinned.

  “Speaking of which.” I winced. “I wonder if they have a bathroom here.”

  “In the back!” a woman behind the counter called when she saw my discomfort.

  “Thanks!” I hurried down the hall.

  I noticed that things felt even more sore than usual as I stood back up. I’d really done some damage to my back with the road trip and I wasn’t looking forward to the drive home.

  When I stepped out of the bathroom, I stepped into a field of white bouquets.

  “Oh, they’re beautiful!” I gasped. “And the little splashes of blue really make them gorgeous.”

  “Yes, I agree.” The florist smiled. “So please tell Blu not to worry. The flowers are here and I’ll bring them out to the beach in the morning to decorate.”

  “I will.” I smiled. “She’s going to love them.”

  Chapter 16

  I sent a picture of the flowers to Blu and she texted me back right away.

  It’s too much white, isn’t it? Should I add some yellow?

  I texted back that I thought it was perfect the way it was, but I could tell that she wasn’t convinced.

  “Ladies, we need to make sure that Blu has a great time tonight. She is stressing way too much over the little things.”

  “That’s the plan.” Samantha nodded. “Fun, singing, and alcohol—that should do it.”

  “Perfect.” Zoe laughed. “Uh—I mean no alcohol for you, Hanna.”

  “I know.” I grinned. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t have fun. If I even looked at a beer right now, I’d probably pass out.”

  “Oops, we’d better get going.” Samantha pointed to the time on her phone. “This is it—less than twenty-four hours to go until the big day.”

  “It’s going to be fantastic!”

  After we drove back to the hotel, I headed to my room to get dressed for the party. I found Jake there pulling on his jeans. For a second I was quiet and just watched.

  He caught sight of me in the mirror and blushed.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Admiring you.” I smiled. “I can’t help it.”

  “You could admire me a little closer if you want.” He turned to face me, spreading his arms wide.

  I embraced him and felt a sudden rush of realizing just how lucky I was.

  “I’m sorry I’ve been so crazy, Jake. You’ve been so patient with me.”

  “Hanna, you haven’t been crazy and I don’t need to be patient with you. I love you.” He tipped my chin up so his lips could meet mine.

  As we kissed, I was again overwhelmed by happiness. By the time he pulled away, I was in tears.

  “Oh, Hanna, what’s wrong?” He cupped my cheeks.

  “Nothing at all, I’m just so happy. Blu and AJ are so in love and being able to witness them seal the deal is amazing. It makes me think of our wedding—how wonderful it was and how great all my friends were as they supported me through it.”

  “Yes, you do have really great friends.” He brushed the hair away from my eyes and kissed me again. “I love you, Hanna. I wouldn’t change a moment I’ve shared with you and I can’t wait to meet our little girl. Rebecca.”

  “Becky?” I scrunched my nose.


  “Too Anna-y.” I shook my head.


  “Seriously?” My eyes widened.

  “Okay, how about Hanna?”

  “Never.” I laughed. “I thought we weren’t going to talk about this now?”

  “Sorry, I’m just so excited. What about something a little more exotic, like Renee?”

  “You think Renee is exotic?” I grinned as I hugged him. “I’ll admit I’ve been going through every letter in the alphabet to try to find the right name.”

  “See. It’s not just me.” He glanced at his watch. “You should get dressed. AJ asked us to be there early. He’s up to something. I’ll meet you there.”

  “Wait, what’s he up to?”

  “Can’t tell.” He winked at me before he disappeared through the door.

  I hurried to dress, then met the others in the lobby. Blu had hired a limousine to take us to the party.

  We piled in, full of laughter and eager to get the night started.

  “So Jake let it slip that AJ might be planning something at the bar.” I toasted with a glass of sparkling water while the others had champagne.

  “Oh, really?” Blu smiled. “I wonder what he’s up to.”

  “It’ll be a fun surprise, I’m sure.” Samantha winked at Noella. “Maybe he got strippers after all?”

  “Ugh—no strippers.” Dawn scrunched up her nose. “That’s so sleazy.”

  “It depends on the stripper.” Callie raised her glass. “I’ve seen some pretty talented dancers with and without clothes.”

  “What?” Zoe laughed. “I think I need to hear this story.”

  “She’s right.” Alex finished her champagne. “Stripping can be an art form.”

  “Alright, enough about strippers!” Blu almost choked on her last sip of champagne.

  “Perfect timing, we’re here.” Noella tipped her head toward the tinted window as we pulled into the bar that Blu and AJ owned.

  “Let’s get ready to party, ladies!” Zoe cheered.

  When we walked through the door, the bar was surprisingly quiet. The dance floor that Blu had added was empty and the lights were dim.

  “What’s going on here?” Blu frowned as she glanced at the bartender, who promptly flicked a light switch behind the bar. A disco ball lowered from the ceiling with flashing lights of all different colors. In the same moment music began to play.

  “What is happening?” Blu spun around to face the lights.

  “I think we’re about to find out.” I laughed as I saw AJ lead the entire bachelor party onto the dance floor.

  As soon as they’d all filled the space, they began to dance. It wasn’t just any dance, but something they must have practiced together as they all moved at the same time.

  “Oh no!” Blu laughed so hard she had to lean on me. “Look at them!”

  “Seriously, Trent?” Zoe
gasped as Trent thrust his hips along with the rest of them and Jake was right beside him.

  “I had no idea Wes could move like that.” Noella grinned.

  “I’m so glad Max is babysitting.” Samantha cringed.

  “Look at Garrett go!” Dawn clapped and cheered for him as he moved around the dance floor.

  “There is no way Philip would ever do something like this.” Alex rolled her eyes, just in time to see Philip slide across the dance floor with a flower between his teeth.

  “May I have this dance?” He grinned up at her. “They made me do it.”

  “Lovely.” She laughed as she plucked the flower out of his mouth then helped him to his feet. “I would love to dance with you.”

  As the couples began to pair up, Jake hurried over to me.

  “See? It was a good surprise, right?”

  “Yes, it was.” I kissed him.

  “Are you ready to dance?” He started to pull me out on the dance floor.

  “Oops—no—nature calls. Dance with Callie!” I shoved him toward her as I rushed for the bathroom.

  All my friends were dancing, even Samantha, who’d paired up with one of AJ’s friends.

  My daughter was dancing too—right on my bladder.

  Chapter 17

  When I returned to the bar, Jake was waiting with a glass of sparkling water.

  “How are you doing, love?”

  “Thanks so much.” I sighed as I took the glass. “A little more exhausted than I expected. I think I’m just going to chill with the ladies at the bar.”

  “Alright, enjoy.” He brushed his lips along my cheek.

  “Oh, by the way, I loved the dance.” I grinned.

  “Thanks.” He snapped his collar. “I thought you would.”

  We both laughed as he headed off to join the boys and I spotted a few from my group by the bar.

  “Was that not amazing?” I sat down with them, though the bar stool was a bit of a challenge for me to get up on.

  “It was.” Blu nodded as she sipped a beer. “I never expected AJ to arrange something like that.”

  “It looks like Alex and Philip are really hitting it off.” Zoe tipped her head toward the dance floor, where the pair were dancing quite close together.

  “Yes, they are.” I rubbed my hand over my stomach. “I don’t think he’s used to someone telling him what to do.”

  “I don’t think Alex is either.” Blu laughed.

  Throughout the night we danced together as friends and as couples. The bar played some of Blu’s and AJ’s favorite songs and there were some trivia games about Blu’s and AJ’s relationship. It seemed like the perfect party to me.

  As the night went on, AJ walked over to our group, which had clustered around the bar again.

  “I’m going to take the boys out for a quick bite to eat. Do you ladies want to join us?”

  “I have to fit into that dress tomorrow, remember?” Blu giggled and sipped her beer.

  “Sweetheart, you have nothing to worry about. I guess I’ll see you in the morning then?” His voice wavered some.

  “Are you nervous?” She poked his stomach. “Do you think I’m not going to show up? Not a chance, I can’t let anyone else snatch you up.”

  “Good night, my love.” AJ pulled her close for a kiss. “I can’t wait to marry you tomorrow.”

  “Good night, AJ.” She smiled as he walked away, but the moment he was out the door, the smile faded. “Ladies, what am I getting myself into?” She groaned and ordered another drink.

  “Cold feet?” Noella raised an eyebrow.

  “Ice cold.” She frowned as she accepted the beer. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

  “Are you having problems with AJ?” Samantha leaned close. “If you’re not sure about the wedding—”

  “No problems at all. He’s honestly the most amazing man I’ve ever known. But marriage?” She took a long swallow of her beer. “Doesn’t it seem a bit old-fashioned to be hung up on a piece of paper?”

  “It’s more than that.” I took a sip of my sparkling water. “When I married Jake, it was like an official partnership—us against everything the world could throw at us.”

  “But we already have that partnership.” Blu shook her head. “I have to walk down that aisle tomorrow in that fancy dress in front of everyone. Isn’t that a lie?”

  “We can change the dress if you want,” Callie piped up. “I’ll go out and get you jeans—or overalls—if that will help.”

  “It’s not the dress.” Zoe pursed her lips. “Is it, Blu? You loved it when you first saw it on you.”

  “No, it’s not.” She sighed.

  “It’s okay, Blu, you can talk to us.” Dawn patted Blu’s shoulder. “We’ve all had our uncertain moments and we’re here to support you.”

  “It can be too much, can’t it?” Alex picked at the label on her bottle of beer. “It can feel like you’re giving up your independence or losing some kind of control.”

  “Yes, it can.” Blu nodded. “I feel like by marrying him, somehow I’m going to be transformed into a whole new person, a person I don’t know.”

  “But you won’t be.” I looked into her eyes. “Your relationship will be the same, as long as you stay true to yourself.”

  “I know what she means, though.” Dawn shook her head. “I would love to get married—well, only to Garrett, but I would love it. But even just dating Garrett, I sometimes lose myself in trying to please him or to be the person that he wants me to be. I feel like I need to change who I am to better suit him sometimes.”

  “Yes, that’s it exactly.” Blu frowned. “AJ is always telling me to be true to myself, but now that we’re taking this step, I can’t help but wonder if he’s still going to feel that way—or if he’d rather have the kind of wife that dotes on him and dresses up pretty for him.”

  “That’s not AJ.” I shook my head. “He’s never wanted you to be like that. He loves you for who you are and I know he always will.”

  “You’re probably right.” She nodded. As she spoke, a handsome man leaned against the bar beside her.

  “You must be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.” He leaned close to her. “Let me buy you a drink and you’ll be the kindest one as well.”

  “Oh, really?” She giggled as she took the last sip out of her glass. “Well, I am running on empty here.”

  “Oh no, I have to stop this.” I started to pull away from Dawn, but she pulled me back.

  “Hanna, let her have a little fun. She’s not going to do anything she shouldn’t.”

  “You can’t know that.” I frowned. “She’s had a bit to drink.”

  “But she loves AJ—it’s fine.”

  “She loves AJ and she’s also nervous about the wedding. What if she makes a mistake and we just sit here and let it happen?”

  “She won’t. Watch.” Dawn smiled as she looked back at the two.

  All of our eyes landed on them.

  Chapter 18

  Tension built within me as I watched the flirtation between them. I didn’t want to let my friend make a mistake that she’d regret.

  “Great, then let me get that refilled for you—and maybe your phone number too?”

  “Oh, you’re adorable.” She patted his cheek and grinned at him. “But you’re no AJ. I’ve got to call it a night. I’m getting married in the morning. Good luck tonight; I’m sure you’ll find someone special.”

  As she stood up from the barstool, she wavered somewhat.

  I hurried over to help steady her.

  “You really are ready for bed aren’t you, Blu?”

  “More than ready.” She smiled.

  “I think we should all call it a night. We have an exciting day tomorrow.”

  “Not sure that we’re all going to be awake for it.” Dawn laughed as she watched Blu lean on my shoulder.

  “Maybe not.” I grinned.

  “Hm, I think the bride needs her rest.” Zoe’s eyes sparkled.
  “Let’s get her to her room.” I nodded.

  “Oops, I just got a text from Trent. Aw, he wants to make sure I come back to the room.” She grinned. “I guess he’s still awake.”

  “We can take Blu up to her room if you want to go with him now.” I steered Blu toward the door.

  “No, way, this is a team effort. Trent can wait.” She winked at me.

  Zoe and I parted ways with the rest of our friends. As we headed up on the elevator with Blu, she sighed and leaned against the wall.

  “Why did I have so much to drink? I’m getting married tomorrow!”

  “It’s okay, Blu, you’ll be fine by morning. You really didn’t have much, I think you’re just exhausted.” I gave her hand a light squeeze. “I’m so excited for you.”

  “Thanks, Hanna.” She wrapped me up in a warm hug. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  “We all do.” Zoe joined the hug. “Now let’s get you to bed.”

  As we stepped out into the hallway, Zoe helped steady Blu again.

  “I’m so tired.” Blu yawned.

  “I can take her from here, no worries.” Zoe gave Blu a light poke in the side. “Wake up, girl, we’ve got to get you to your room.”

  “I’m awake, I’m awake.” She yawned.

  I smiled as I watched my two friends head down the hall together. No, we weren’t perfect, but we were always there for one another.

  When I arrived at my hotel room, I found Jake already lying in bed.

  When I crawled in with him, he snorted, then opened his eyes.

  “Mm, just who I like to see crawling into my bed.”

  “Ugh, don’t even look at me right now.” I sighed as I stretched out beside him. “Not a drop to drink but I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck.”

  “Aw, let me rub your feet for you.” He started to sit up.

  “No, it’s okay, we both need to get some rest.” I kissed his cheek, put my head on the pillow and felt myself drifting off to sleep within seconds.

  The sound of my phone ringing pulled me into awareness, but only long enough for me to fall back to sleep.

  It wasn’t my alarm.


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