Beginning of the Reckoning (Feral Steel MC Book 3)

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Beginning of the Reckoning (Feral Steel MC Book 3) Page 35

by Vera Quinn

  “Your boyfriend never kissed you like that before? Pity. He missed out on a lot. You’re very good at kissing like that.” I don’t know how to take that. I feel like he is putting Mason down. I don’t like it. The part of me that still loves Mason takes offense, very much so.

  “Mason respected me and he was determined we would wait until I was eighteen so we didn’t tempt each other needlessly. My dad would have killed him.” I feel better after I get out what was holding inside.

  “And we see how that worked out. He made a fool out of you and used some other woman. Not that I don’t feel for the guy waiting that long, but it only hurt everyone concerned.” Devil is really beginning to piss me off so I sit up and try to put distance between us.

  “Are you intentionally being an ass, or do you do it without knowing? I mean really. I have feelings here and you are going to see me turn into a raving idiot if you keep spewing that crap. Just shut the hell up! You know nothing about what you’re talking about so shut it!” I am beyond livid by now, and the more I talk the madder I get. I am seriously considering throwing him out of my room. I jump straight out of the bed and head for the door. Devil catches my arm and pulls me back towards him and before I know it my instincts kick in and I swipe his legs out from under him when he comes off the bed throwing him off balance. I land on top of him with my hands around his throat. “Don’t ever try to manhandle me. I don’t take kindly to it. If you want me to stop, ask, do not just grab me.” I carefully get up off him and he comes off the floor laughing at me.

  “Damn woman, you just kee p surprising me. First time that has happened but I won’t forget what you said. Didn’t mean nothing about what I said, just stating facts. You are full of sass and fire. I like it.” He is shaking his head and grinning. He says he likes it but I bet he doesn’t forget it.

  Chapter 33

  Devil Damn Callie just took me by surprise and knocked me on my ass and went in for the attack like she did it every day. I know not to turn my back on her. She keeps surprising me with her abilities. She is so beautiful. How this Mason guy kept his hands off her for so long, I do not know.

  “Are we ok? I really meant nothing by it and I will watch it from now on. Sore subject. I get it.” I knew when I said it, I would get a reaction, but I didn’t expect how she went off. I liked it. This is going to be a long night. She still hasn’t answered me.

  “Ok, different subject. Have you thought about how you’re going to go to school from Oklahoma since you want to go to UT?” I give her somewhere else to put her thoughts for a while.

  “I don’t know, everything has happened so fast. I mean forty -eight hours ago I had a completely different future. I guess I can either take a semester off or do online courses. Is there a campus anywhere near where we’ll be? I think a semester off may be the way to go. I have a few weeks before I need to decide. I will call Monday to see what I can find out.” Her mind has shifted and she isn’t all worked up now.

  “I will pay for whatever you need. Money isn’t an issue. If I don’t have it, I will make it. Just let me know.” She’s getting that look in her eyes again. She’s going to go off again and I have to say I am really enjoying this.

  “When I said you would be paying my way, I meant my living expenses. I have a college fund I have been saving since I was old enough to know what a college fund was. I will pay for my education. I told my dad and Mason the same thing. I am responsible for my own future and I will pay for it. I saved all my summer job money, birthdays, Christmas’, graduation, and all my racing purses. I will pay my own way through college. I may have to work, but I will do it. No arguing the point. I may lose my scholarships if they don’t transfer, but I will do it.” She has a determined look on her face and I know this is something she is set on. Most women I know would take my money and ask for more but not Callie. She is the stubbornest woman I think I have ever met, but for some reason I feel pride in her. She has overcome a lot and knows what she wants and wants to pay for it herself.

  “Did dad tell you why he is taking extra precautions with me?” She’s digging for information but in this case Chief has told me nothing. Maybe he is discussing it with dad.

  “Chief hasn’t shared anything with me, but I came straight up here. Did something happen?” Now she has me curious. “You know what, they will take care of that for tonight. Why don’t we get ready for bed? We can talk lying down. I have not slept right the last few nights and your bed feels mighty comfortable.” I pull her over to me and kiss the side of her head and then I pat her on the ass to hurry her along. She starts pulling things out of her dresser, and goes into the bathroom without a word. I could tell she’s still in her head. I turn the lamp on next to the bed and go over and turn the overhead light off. I strip off all my clothes and pull the blankets back on the bed and climb in. I was right, this bed is comfortable. Much more comfortable than the motel. Just as I am getting settled, the bathroom door opens. Out walks Callie, and I am struck again by her beauty. She has on a pair of panties and a tshirt. Damn she is every man’s wet dream. Her breasts are perky and more than a handful. Her legs are tanned by the sun, not that fake tan, a sun kissed brown. She has her hair down and brushed out, falling around her face and down her back. I can smell her sweet essence from where she is. I pull the covers back so she can climb in beside me and I can feel myself getting hard. No man could look at her and not. This is going to be one long night. She climbs in beside me and the first thing I notice is her feet are like ice. It is summer time and Texas but her feet are like a pieces of ice. She quickly puts them on the calves of my legs and she is nestling down next to me. Somehow this seems right. I feel more myself than I have in a long time. She is so small. I bet she doesn’t weigh much over a hundred pounds and she is shorter than most of the women I have been with. It’s then that I realize I am truly attracted to this woman. Not just physically, but I like her. Actually, I think I admire her for her tenacity. I was not expecting this.

  “Your feet are freezing. Did you put them under cold water?” I can’t believe this woman trusts me. “Sorry about my cold feet. It’s just part of me. Get used to it.” She says matter of factly, and laughs a real laugh. Callie is real and she puts no fakeness out there. Most women would try to impress me, but not her. I find myself wondering what she will come up with next. I reach up and turn the light out and the room is cloaked in darkness.

  “Are you going to break me beyond repair now? I don’t think I can take much more. If you are going to do it, do you think you can do it away from my dad? I can’t let my dad watch me be destroyed. I can take it but not in front of him. Can you give me that?” I can’t believe what just came out of her mouth. She would give herself up just so her dad didn’t have to see. Where did this woman come from?

  “Baby, I’m not going to destroy you. I’ll take care of you, I promise. Let me take care of you. Please?” I have a need to keep Callie safe and I want her. I want to make her mine. I will make her mine. I pull her close to me and I know she feels my naked body next to her and she feels how hard I am for her, but I do something I have never done before. I pull her in close, kiss the top of her head and I hold her in my arms and fall asleep. The most peaceful sleep I have had in months.

  Chapter 34

  Callie I wake up feeling hot but surrounded with arms around me. I am pulled to Devil’s chest and I feel unusually rested. I look at the clock on my nightstand and it is already after ten in the morning. Wow. I never sleep this late unless I have been out late the night before. I move my knee up a little trying not to wake Devil up. I never woke up once last night and that is unusual. I try to roll over Devil to get out of bed but he pulls me to him and won’t let go. I know he is awake but he hasn’t said anything.

  “If you don’t want me to pee on you, I would suggest you let me up. I don’t usually sleep all night and my bladder is full.” I try to roll over him again but he stops me half way and kisses my cheek. I finish rolling off him and my feet hit the cold floor a
nd I rush in the bathroom and shut the door. I take care of my business, run a brush through my hair and brush my teeth. Then I open the door and Devil is not up yet, so I jump over him and try to get back under the covers. Its summer and warm, but a few more minutes in bed won’t hurt. When I’m comfortable again Devil pulls me over close to him and starts kissing my neck, which feels amazing.

  “Do you trust me?” Devil asks me. I think he’s playing but I give an honest response.

  “I trust no one that has to ask do you trust me. Sorry, built in reflex.” I know I’m not sorry but it’s what I’ve always been taught. “Usually that’s a good practice. But I’m talking about do you trust me to stop? I want to kiss you like I want to, but I will stop. I won’t get carried away. I respect your choices. Now again, do you trust me?” Devil seems to be sincere and I trust that.

  “In that instance then, I trust you. I don’t trust easily, but for this I do.” I give him this one. I do trust he’ll stop and if not, I know my family is right outside my door. I have to let him in somewhat. If this is going to work, I can’t keep him away from me.

  “Just give me a minute. Stay put.’ He gets out of bed and I see his naked, very nice, ass. Mmm, very nice. When he turns around, I see his very sizeable cock. My mouth falls open and I do the stupidest thing. I cover my eyes. Then I realize what I did and I feel embarrassed. I feel my face turning red.

  “Darling, are you ok? Never seen a naked man before?” I have seen naked men before, but they were family and by accident, or I walked in on them at the club and it was momentary. This man has a huge cock and he thinks that thing will fit inside me. Ok. I can do this. Breathe Callie. Quit embarrassing yourself.

  “I’m fine. Just a little shocked. You think that thing is going to fit in me? I mean I’m sure it will, but are you sure? I don’t want to be the first one to die from being split open.” Devil looks at me and bursts out laughing. Not a little chuckle, a loud belly laugh.

  “I’m glad you find this amusing. Maybe if I find a dildo and come towards you with it you won’t laugh so hard. A big one. A very big one.” I am beyond embarrassed. It was just a shock. He moves on into the bathroom, but I still hear him laughing at me. Now I am beginning to get pissed. How was I supposed to know he had the jolly green giant’s dick? I hear Devil brushing his teeth and I have half a mind to leave him in here alone, but just as I get the nerve to move he is back in the room and getting back into bed with that monster.

  “Baby trust me, no dildo is coming close to me unless I’m using it on you. I’m sorry for laughing so hard. I forgot how inexperienced you are. But really, a female shocked at my size and then talking about a dildo in the same breath, you have to see the humor in that. Your face was priceless. I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time.” Well glad I could bring in the comic relief at my expense. Devil goes to get back in the bed when there is a tap on the door. “Just a second” Devil yells out and reaches for his jeans and puts them on but doesn’t zip them and he opens the door to Woody standing there. Woody’s eyes go straight to me and he looks for any sign of me being scared. He finds none. “Chief wants you two down stairs for breakfast.” Then his eyes go to Devil’s. “Steel, Stone and Mrs. Steel are there, too. Waiting.” With that Woody turns and leaves.

  “I thought your brother Keifer was coming. Who’s Stone?” I ask from the bed. Getting up to find some shorts to put on. I find my old cut offs and put them on waiting on an answer.

  “Stone is Keifer’s road name. You two should get along fine. Mom is going to love you. When you meet Kimberly, you will like her, too. We just have to get her away from that asshole she is with.” Devil has been dressing while we talk. Low slung jeans that are tight, and a snug fitting black t-shirt. Leather belt and heavy biker boots. Looks just like my brother Ty dressing, but I like this view better. Maybe more than I should. At least my earlier embarrassment is forgotten for now.

  “Is that what you’re wearing downstairs?” Devil is pointing to my shirt and shorts. “I mean if we were at our home, it would be fine, but there are men down there I don’t want seeing what is mine.” Oh hell no, this is not happening. “Devil, this is how I dress. Period. You do not get to tell me how to dress. I will put a bra on but the shorts stay.” I won’t be intimidated about my dress. This is my home and family. I won’t let him dictate to me. Yes, I’m being picky, but I have to pick my battles now for the wars I want to win.

  “You are mine, and if I want you to change, you will, but the bra will work for now. See, I can compromise.” He looks at me like he won, but I know I am really the winner. I reach in my drawer for a bra and go into the bathroom to put it on. When I come out he is leaning against the door checking his phone. He looks up when I come out and puts his hand out for me to take and we leave the room together. He shuts the door behind us. “I never see you on your phone. Don’t teenage girls stay glued to their phones? What’s up?” I thought I had avoided this but I guess not.

  “Mason keeps calling and I don’t want to talk to him. Plus a lot has happened the last few days, who has time? I have just been keeping it off. I check it a couple times a day.” I give him the basics. He doesn’t need to know Mason has called me over fifty times and Cru London and Jeb have been keeping my voice mail full. I’ve been erasing them all and not listening to them. I can’t listen to Mason and I’m not interested in what Cru and Jeb have to say.

  “I will have a talk with them next time they call. He needs to forget he knows you. You are mine and he will learn to respect that.” I will be keeping my phone away from Devil. The thought of Devil confronting Mason or his friends on the phone does not feel right. I know Hanna would tell me to let Devil go on Mason because he deserves it, but I don’t work that way. A confrontation between the man I love, I mean the man I used to love, and the man I am going to marry does not sound good to me.

  Just as we make it to the bottom step a red headed woman with a big smile on her face descends on us. She takes Devil and hugs him and then she pulls me in for a hug before I know how to react. “Hey ma, I missed you, too. It hasn’t been that long. Just a few days.” Devil keeps trying to get out.

  “Kylar Damien Steel, introduce your ma to your girl before I get a hold of you. Where are your manners? I brought you up better than that.” She is loud and she gives great hugs. I think I will like this woman. She is outgoing and she just gives off the mom vibe and I’ve never had that.

  “Yes, Kylar could you please introduce me to your Ma? I think I like this woman.” I laugh and hug the woman again. “Oh sh it. You two are not ganging up on me. I knew you would love her ma but I didn’t know she would warm up to you so fast.” Devil laughs and tries to get his breath back. “Ma this is Callie and she is going to be my wife. In fact, next Saturday we will be tying the knot. Can you handle that?” Then he turns to me. “Callie this is my ma, Katherine Steel, Kat to her friends.”

  “Don’t you be silly Kylar. Honey you can call me ma, just like my boys do.” I am taken aback by this gesture, but somehow it seems right. It feels right. “Ok, ma. I like that and it feels right. Call me Callie or my family calls me baby girl. Completely up to you.” I really feel comfortable with this woman and that hardly ever happens to me.

  “That sounds great baby girl. We are going to get along great.” Ma is gushing over with enthusiasm. “That’s funny. The only thing you have ever called my wife, besides Kizzy, is bitch or slut. Playing favorites are you, ma?” a man who looks similar to Kylar says aa he walks up to me like he is going to hug me. I put my hand out in front of me to shake his instead.

  “No hug for your brother-inlaw to be? I’m Keifer, the better looking older brother.” This man rubs me the wrong way but I know I need to play nice. “I don’t hug strange men. Especially since I a m engaged now. Appearances are everything in this life. Right?” I give him what I have been taught for so long, besides I don’t want him hugging me. I don’t like the way he looks at me.

  “Well you are direct aren’t you? I like that
. Be scared little girl, be very scared.” Well that just pisses me off. “Because I don’t want your hands on me doesn’t make me scared it makes me selective of who I let touch me and let in my space.” I let him know he does not intimidate me.

  “Well it seems like you got one full of sass this time Devil. I can’t wait until you break her of that.” I start to say something but Devil beats me to it. “Stone this is my woman, speak to her respectively or do not speak to her, are we clear?” Devil looks at his brother and I see now this conversation has very little to do with me, but more to do with the hostility between the brothers. I need to find out what that is about.

  “Ok boys, take it outside or put it aside. I am meeting my future daughter -in-law and I want to get to know her.” She takes my hand and we go over to the table where Steel, dad, Driller, and Ty sit waiting for us for breakfast to begin.

  Chapter 35

  Devil Mom is getting to know Callie over in the other corner of their front room. Mom loves Callie just the way I knew she would. They talk like they have known each other their whole lives. Mom is telling Callie everything about home and about the house we are going to be living in. It was mom and dad’s first home. It’s on the same property as our compound, where dad and mom live now. Keifer and his wife live in town. Keifer wanted the house we’re moving into, but mom wouldn’t have it. Mom doesn’t like Kizzy, Keifer’s wife. They have never liked each other. They barely speak. In fact, it is better when they don’t speak. Mom has furnished the whole house and put all the housewares we’ll need in it. All I have to do is get her to buy our food next week and then Callie can finish it when she gets there. Chief was called in to a meeting not long ago and so dad, Keifer and I are just waiting.

  “Are letting her know everything?” Keifer asks but dad gives him a hard look and he knows to shut up. I motion for dad to know we need to take this outside. “Kat, we are going outside. Be back in a few.” Dad let’s mom know and the three of us make it outside and we walk over to mom’s SUV and get inside to have a talk. “Keifer, you need to keep shit to yourself. No, I have not told her everything and I am not. I will keep her safe and she is going to be my wife. That’s all she needs to know. Everything else is club business. She understands what club business means. She’s not like Kizzy. She was brought up in our life.” I want Keifer to keep his mouth shut.


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