Strictly Business (Mixing Business With Pleasure Series Book 1)

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Strictly Business (Mixing Business With Pleasure Series Book 1) Page 24

by Ace Gray

  I rolled my eyes but caught him trying hard not to laugh. Thank God he had sane emotional responses—something I wished Bryant could learn.

  “I’ll admit, I do, but not for the reason you think. I’ve been with Mr. Bryant for some time and he rarely puts on a show. He is formidable and unyielding. He doesn’t share his life, nor does he give anything away. His sister is the only one he indulges, occasionally, and only then because he wants to. After everything he’s been through, it’s reassuring to see him move forward.”

  “What’s he been through?”

  My interest was piqued. I knew so little about Bryant. We discussed business, likes and dislikes, but not much beyond that. Certainly not his sister and definitely not his past.

  “I’ve said too much.”

  Jaime tried to look anywhere but at me. I nodded. As much as I wanted to pry, I respected his pull back. I’d expect nothing less from my staff. Gemma would be inclined do the very same thing; speak too freely then catch herself just in time to rein it back in.

  We quickly made our way to the car, the ever-present paparazzi bulbs flashing. I was grateful Jaime pressed through them forcefully. That’s when I saw her. Ally. She only caught my eye for a split second before Jaime ushered me into the backseat. I frantically searched the crowd to confirm she’d been there and that I wasn’t losing my mind.

  “Jaime,” I started as he slid into the front seat. “Did you…?” My voice trailed off.

  No way in hell she’s hanging around.

  Seeing her face was just a sign I was overworked and overtired. And pissed at Bryant.


  My day at Vesper barreled by. Figures I assumed were people, whirred in and out of every door in the office. My headache pulsed against my glasses and was compounded by the fact that Nick hadn’t called or texted after our early morning spat.

  I slyly pulled my phone from my pocket every half hour or so. Plenty of messages popped up, but none were from Bryant. Even at the end of the day, when Laura bounded into my office, I glanced at my screen. Nothing.

  Why did he have to be so damned controlling? Why couldn’t he trust me, particularly when it came to decisions about my life and my safety? I wasn’t a reckless fool or a damsel in distress. Did he really want a relationship with me? The real me? Or did he just like the idea of me?

  “Hello.” Laura used her obnoxious, singsong voice. “Earth to Kate. Are we going? Or are you going to sit and stare off into space all night?”

  “Fuck you.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Language,” she reprimanded. “And get moving!”

  I knew how insufferable she’d get if I sat there any longer, so I collected Jaime as he wrapped a phone call in the lobby and headed out. We hadn’t even left the building when my phone rang.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” It was that icy Bryant voice that made my skin crawl.

  “Going out with Laura, just like I said this morning.” I shot cold words right back.

  “I thought I made it quite clear you were not to do so.”

  I hung up. The last thing I wanted was to drag out our morning fight any longer. Except, perhaps, be told what to do or where to go. Laura smiled and wove her arm through mine as we slid into the backseat of the idling Bentley.

  “Jaime, we’re heading to the Gansevoort Midtown.”

  “Sir, we’re not authorized to deviate from the One Madison route.”

  There was a new security officer speaking from the front seat, stopping Laura and I short. Neither of us had paid any attention to the extra bodies in the car. Apparently we had a new driver too.

  “I know that, Trevor.” Jaime sighed. “Kate, he will not be happy.”

  “Jaime, he’s been pissed since 6:25 this morning.”

  On cue, my phone started ringing again. I ignored it.

  “Colton, you heard the ladies, 420 Park Avenue.” Jaime instructed the new driver with a sigh.

  “Jaime, sir, I have to voice my concern about deviating from the plan.”

  This new Trevor was interrupting again and I was becoming less and less a fan by the minute. Bryant and my fifteen-hour workday had worn my patience thin. Luckily, Jaime answered before I could.

  “Trevor, Kate has not, at any time, asked for our protection, nor does she pay for our services. Though Mr. Bryant has asked us to watch over her, it doesn’t give us the right to hold her hostage.”

  I should hire Jaime. I’ll even give him a 5% raise.

  If he were my employee I’d be protected and wouldn’t be questioned when I wanted to go about my business.

  “Thank you, Jaime. You should grab a drink with us.”

  “Sorry, Kate, but I’m on duty. I’m already going to be reprimanded for this.”

  “Are you really going to be in that much trouble?” I bit my lip when I asked.

  “We shall see.”

  As soon as the car was quiet again, Jaime’s phone began to ring. Jaime angled it just enough for me to see the screen.

  “Trevor, did you text Mr. Bryant?”

  I was impressed with his snarl and didn’t wait for an answer. “Don’t answer that, Jaime.”

  He cocked his head in my direction. “Sorry, Kate. As I said, you are not my employer. Mr. Bryant is, and it will be my ass if I don’t.”

  He gave me his most apologetic look, to which I only crossed my arms.


  Bryant’s command, “Put her on,” split through the backseat before he even greeted Jaime.

  “He’d like to speak with you.”

  Jaime held the phone out for me and I crossed my arms deeper, fully aware that I was acting childish.

  “Thanks, but I’d rather not.”

  “Sir, she won’t take the phone.” Bryant was on the other end roaring.

  “Kate, please.” Jaime was trying hard to mediate the situation. “He’d like to speak with you very much.”

  I simply turned away, my legs now crossed in Laura’s direction. I heard Jaime’s, “No sir, yes sir, of course, sir,” before the phone clicked off and he slid it into his breast pocket.

  Jaime’s face scrunched as he spoke. “Kate, he’s a little upset, and he wanted me to convey a message. You are not to go out tonight; we’re to take you home immediately.”

  I didn’t even turn to face him. “We’ll see about that.”

  I whipped out my phone and saw Jaime’s face flood with relief. He’d be sadly disappointed if he thought I was settling this. I furiously punched the keyboard.

  I’m going out. There’s nothing you can do about it. I will call in a restraining order if I have to.

  Over my dead body Kate.

  I’m sure that can be arranged. I’m going. You can choose to send Jaime or I’ll go without the lot of them.

  You are not going out.

  I am.

  There was gap of a few minutes; I wasn’t sure if that boded well for me. We’d arrived at the Gansevoort, and Laura was damn near bouncing beside me, when Bryant finally texted back.

  It will be for 60-90 minutes at a quiet bar and I expect to see you shortly afterwards.


  Don’t whatever me. I will spank you for that.

  My mouth dropped open. His text infuriated and aroused me at the same time. I could imagine what his velvet voice would sound like and how his eyes would dance if we were face to face. Slickness spread between my legs.

  At Jaime’s request we kept it simple at first, heading straight to the rooftop bar to catch the breeze away from the concrete below. We began, as per usual, with Vesper martinis to toast our friendship. Jaime and Trevor sat at a nearby table, both looking in opposite directions. Our driver was posted at the door.

  “Is this really necessary?” She waved leisurely at all of them.


  “You think Bryant is overreacting?”

  “No, I don’t think. I know.” I had to choose these words carefully. She’d flip on Bryant if I told her about T
odd or being followed. I didn’t need her anger to mix with mine.

  “Could he still be after Vesper?”

  I pursed my lips and thought over her words, comparing them to his actions. Could he? No. Of all the things I questioned, that wasn’t one of them.

  “No, it’s not Vesper. I’m sure he thinks something is up, but he won’t tell me what it is. I don’t know if he can determine whether it’s a legitimate concern. He doesn’t give me enough credit to decide for myself.”

  “How can you stand someone so controlling?”

  Laura avoided eye contact by watching her finger skate through the condensation on her glass. I let out a deep breath, knowing she’d wondered that for a while. Hell, I’d wondered.

  “Is I don’t know an acceptable answer?” I shrugged and bit my lip for lack of better words.

  “Not really. I’ve always looked up to you for your strength, confidence, and independence. I feel like you’re losing all three.” Ouch, that stung. “Remember when I tried to sign you up for that sprint triathlon our junior year of college. You flipped your shit, saying you wouldn’t be forced into things and that I wasn’t the boss of you and blah blah blah. You stormed around the apartment for days. I’ll never forget the ridiculous headache you gave me.”

  She dramatically rubbed her forehead, and I couldn’t help but laugh as I pictured slamming doors and stomping with clenched fists through our old living room.

  “Then, once I used every trick in the book to get you off the list, with a full refund and the complimentary T-shirt no less, you went back and signed up for the thing anyway. All because it was for charity!”

  She threw her arms up and I couldn’t help but snicker. It really had been quite hilarious at the time.

  “Kate, you laugh, but you haven’t dealt well with authority or control since your parents passed away.”

  My smirk fell just a bit and I downed the rest of my drink.

  “I know, but with him…” I paused. “When we aren’t fighting I’ve never felt so…”

  There weren’t words. Well, safe, protected, alive, and loved all came to mind, but…

  “Lost for words, huh?”

  I nodded as I downed a second drink in a single slug. I always forgot to pay attention to drinks when I was with Laura. One quickly turned into five and dancing suddenly became a necessity. Jaime kept trying to drop hints that we should call it a night but wouldn’t insist; he’d seen where it had gotten him before. I figured since the whole ninety minutes thing had been chucked out the window, everything else could be too.

  When we were ready to leave the Gansevoort we tried to shake security. We waited until Trevor used the restroom and Jaime had his back to us before we ran for the elevator. We both started giggling hard enough that we didn’t even make it to the lobby before Jaime grabbed my wrist.

  “Kate, please.”

  He refused to make a show but he was beyond serious. It made me laugh then crinkle up my nose at him. I wanted to find that independent streak Laura had criticized me of losing.

  “I’m going to the club, Jaime. Are you coming?”

  I was definitely drunk but still managed to enunciate my words. Something in the set of my jaw must’ve convinced him. He barely missed a beat before nodding and signaling to get the car.

  We all piled in and Laura shouted an address I didn’t know. I doubt Colton would have taken us if it weren’t for Laura gently persuading his ear with her lips from the backseat. The whole thing was rather hilarious, and I think even Jaime smirked. Trevor hadn’t spoken to any of us since we’d reached the two-hour mark back at the Gansevoort.

  We pulled up to the newest “it” club and Jaime’s scowl fell back into place. He mumbled something to Trevor before turning to me.

  “Kate, is there somewhere more low key we could go?”

  Before I could answer Laura bounded from the car door. I winked at Jaime and followed her to the bouncer, knowing I’d be allowed in immediately. Laura turned to blow a kiss at Colton and wave wildly at Trevor and Jaime who were elbowing through the crowd to catch up.

  She bounded off once they pulled the velvet rope aside; I whispered into the bouncer’s ear to make sure the men would be allowed in. Laura waited inside, practically jumping up and down. Her grip locked on mine as she dragged me to a VIP table.

  Our first bottle of champagne was almost gone before Jaime and Trevor were able to take up a post next to us. I was having a hard time paying attention to either of them. We were completely smashed as we teetered onto the dance floor, finding something resembling a rhythm to move to. Laura shimmied up against me, lacing her fingers into mine. There was no need to dance with the crowd—random guys only made things sticky. Our hips rolled against one another, drawing more attention than was necessary.

  Laura turned toward me and we both rolled our bodies back, front and side-to-side. The lights went lower and a strobe started to pulse. During each blinding flash I could see someone working their way to Laura’s back. I turned so my back was up against her.

  It wasn’t long before she tapped me on my shoulder and mouthed, “Get me out of here.” I searched for Jaime or Trevor and couldn’t find them. The creep behind Laura wasn’t the only man starting to get close. My shoulders shot up and my fists balled.

  Jaime appeared out of the crowd and inserted himself between us and any sleazy suitors. My shoulders sagged and I grabbed Laura’s hand as we shimmied back to the table. I quickly ordered another bottle of Dom before anyone sent drinks. We were chattering and giggling when two guys tried to slide into our booth.

  Trevor leaned in and told them to leave. When the greasy suit flipped Trevor off, I watched his two large hands reach in and curl into the grease-ball’s lapels. The suit slid easily on the leather as Trevor hauled him out. Trevor set him on his feet and grimaced as he motioned toward the door. The intensity was enough to snap me out of my drunken haze. Slightly. I looked at Laura as her eyes widened. My head spun but I saw the suit cock back, let loose, and catch Trevor along the jaw line.

  In response, Trevor was a fuming, red, puffy Hulk. He swiveled and let loose a punch that dropped the suit to his knees before he could even blink. Club security rushed to the downed man and started shouting at Trevor. I found my voice and started shouting back, explaining the situation in between bouts of wooziness. It didn’t take too much to convince them to snatch the worthless man off the floor and unceremoniously toss him out the door.

  “Are you OK?”

  I moved toward Trevor’s side.

  I’m a bitch. Look at what I caused!

  Tears welled in my eyes and my chest tightened. He only wanted to do his job and I was making it overly difficult for no other reason then to prove a point.

  “I am, thank you, miss.” He wasn’t rude or sarcastic, which made guilt settle deeper in my stomach. “I believe it would be in your best interest that we leave.”

  My head vehemently nodded of its own accord. I slammed my drink and followed Jaime out of the club. He hurried down the stairs toward the car line. I barely realized Jaime was guiding me in a different direction than Trevor was Laura. Jaime found a firm grip on my shoulder as we headed toward the second of two waiting Bentleys.

  “Jaime, what are you doing?” I asked before my mind started processing. Then it clicked. “He’s here?”

  Jaime nodded at me, still fixed at the crook of my arm.

  “Well, fuck.” I tried to throw my arms up but Jaime’s grip was too tight, so I hung my head instead.

  “You’ll make sure Laura gets home ok, right?” I mumbled at Jaime before my ankle folded and I fell gracelessly against the car with a thud.

  The back door flew open and bounced on it’s hinges. Bryant sprang out, quickly grabbing me and setting me back on my feet. As soon as I stopped teetering he pulled me into the car. The door snapped shut behind us and we were alone in the backseat.

  “Are you happy with the way this evening has gone?” He breathed icily across the seat.
br />   “Yes. I am.” I stuck my tongue out.

  “Did you just stick your tongue out at me?” His gray eyes danced.

  “Yes. I did.”

  I turned, crossed my arms, and stuck my lip out in a pout as we pulled away. He reached for my hand and I snatched it away from him. I pulled hard enough that it slipped and smacked into the window. Hard.

  “Ouch!” I yelped, wildly flailing around.

  “Sweets, are you OK?” He managed to wrangle my hand and kiss it.

  “No. I’m fucking cranky. I wanted to hang out with Laura and drink and dance and I couldn’t do any of that with security breathing down my neck. You won’t even tell me why they’re following my ass around. You won’t tell me anything! I tell you everything, fucking everything I can think of, anyway. I told you about Vesper, Laura, and my parents for fuck’s sake.” I was shouting and spitting words out, and to his credit, he listened. I should have reined it in, but I couldn’t help myself. “You won’t even tell me why I’m traipsing around the city with my own goddamned fleet!”

  “Is that what this bullshit is about?” The flat, lifeless look retook his face.

  “About you pushing me away? Keeping me in the goddamned dark? Yeah, I guess it is.”

  The subtle thump of the car tires on the pavement was the only sound filling in the backseat. Bryant shifted on the leather then swore under his breath.

  “She’s stalking you, Kate. She has been since I fired her.”

  Bryant was livid, his eyes told me as much, but now I knew his anger wasn’t directed toward me.

  “What? Who?”

  “Ally. The woman who hacked Vesper.” His jaw clenched, and every muscle in his neck stood out. The way his voice rumbled through my bones seemed to jostle my already aching head. “She’s the reason Jaime removed Todd from your office. Jaime said he told you they were dating.”

  He moved his hand from mine and pushed it through his hair.

  “She has so much information on you, Kate. She tried to break into your apartment. Did you know that? I’ve had people following her since she left the Venture Group, but she keeps dropping the tail. What if she wants to hurt you? I’ll be damned if I let her!” His voice escalated to a volume that made the windows shake.


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