Beginning of the Reckoning (Feral Steel MC Book 3)

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Beginning of the Reckoning (Feral Steel MC Book 3) Page 22

by Vera Quinn

  “Hey there girlie, you ready to get our party on?” Felix laughs and gives me a hug. Felix is so over top. But I love like a brother. He knows more about me than my brother. I turn to look at Sarah and see the smoldering eyes she is giving my brother. This girl has been in lust with Ty forever. The feelings are very mutual, only problem is Ty wants only sex from my friend and she wants him forever. I have let them both know I will kill either one of them for trying to get what they want. Ty has hooked up with friends of mine before, but not one of my best friends. I won’t lose either one of them. Ty isn’t much older than us but he has only dated my older friends. Sarah is only four months older than me and much too innocent for Ty. To call him a slut is an understatement. I pull myself out of my thoughts and pull my friends attention to me.

  “Hey you two, let’s get this night started.” I pull Sarah into a hug and her attention off of Ty. “Is everyone ready to go?” I look from my friends to my dad and Ty. Both dad and Ty are aware of my ploy to get Sarah’s mind off Ty and back to the party at the clubhouse. Dad grins his knowing grin and Ty has a full smile on his face that shows his dimple and even I have to agree he is kind of sexy in a really gross way. My brother looks just like dad only younger. He’s over six foot and solid muscle. Dark black hair and deep brown eyes. I can see how my friends can be attracted to him but I won’t chance losing one of my best friends over it. We start to make our way to the parking lot and it feels strange that this will be the last time I make this walk. I have done it so many times in the last four years but tonight will be the last. It’s sad in a way, but then again, I feel like I really accomplished something, graduating at the top of my class. Now I will walk out of here and on to the next part of my life. The only thing that would have made it better is if Tommy and Mason would have been here to see it. I know I need to steer clear of those thoughts, so I try to get back to now and think of our plans tonight. We make it to dad’s SUV and we all pile in for the short trip to the clubhouse. This is going to be a night to remember.

  Chapter 2

  Callie The parking lot to the clubhouse is fuller than it usually is on a Friday night. Big difference tonight is it is full of family vehicles along with the usual bikes. I know when we walk through those doors all my family will be there along with extended family from other chapters who have come to wish me well. It’s always this way in our life when something major happens and it warms me inside. This is the way my life has been for years. Then a thought runs through my head as to what Tommy would have thought about our lives now. How they might have been different if only… I tear myself away from that thought and try to bring myself back to tonight. I can’t dwell on what could have been so I don’t get all teary eyed before we go in. Then my mind wanders to the other man I miss terribly not being here. I know Mason wanted to be here, but couldn’t get leave. I just miss him so much, and tomorrow I will be eighteen and I just miss he is not going to be here. He’s been gone for over a year now so he thought he might get to make it, but all leaves were cancelled. He only has a little under a year left of this tour and I hope he is home for good then. He said next time he sees me he has something important to ask me so I’m hoping it’s a good sign. My mind should be on having a good time tonight but my heart is heavy for the two men I miss. One I have to visit in a cemetery and the other I only see once or twice a year. I miss them both so much but I know they would want me to have this night. I can’t keep my mind from wandering back to them both.

  “Callie did you hear me? Wake up over there!” Sarah is being her usual exuberant self. “That guy over there who is it? I’ve never seen him around before.” I look over but it is not a guy I know. We park and I open my door and my dad turns to me and gives me a look that chills me.

  “Take your friends inside Callie and keep them with you and you stay close to Ty, Trent, or me until you leave. When you decide to leave, two prospects will be following you. Do you understand Callie?” He’s giving me a stern look and his tone lets me know there’s no room for arguments. I know something is going on because he is never this way with me unless there is trouble.

  “Yes sir, I understand, but we are staying in at home. Are you sure we need prospects?” I keep digging but I know by the way he is looking at me that he is not telling me anything.

  “No questions girl, just do it and don’t give them any shit. They will keep the ir distance, but they will be there.” He seems on edge and the happy dad from graduation is gone. No in between. I know when not to press my luck.

  “Ok dad, whatever you say,” I lean over and grab his hand and give it a tug to let him know I will do as he asked. Now our plan for tonight just got harder. “Mr. Black, do you think you could let Woody be on guard tonight?” Sarah ask coyly and gives my dad a mischievous grin. “Oh, that would be good. He is one hot man.” Felix chimes in and we all grin. We all know Felix has been crushing on Woody. Felix is openly gay and proud of it, and we all love him, but Woody is a little put off by the infatuation and he is always turning red when it is mentioned. Woody is the shyest man I have ever met. My dad grins at Sarah and says, “You are always trying to stir up trouble Sarah. You know I would kill any of my guys for trying something with any one of you.” He lets her know directly. Dad knows Sarah’s intentions before she has a chance to put them into action.

  “Oh I know Mr. Black, but it is so much fun. You know, you could watch us. You are quiet attractive for an older man.” Sarah tries to be sexy but I could almost laugh. “Like I said Trouble. With a capital T. Now let’s get inside before they send someone out for us. Behave and have fun. Stick together and with the people I said. And Sarah, one day young lady you will meet your match and please, don’t let it be when my daughter is with you.” Dad is already reaching for the door.

  “Dad we will be just a minute. I just want to get a breath of air before we see everyone. Is that ok?” I want dad to go inside so I can revise our plan without anyone hearing us.

  “Ok, baby girl, just don’t be too long. People are waiting on you to eat.” He walks on in and gives us a minute. I nod and turn back to my friends. “He has you pegged girl. If he only knew all the trouble you’ve gotten his girl into. Or you’ve both gotten me into.” Felix jabs Sarah. She has definitely gotten us in some fixes but tonight it is all on me.

  “Or the trouble you’ve gotten us into Fe?” Sarah drawls out making fun of Felix. Sarah knows better. Felix is our good part. He is always getting us out of trouble most of the time and trying to talk us out of our wild ideas.

  “Ok, we have equally gotten each other into trouble.” I put in trying to get to what is important. “Remember what dad said, he is serious and I don’t want no trouble tonight, there are a lot of people here. Can you, please do this for me or he will send us home and have the prospects watch us too close?” They start moving and we walk in behind dad. Damn this place is full and as soon as I walk through the door I am pulled into a hug by Kolbie, Hambones ol’ lady. She took me in as a surrogate daughter and taught me the female side of things dad struggled with.

  “Look at you, all grown up and beautiful as you are. Next week you and Sarah come in and I will give you the works at the salon. Pretty as a picture. Felix, you come as well young man, and we’ll make you shine, too.” She hugs each of us and kisses our cheeks and then we are passed on to the next person who has walked up.

  “Damn Kolbie, let them get in the door good.” Hambone gives us his big hugs. “Sweets, go on up by the bar, everyone is waiting and there is food set up.” Hambone is dad’s road captain. He nudges me that way but out of the side of my eye I get a glimpse of the man from outside that caught Sarah’s eye. He’s over in the corner talking with an older version of himself and Uncle Trent, the VP of the Blackpath Rivals MC and my dad’s blood brother. My dad has made it to the bar and has turn back looking for us but I also notice Ty is to our side. This is beginning to make me really nervous. When we are at the club I have always considered myself safe. Why is dad keeping such clos
e tabs on us tonight? As we reach the bar my dad takes my hand and then reaches for Sarah’s and scoots Felix in close to us.

  “Alright everyone, quiet down! I have a few things to say so we can eat and celebrate. Everyone here knows Callie is my baby girl. She is Blackpath MC through and through and she holds my heart. Today she closed one door and tomorrow she opens another. I am very proud of her and all her accomplishments. She works hard for what she wants and she never quits. She always makes her old man proud.” He boasts loudly and I can see the pride in his eyes and tears come to my eyes knowing I have made him so proud of me. I never want to disappoint this man. I swallow them down and take a big breath because I know dad hates tears. I inch closer to him wanting to be near to the man who always has my back and I can always trust.

  “Now these other two here have come to mean a lot to Callie and they are like my own children and they make me just as proud.” My dad squeezes Sarah’s hand and gives Felix a fatherly look. “They may as well be mine, I feed them all the time and they are always in my bathroom at home just like Callie is.” Dad laughs and gives me a wink. “Anyway, for many years to come they are going to give us hell so tonight we celebrate their victory of graduation. Love you baby girl. Now say a few words so we can eat.” Dad has to hand it off to me because he thinks he is showing too many emotions but I understand. Badass code. Men, who understands them.I square my shoulders and look out at everyone and see the faces of most of my loved ones and I just feel lucky to have everyone in my life. “Ok, I am going to make this short so everyone can eat,” for that I get a round of applause and a lot of hell yeahs. “I want to thank everyone for coming to see me tonight at graduation and back here at the clubhouse. I love you all and I’m proud to call you all family.” then I smile and look at dad. “Blackpath MC to the death!” at that a yell is given out from everyone. This is the chant for all Blackpath MC and celebrations and I can tell from my dad’s big grin it made him a happy man and for that I am glad. I would do anything to take that worried look out of his eyes. “Now let’s eat this food the ladies have put out and party down.” I look back at dad so we can get it going.

  “You heard the little lady. Let’s eat.” My dad takes my hand and I in turn grab Felix’s and he grabs Sarah’s. We go towards the tables that has the food set out. We pass ZMan on the way and I stop and give him a quick hug. He is a mammoth of a man. Pure muscle, he’s like a tank. Comes in handy as dad’s Sergeant at Arms. He is just scary looking but has always been a teddy bear with me. His ol’ lady Chelsea pats my back. Love that woman, no one cooks like she does. Just as I think we are going to make it to the table Red moves in front of me and pulls me in for a quick hug and kisses me on top of my head and then he does the same for Sarah and shakes Felix’s hand. Red loves us all. He hasn’t been a patched member that long and he spent a lot of his prospect hours keeping us out of trouble and pulling us out of parties. We are lucky he will still talk to us. He was our partner in crime a few times. Hopefully dad never learns of that though. We finally make it to the table and get our food. I see the ladies have a graduation cake and a birthday cake. I love these ladies. We get our food and look for a place to sit. We sit over by Ty and in Dad’s eye sight. I know if he can see us it might ease his mind a little and he might relax a little. Just as we are finishing our meal I see the club girls making their way in around the single men so I know it will be time to go soon We make our way around the room speaking to everyone as we go but I still keep close to either Ty or Dad, but I see dad has relaxed some so I know I can relax some. I always get my cues from him. He’s the man I know I can always trust.

  Chapter 3

  Callie I feel eyes on me and I keep looking around but all I see are the normal people, friends and family, but I just have an uneasy feeling. Probably has more to do with the way dad and Ty have been acting and less to do with what’s really going on. Still the hair on the back of my neck is standing on end and I just have this gut feeling I am being watched. Dad always says to go with your gut so I keep looking. I glance at my watch and I see if we are going to keep our plans for tonight we better get moving. If we get caught, we are in deep with dad, but how was I supposed to know he was going to go all protective on me. Ok, he’s always all protective but not like this. Two prospects to sneak away from. Oh well, we have this down. It’s not like we haven’t done this many times before. Hopefully he won’t send Ty. If he does he won’t leave us alone. Anyone else and we can ditch. Here’s hoping dad wants to keep Ty away from Sarah this weekend.

  “Hey you two we need to make our rounds again and tell everyone bye. Remember, we tell dad we are going to sleep early so we can get up and get to the lake tomorrow, and before that a horror movie marathon. I went and got the movies today so he would see them in my bedroom. Are we clear?” I hope they don’t screw this up. I have a race at midnight at the strip and I can’t be late. My dad would freak if he knew I was racing my car. My dad would freak if he knew I was racing again period. If I win, then we hit the bar up but if not we go to some party. I hope I win. The extra money would be nice.

  “So the plan is still a go even with our babysitters?” Sarah ask and nudges Fe to get his attention. “You know if we get caught we are dead. Your dad will have a coronary. Especially if we get caught at the track.” Sarah says in a hushed tone.

  “I am running if we get caught because that big guy scares the hell out of me, even if he is your dad. Then he gives us that ‘I am so disappointed in you’ look. My parents can give me that look and I feel no guilt, but he does it and I am putty in his hand. I hate to disappoint him.” Fe says and I understand their feelings but I go along with their idiotic ideas and it is my turn. My dad banned me from racing when he found out about it last year thanks to Ty catching me there. Well that, and my wreck that totaled my car. I had to completely rebuild it. I have won a sizeable nest egg with my 1978 Trans Am. I mean dad is the one that taught me to race and then he forbids it. Go figure. One little accident and he freaks.

  “Keep it down,” I give them a shut the hell up look, “Look I have gone along with every one of your stupid ideas and this will help my savings out. Dad will be here the rest of the night, with out of town guests, and as long as he doesn’t send Ty with us, we have this down. My car is at Fe’s house up the road. His parents left for Dallas 2 hours ago and won’t be back until Monday so they won’t hear us get the car out. You don’t know the trouble I had sneaking my car to your house earlier today. All dad saw was my truck in the driveway. So is it a go or a no?” I look at them pleadingly. I see it in their eyes they are going for it, yes.

  “All I’m saying sista, is if we get caught you won’t see my ass until tomorrow, or next week.” Then Fe looks at my dad, “or next year.” Then I look at Sarah, “Ok, what can they do to me? I’m leaving Monday.” Sarah says and smirks at me and then gets up and grabs my hand “Let’s get this show on the road.” So we head off to get all our good-byes over with. I see dad, so that is the first place I head. Then I see there are two men with him so I lean over and whisper in Sarah’s ear, “Go tell Chelsea and Kelsey goodbye. I’m going over to dad but I don’t know those two guys, so I don’t know if you two should go over.” Sarah shakes her head and grabs Fe’s hand and they go over by the bar to where Chelsea is. I see Ty following behind them but giving me the eye and I tilt my head towards dad. He shakes his head back, but from where Ty is he cannot see Dad is in a conversation like I can. I am way curious about the younger man so I try to approach them quietly. I know I am walking a fine line with dad approaching when I don’t know who he is with but that’s just me. Maybe now I can find out why dad is being so protective and secretive today. The younger of the two guys is totally sexy. Well over six-foot-tall and he fills out the t-shirt he is wearing very well. He has a complete sleeve tattoo down his right arm, but nothing on his left. That’s kind of weird to me, but his eyes are what really stand out to me. They are a deep mesmerizing green. Never have I seen eyes that green. They are breath
taking. He’s older, maybe thirty. But if I didn’t have Mason I might consider giving him an extra look. What am I saying? I definitely would. He would probably just consider me a kid though and he is definitely a man.


  As I approach my dad I see the younger of the two men checking me out. The closer I get I can see the guy is more handsome than I thought. He is wearing jeans slung down low on his hips that look like he has worn them a hundred times. They look like they would be soft to the touch and he has that snug black t-shirt on a very muscular, defined chest. His right arm has those tattoos down it, but I can see now he has some on his neck also. I can be very attracted to this man. He is very handsome but something about his eyes seem cold and I feel a shiver run up my back. I almost stop and turn back around but about that time my dad turns to see what the man is looking at so I keep going and grab hold of my dad’s hand for reassurance.

  “Dad, we are heading out. I just wanted to say bye and see who is going with us.” My dad gives me an annoyed quizzical look but pulls me to him for a hug. I know this is to show the men I am his daughter and that means hands off. That’s just my dad, keeping people in check.

  “Ok baby girl, it’s good that your leaving early, it is getting a little rowdy.” He kisses the top of my head and gives me an extra tight squeeze, letting me know it is time to go now. I’m ready to get gone, the tension around this little group is serious.

  “So your Chief’s daughter?” the older of the two guys ask me. He looks very familiar but I can’t remember his name. I look to dad to see what he wants me to do. I see a look of pain on his face and it sends a shiver up my back. I look the man in the eye “You’ll have to ask Chief about that sir.” I try not to show my nervousness and also be respectful.


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