Hollywood Divorces • Hollywood Wives: The New Generation

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Hollywood Divorces • Hollywood Wives: The New Generation Page 70

by Jackie Collins

  The angrier he became, the more he felt like another drink. After a couple of Scotches and a swish of mouthwash, he finally got into his car and had his driver take him to the hotel.

  When he entered the suite, he discovered Shelby asleep on the couch.

  He stared at her for a moment, unable to take his eyes off her. She was so beautiful all curled up and innocent.

  Shame she was such a devious bitch.

  He didn’t know whether to wake her, or let her sleep. Jesus! She had his stomach tied up in knots. Was this what love was all about? If it was–you could shove it.

  ‘What’re you doing tonight?’ Nick asked.

  ‘Why?’ Cat responded.

  They were sitting around on the beach while her cinematographer was busy setting up the next shot. Nick picked up a handful of pebbles and began hurling them at the sea. ‘Thought you might fancy goin’ back to Ago.’

  ‘Maybe,’ she said tentatively.

  ‘Should I take that as a yes?’

  ‘Hmm…I’m not sure that watching you put the moves on a couple of babes is my idea of a thrilling time.’

  ‘No big deal,’ he said offhandedly. ‘The offer’s there if you want it. We get together every night, usual table.’

  ‘Every night?’

  ‘Yeah, it’s like my hang-out,’ he said, scooping up more pebbles. ‘By the way, my friend Max was kinda into you.’

  ‘Which one was Max?’

  ‘The dude with the glasses. He writes for Rolling Stone. He’s envious of you, thinks you pulled a lucky break.’

  ‘Of course he’d think that,’ she said scornfully. ‘Hard work and talent had absolutely nothing to do with it.’

  ‘He was quite into your movie too–the one you did before. What was it called?’

  ‘Wild Child.’

  ‘Never got around to seeing it myself, but the word on it was seriously good.’

  ‘I’m surprised you accepted me as your director if you hadn’t seen my movie.’

  ‘I trust Merrill’s judgement. He gave me my first break.’

  ‘Did he also force you to give him a blow-job?’

  Nick threw her a quizzical look. ‘What did you just say?’

  ‘Nothing,’ she said, grinning. ‘It’s an inside joke.’

  ‘Oh, yeah, I heard the rumour. He makes all the females in his movies give him blow-jobs before they get the role, right?’

  ‘That’s what they say.’

  ‘How about you then?’

  ‘Get serious. Do I look like the kind of girl he’d come on to? My movie was called Wild Child. That should give you a hint.’

  ‘All about you, was it?’

  ‘There were pieces of me in it, yeah.’

  ‘So, uh, Cat–tell me,’ he said, rubbing his stubbled chin, ‘what kind of a wild child were you?’

  ‘You name it, I did it.’

  ‘You were a raver, then?’

  She smiled mysteriously. ‘Wouldn’t you like to know?’

  The script supervisor interrupted them to confer with Cat about a problem with a line of dialogue. Cat jumped up, solved the problem, and began walking back towards the action.

  Nick got up and followed her. ‘You gotta come tonight,’ he urged. ‘We’ll make it a party. Bring Jonah if you want.’

  ‘It’s Jonas,’ she corrected.

  ‘Is he a fag?’

  ‘Why would you ask that?’

  ‘He’s always so kind of, y’know, neat and groomed.’

  ‘Jonas is not gay.’

  ‘You screwed him, then?’

  ‘None of your bloody business.’

  ‘God,’ he said amiably, ‘you’re a cranky one today.’

  ‘You shouldn’t ask so many personal questions.’

  ‘Sorry. I’ll get myself in front of the camera an’ see if I can nail this scene for you.’

  She watched him walk ahead of her with his cocky strut. He was immediately joined by the makeup girl and one of the female PRs.

  Popular stud, Nick Logan. And didn’t he know it.

  She was worried about her possessions in New York. The problem was that Jump was spiteful enough to follow through on his threat. He hated not getting his own way.

  Since she still had a few minutes before they would finish setting up the camera tracks, she called her girlfriend, Luanne.

  ‘Where are you?’ Luanne asked, happy to hear from her.

  ‘In L.A., directing a movie.’

  ‘That’s cool.’

  ‘The not so cool part is that Jump and I have split.’

  ‘Crap!’ Luanne exclaimed. ‘What happened?’

  ‘I’ll tell you when I see you. Here’s the thing–Jump’s on his way back to New York, and he’s threatening to dump my stuff on the street, so I need a favour.’

  ‘Go ahead.’

  ‘Can you organize professional packers to box up my clothes, manuscripts and other stuff, then have them ship everything to me in L.A.? I’ll e-mail you a list.’

  ‘Of course,’ Luanne said. A long beat. ‘Did you catch Jump with another woman?’

  ‘What makes you think that?’

  ‘Well…when I stayed at the loft, I put in a nanny-cam–one of those small hidden cameras that keeps an eye on Nanny while she’s watching the baby.’


  ‘When I moved out I forgot to take the camera. You were in London and Jump had gone off to Atlanta for a gig. There were a few days in between me leaving the apartment and coming back for the camera.’

  ‘Go on.’

  ‘I played the nanny tape, and on it Jump was banging some blonde.’ An awkward pause. ‘Sorry.’

  ‘Why are you telling me this now?’

  ‘I didn’t think it was fair to mention it before.’

  ‘What if I caught your husband banging some blonde?’ Cat said vehemently. ‘Would you think it was fair for me not to tell you?’

  ‘I was waiting until I saw you.’

  She sighed. It wasn’t Luanne’s fault, no good blaming her. ‘Thanks for telling me anyway,’ she said. ‘It simply confirms that I’m doing the right thing.’

  ‘I’m really sorry, Cat.’

  ‘Yeah,’ she said ruefully. ‘So am I.’

  Sex with Tony seemed to get more amazing every time. No games, just mind-blowing sex with one hugely sexy Latino man. God! He turned her on big-time!

  By the time Lola redid her hair and makeup it was almost midnight.

  They left the hotel, settled into Tony’s limo and set off for a tour of the salsa clubs, neither of them feeling any pain.

  Tony broke open a bottle of Cristal in the car and poured two glasses. ‘Got a question,’ he said, handing her one.

  ‘What?’ she asked, taking a sip of champagne.

  ‘Didja sleep with that Linc Blackwood dude?’

  ‘Did you sleep with that putta you flew into New Orleans?’ she countered.

  ‘You first,’ he said, dark eyes ever watchful.

  ‘No.’ A long pause. ‘I could’ve, but I didn’t.’

  ‘Me neither,’ he said, clinking glasses with her. ‘Here’s the deal, baby girl, you’ve damned near ruined me for other women.’

  ‘I have?’ she said, delighted.

  ‘Yeah, babe. You’re the shit, an’ that’s the way it is.’

  She leaned forward, cupping his face in her hands, her tongue flicking lightly over his lips before she grabbed his crotch with her right hand. ‘Mine,’ she said fervently. ‘All mine. You stick it in anyone else, Tony Alvarez, and I swear to God I’ll cut it off.’

  ‘Oooh, scary woman,’ Tony said, throwing his head back and roaring with laughter.

  ‘Yes, I am. And don’t you ever forget it.’

  ‘Wake up,’ Linc said, not so gently pushing Shelby’s shoulder.

  Slowly she uncurled her body. ‘Oh,’ she said, yawning. ‘I must’ve fallen asleep. I wasn’t sure what time you’d be back, so I put on the TV and that was it. Instant sleeping pill.’

>   He noticed that she had on one of his favourite dresses and her hair was loose around her shoulders. She looked so damn beautiful.

  She reached her arms up to bring him closer so she could kiss him. He responded. ‘I missed you,’ she murmured. ‘I’m so happy to be here.’

  It was apparent that she had not seen the New York papers.

  He pulled her up, holding her close to him for a minute.

  ‘I’ve decided that separations are no good,’ she said. ‘In future I’m turning down any movies that take me away from you.’

  He didn’t believe her. She was merely saying that to appease him. She’d probably seen the photo of her with Pete in People and was wondering what kind of lies to feed him.

  Her lips were soft against his. Arousal was automatic.

  Details of last night began to come back. Lola Sanchez was a prize prick-tease. She’d got him hot and drunk in the restaurant, then left him high and dry. Typical female behaviour. He hated all of them.

  ‘Love you,’ Shelby whispered. ‘Missed you.’

  Yeah. Sure you did. Especially when you were out with Pete.

  Without saying a word he went for her breasts, caressing them roughly.

  She was startled. ‘Can’t we wait until we’re in the bedroom?’

  ‘No,’ he said abruptly. ‘I’ve waited long enough.’ Then he did the unthinkable. He ripped her dress–the dress he liked so much–off her body.

  Now she was shocked. ‘What’s the matter with you?’ she protested.

  ‘Can’t I miss my own wife?’ he said, pushing her down on the couch, unzipping his pants and mounting her. No foreplay, no kissing, just straight to it. Something like her big sex scene in Rapture.

  She had a strong urge to fight him off, tell him he had to wait. But he was giving her no choice as he plunged inside her.

  Furiously he went at her, desperately trying to rid himself of the anger that surged through him.

  When he was finished, he zipped up and walked into the bedroom.

  Shelby lay there, feeling used and abused, trying to figure out what had just happened. Then it occurred to her that, of course, he’d been drinking.

  A feeling of dread enveloped her. Slowly she got up, went into the bathroom and put on a terrycloth robe she found hanging behind the door.

  ‘What’s going on, Linc?’ she asked, wrapping the robe tightly around her as she confronted him in the bedroom. ‘What was that all about?’

  He was sitting on the edge of the bed smoking a cigarette. She glanced around to see if she could spy any booze. Nothing visible. Oh, God! Why had she thought he could be trusted?

  ‘You tell me,’ he said, his voice hard.

  ‘About what?’

  ‘Isn’t there something I should know?’

  Instantly she realized that somehow or other he’d found out about Pete. Damn! She should have told him herself.

  ‘Nothing I can think of,’ she said, adding casually, ‘I’ve been busy filming, doing press, that kind of thing.’ A short pause. ‘Oh, yes, and guess what? There’s an old friend of yours working on my movie. Actually, he’s an old friend of ours.’

  ‘Yeah? Who?’ Linc said, his eyes cold and distant.

  ‘Pete,’ she answered. ‘He sends you his best regards, can’t wait for us all to get together.’

  ‘Can’t wait, huh?’

  ‘That’s right,’ she said evenly.

  ‘What’s he doing on your movie, Shelby?’

  ‘Actually he’s the stunt co-ordinator.’

  ‘Big coincidence,’ Linc said, with a bitter twist to his words. ‘Wonder how he got that job.’

  ‘You always used to say that Pete was one of the best stuntmen in the business.’

  ‘Then I suppose you didn’t have to put in a good word for him?’

  ‘What are you talking about?’

  ‘I’m talking about the photo of the two of you in People.’

  ‘There’s a photo?’ she said, truly surprised.

  ‘Seems you didn’t realize you were being watched coming out of Jerry’s Deli all tight and cosy together with his arm all over you.’


  ‘Yeah. Oh.’ An ominous beat. ‘What the fuck were you thinking? You’ve made me look like the biggest jerk walking.’ Another long beat. ‘Did you screw him?’

  ‘How dare you?’ she said, blushing a deep red.

  ‘How dare I?’ he yelled. ‘What the fuck am I supposed to think?’

  ‘He’s coaching me to do a car stunt; we were discussing it. Lunch was perfectly innocent.’

  ‘I don’t get you,’ Linc said harshly.

  ‘What don’t you get?’

  ‘You know me well enough, right?’


  ‘Exactly how did you think I’d react?’

  She did not wish this conversation to go any further, but it seemed like she had no choice. ‘I had no idea there’d be a photo in a magazine,’ she said, hoping to put an end to it.

  ‘No idea, huh?’ he sneered. ‘You’re starring in a high-profile porno movie, and you have no idea that the paparazzi might be following you?’

  ‘Rapture is not a porno movie, Linc.’

  His voice got louder. ‘You’re stupid, Shelby, you know that? You’re really fuckin’ dumb. First the USA Today piece, now this. Goddamn it, you’re an idiot. And you’re making me look like one too.’

  Now she knew for sure that he’d been drinking. He never insulted her and called her names unless he was drunk. It was only then that his venom bubbled to the surface and he turned mean and verbally abusive.

  She couldn’t stop herself asking, although she knew what his answer would be. He’d deny it. He always did. ‘Are you drinking again?’ she ventured.

  ‘Fuck you!’ he screamed, losing it altogether. ‘Do I look like I’m drinking?’

  Yes, you do. Your eyes are bloodshot, your skin is blotchy, and you look horrible.

  She was silent. His rages could get out of control. He’d never hit her, but Brenda had warned her that it could happen one day.

  ‘If I was drinking, which I’m fuckin’ not, you would’ve driven me to it,’ he said, giving her a hate-filled glare.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ she said quietly.

  ‘Here’s what you’re gonna do,’ he said, his voice rising again. ‘You’re gonna walk off the goddamn movie.’

  ‘I can’t do that.’

  ‘Call L.A., tell ’em you’re not coming back.’

  ‘That’s impossible,’ she protested. ‘I’ve already shot several days.’

  ‘Do it, Shelby,’ he said angrily. ‘Or get the fuck outta my life.’

  ‘You’re being unreasonable.’

  ‘I’m being unreasonable?’ he yelled. ‘Screw you.’

  ‘Linc,’ she said, close to tears, ‘if I walk off the movie, it’ll ruin my career.’

  ‘Then don’t walk,’ he said, his eyes glittering feverishly. ‘Tell ’em they have to fire Pete. And they’d better do it right now.’


  ‘That’s the way it’s gonna be. Either you walk, or he gets booted.’ Another ominous beat. ‘Am I making myself clear?’

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Lola was well aware that every man in the Latin supper club was lusting after her as she sensuously danced with one of the professional dancers who were on hand to accommodate the patrons.

  Tony was sitting back in a leopard-print booth with his cronies, swigging champagne, enjoying the show. She couldn’t help noticing that several women were paying plenty of attention to him. It didn’t bother her. He was hers, all hers.

  She swivelled her hips to the salsa sound, feeling sexy, hot and totally satisfied. Her body writhed to the pulsating beat of the music. She was controlled, yet out of control all at the same time. I should’ve been a dancer, she thought. I’ve got it down.

  Tony waved. He was laughing, having a great time as he watched her dance just for him.

  Then into the club
walked Tyrell White, an ex-world-champion heavyweight boxer. Tyrell spotted her immediately–they’d met once briefly. Enough for him to come over and attempt to join her on the dance floor.

  Shoving the professional dancer out of the way, he began grinding his crotch into hers.

  Before she had time to react, Tony was on his feet, forcing his way through the other dancers until he reached her. ‘Back off, jackass,’ Tony yelled, his eyes dark and dangerous. ‘This is my lady.’

  ‘She ain’t nobody’s lady,’ Tyrell sneered. ‘She’s a piece-a ass, an’ I’ dancin’ with it.’

  Tony hauled back and slugged Tyrell, who immediately retaliated with a right hook that sent Tony flying to the ground.

  Lola started screaming at Tyrell, and within seconds a general fight had broken out.

  Tony’s bodyguards were quick to grab him, hustling him out of the club. Big Jay was right beside them. He lifted Lola as if she were a rag doll and spirited her away.

  Once outside, they all piled into Tony’s limo, while the flashbulbs popped. The car shot away from the kerb, tyres squealing.

  Tony was angry and cursing, his lip gushing blood. ‘I’m gonna kill that sonofabitch,’ he shouted, as Lola attempted to tend to him. ‘You hear me? I’m gonna kill that dumb mothafucker. Nobody messes with Tony Alvarez’s woman. Nobody!’

  ‘Calm down,’ Lola said soothingly. ‘I’m sure he didn’t mean it.’

  ‘Didn’t mean what?’ Tony screamed.

  ‘Maybe he thought I was alone.’

  ‘Jesus holy Christ! Whose side are you on?’ He shoved her away, snatched a wad of Kleenex and pressed it to his split lip. ‘That prick’s gonna regret he was ever born. You fuckin’ hear me?’

  ‘Forget about it,’ Lola said. ‘It’s over.’

  ‘Yeah,’ Tony growled, ‘you’ll see how over it is.’

  Cat had a choice. She could go back to her apartment alone and work, she could hang out with Jonas, or she could join Nick and his friends at Ago.

  She was still reeling from what Luanne had told her over the phone. It meant that even before she’d caught Jump in Australia, he’d been screwing around. Maybe he’d been doing it throughout their entire marriage. What a depressing thought that was.

  It was crazy the way you could live with someone and not really know them at all. She’d always thought Jump was a straight-up kind of guy, even though he was a rock ‘n’ roller. She hadn’t imagined him poking every skanky groupie who passed his way like the rest of his band. How naive was she?


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