The Royally Divine

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The Royally Divine Page 4

by Ember Rain

  No one speaks as my gaze switches from Logan over to Kennedy who is looking at a message we received while we were out hunting last night.

  “Amariana is in the human realm, apparently she escaped from the underworld.” Leah says coming up behind me wrapping her arms around my torso from behind.

  My entire body freezes at her words. She moves around my body to face me, sensing my state of unease. Not even Leah's beautiful smile can break me free of my shock. She angles her face up at mine and cups my chin with her soft hand trying to break my trance.

  “Storm, look at me.” She says forcefully.

  My face finally moves as I jerk my eyes in her direction. I am compelled to do as she commands as I feel her magic forcing me to look her in the eyes. She's using her power on me and I don't much appreciate it.

  I resent having magic used on me, but when I look at her, I am unable to be angry, another part of her magic at its finest. I can't be sure if I let the anger fade all because of her magic or because of everything we’ve gone through as a couple.

  Her golden blonde hair and soft brown eyes free me from my own frozen state and I feel myself coming back into reality. I blink a few times and nod my head while fighting the urge to reprimand her for using her magic on me. I know she was only helping me and not trying to boss me around, but I still find it hard to ignore.

  “Thanks,” I mumble covering her hand with mine and pulling it away from my face. She and I have been together for so long it is hard to pull away from her when I just arrived home, but I know that the good of the human realm will always come before our relationship. Over time, she's learned to accept that part of me. I am the leader and until I am sent to paradise, I will always be in an overly complicated position of being her leader first and boyfriend last.

  I shake the thoughts of Leah and me from my mind and focus in on Kennedy instead.

  “Okay, let’s start somewhere. Kennedy read the message aloud for all of us, so everyone is clear on what's going on, the rest of you shut up so no details are overlooked.” I snap.

  The fear is obvious in her bright blue eyes when she finally looks back up from the message in her hands at me.

  “Please Kennedy, read the message.” I say more reassuringly.

  My calm demeanor snaps her out of a scared daze. Her small fingers tremble as she begins to read the message to us aloud.

  'Storm, gather the team and meet me at the zone tonight. I can't go into much detail in this message, but you must know that Amariana escaped the underworld and her ascension is coming soon, so she will be more powerful than anything you have ever faced in the past. Careful traveling here. Love, AJ.'

  AJ is mine and Logan’s uncle. He’s also a journalist for the Angel Reporter and has been for the past several decades. He is a great asset to have on our side and often kicks us useful information as soon as he gets it.

  I can't believe this; can this be happening right now? I wonder as I snatch the message from Kennedy's hands and read the words again silently to myself.

  “Fuck, this isn't good.” I murmur before ripping the paper into shreds and tossing it into the small trash can by the desk.

  “What's going on?” Brantley asks bouncing into the room. He’s wearing one of his many human-like outfits and a smile a mile wide. I have to say he blends into this world better than any of the rest of us with his Jordan sneakers, blue jeans, and a South Pole t-shirt. His smile fades into a worried look as he scans the room and all our faces.

  “Anyone going to answer me or is this a guessing game?” he asks sarcastically.

  “Amariana is in the human realm.” Leah announces in a serious tone, stopping Brantley in his tracks as his jaw hangs in shock from the news.

  Its best she be the one to lay the news on everyone since she can manipulate emotions and can be a calming force when needed. I feel her power surge off her body aimed at Brantley to snap him back into the present.

  I continue to watch as his face contorts first to one of contemplation and then anger. He hates demons, and rightfully so since that is how his father died recently. That, however, is a story for another time.

  “Is she on one of her yearly visits?” He asks.

  “Nope, something is different this time. She escaped the underworld for some reason and is here without proper notice. AJ wants to meet with us tonight at The Zone.” I explain.

  “Shit,” His eyebrows scrunch together. “I had plans tonight.” He gripes as if the princess of the underworld being in our midst was of no concern.

  “Are you fucking serious right now?” Logan snaps at him as if taking the words right from the tip of my tongue.

  “Alright, enough guys get your shit together!” I yell stepping between the two. Logan stands inches away from Brantley with his fist pulled back.

  They have never liked each other, and I know exactly why as my gaze levels on Kennedy who strolls towards them. Brantley seems to calm down after she pulls him to her side.

  “No one has plans anymore, is that clear?” I ask looking at my team one by one with a narrowed gaze. They are all clear on the matter, I can see it in their eyes.

  “We leave in one hour; everyone go gear up.” I order the same as if we were heading into battle. “I am going to my room; you should all do the same.” I say heading towards the staircase.

  I take them two at a time to the second level of the two-story house that we have warded and placed on the outskirts of the big city of Los Angeles. The location is remote, surrounded by only vast fields and nature. Plus, with all the wards and glamour placed around it our team would be alerted instantly if anyone with ill intent tried to cross the boundaries.

  If Amariana does find the glamour she won't be able to get to the house unless she comes with pure intentions. I highly doubt if any demon were to come, they wouldn't be coming for a good reason nor intention. I know we are all safe here, but I need to think of the humans that may not be as safe.

  The princess is a mystery to us all. There have been several rumors about her over the years while preparing to serve as leader of the EA team. Its rumored that the day she turns eighteen she very well could be more powerful than her parents combined. Finding out that day is close is alarming but can’t say we shouldn’t have expected it as my brother, and I were only born months before she was.

  I knew this was a possibility, that she could want to escape the clutches of her watchful parents and come wreaking havoc on the human realm, but I didn't realize it would come up so fast like this, I worry as I walk over to my closet. I grab my bow and arrows from the floor in the corner and strap the bag of arrows across my chest. The tips of the arrows are infused with mixtures I had Logan get from an Angel he knows off the coast of Japan. The mixture can kill any greater demon, chaining them to the underworld for eternity.

  Thus far, I have only had to take out the set once before now. I ended up facing the greater demon with my brother and the two of us were able to take it down before I ever had to use one of the arrows. I still prefer to carry them on me as a precaution.

  After fully gearing up I look up into the mirror. My eyes are sparkling with anxious anticipation of a war coming our way. My muscles are taught with tension, and my senses heightened with the threat hanging in the air around me.

  Sure, we trained since we were born to fight demons and bring peace to the human realm but the realization of facing a being that is far more powerful than any of us is still a challenge to not fear. I fidget with the buttons on my shirt as I adjust the bottom of it into my trousers and pick up my black jacket that bears the symbol of my faction of Earth Angels on the front of it. Gold wings encased by a circle of bright light lets other supernatural beings know who I am and what kind of authority I hold. Most other angels bow in recognition of the symbol and others stare in awe forgetting their manners. I don't care as much about the formality of it as leaders have before me. I like to connect with my kind and build a stronger link with them instead of showing off my position.

  Feeling as though I have everything necessary to make the meeting I head out of my room and back downstairs.

  Most of the team is gathered already in the Livingroom waiting when I finally get downstairs.

  “All set,” My brother announces as he steps off the last stair. He is dressed the same as me except his weapon is a long sword that lies across his back. Ever since we were young, he's stuck to the long sword while I have perfected my aim with a bow making us both very lethal together.

  “Stick together in the sky.” I announce turning and heading out of the room and front door to the house. My team follows soundlessly behind me.

  I am first to lift off the ground and Logan flies beside me joining me at the front of the group as the sun falls below the horizon ahead of us. We glide through the skies heading towards Las Vegas where the zone is for this cycle.

  The Zone is a supernatural bar that is technically a forbidden place for me or my team to indulge in. But like most rules, this one has been often broken. Memories of drinking the angel version of liquor, also known by many different names like resilience, happy, and fearless instead of the usual whiskey and bourbon the humans indulge in makes my throat burn as if I had freshly taken a shot. Many angels have made horrible mistakes after visiting the place, so as a rule any EA member is not allowed to enter the bar for the purpose of pleasure.

  The glamour around the establishment comes into view and I motion for Logan and the team to land on the roof where I can see AJ is waiting.

  He’s leaning against the door that goes to the roof when we land.

  “Took you long enough.” He quips with an annoyed look.

  “We came right away, shut up.” Logan bites back. I hold up my hand to silence him before stepping forward.

  “Uncle, we’re here and Amariana is on the loose somewhere out there so what is the plan? Have you heard from the council yet?” I ask in succession.

  He pushes off the door and stands to his full six-foot four height towering a few inches above me. He steps closer to me and flicks a cigarette onto the rooftop of the bar.

  “I spoke with Michael and he and your parents all feel that she should be tracked and brought into the void between realms for a meeting about her reasons for leaving the underworld and her intentions here in the human realm. Until she is found there are no immediate actions to be taken.”

  “That’s it?” I nearly choke on my words. “So, what you’re suggesting is that the princess of the underworld, whose ascension is nearly upon us should just be allowed to prance around the humans while she comes into a great power none of our kind has ever seen before?” My blood boils at the decision of my parents and the council, but I don’t have any choice but to follow what they have decided for us.

  “Who’s doing the tracking?” I ask.

  “Nephew, why do you think I called you all here?” AJ replies chewing his nail with annoyance, a habit that irritates me to no end.

  At least my parents have faith in my team to get the job done and we will. I can only hope that the dear demon princess doesn’t get offended when we put a little damper on whatever her evil plans are. With any luck, we will get to her before her full transition takes place.

  “When is her birth date? I know it’s soon, but how much time we have?” I ask hoping it hasn’t passed already.

  “Twenty-four hours and counting.” He says dismissively. “I need to gather some more information about the story but I’m also on a tight leash with how much I can report. I need you to follow the orders and do it quickly while I work on getting a story that won’t put the entire Angel world into a full-blown panic.” He says lighting another cigarette.

  “You’re lucky you are immortal, or those ugly things would kill you, ya know.” I comment disgusted by the smoke even in the open night air. I wave my hand in front of my face to stop the plume of smoke from reaching my nostrils.

  “You need to mind your own business and worry about finding a witch to do a location spell for you.” AJ quips.

  “Is that all?” I ask ready to end this meeting. I love my uncle, but we have never been close nor got along all that well. He likes to break the rules to win and I like to win fairly.

  “That’s all for now, I will stay in touch.” He says expanding his ebony wings and taking to the skies.

  The team follows him with their eyes, and everyone is eerily quiet about our mission.

  “Well, that was productive.” Logan scoffs turning to face me.

  I think for a moment but know what I must do now and that won’t be all that hard.

  I happen to have a friend who is a high witch and will gladly help us with the spell, however having nothing that belongs to the princess will make it all the harder to find her, I think to myself.

  “We have our orders; I will reach out to Bellamy and see if she can do a locator spell without a personal item of Amariana’s.” I voice coming to a decision. My team nods in acknowledgement of agreement with me. It’s not like we have been given much of a choice on the matter. What I do know is the sooner we find her, the better. If we can catch her before she fully transitions, then things should go fine; We do outnumber her five to one in that case. If she happens to make it through the transition on her own then that will make her impossible to capture, even for a team as talented as ours.


  Landing in front of the modern style mansion we make our way to Bellamy’s door. I haven’t called on her services since coming to the human realm, but she’s sworn her loyalty in alliance with my parents long ago. I am sure she will be willing to help. I thought of calling her on my cell but why waste time when we would have to come to her home either way.

  The trip was uneventful and quiet tension hung in the air among the group of us as we made our way to Belize which is a small country in South America. The air is warm here like in LA, but the scenery is so much more beautiful than the smog in the city. I hope someday I can visit everything the place has to offer.

  Bellamy’s hot pink Mercedes sits in the drive and I can’t help but laugh at the sight of the flashy sports car. The high witch has certainly climbed the financial totem pole in the human world using her abilities to help humans through psychic/medium readings for unreasonable prices.

  She started off working out of a high-rise apartment in Panama City Beach, Florida and has now re-located in Belize where her customers come to her for their readings and pay their own travel costs.

  I reach up to ring her doorbell and my fist freezes mid-air when the door swings open wide and Bellamy stands on the other side wearing an elegant evening gown, looking like she is going out somewhere.

  “I was hoping guests would stop by, always a pleasure to see you Storm.” She exclaims looking excited. Her hazel eyes sparkle as she scans over the rest of the team behind me. “Please, all of you come in.” she waves us all in through the doorway and into the foyer. My gaze travels the entrance in awe. The ceilings are vaulted, and the staircase is long and wide winding up on both sides like the children’s movie Beauty and the Beast. In fact, the entire home looks like an exact replica of the one in the movie.

  “You’ve done some upgrades to your house, I love it!” Leah exclaims giving Bells a big hug.

  “I received word that your team would likely be heading my way, so I took the liberty of having a meal prepared for us to discuss how I may help you.” She explains guiding us further into her home.

  Panic zips through me, “Bell’s, I don’t mean to sound rude, but we are on a very time-sensitive mission and need your help.” I explain as gently as possible.

  She raises an eyebrow, “surely you have enough time to sit for a meal while discussing the favor you’ve come to ask of me.” She says leaving no room for argument. I am not going to get out of this without enduring the dinner she’s prepared for us. I wish I could say I am surprised, but it is quite typical of her from the past experiences the team and I have had on our many visits here.

  “Whatever you wish,
” I grumble under my breath.

  “Follow me, the staff should be just about finished with our entrée’s, so we have time for a drink before we eat.” She turns on her heel and guides us towards a room past the staircase on the left.

  Oh great, time for a drink. I think bitterly as I follow behind her.

  We step into a dimly lit room that looks like the décor of The Zone. Come to think of it, the inside looks exactly like The Zone, how bizarre. The only difference that I notice are human restrooms built into this room.

  “What kind of drinks do you kids prefer?” Bellamy’s voice cuts into my curiosity over her interior decorating.

  “None for me, thanks.” I mutter annoyed.

  “Me either,” Logan says joining me.

  “I’ll take a shot of anything you recommend.” Leah jumps in, flashing me a dirty look for being rude. I understand that Bellamy is only trying to be a good host for us, but my mind is on one thing and that is how we are going to find Amariana, not having drinks and dinner. I’m eager to get this mission moving along.

  “Yeah, you two need to loosen up a little. I will happily take one as well with the girls.” Brantley speaks up.

  “Count me in too.” Kennedy raises her hand before giving me a sheepish look and shrugging her shoulders. “It’s only a drink and meal, Storm. If we want her help, we play by her rules you of all of us know this.” She adds marching past me with the others over to the bar counter.

  She’s right, I would just rather get started. My nerves are on edge and all I want is to find out if the spell is possible and move on. Nothing is going how I hoped so I may as well join them and have a damn drink, I resolve taking the seat next to Kennedy. Logan must have come to the same conclusion because he then takes the seat on the other side of me.

  Bellamy pours out shots for all of us and sets the small glasses in front of each of us. She lifts hers into the air in a salute and we do the same.


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