Changing Fate (Endgame #5)

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Changing Fate (Endgame #5) Page 18

by Leigh Ann Lunsford

  Saylor spits her drink all over Brody and he stares at her like she’s lost her fucking mind. “Uh, thanks.” He gets up to find a napkin and we lose it.

  “Go ahead. Puff your cheeks. Let me see you, Chippy Chipmunk.” I taunt.

  “Fuck you.” Mason falls over at her irate response. Spilling three drinks in his belly laughing fit.

  “This is why we can’t have nice things.” Deacon falls back to the floor.

  “That’s it.” Saylor stares in wonderment.

  “Aves.” Emberlee sighs.

  “Holy fuck.” Breck exhales. She looks at my mom and apologizes. My mom waves her cussing off while wiping tears.

  “Baby girl.” She stands in front of me and adjusts the bodice of the dress and steps back. “You’re beautiful.”

  “Are you sure? It isn’t a normal wedding dress.” I glance in the mirror. The dress is ivory with a gold tint with all the crystals that decorate it. Strapless, form fitting, and it’s perfect— but it isn’t a wedding dress.

  “And you’re an extraordinary girl, not an ordinary one. It’s perfect. I promise.” She waves the sales lady over. “We’ll take it. Do your thing, please.” I’m poked, shoved, spun, and pinned to death.

  “Okay, girls. Your turn.” I turn to them. “Pick a style and no arguing.” I don’t care what they wear, as long as they’re happy and comfortable. I watch them hold dozens of dresses up until Saylor grabs one they all agree on. It’s halter style, flowing, and floor length. “Perfect. Saylor you’re in red, Emberlee you’re in pale blue, and Breck you’re in gray.” Simple.

  “Flowers and food.” I groan when my mom reminds me.

  “I got this. Go home.” Emberlee shoves me to the door and takes over. She’s in her element and all I want is some quiet time with my dad.

  “Hey stranger.” I find him in his office.

  “Wow. Is this my daughter that’s gracing me with her presence?” He sets his pen down.

  “Hardy har. Wanna take a walk with me?” He stands up and I notice pep in his step. “I miss you.” He pulls me in close and kisses my head.

  “Miss you, baby girl. When you leaving that bum and moving home?” I slap his chest.

  “Never. That bum is gonna be your son-in-law.” He groans. “And I think he’s gonna do his residency here or at least closer to home. We miss everyone.”

  I can tell he’s excited with that news. “You know I love you?” I nod. “And I’m proud of you. And happy. He loves you.”

  “I know.” I smile.

  “And I give him a hard time but I trust him with you.” He swallows and continues. “I don’t trust many with you but that boy— he has my blessing.”

  “He’s scared of you.” I admit.

  “Good. Means I’m doing my job. Until I give you away you’re mine to protect. With fear or force.” I chuckle, that was his line when I started dating. “Try coming home more.” I sigh because I’m home each quarter.

  “Okay, daddy.” He clutches his heart.

  “How much is that daddy gonna cost my wallet?” I ignore him. “And no babies until your back home.” Again, I ignore him.

  Valentine’s Day I get the call. They’re inducing Emberlee in the morning so I scramble to get a flight. “Can’t anyone have a damn kid during summer?” Caden gripes. He’s jealous he misses everything.

  “I’m sorry. I’ll be sure to pass the message.” I joke and go finish packing.

  Once I land, I go to Breck’s and we’ll go back and pick up Saylor later when her flight lands.

  “I hope they give her drugs to knock her out. Today would be great. They could just keep her sedated until she gives birth. Give the earth a peaceful day.” Breck rambles. I do feel bad for her because she’s had the full brunt of Emberlee pregnant. It isn’t pretty. And I’m excited for her but I hope like hell she’s done.

  “Ice chips? Are you fucking kidding me?” Emberlee demands from the bed glaring at me.

  “Same as Darby, honey. Ice chips. Want me to stick my finger in them and make them sweet?” She flips me off. “I take that as a no.” I’m in the room with her again for the delivery with no questions. Breck is her sister-in-law, but Emberlee and I have a childhood bond that is stronger than anything.

  “How much longer?” She whines.

  “When the doctor shoved his fist up you what did he say?” Brody cringes at my explanation and it makes Emberlee laugh. I swear she lives to torture that man.

  “I was six. Six. I have to get to nine.” Holy hell, where’s the sedation?

  “You’re lucky they’re letting you go natural. You could be having a C-section.” Oh, Brody why’d you have to talk?

  “And you’re lucky you’re still alive. I better have a fucking caffeinated coffee waiting when I get done pushing.” He nods, sits down and lets her do her thing. I think he needs to meet the Pope. We could share a day. I want the afternoon because then Emberlee will celebrate. She isn’t so nice in the mornings.

  “Come on, Mrs. Collier. One more push and you’ll meet your baby.” The nurse cheers her on.

  “That’d be great but there’s two of them. So, I won’t be done.” She struggles. “Aves, why do people lie when you give birth? One more push. Oh shit, one more push ten pushes ago. Fuck.”

  “Embe.” Brody brushes her hair from her forehead.

  She looks at him and starts crying. You never know what you’re gonna get with Emberlee when pregnant. Or giving birth. “I’m sorry. I’m awful.”

  “No, baby.” Fucking liar. “I know you’re tired.”

  Fuck this coddling. I grab the large iced coffee I had Saylor bring and walk behind the doctor who is between her legs. Jesus. “I’m taking you for a wax when your hoo-ha heals. See this.” I hold the coffee. “Fucking push. Less whining. More birthing.” She focuses on the iced concoction and lo’ and behold . . . here’s a baby.

  “Boy.” The doctor yells and the nurses whisk him away to do their thing. “Push. The other one is in position.” I hold the cup and shake it so she hears the ice. Ten minutes later . . . “Girl.” The doctor hollers.

  I bring the cup while they’re doing god knows what in the area I never want to see again. She sips, exhales, but doesn’t take her eyes off her children. A blue bundle is swaddled and laid against her chest. “Holt Gerald.” She looks to Brody and he nods.

  The pink bundle of joy is laid next to her twin brother. “Holly Beth.” Brody whispers.

  I leave to give them some time and deliver the news to Brecklynn and Saylor.

  Caden is slammed with exams and I’m busy cleaning the fridge, prepping the house to be shut up during most of summer. In a few weeks’ time, I’ll be Mrs. Caden Monroe and I don’t think I’ve been this excited since the first night he rescued me during spring break.

  “I’m home.” His voice echoes through the house.

  “In the kitchen.” I call.

  “What are you doing?” He grabs water from the fridge and gulps.

  “Cleaning the food from the fridge. We leave in two days.” I kiss him. “How’d exams go?’

  “Fine.” He’s quiet. He’s quiet with everyone else— not me.

  “You okay?” I question.

  “Yeah. Just tired.” He acts like he’s gonna leave and I panic.

  “You having second thoughts? Cold feet?” The words tumble and when he turns his look is murderous.

  He softens when he sees my panic stricken face. “Damn.” He’s in front of me in two seconds and grabs me tight. “No, I’m really just tired and my mind is wandering. I’m constantly writing my vows in my head and every fucking time I see you I add a paragraph about how much I love you.”

  I feel like a fool. “I’m sorry.”

  “You sure you wanna marry me?” He teases and I hold him tighter.

  “Every day of my life.”

  “You’ve got a deal.” He kisses me and the feel of his lips warms my heart and I can’t wait to walk down the aisle, pledge my love to him for eternity and start o
ur life.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Deacon is trying to make this an epic night but Mason and Brody won’t join us until the day of our wedding so it’s just two guys, missing their women, nursing a beer. “We’re pathetic.” He announces.

  “Nah. We just know what we have at home.” I pay the tab and we both leave, in a hurry to get home. She’s staying at her parents so I go back in time and sneak in. “Shhh.” I tell her when I startle her.

  “You aren’t supposed to be here.” She giggles.

  “I couldn’t stay away.” I plead with her. I don’t want to spend the night apart from her. She lifts the covers and I make fast work of stripping so I can climb in bed next to her.

  “No hanky panky. We’re saving something for the wedding day.” Her head finds the space reserved for her against my chest and I sigh. Content to hold her, feel her, touch her— breathe her in. I don’t know how I got so fucking lucky to have her by my side but I’m holding tight.

  I keep checking my watch. Our parents have been seated. My guys are next to me. I need the fucking girls to get their ass in gear and start this shit.

  “Native is getting restless. I bet if they don’t start he’s gonna go find her.” Deacon chuckles.

  “It’s always the quiet ones. They’re the craziest.” Mason agrees.

  “Shut up.” Brody grumbles. He’s irritated they won’t shut up and the fact his kids are a few feet from him and he can’t hold them.

  The doors open and Julie leads Darby and Kinsley— rose petals are thrown in the air and all over the guests. I hear Deacon sigh as he watches his world come towards them. His girls and his wife begin their walk. “Shit.” He grumbles. His hands clench and he wants to reach for them, grabbing them and smothering them with shelter. Hold them close. I think he’d shrink them every day and carry them in his pocket if he could.

  Saylor looks at me and starts crying. Deacon growls and I shake my head at her. She wipes the tears, smiles and blows a kiss at Deacon and he settles. Fucking caveman. Emberlee follows and her eyes find Brody’s, jump to her babies, and settle on me. She winks and blows me a kiss, relaxing my taut nerves. Brecklynn comes down, free and flighty, smiling at me. Pausing, I get a thumbs up and today it all comes full circle.

  The originals, the new additions, we all end one chapter of our lives and begin a new one today. Avery and I were the last to take this journey and it ties it all together. Kids are already a part of our life and I know their circle will keep growing . . . there’s six kids added to the mix and I know many more to come. We carried a tradition set by our parents, expanded, shrunk, and grew into an amazing support system filled with love, loyalty, and forever friendships. Our kids are gonna keep it going, I have no doubt— but the way these people procreate, it’ll be a small army.

  Sometimes, this passage we’ve endeavored has been like walking rough terrain barefoot. We’ve had scratches, bumps, and blow-ups— but we’ve come to the other side stronger, with a broader respect and understanding of love.

  The wedding march starts and I stiffen, craning my neck to get a peek of her. We don’t have a lot of guests, like she asked, but every motherfucker stands up, blocking my view. And one of the guys standing up with me grabs my arms, pulling them behind my back and another blindfolds me. “Her orders.” Brody grunts.

  My nose flares and I’m biting my lip, hands balled in fists. Her orders. I’m gonna redden her ass tonight. She’s denying me the joy of seeing her walk the path to taking my last name. Pledging herself to me. “It’ll be worth it.” Mason promises.

  I relax and while I don’t know her reasons, I’ll oblige her. I peek through the bottom of the bindings hindering my eyesight and see the lights in the room change. They dim and something flickers. It’s silent and I hear chairs scraping and a gasp. “Fuck.” Deacon whistles.

  My shoulders jerk, trying to loosen the hold and Brody pulls tight. “Just a minute.” He warns. “Don’t make me snap your shoulders.”

  Finally, I hear her voice. “It’s good. Let him go.” My arms are freed and my hands immediately go to remove the blindfold. I don’t have to take time for my eyes to adjust because the room has been darkened and candles glow. My head swings to the door and see her standing there with her dad.

  Her hair tumbling in dark waves, her lips painted red, creamy skin calling for my mouth— but her eyes. Shining, transfixing me with the love that’s evident. I forget to swallow. I forget to drag oxygen in my lungs. I forget everything but her. My nose burns, eyes sting and I struggle to keep composure.

  Each step she takes electrifies my nerve endings.

  Each step she takes brings her closer to me.

  Each step she takes renews my love and desire.

  She stands before me and I can finally take in air. “Hey,” she whispers, her eyes brimming with unshed tears.

  “Hey.” I choke. “You look beautiful.”

  “Marriage is in itself a blessing. But doubly blessed is the couple who comes to the marriage altar with the approval and love of their families and friends. Who has the honor of presenting this woman to be married to this man?” The officiate starts.

  "On behalf of her loving family and friends, I do." Brian removes her hand from his arm, choking back emotion. “She’ll always be mine. I’m loaning her to you for eternity.” I nod. Respect that. I wouldn’t be able to give her up so I understand his sentiment.

  She hands her bouquet to Breck and turns to face me. I capture both of her hands, my thumbs strumming her palms. “Do you, Avery Michaels, take Caden Monroe to be your partner in love and life; will you honor and cherish him as long as you both shall live?” I’m watching her eyes as the words are uttered and I see the slightest grin.

  “I do.” Her voice clear, unwavering.

  “Do you, Caden Monroe, take Avery Michaels to be your partner in love and life; will

  you honor and cherish her as long as you both shall live?” It’s music to my ears.

  “I do.” Her fingers lace with mine and we both sigh.

  “The bride and groom have chosen to say their own vows.” The officiate hands us our cards and clears his throat. “Caden has asked to speak first.” I feel her shudder with emotion and I bend to kiss her cheek and whisper in her ear.

  “Love you, Picasso.” She calms and watches me as I pledge my devotion. “Avery, my

  Dad told me I’d know when I found the one. And I did. I wasn’t waiting for the one because you were the one. Your beauty has the ability to stop my breath. Your touch makes my heart beat out of control. Your love makes me a better man. You’ll be the better half of me until the day I die. The first time I felt your hand brush mine— I was alive. I live for that feeling— for you. To hear your voice. Feel your tenderness. I know I’ll never be cold with your love covering me. I know I’ll never be alone because you’re by my side. I know I’ll never fail because I have you cheering for me. In my heart. In my soul. In my bones. I love you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Staring at everyone in my room it hits me. My knees begin to shake and I have to sit down. “You okay?” My mom comes to me.

  “It’s happening.” I try to hide the crack in my voice. Two years ago I wasn’t sure this was gonna happen. I was in Prague, licking my broken heart while he was here oblivious to my pain. Full fucking circle.

  “It is.” She wipes my tears and chastises me.

  “If you ruin your make up I’m gonna cut you.” Emberlee’s hormones haven’t leveled yet. Or it could be her lack of sleep.

  “Do you kiss your husband with that mouth?” Bethy asks her. Caden’s mom and my mom have been by my side the entire morning.

  “Among other things.” Emberlee quips and Bethy cackles.

  “Ahem.” My dad clears his throat and Emberlee’s face flames. Serves her raunchy ass right.

  “Okay. Let’s do this.” Saylor hands me a box. “This is your something new.” I unwrap the gift and my fingers lift the delicate pendant— the tears won’t st
op. My mom picks up my flowers and takes the ornament, pinning it to the front. It’s a photo of the art I did in his closet and the tattoo decorating his flesh.

  “Might as well do it all now so someone can fix her makeup.” Emberlee huffs. “Here is your something old. I get to hand it to you but it’s Bethy’s.” I lift the top and gasp.

  “They were my mom’s and she gave them to me on my wedding day. Now, I give them to my daughter and you can do the same.” His mom wraps me in a hug. “I love you, baby girl.”

  “Can I?” My mom hesitates. I nod and pick up my hair so she can clasp the strand of pearls.

  “This is your something blue.” She smiles as I take the bag. Peeking through the tissue paper I can’t help but laugh as I pull the sapphire blue paint from its wrapping. “It always seems to be in your hair. Why change tradition?” She shrugs.

  “No. No ma’am.” Emberlee stomps her foot. “Don’t do it, Avery.” I open the tube and reach for a Kleenex. Dabbing the tissue in the top of the tube, I smear it on the velvet top of my shoe and shoot her a grin.

  “Better, Commander Coochie?” I see her eye roll and my dad clears his throat— again. I’m surprised he isn’t hoarse.

  My mom looks to my dad and he takes her hand as they sit on either side of me. “Here is something borrowed.” My mom gives me the jewelry box.

  “It’s borrowed just like you are. I’m loaning you to Caden. For the rest of your life.” His eyes are bright and I know he’s struggling. Opening the black velvet, I squeal. His ruby cufflinks. I played with them when I was younger. It was the first thing I painted— a replica of the duo he wore for every business meeting. My mom, once again, pins them against my flowers, flanking the pendant. It highlights it perfectly.


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