Dangerously Yours: 2 (Loving Dangerously)

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Dangerously Yours: 2 (Loving Dangerously) Page 6

by Griffin, A. M.

  “Is this your spot?” he asked, whispering into her ear.

  She whimpered her answer.

  The captain used his knee to nudge the insides of her thighs. She complied, spreading her legs wider for him. His shaft now felt larger against her butt.

  She wanted his male hardness inside her. Moaning, she let the moment overtake her. His finger delved deeper. She rotated her hips. He groaned and went deeper still. She moved with the rhythm he created.

  “That’s right, ride me,” he coaxed as he cupped her breast, kneading her.

  Her release mounted. Heat building, her body perspired.

  “Come for me, Princess.” His words caressed her.

  He quickened his pace. His finger stroked her sensitive miltori. Her body pulsated under each delicious stroke.

  “I feel it. Let it go.” He sucked her earlobe between soft lips and she moaned. “Let me hear you.”

  She held tight to his arms. A small moan escaped her. Her valley stretched as he added another finger. A louder moan escaped.

  “That’s it, come for me.”

  On his command, the coil that wound itself tightly within her sprang free, finally snapping. She screamed, “Kane!”

  Her muscles convulsed. Her vision dimmed and her walls spasmed and contracted around his fingers. “Kane…” she repeated. “I want you.”

  Kane let out a string of curses and withdrew just as her knees gave way. She fell to the floor with his arms around her cushioning her descent.

  She struggled to catch her breath. That had been the best orgasm she had ever had. Maybe she wouldn’t move into a private cabin after all. She smiled and opened her eyes.

  He was sitting back on his heels. His cold eyes were watching her. “You don’t appear to have any tracking devices on you.”

  Her jaw dropped open in disbelief.

  Tracking devices?

  She had forgotten. Kane rocked to his heels and stood up. “You can put your clothes on and eat your breakfast.”

  Silently, he exited the room, leaving her spent on the floor.

  * * * * *

  Kane sat alone at one of the tables in the vessel’s large dining hall. The hall was set up the same as the living quarters, with twenty long rows of tables with round metal chairs. Since he was the only occupant, it made him lonely.

  But grabbing one of the guys to join him wasn’t an option right now. No one else needed to witness his steep decline into depression. He deserved to be alone right now, just him and the guilt that crushed his chest.

  A plate full of comfort food lay in front of him. Comfort. He snorted. All he found himself doing was shifting it from one side of the plate to the other.

  What did I almost do?

  The first thing he did after leaving his cabin was visit one of the communal showers and scrub clean. But no matter how hard he had scrubbed, he couldn’t get her scent from his nose. He swore he could smell her, even now. The enticing scent of vanilla with a hint of cinnamon coated the inside of his nostrils.

  He threw the eating utensil down with a clang.

  Get her out of your head.

  He could fuck anyone but her. She was one of them.


  Aliens had destroyed Earth. Aliens had enslaved humans. Aliens had killed Anna. His head dropped to his hands, where it stayed until he heard footsteps.

  Jess entered and scanned the dining hall. She always made it a point to be aware of her surroundings, but she appeared to be looking for someone. Him.

  Great. Just what I need right now.

  Jess’ hazel eyes locked on him. Her features screwed into a frown as she stalked in his direction. Could it be too much to hope that she hadn’t seen him?

  Jess stopped in front of him and leaned over, smacking both palms on the table. She glared at him. “What the hell is going on here?” He raised a questioning brow. “Don’t play stupid with me. Those bitches aren’t in their cell anymore.”

  To call their cabin a cell was a stretch, even for Jess. Kane pushed his plate away. His breakfast was now ruined. “Where were they moved?”

  “How the hell should I know? I went to check on them and they’re gone.”

  “I’ll have a talk with the guys. The females are not supposed to have access to the vessel.”

  Jess eased into the seat across from him. “Well, actually…they aren’t technically running around. The men are taking them from one cabin to the next.”

  So that’s it. She’s jealous.

  “I’ll tell the men to keep them confined.”

  Jess lowered her gaze and picked imaginary lint off her shirt.

  “Spit it out.”

  “I heard you have one of them staying with you.” When he didn’t answer, she glanced up. “You know, one of those alien bitches.”

  Kane let out a heavy sigh. “I’m keeping the princess safe in my cabin for the time being.”

  “I thought you didn’t want an alien in your bed? Have you changed your mind?”

  She had a certain disdain for all aliens, more so than he. Kane didn’t blame her. Being forced into prostitution and having to perform God only knows what sex acts with all kinds of creepy nonhumans would make anyone a little hardened.

  “Jess, I’m not fucking it if that’s what you’re hinting at. Besides, aren’t you through with me?”

  “I am,” she said in disgust. “I wanted to know if I’m the only person on this vessel who’s not fucking aliens.”

  A small amount of guilt surfaced. He had been so close to sullying Anna’s memory. He’d been a heartbeat away from nailing the princess right on his floor.

  Chapter Six

  JB walked into the dining hall whistling Sweet Home Alabama. Jess instantly raked her gaze over to him. Normally, Jess and JB were the best of friends but something was amiss with their relationship today. Kane didn’t care what the issue might be. Right now, JB served as a good diversion.

  A grumbling sound erupted in Jess’ throat. “He doesn’t even care about what the aliens did to Earth.”

  Kane looked JB up and down. He hadn’t thought it was possible but JB looked worn out and tired. Even from where he sat, he could see the fresh scratch marks running across JB’s arms. That would be the reason for Jess’ disdain.

  With a nod in their direction, JB walked to the food-storage unit. He punched the buttons that would deliver any in-stock item and grabbed a juice and sandwich. Halfway to the table, JB downed the juice. He turned around for a refill then finished that one and turned again for another one. By the time he plopped into the seat next to Kane, JB was holding his third container. Without a word, JB devoured his food as though he were a starved man.

  Kane snorted. “You all right?”

  “She’s trying to suck me dry.”

  Kane raised a brow. “Which one?”

  JB took a swig of juice. “Moira. That female can form her lips into a perfect suction cup. I don’t have any more cum to give her. I needed a break.”

  “The spinster-looking one?”

  JB chuckled and slapped his palms together. “Looks can be misleading, my friend.”

  “That is gross on so many different levels,” Jess said.

  JB winked at her and shoveled more food in his mouth.

  Kane shook his head in disbelief. The female really must be good if JB needed a break. The Energizer Bunny didn’t have anything on him.

  “What about you?” JB nodded in Kane’s direction.

  Kane’s face tightened and his lip curled into a frown. “What about me?”

  Jess snarled her upper lip.

  The other men thought he was crazy for not wanting to fuck any of the alien females they encountered. But this also came from a group of men who fucked anything that moved.

  “You know what I’m talking about. Did you take the plunge, go deep?” JB extended a tanned fist out and in.


  “Uh-huh,” JB responded. “Never will come soon enough.”

  Kane ro
lled his eyes. “Think whatever the hell you want.”

  JB grinned from ear to ear and laughed. “I smell pussy on you.”

  Kane scrunched his brows. “No, you don’t. I took a shower.”

  JB threw his head back and howled. “I was only fucking with you. Are you serious?”

  Jess swung around. “You fucking liar.”

  “I didn’t lie. That came out wrong.”

  “If you touched that alien whore, you can forget about us ever getting back together.”

  Kane pushed away from the table and got up in one swift movement. He grabbed his plate and emptied the contents into the garbage recycler. JB’s laughing and Jess’ cussing followed him out the door.

  The princess has got to go as soon as possible.

  Ryan had said their transporter belonged to a company called Mercanis Shipping and Hauling. Maybe that would be the clue Kane needed to help pinpoint the princess’s home world.

  Kane walked through the quiet, deserted corridors to Ryan’s cabin. When the door opened, Ryan wasn’t in there. Instead he got an eyeful of Moira, ass high in the air and Eli on his knees behind her, gripping her butt. Eli grunted from the force of his thrusts and sweat coated his body. The sounds of flesh beating on flesh reverberated throughout the room.

  Eli wasn’t taking Moira by force. That much was evident from her glazed eyes and moans. The former plastic surgeon gave the round globes of her ass a smart slap of his palm.

  “Do you like that, baby? Want it harder?” Eli taunted.

  “Alo,” Moira panted.

  Eli soothed the cherry-red imprint with his palm and slapped her ass again.

  Moira yelped and slammed into his groin, grinding herself on him. Eli threw his head back and let out a guttural growl.

  Translators weren’t necessary for this kind of conversation. They understood each other very well.

  “Ohh, baby, you’re a wild one.” With a grunt, Eli slammed himself into her again and again. “You like it hard, don’t you?”

  Moira whipped her head to peer at Eli. She licked her lips suggestively. “Alo, alo,” she moaned.

  “Yes, yes. That’s what I like to hear.”

  Eli grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled, making her back sway in an uncomfortable arch. His hips beat into her at a ferocious pace, causing the bed to squeak and rock underneath them. Moira yelled louder as her breasts bounced uncontrollably.

  Kane knew he should leave. But he found himself rooted in place. What made alien pussy so interesting to his crew?

  Eli’s free hand spread apart Moira’s butt cheeks. Moira moaned harder as he pounded into her. Kane couldn’t tell if Eli slammed into her ass or pussy, but whichever the choice, Moira didn’t seem to mind. She rocked back on him, taking it all.

  Kane couldn’t understand her alien language but if he had to guess he would bet she was urging Eli to take her harder.

  This wasn’t the first time Kane had watched his crew get busy. He joked that he had his own porn channel. Every time the crew brought females aboard, his channel was up and running.

  He had never had the urge to join in, not even now. But the female he’d left in his cabin eased into his thoughts. What would be the problem if he returned there and took the princess? She had been more than willing. Pussy was pussy, right? It would be easy enough to fuck her and send her on her way.

  Kane gripped his hardening cock through his leather pants. He closed his eyes and imagined how it would all play out.

  “That’s it baby. Take it all,” he pictured himself saying to Sa’Mya. He’d give her round ass a smack. Sa’Mya would give him a smile over her shoulder. Her eyes would twinkle as they rested on his.


  Unable to take any more, Kane released his cock from his pants. It sprang free. Instantly, his hard and calloused hands fisted his silky member. Hands as soft as butter should be wrapped around it. Or better yet, his cock should be encased in wet and warm flesh. At that, his cock jumped underneath his palm.

  Kane swiped his forefinger across his slit, spreading his liquid over the head. He shuddered. His grip tightened on his shaft and pumped up and down in slow movements.

  Would she be able to take it all?

  He’d work himself in to the hilt, burying himself deep. He’d have her crying out for more. He’d make her beg for it. Just when her walls clenched around him, he’d pull out, denying what she wanted most.

  Kane wouldn’t make it easy for the princess. No, he’d have her on her knees in front of him. Begging him for the chance to lick and suck him dry. He’d play with her mouth, holding on to her head, running his finger across her stretched lips. Just when she thought she was going to be rewarded with his cum, he would pull out once again.

  He’d take her on her back next, making the princess open her long legs wide, and then he’d plunge deep into the valley between them. He’d ride her relentlessly, pinning her wrists and fucking her until she convulsed and shattered around him.

  “You want some, Cap’n?”

  Kane blinked with a start. “What…where…?” He glanced around the cabin and blinked twice before realizing Eli was talking to him.

  Eli’s pace didn’t slow by a second. Moira slammed back, meeting him.

  Kane shook his head. What was I thinking?

  “Are you sure? I don’t mind sharing.” Eli pulled Moira’s hair so she could see Kane. “Honey, do you mind sucking my captain’s dick while I fuck you?”

  Moira smiled at Kane. No, she wouldn’t mind. As if he needed further confirmation, she licked her lips in anticipation. Could he? Should he? Besides, wasn’t that the age-old question anyway?

  Watch, don’t touch. “No,” Kane said.

  Eli shrugged and pushed her hips out of the way. Moira flipped to her back and spread her legs wide for Eli.

  “In a minute,” Eli said to her. He climbed over her and straddled her face. He braced one hand on the bedpost while the other held tight to her head. “Suit yourself,” Eli said to Kane. Then turning to Moira, he said, “Clean my dick off, honey.”

  Moira opened her mouth wide. Eli sank his cock in to the hilt.

  Eli growled, “Damn.”

  Moira’s lips squeezed tightly around Eli’s cock. Her cheeks sucked in to surround him.


  JB had been right. Moira was the perfect cocksucker.

  Kane’s cock twitched and jerked under his touch. No pussy for you.


  Eli moved slower past her lips. His groin brushed against her face. Her gaze moved from Eli to Kane. She slid two fingers into her hairless pussy.

  Eli pulled out his cock and rubbed it over her open mouth. Moira rimmed the outline of his head with her tongue before delving her tongue inside his slit.

  Eli hissed as she licked the pre-cum that had formed there. Moira removed her glistening-wet fingers from her pussy and wiped her juice across his head. With a smile, Moira licked the tip of Eli’s cock.

  Eli slapped his cock on her lips and chin. “You like that, don’t you?”

  She moaned and slipped her wet fingers between her lips, sucking them.

  Kane’s cock hardened so much it became almost unbearable. His fist beat at a surreal pace. The thought of Sa’Mya sucking his dick dry had made him want to spill himself on the floor.

  Eli pushed Moira’s hand out of the way, only to slide his cock between her swollen lips again. Moira opened her mouth wide and moaned as he plunged in balls-deep. She took every inch. Her fingers slipped in her pussy, once again, slamming harder and harder. She bucked widely as she fucked herself. Her gaze stayed locked on Kane, inviting him to join them.

  Eli worked his cock in and out. “Damn. Suck my dick.” Saliva dripped from her mouth to her chin. “That’s right. Damn, that’s good.”

  Kane held tight to his cock. His swollen member throbbed in his grasp. He needed pussy. He needed relief.

  Eli removed his cock from Moira’s mouth with a plop. He grabbed her legs tightly.
With one push, her knees were beside her head. He plunged quick and deep into Moira’s waiting pussy.

  Eli’s white ass pumped vigorously.

  Kane’s pace quickened. His cock throbbed underneath his palm.

  “Oh shit. I’m gonna come!” Eli yelled. Moira moaned and mewled. Her breasts flopped and bounced by her chin.

  Eli pulled out and grabbed her head. Moira came forward with her lips spread. “Swallow all of it, baby.”

  Eli came with a roar. His body spasmed as he emptied his cum into her. He pumped a few more times before he withdrew. Moira licked at the head.

  Eli fell to the bed in a heap on his side. Lying back, Moira watched Kane. Kane’s balls shrunk closer to his core.

  Kane couldn’t control his breathing. He squeezed and stroked his length.

  Moira smiled and motioned to Kane with a slender finger.

  Should I?

  She scooped Eli’s cum from her face into her mouth. Kane watched as a large drop hung precariously on her chin. She motioned for Kane again.

  Kane moved forward. His heartbeat became erratic, caused by his impending release. The closer he got, the wider she opened her lips.


  Kane found himself standing over her. She tried to latch on to him and he pushed her away. “No touching.” Moira whimpered. Kane tilted her head back and pulled her chin down.

  Moira waited, holding her position while he fisted his cock over her waiting mouth. He didn’t know if it was the look in her eyes or that she was an alien. But almost immediately, his erection faded. Shit. Just moments before, his release was imminent. Now, nothing.


  “I think I want to keep her,” Eli said, half-asleep next to her.

  Kane pulled up his pants and headed out the door. “No, she’s going back to where she came from.” He needed to make up with Jess.


  “Where’s Ryan?” Kane asked before leaving.

  Eli rolled onto his back. Moira promptly latched on to Eli’s flaccid shaft. Eli yelped and grabbed her head, trying to lift her off.

  “Baby, it’s too sensitive. Let it rest up,” Eli said.

  “Solo alcos?” Moira begged. She lowered her head.

  Giving up, Eli relaxed and closed his eyes. “Bridge. He said he was going to the bridge.”


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