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by Peter Parker

  Some of the gentlemen    Musical Times, 1 Dec 1930, p. 1094

  an imaginary figure    To Pollet, 5 Feb 1933, Letters II, p. 329

  an imaginary character    Undated draft of letter to Pollet, ibid., p. 326

  wanting in the note    CH, p. 61

  The Funereal Muse    Ibid., pp. 88, 90

  moves our compassion    Ibid., p. 74

  Mr Housman writes     Ibid., p. 76

  He saved others Matthew 17:42; Mark 15:31

  Shakespeare’s songs    To M. Pollet, 5 Feb 1933, Letters II, p. 329

  I suppose that    To Witter Bynner, 3 June 1903, Letters I, p. 147

  merely a necessary    Marlow, Preface

  a nursing home    See Letters I, p. 554; Letters II, p. 504

  The other day    To Witter Bynner, 28 Feb 1910, Letters I, p. 248

  Echoes of Gray    See Burnett, Poems, pp. 327, 348

  How jocund    Thomas Gray, ‘Elegy written in a Country Churchyard’, line 27

  The sigh that heaves    LP XXVII

  On acres    LP XL

  Now to her lap    MP VIII

  His favourite    Bromsgrove, p. 30

  For Hardy    To Pollet, 5 Feb 1933, Letters II, p. 330

  Hardy has surely    Quoted in HSJ 8 (1982), p. 32

  To tell the truth    Quoted ibid., p. 33

  Echoes of this    Cf Arnold’s poem ‘The Buried Life’, lines 9–11

  Homespun collars    MP XXIX

  Deutsche Treue    See Marlow, p. 96

  lyrical achievement    TN&NP in ASLOP, p. 250

  In an extraordinary    Norman Gale, Academy, 11 July 1896, in CH, p. 69

  To my knowledge    Lynn Gardner, ‘Stuff & Nonsense’ blog, 3 April 2012: www.lynngardner.name/2012_04_01_archive.html

  My dad    Comment from JaneGS, ibid.

  You may read it    William Archer, Fortnightly Review, 1 Aug 1898, in CH, p. 76

  the removal    KES to GR, 7 March 1939, quoted R.P. Graves, p. 102

  it could not    GRH, p. 313

  As Sarpedon says    CP&SP, pp. 262–3

  contemplated suicide    St James’s Gazette, 10 August 1896, p. 12

  a service weapon    Ibid.

  lying on the floor    Evening News, 10 August 1895, p. 3

  had carefully destroyed    J.M. Nosworthy, ‘A.E. Housman and the Woolwich Cadet’, Notes and Queries, New Series 17, September 1970, p. 351

  I wish it to be    Reproduced in St James’s Gazette, 10 August 1896, p. 12

  whoso shall offend    Matthew 18:6

  Wherefore if thy    Matthew 18:8

  Lock your heart    Haber, Making, p. 249

  there may yet    A.E.H., pp. 104–5

  The queen of air    To Geoffrey Wethered, 13 Sept 1933, Letters II, p. 377

  believed the poem    Marlow, p. 101

  Ho, everyone that    MP XXII

  a transitional period    LH to Gow, 26 May 1936, TCC, Add MS a. 71–139

  though somewhat lacking    A.E.H., p. 105

  what they say    Dickinson to AEH, 22 Nov 1922, quoted Page, p. 3

  The chestnut casts    LP IX

  few young men    To Witter Bynner, 3 June 1903, Letters I, p. 147

  It always pleases    LH to Geoffrey Wethered, 29 Dec 1937, in HSJ 4 (1978), p. 7

  great and real     To Percy Withers, 24 Nov 1934, Letters II, p. 450

  The thoughts of others    MP VI

  The world goes    MP XXI

  Sinner’s Rue    LP XXX

  filthiest book    AEH to LH, 25 Feb 1929, Letters II, p. 112

  intellectually frivolous    TN&NP in ASLOP, p. 236

  dream-fed beauty    Carpenter, p. 4

  Like fragrant ashes    Reade, p. 228

  But I loved    Wilde, Complete Works, p. 864

  Do the British    Fussell, Great War, p. 272

  I have lately    Wilde to LH, 9 Aug 1897, Wilde, Complete Letters, p. 923

  above Wilde’s average    To Seymour Adelman, 21 June 1928, Letters II, p. 78

  I’ve made two    Forster, Journals, Vol. 1, p. 130

  A copy with    Forster, Creator, p. 126

  not yet looking    Ibid.

  I had a rush    Ibid.

  My obscure admiration    Ibid.

  ventured to hazard    Ibid.

  When I read    Forster to AEH, 22 Feb 1923, Forster, Letters, Vol. 2, p. 33

  perhaps this letter    To Forster, 25 Feb 1923, Letters I, p. 537

  literary criticism    To J.J. Thomson, 22 Feb 1925, ibid., p. 585

  Housman came to    Forster, Commonplace, p. 22

  Neither memory Forster, Aspects, p. 36

  unrespectable company    Forster, Creator, p. 127

  ventured to climb    Ibid.

  somewhat warmly    Forster to AEH, 28 March 1928, Forster, Letters, Vol. 2, p. 85

  I don’t know whether    Ibid.

  I did not conceal    Forster, Creator, pp. 127–8

  half-educated public    Forster, Eternal, p. 71

  forcing the pace    Forster, Creator, p. 128

  I value the good    13 Sept 1933, Letters II, p. 377

  but he liked    LH to Geoffrey Wethered, 29 Dec 1937, in HSJ 4 (1978), p. 7

  Mortified    Forster, Creator, p. 128

  Good-night, my lad    LP XVIII

  It seems to me    Forster to Florence Barger, 18 July 1917, Forster, Letters, Vol. 1, p. 263

  such a triumph    Forster to Florence Barger, 25 August 1917, ibid., pp. 268–9

  my gondolier    To Lucy Housman, 15 Oct 1900, Letters I, p. 129

  rushed off     Withers, in GRH, p. 395

  I cannot offer    To GR, 18 May 1932, Letters II, p. 293

  a nice young man    To KES, 18 Aug 1933, ibid., p. 371

  I do know something    To GR, 22 May 1922, Letters I, p. 494

  This was offered    Forster, Creator, p. 127

  any way preferable    To GR, 9 Oct 1928, Letters II, p. 93

  an anal passive    New Yorker, 19 Feb 1972, in Auden, Forewords, p. 327

  Ho, everyone    MP XXII

  Stolen waters    Proverbs 9:17

  Perhaps he had    Forster, Prince’s, p. 122

  tasted some    R.P. Graves, p. 151

  His powers of    GRH, p. 446

  He was capable    Ibid., p. 448

  ashamed of    Ibid., pp. 448–9

  The emotions    GRH, p. 395

  go forth      Forster, Abinger, pp. 4–5

  deeply or not      Ibid., pp. 5–6

  It is a strong     Quoted Turner, p. xv

  The intensity    Withers, pp. 129–30

  We can’t get    Forster, Abinger, p. 7

  The answer must    Barker, Character, pp. 304–5; the lines of poetry are from Wordsworth’s ‘A Complaint’ (1806)

  implicit in    GRH, p. 395

  a beautiful ruin    Reade, p. 49

  they tell more    KES to Gow, 24 Sept 1937, TCC, Add MS a. 7132

  would never talk    Barker, Character, p. 306

  his most intimate friend    Page, p. 51

  I am as delighted    Letter and envelope reproduced in facsimile in Adelman, pp. 30–1

  Temp. 80    HSJ 8 (1982), pp. 10–11

es a promise    De Cleene and Lejeune, Vol. 2, pp. 174, 175

  He would not stay    AP VII

  The weeping Pleiads    MP X

  The cheerful     To MJJ, 19 Oct 1922, Letters I, pp. 516–18

  extraordinary exhibition    MJJ to AEH, 21 Nov 1922, in HSJ 36 (2010), p. 45; for Larry, see David McKie, ‘Jacksoniana’,    HSJ 37 (2011), pp. 139–40

  a fellow who thinks To MJJ, 4 Jan 1924, in HSJ 36 (2010), p. 46

  Now I can die    17 Jan 1923, Letters II, pp. 533–4

  owing to the cost    GRH, p. 160

  The working classes    To GR, 6 June 1918, Letters I, p. 389

  to make as certain    GRH, p. 200

  Oh, Alfred    Punch, 25 October 1922, reproduced in ibid., p. 203

  a continuation    The Times, 17 October 1922, p. 13

  extra numbers    CH, p. 125

  TLS    Ibid., p. 112; Gosse, Sunday Times, 22 Oct 1922, ibid., p. 116

  Spectator    Ibid., p. 128; Bookman, ibid., p. 130

  Dodd     Ibid., p. 135

  that rare being    Ibid., p. 126

  a large number    Weber, p. 84

  examined twenty-five    Ibid., p. 105

  huge and important circulation    Quoted ibid., p. 120

  knew by heart    GRH, p. 55

  Housman came as    Quoted Weber, p. 123

  I have seldom    Quoted ibid., p. 124

  I had a visit    To Basil Housman, 29 Dec 1927, Letters II, p. 48

  I remember     http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/leoploeb/darrowclosing.html

  I care not    Ibid.

  my poems are misquoted    To Basil Housman, 29 Dec 1927, Letters II, p. 48

  guttering low    http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/leoploeb/darrowclosing.html

  I should have written CP&SP, p. 448

  The printers have    Ibid.

  In the course of    22 Dec 1932, Letters II, p. 320

  I suppose    15 June 1933, ibid., p. 354

  now behaving    To Percy Withers, 7 June 1933, ibid., p. 352

  My real trouble    Ibid.

  In previous visitations    To Percy Withers, 10 Aug 1933, ibid., p. 369

  violently painful    To GR, 28 Sept 1933, ibid., p. 380

  honeymoon mixture    To Percy Withers, 10 Nov 1933, ibid., p. 386

  all his life    A.E.H., p. 118

  The doctor does not    9 June 1935, Letters II, p. 476

  The continuation    27 July 1935, ibid., p. 486

  Do not expect    To KES, 28 Aug 1935, ibid., pp. 490–1

  breathlessness    To KES, 24 Oct 1935, ibid., p. 500

  with a bathroom    To Denis Symons, 11 Dec 1935, ibid., p. 508

  but I wake up    Ibid.

  The other night    To KES, 27 Dec 1935, ibid., p. 513

  but with no strength    To GR, 20 Jan 1936, ibid., p. 517

  I have no idea    To Houston Martin, 22 March 1936, ibid., p. 527

  terribly ill    Quoted Letters II, p. 533

  Ugh!    To KES, 25 April 1936, ibid., p. 533

  defying it    Recollections, pp. 81–2

  III. English Landscape

  epigraph    Forster, Howards, p. 250

  a land of boughs    MP VIIIa

  I know Ludlow    To M. Pollet, 5 Feb 1933, Letters II, p. 328

  neatly tended graves    Recollections, p. 48

  to gain local colour    Withers, p. 67

  I ascertained    To LH, 5 Oct 1896, Letters I, p. 90

  Shropshire no longer    CH, p. 75

  In [Housman]    Peele, p. 95

  Wenlock … Buildwas    Haber, Making, pp. 197, 151

  Of the beauties    Nightingale, p. 1

  not offer any    Murray’s Handbook, p. 13

  reputation for    Ibid.

  treatment of neurasthenia    www.malvernwaters.co.uk

  In midnights    LP XIX

  Nature meant    To Gundred Savory, 15 April 1931, Letters II, p. 242

  the southern half    To Houston Martin, 14 April 1934, ibid., p. 416

  The greater part    Murray’s Handbook, p. 29

  smooth green miles    LP XLI

  traditional … popular doggerel    To Houston Martin, 14 April 1934, Letters II, p. 416; Murray’s Handbook, p. 33

  virtually enshrined    Murray’s Handbook, p. 51

  Dead Man’s Fair … Hell Gate    Ibid., pp. 48, 13

  There is so much    Ibid., p. v

  is conspicuous    Ibid., pp. 47–8

  Shropshire was    To Houston Martin, 14 April 1934, Letters II, p. 416

  was to reach    Recollections, pp. 12–13

  How clear    MP XVI

  The past is    Hartley, p. 9

  If a tuft    Southgate, p. 19

  One guessed    Forster, Howards, p. 109

  the tide of time    James, pp. 251–2

  For some years Masefield, Grace, p. 1

  Then hey    Masefield, Poems, p. 59

  I had a very great    [footnote]    Mark Twain Quarterly, Winter 1936, p. 7

  Never was there    CH, p. 76

  may create some    To GR, 22 July 1898, Letters I, p. 109

  Tell me not    LP XL

  How compare    Quoted Rothenstein, 1900–1922,    p. 343

  temperamental sunlessness    Larkin, Required, p. 143

  every man his    Quoted Hewitt, p. 209

  I accompanied him    Quoted Hazlitt, p. 8

  I observed that    Ibid., p. 9

  I can enjoy    Ibid., p. 141

  truly poisonous    Seamus Perry, ‘Coleridge’s Scotland’, Coleridge Bulletin, New Series 17, Summer 2001, pp. 61–2

  Give me    Hazlitt,    pp. 141–2

  four massive    Hewitt, p. 163

  forty days’ wages    Ibid., p. 166

  With limbs all    Davies, The Soul’s Destroyer, pp. x–xi

  I would rather    Davies, Autobiography, p. 148

  enjoyed, without perceiving    Fitzgerald, Knox, p. 70

  while traversing    Palgrave, p. 3

  Poetry gives    Ibid., p. 8

  a small octavo    Quoted Alysoun Sanders, ‘150 Anniversary of The Golden Treasury’, Connected Issue 3 (Nov 2011)

  Bast recommends    Forster, Howards, p. 111

  aims at nothing    ‘Argument’ in Lucas

  speechless    To GR, 2 July 1907, Letters I, p. 212

  This little selection    ‘Editor’s Note’ in Hyatt

  she flies    Ibid., p. 3

  Let us get    Thomas, Childhood, p. 134

  A walk in Housman Country www.bbc.co.uk/shropshire/content/articles/2009/01/30/housman_feature.shtml

  it reposes    To Denis Symons, 25 Feb 1932, Letters II, p. 281

  did not apprehend    To LH, 5 Oct 1896, Letters I, p. 90

  You might as well    Quoted John Betjeman, HSJ 7 (1981), p. 16

  but he indicates    CH, p. 117

  with a plea    Tallents, p. 149

  The Shropshire Lad had    Ibid., p. 152

  some six years ago    Cather, p. 73

  As soon as I    Ibid., p. 62

  in green pastures Ibid., p. 63

  to all the places    Ibid., p. 73 [I have corrected the spelling of p
lace-names since this letter was published from a transcript and contains such obvious misreadings as ‘Ouy’ for Ony. In other letters, Cather’s spelling of Shrewsbury, for example (rendered here three times as ‘Shrewesbury’), is correct.]

  rhyme with morn    Ibid., p. 62–3

  I’ll not quit Shropshire    Ibid., p. 64

  You must not carry    Ibid., p. 63

  Somehow it makes    Ibid., pp. 62–3

  an awful suburb    Ibid., p. 73

  safe and impersonal channels    Ibid., p. 673

  besieged by demands    Ibid., p. 526

  Several rather mushy    Ibid., p. 673

  charged with emotion    Quoted Moffatt, p. 72

  Unspoilt and alive    Forster, Journals, Vol. 1,    p. 150

  sitting in the    Forster, Creator, p. 126

  Wet walk    Forster, Journals, Vol. 1,    pp. 49, 50

  Incurious at a window    Forster, Creator, pp. 729–30

  the wrong part    Forster, Howards, p. 194

  How lovely    20 Nov 1963, Forster, Letters, Vol. 2, p. 287

  Day and night    Forster, Howards, p. 233

  the graver sides    Ibid., p. 250

  favourite characters    Forster, Creator, p. 126

  How can he be    Forster, Room, p. 31

  I only know    Ibid., p. 32

  Everything is fate    Ibid., p. 136

  Never heard of it    Ibid., pp. 132–3

  What these unannotated    See Summers, p. 101

  I do not really    To Edward Marsh, 1 Oct 1912, Letters I, p. 297

  we are awake    ‘The Georgian Renaissance’ in Rhythm II (March 1913), quoted Hollis, p. 10

  to know Nature    Hale, p. 16

  the star poem    Orwell and Angus,    p. 552

  the only proper    To Geoffrey Fry, July [1907], R. Brooke, Letters, p. 90

  with Lascelles Abercrombie    Hassall, p. 250

  Emmanuel, and    R. Brooke, Letters, p. 277

  But the years    R. Brooke, Poems, p. 275

  He was obsessed    Waugh, pp. 25–6

  on an autumn morning    Quoted Hassall, p. 95

  close cousins    See ASL I, XXIII, XXXVII, LXI, L

  valuable document    Orwell and Angus, p. 552

  the love she needed    Hassall, p. 376

  and at last    Beckett, p. 43

  lay nude    Delaney, p. 53

  The South Seas    R. Brooke, Letters, p. 538

  One starts    Ibid., p. 539


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