Beginning of the Reckoning (Feral Steel MC Book 3)

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Beginning of the Reckoning (Feral Steel MC Book 3) Page 32

by Vera Quinn

“Ok, that is the harsh part. I know that asshole you thought you loved cheated on you. I am not him. I am not offering love, but respect and loyalty. You know how a club works and I need that. Steel is going to be retiring from being President in a year or so and I will be taking over and I need a good woman who will stand beside me. I saw for myself that you can do that. We can be good together.” I give her that part while pacing, then I sit beside her and I take her hand, and before she can back away, my lips are on hers. I start out slow, kissing her lips, then I take it deeper and slide my tongue over her lips until she opens for me. I entangle my tongue with hers. Tasting her and exploring slowly. When we pull apart. I look in her eyes and I see she wants more, but this is not the time.

  “Callie, I know you are the one that killed Chaz. You, not Chief. His club covered it up and I will do what I have to with that information to get you.” She tries to pull back from me and looks horrified and pissed. Then I do the only thing I can, I kiss her again. Taking my time. I can feel myself getting hard from her taste and feeling her so close to me. It feels like it has been too long since I have had a woman. Damn she feels good. I have to remember why I am here and keep my mind on the job at hand. Callie pulls away from and she is trying to slow her breathing. “Are you trying to blackmail me, you asshole?” she is fuming. Her eyes are a brighter blue when she is mad. She is beautiful.

  “I’m telling you I will do what I have to. I will get what I want. I would rather do this easy. We marry and have a good life. Respect and loyalty will endure a long time. Love is a fleeting emotion, as you have recently learned. Then Chief and the BlackPath MC stay clean. They have worked hard at getting their club cleaned up and to start to build a good reputation in the community. It would be a shame to take all that away. Just think about it. You will have a good life with me. I will treat you like the princess you are.” I try to think of anything I can grasp at to get my way. I can’t read her. Usually I can read a person pretty good but not Callie. Before I can ask her what she is thinking there is a knock at the door and then the door opens and Chief barges in and I know our conversation is over.

  “Devil, when I said you could talk to Callie, I did not mean in her room. Who told you to come up here?” Chief ask. Of course I knew Chief didn’t mean for me to be in Callie’s room, but apparently Ty didn’t think anything about it. He told where to find her.

  “Ty told me to come up and told me where her room was. I thought you told him to let me up here. We were just talking. Getting to know each other better.” I lie to Chief. Well, partially lie. Ty did tell me to come up.

  “He’s right dad. Ky and I were just getting to know each other.” Callie grins at me. She knows what she is doing, but I guess I’ll give it to her. At least she’s covering for me, even if I don’t know what she is thinking.

  “Ok then. Come on Ky, Cross is here and ready. Callie, he wants to speak to you first. In my office. Let’s go.” The smartass thinks he’s funny. I give Callie one last look before I start out the door.

  “Well come on, Cam. Since we’re on first name basis.” I give it right back to Chief, but I see the death glare he fixes me with. Man can’t take a joke.

  Callie We walk down the stairs to the bar area, and I see everyone is waiting on us. Steel is sitting at a table in the corner and Devil goes to join him. Ty is talking to Trent and then I notice it. My brother finally got his cut. He’s a full member. I am so proud of him. He has been working a little over a year to get this and I know dad is proud of him. I go straight to him and give him a big hug and he takes me in his arms and gives it right back. Then I kiss his cheek “I am so proud of you. I go to sleep for a few hours and you become a member.” Things are happening so fast this weekend.

  “Yeah, dad called a surprise meeting a few hours ago and Woody and I bot h got our cuts. No more grunt work.” Ty is beside himself and I can’t blame him. This is what he’s wanted since I can remember. To ride beside dad. To not only be his son, but his brother in the club. I am proud of him for seeing being a prospect through and holding onto that dream. I see Woody at the other end of the bar and go down and give him a hug and congratulate him. Woody hugs me back and kisses the top of my head. I hear a growl behind me. I know it is coming from Devil, but I ignore it and go back over to my dad.

  “Cross is in my office waiting on you. Do you want me to go in there with you?” I know my dad wants to go with me but I have to do this alone. “No dad. I need to talk to him alone. Are we meeting in your office after this? It’ll only be Cross, You, Devil, Steel, Trent, Ty and me. Is that ok? Then we will do whatever you need, but I want to hammer this out alone first.” I know no one has any idea what I’m doing but that’s the point. I want all the details done before everyone else knows.

  “Ok. However you want it. Steel do you agree?” That’s the first time my dad has talked anywhere near nice to them.

  “That’s fine with me. What about you, son? You have any objections?” Steel ask Devil. “No, no objections.” Devil agrees I turn and walk towards dad’s office but Ty stops me and pulls me in for a hug and whispers in my ear, “Don’t do anything you are not comfortable with. We will fight until the last man for you. You remember that going in there. You will always be my baby sister and no one will take you from us against your will.” I feel tears behind my eyes, but I know I have to be strong. That is the sweetest thing Ty has said to me in a long time and just knowing Ty has my back comforts me. “Thank you, bubba. I love you too.” I only have called Ty and Tommy bubba. It is a word I cherish. Both have been the most amazing brothers to me. Then I pull out of his arms and walk the rest of the way into dad’s office to have one of the most important talks of my life. My life as an adult starts now. I shut the door on the people waiting on answers from me and make the hardest decision of my life.


  I opened the door and stepped back out by the bar and summoned the people who have been waiting on my answer into the room. They enter one by one. Mr. Cross has moved over to a chair by the window. He is only there to answer any legal questions, and to take the papers we are about to sign. Dad takes his seat behind his desk. Steel, Uncle Trent, and Ty sit on the long sofa, and I have Devil sit beside me in the two other chairs in front of dad. I try to relax but I am full of tension. I don’t know how these people are going to react so I know I just have to spit it out.

  “Thank you all for being here. I know this is all under strained circum stances, but I am just going to put this out there. I will agree to marry Devil under a few conditions.” I look between dad and Devil and they have opposite expressions. Dad looks like I just broke his heart and Devil looks like he just has gotten his way. He is soon to find out, only at a price. “Dad, I am doing this of my own free will. No one is coercing me. I do not feel pressured. I want the information and I want revenge for Tommy. This is my choice, and I hope I am not disappointing you.” I look at my dad’s eyes and they are full of anguish and regret, but they also have love for me and understanding. That I can accept. Please hear me all the way out before anyone interrupts.” I see Ty and Uncle Trent chomping at the bit wanting to say something. “These conditions are exact and I have had Mr. Cross draw up a pre-nuptial agreement laying them out, so they are legal and binding.” Steel and Devil both look like they just got their favorite toy taken away from them. They thought they were going to get everything they wanted, but it’s not happening. “The conditions are, first if you in any way misrepresent anything to me our marriage will be annulled or I will go to court and air your dirty laundry to get away from you. Annulled not divorce, on the grounds of fraud and misrepresentation. Second, I keep everything I go into our marriage with. All my funds and personal property. They remain mine solely. Third, we are married here within a week. Texas is a community property state. Fourth, if you put my life in jeopardy or I am harmed, my dad and Ty get everything of mine, plus your third of Steel Enterprises, Inc., whatever that might be worth. I understand it is sizeable. Last but certainly not least,
you will support me, provide for me and not be unreasonable with me while we are married. I know some are not as important as others, but I have my reasons. Ok gentlemen, you have the floor.” I know my demands are outrageous but I will see how much Devil is willing to bend.

  “That is outrageous! You know the life we lead. Your life can be put in jeopardy any day.” Steel stands up with his hand on his hips looking completely pissed. “Do you really expect me to agree to all of those demands?” Devil asks with contempt in his voice.

  “Baby girl I am proud of you. You know how to cut a man off at his knees.” Uncle Trent says while trying to keep from laughing. “This is a negotiation and I have given you my demands. Give me your counter offer, but Devil, this will be finished within the hour, or I walk out that door and I don’t look back. Mr. Cross will draw up any amendments and get them back this evening. You are paying him very nicely for working on a Sunday. He will file everything and keep copies, dad will get copies, as will you, and I. So it’s your floor and make it good.” I knew what their reaction would be, that’s the reason I didn’t let them know what I am most concerned with. They will find out soon enough.

  “Baby girl, I think you have found your niche as a negotiator. I am proud of you.” Dad puts in. I learned this from him so he should feel proud. “Ok, to save us some time what is it exactly you want. I won’t give you part of the family business. It is not that you are going to be harmed on my watch, but I won’t do that to my dad and brother. You are going to be my wife. Tell me. Be reasonable.” Devil is not used to having to bargain to get his women and it shows. He isn’t happy with this little meeting, but I am not going to be falling at his feet.

  “Fair enough. I keep the annulment option, keeping my property, you support me, and we get married within a week. I’ll drop the company deal, but if you cheat on me during our marriage, you will pay me fifty thousand dollars and give me a noncontested divorce. Regardless. My last offer.” I know Devil is going to take it. He is too anxious. From what Mr. Cross found out about his finances, fifty thousand is a third of his worth, besides the family company.

  “And if you cheat on me?” he asks and then looks at the clock.

  “Do you want to continue to negotiate?” I know he is ru nning out of time so I don’t think he will take the chance. Devil looks into my eyes as if he’s trying to read my mind but I try to keep my face expressionless.

  “Deal.” He looks at Chief for his acceptance. “Callie are you sure? If you marry him, you are h is according to our by-laws. Do you understand that?” Dad is trying to give me one last chance to change my mind. But my mind is made up. It has been since I went to Tommy’s grave yesterday. No one could talk me out of this. I just hope I can live with it, but I’m not finished yet.

  “Mr. Cross, I believe you have the papers for us to sign.” I wait for our lawyer to get the papers from his briefcase.

  “How does he already have the papers set up? You didn’t get everything you were asking for,” Steel asks me. “M r. Steel, a wise man always told me to never ask for what I really want the first time. Patience and the right bait is all you need. Just like fishing.” I look at him and he breaks out in a huge smile, but Ty is cracking up behind him because dad taught us that and it usually always works.

  “Steel, I am telling you and Devil both, if anything happens to my daughter, if she even calls me crying, I will hold you all responsible.” Dad has to put that in to put fear in Devil, but by his face I don’t think he is fearing much. “And if your information doesn’t pan out she will be coming home.”

  “Chief when my son puts a ring on her finger she will be part of my family and she will be taken care of just like Kimberly. I give you my word.” Steel lets dad know. “I will protect my woman with my life. No one will harm her without killing me first. I give you my word on that, and our information is solid.” Devil tells my dad and then sticks his hand out to shake. They shake hands and I know war has been averted one more day.

  “Here let’s sign the papers to make this a done deal. Maybe we should sign in blood.” I joke but no one looks like it is a joke. I am just trying to lighten the mood. “Why so fast? I am not complaining, because I want this done yesterday, but most women would want at least a couple of weeks to plan their wedding, some longer.” Devil looks at me for my reaction, I see everyone in the room is curiously looking at me.

  “Do you want a sugar coated answer that won’t sound too harsh, or do you want the hard cold facts?” I ask him. I know dad is watching for me to change my mind or even to hesitate in my resolve.

  “Always the truth. Hard cold facts between us. We don’t need to filter.” Devil waits for me to tell him, but I’m not sure if he will like it, yet really I don’t care. I know what I have to do and I will do it. I don’t care what anyone thinks about it.

  “Like you said, we are going into this with our eyes wide open. This isn’t love. It’s an arranged marriage. I have never been the girl who dreamed of the white dress and walking down the aisle. I haven’t dreamed of a huge wedding. I want a good life. That’s the important part. Our wedding will be whoever you bring with you and I will have dad, Ty, Uncle Trent, and Aunt Laurie. Oh and Fe and Hanna. We can go to the JP or have him come to our house if that is ok with dad.” I take a breath and give the rest of it, “I am agreeing to give you me, not my heart. Mason shattered my heart, even though he still owns it, and may always own it. I can’t change that, nor will I lie about it. But after I marry you, I will be faithful. So you better put a ring on it, because if I know Mason the way I think, he will be getting leave as soon as possible, and he will be here to confront me.” I know the last part is true and I don’t look forward to it.

  “Callie if your still in love with Mason, why marry Devil?” dad asks me and he has moved in front of me and has taken my hand in his. “Because dad, I can’t trust Mason. I put all my trust in him before. He made me want things I know don’t exist, but he made me want them anyway. Then he took them all away for something he says that meant nothing and he wants me to accept that. I can’t. I know that about myself. I can’t turn the feelings off overnight, but I will make a new life for myself where there is no place for him. That’s what is right for me. Devil isn’t proposing love. He is promising truth, loyalty, and commitment. Those things I can deal with, and we can finally put Tommy to rest. Completely. Please, support me in this. Dad, I need your support.” I give everyone the whole truth so no one can say I lied about anything. I am being completely up front.

  “Ok baby girl, I can do that. I can give you that.” Dad pulls me in for one of his big hugs that gives me so much comfort. “It soun ds good to me, too. As long as you will be true to your word, then we can do this.” Devil puts in. “Are there any other boyfriends out there, I need to know about?”

  “No, Devil. Mason is the only man or boy I ever dated. Just so you can’t say I didn’t warn you, I’m a virgin.” I know I’m blushing. I hate that but considering my family is in the room I guess it is unavoidable. Everything got quiet all of a sudden. All eyes are on me. I can feel dad’s tension rising. He has gone completely stiff. Uncle Trent has turned white and I think Ty is speechless. Mr. Cross is trying to busy himself with paperwork, undoubtedly shocked by my declaration. I won’t even look at Devil or Mr. Steel for their reaction.

  “Well at least I know to shake Mason’s hand next time I see him, before I kick his ass for breaking my sister’s heart.” Ty puts in. At least Ty broke the ice and dad is breathing again and Uncle Trent is getting some color back in his face. Poor Mr. Cross still don’t know what to do.

  “My mom will be here and maybe Keifer, my brother and his ol’ lady. My sister Kimberly probably not.” Devil lets me know. “Callie we will have a small club gathering for your wedding. I will give you away. You are not going to argue with me. You are my only daughter and I will give that to you. Nothing big and fancy. Laurie and Kelsey can take care of it. You two can just show up.” Dad informs me and I know I need to give that
to him for his own peace of mind. I turn to Devil and I see him just staring at me. I don’t know what he is thinking. His face is a total blank. “Is this ok with you? Do you have any objections?”

  “No, no objections at all. Whatever you want.” Devil seems a million miles away. “I have one question for you.”

  Chapter 28

  Devil “No, no objections at all. Whatever you want.” That’s all I know to say. She said she is a virgin. I thought she was innocent, but a virgin? I have never in my thirtytwo years been with a virgin. She said her heart belongs to that Mason, but I will make her forget him.

  “I only have one ques tion, if Mason was here would your answer be any different?” I have to ask. I need to know what I have to overcome with her. She had to have strong feelings for him, they had been together too long, but could this just be the pain talking? She’s so young, does she even know what true love is? That’s why what I offer is so much better.

  “Devil, I have made my decision. I keep my word and vows mean everything to me. I would like to believe if Mason showed up before we are married I could turn my back on him, because he not only hurt me but he betrayed the trust I put in him. Honestly I can’t be certain. I’m not in the situation facing him and there are hundreds of miles separating us right now. He has always been my weakness. I know this, I have always known this, and because of that I know how to protect myself from it and this will. Now you can understand, you will not only be getting what you want, but I will be getting what I need.” She never takes her eyes off my face as she is telling me this. You can tell by looking in her eyes that this Mason guy completely shattered her. I should be feeling guilty for taking advantage of this situation, but I don’t. I just know I am glad it wasn’t me who put that look on her face and I will do what I can to heal her. I also know I will keep this Mason away from Callie.

  “We need to get to know each other better. I need you to spend tonight with me. We can have some dinner and talk. You can stay at my motel with me. Less interruptions.” I know a lot about Callie but I would like to hear it from her and see how good our intel was. She needs to be comfortable with me and she needs to learn she can trust me. I can see Chief is not comfortable with this, but he really has little to say about it. My claim has been made.


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