Saving Grace (Cold Bay Wolf Pack Book 2)

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Saving Grace (Cold Bay Wolf Pack Book 2) Page 11

by Dena Christy

  A shadow flitted over her eyes and he could see something that looked like fear and pain in them. He wanted to question it, to demand to know what put that look there. But he knew that would not get the results he wanted. He needed to trod a gentle path forward and hope that with patience and time she would tell him what made her afraid.

  “Honestly I don’t know. For a moment it look like him but as soon as I heard you behind me he disappeared like smoke. It could’ve been shadows and moonlight playing tricks on me.”

  He searched her face, to see if there was truth in what she said. Her eyes were without guile and he could see that as far as she was aware she’d spoken the truth. That she didn’t know if she saw something was evident, but he couldn’t ignore the possibility that she had. He hadn’t imagined the smell of the wolf watching him on the night he bound himself to her. He couldn’t ignore that he’d possibly been watching again.

  He bent his head forward and pressed a soft kiss on her lips.

  “As long as we don’t know where he is, I want someone to be with you when we can’t be together.” She opened her mouth as if to protest. He raised a finger and pressed it to her lips. “I need to be able to protect you so please do this for me. When you go to the house to pack up make sure that Rafe is with you. If he can’t go, you can't go unless I’m with you. Okay?”

  She pressed her lips together for a moment and he knew that her independent nature chafed at not being able to go about her business when she pleased. But her safety was more important than her independence.

  “Okay, if you or Rafe can’t be with me, I won’t go anywhere alone. Can we stop talking about this now? Tonight is supposed to be about us moving forward so I don’t want the past intruding, not tonight.”

  He didn’t want that either, especially not with her wet curves pressed against him. There were more important things they could be doing besides worrying about a phantom who may or may not be there.

  She switched places with him so that he stood under the spray and she sank to her knees in front of him. Even if he hadn’t already decided to end this discussion, her taking his cock in her mouth wiped all thought from his mind.

  “Jesus woman.” His voice came out in a tortured groan as she did things to him with her mouth that sent pleasure shooting through every nerve in his body.

  He ran his hands over her wet hair as he resisted the urge to thrust himself into her mouth. He felt like a king with her on her knees in front of him, like a conquering hero and she was his reward. His pleasure caught hold of him and he grasped her by the arms and pulled her up in front of him. He wasn’t going to last much longer if she kept doing that, and he wanted her with him when he climaxed.

  With hands that were rough with his need for her, he turned her to face the shower wall. As if she anticipated what he wanted and needed from her, she widened her stance and pushed her hips back. The entrance of her body was wet and inviting and he thrust hard inside her.

  “Oh God yes, Mason. You feel so good.”

  Her words were like gasoline on a bonfire and his desire for her exploded. He was so close that every thrust felt like the one that would trigger his orgasm. He reached around her, stroking her clit so that she was right there with him. Her sobs of pleasure told the story of how close she was, her cries were a symphony to his ears and his masculine pride swelled that he could use his cock and his hand to bring her to this point.

  All it took was one more hard thrust in the squeezing of her body around him as she found her completion to send his orgasm slamming through him. He shook with the force of it as he poured himself inside her.

  He held her to him, until his heartbeat slowed and the water started to cool. She sighed when he pulled out of her, and he shut off the water.

  Mason got out of the shower and he wrapped one of the bath sheets around her, pulling her close. Any notion that he had of keeping his distance from her went up in a puff of smoke. Making love to her bound her to him in a way that no amount of words spoken in front of his pack could ever do. She was his woman and he was her man. He knew this now with the certainty that went deep into his bones. Now all that remained was for her to know it too.

  Grace rinsed her coffee mug in the sink and looked out the kitchen window. She looked at the trees and wondered if Titus was there, lurking in the shadows. Chances were good that the woods were clear, since he would be easily spotted in the daylight. She had no idea what game he was playing, but she was certain that Titus didn’t want his shadow routine to end just yet.

  Footsteps sounded behind her and before she could turn around, Mason’s arms came around her. She leaned back against his chest, Titus forgotten for the moment.

  “What are you doing today?” Mason shifted her hair aside and pressed a kiss to the side of her neck. She wished she could tell him what she planned to stay in bed with him all day, but he had a business to run and she had a house to pack up.

  “I’m going out to East Brook to work on the house.” Grace turned around and put her arms around his neck. The corner of his mouth kicked up and he leaned his head forward. His kiss was deep and contentment flowed through her. She pulled back from him and stroked her hand over his chest.

  “Keep on kissing me like that and we won't be going anywhere.”

  “I wish we could go back upstairs and spend the rest of the day in bed but I have to meet with Logan.” Mason took a step back from her and her hands fell down to her side. There was a tightening of his features when he said that, one that spoke of more than regret and not being able to make love to her all day.

  “I hope it’s nothing serious?”

  His face cleared and he shook his head. “Just pack business.”

  A frown marred her forehead as he turned away. There was something he wasn’t telling her, but she pushed the notion aside. There were things she wasn’t telling him and it was hypocritical of her to expect him to share every thought that went through his head. Especially since she wasn’t willing to do the same.

  She watched him move around the kitchen. They turned a corner last night, and he no longer had that hurt angry look in his eyes whenever he saw her. She could be forgiven for not wanting to bring that look back. She spent too many years living in the past to want to dredge it all up.

  She and Mason were moving toward a future together and she wanted to focus on that. And she couldn’t just stand there staring at him. Otherwise he’d start to think that something was wrong and wouldn’t let it go until he found out what it was.

  She walked up to him and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I’m heading out now, say hi to Logan for me.”

  She scooped up her car keys off the counter and turned towards the front door when he reached out to grasp her arm.

  “Is Rafe meeting you at the house?” His brows pulled together and she knew he wouldn’t let her go until she answered. He wasn’t going to like what she had to say.

  “You were serious about that? It’s not necessary, you know. I’m sure Rafe has better things to do than hang out with me all day, and I doubt anything will happen to me while I’m at the house.”

  “You don’t know that. Something or someone is watching the house. Until we know who or what it is, I’m not taking any chances with you.” He let go of her arm and before she could stop him he reached in his pocket for his cell phone.

  His call to Rafe was short and once it was finished he put his phone away and looked at her, as if daring her to say something. This wasn’t such a big deal that she wanted to start a fight with him. She walked up to him and put her arms around his waist. There was no point in arguing with him when he was like this. Besides she’d been looking out for herself for so long that it was kinda nice to have someone else do it for her.

  “Thank you.” She rested her head against his chest and his heartbeat soothed her.

  “Rafe will be here soon to pick you up. Don’t worry about imposing on him.” He tightened his arms around her for a moment. Once he let her go he stroked a fing
er down her cheek and grinned at her. “Don’t tire yourself out too much today. I have plans for you later.”

  “What sort of plans?” From the way the corner of his mouth pulled up and his eyes drifted over her body, she was certain she knew what it was he was planning.

  “You’ll find out tonight.” He kissed her one more time and turned to walk out the front door. Once she heard his truck leaving, she put her house keys in her pocket and walked out onto the front porch to wait for Rafe.

  A breeze ruffled her hair and she tilted her head back to catch some of the warmth of the sun. In the bright light of day everything seemed so peaceful and she could almost believe that she imagined seeing Titus last night. She knew if she tried hard enough she could talk herself into believing that he truly been the phantom she thought him to be. But Mason was right, and they both knew that someone was watching the house. She knew it was Titus, and she also knew first hand what he was capable of doing.

  Rafe's truck came up the driveway and she was relieved that she now had a respite from the painful memories that wanted to crowd into her head. The past was over and done with, and if she was ever going to embrace her future with Mason she needed to let it go. Packing up the house would make a good start, and she was determined to get it done and on the market before too much time had passed.

  Rafe pulled the truck to a stop, and gave her a wave. Grace got up from where she sat on the porch steps and brushed her hand over the back of her shorts. She walked over to the truck and got in.

  "I have to say that Mason has come a long way in the past couple weeks.” Rafe turned to her with a grin on his face as she got in the truck beside him. Grace arranged a purse beside herself and looked at him with a puzzled frown on her face.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You have to admit that it’s kind of funny that Mason wants me to spend the day with you, when he tried to kick the shit out of me for talking to you on the night we met. Usually he is pretty calm and levelheaded, and frankly I’ve never seen him as pissed as he was that night. So I think it means he has come a long way in the past couple weeks. I’m sure there would be no way that he would suggest we hang out together if he was still in the same frame of mind as he was that night.”

  Grace remembered that night and how angry she'd been at Mason for the show he and Rafe put on in the parking lot. It seemed like such a long time ago, had it really only been a couple of weeks? Did it mean that Mason was finally starting to trust her if he was willing to ask Rafe to spend the day alone with her? The thought of it made a happy glow bloom inside her, and she smiled as she stared straight ahead out the windshield.

  She gave brief directions to the house, and once they pulled up in front of it she was ready to get to work. All signs were pointing to Mason wanting to have a future with her, and if she was honest with herself she didn’t want to leave him once the year was up. She knew it was early days yet, but being with him again last night had shown her that the feelings she had for him fifteen years ago had never really died.

  She felt that the main obstacle keeping her with one foot in the past and one foot in the future was this house. The sooner she got rid of the stuff inside, and got it listed on the market the sooner she could put her past behind her.

  Rafe made himself busy loading the boxes that were already packed into the bed of his truck. All that stuff was going to go to the local thrift shop where it might do some good. Grace didn’t need anything that was in this house, since she had more than enough baggage from her years living here and didn’t need anymore.

  While Rafe was busy she went into the bedroom that her mother shared with her stepfather. She'd put off coming in here, because the memories of her mother were strongest in here. She dumped the boxes in her hand on the floor and threw the garbage bags she had in her hand on the top of the bed. The only way she was going to get through this was to pretend that she was packing up the room of a stranger.

  She worked steadily for the next couple hours, filling up boxes and bags with her mother’s things. Most of the items that belonged to her stepfather went right into the garbage, and Grace felt a small amount of satisfaction at dumping all his possessions. It was hard to do that with her mother’s things, and it might be her imagination but she thought she could still smell her mother’s perfume on some of her clothes. She swallowed hard and shoved back the sadness that wanted to curl up inside her.

  A knock on the door startled her out of her thoughts, and she was relieved to have the distraction. She turned and saw Alena standing in the doorway.

  “This is a surprise. What are you doing here?” Grace set aside the bag she was holding and came toward Alena with a warm smile on her face. Alena's eyes swept around the room before coming back to Grace.

  “I came here to ask if you’ve already gotten a real estate agent to help you sell the house. I’ve been working at Dickerson’s Real Estate part-time, and I’m sure you can appreciate that people don’t sell much property around here. I was hoping that if you hadn’t gotten an agent, you’d consider giving me the job to help you out.”

  In fact Grace hadn’t gotten an agent for the house, and hadn’t planned on using the local real estate company. East Brook was too small, and frankly most of the residents already had homes and had no need for a second property. There was a tendency in this town that once you bought a house you stayed put in it until you died in it.

  “I appreciate the offer Alena but I was thinking of going with the company in one of the bigger cities to the south. This property would be ideal for someone who wanted to have it as a cottage for a weekend retreat.” Grace smiled to soften her words, and drew back in surprise when Alena's eyes narrowed slightly. If she didn’t know better, she could swear that the other woman had a slight snarl on her face.

  “You don’t want to do that. I know that you’ve been away from town for a long time, and I’m sure you forgotten how things work. We don’t like outsiders here, and we certainly don’t want weekenders coming in and buying up property in town. If you list the house with us, I can assure you I will find a buyer for it.”

  It didn’t seem worthwhile to argue with her, so Grace turned away and picked up the bag again. “Well as long as you can sell it, I suppose it doesn’t matter to me who buys it. I just want it gone and dealt with.”

  Alena didn't say anymore, and the click of her heels on the wooden floor told Grace that she was leaving. She didn’t dwell on what the other woman had said, because frankly all she wanted was this house to not be her problem anymore. If Alena took too long trying to sell the house, Grace intended to have it listed in one of the bigger cities. If any residents of East Brook didn’t like it, that was too bad.


  Mason waited until he saw Rafe's truck go by, and then he pulled out of the quiet side road he'd been waiting on. He hadn't lied to Grace when he told her that he had a meeting with Logan, he just hadn't told her all of it. He was going to meet with his cousin, but the tone of that meeting would be set by what he discovered in the woods behind his house.

  He pulled his truck up in front of his house and got out. He didn't bother going inside, and walked around the side of the house to the back instead. Grace may have had doubts that she'd seen something last night, but he needed to know one way or the other. The only way to do that was to go to the spot where she'd stopped last night and look for evidence that there'd been someone other than the two of them there.

  It took no time to cross the yard and follow the path that he and Grace had run last night. He hadn't mentioned to her what he was going to do this morning because he didn't want to frighten her. It was apparent that Titus had fueled enough of her nightmares for Mason to want to not give her any more reason to be afraid. He wasn't going to worry her until he knew there was some basis for her fears, and even then he didn't want to burden her with the notion that Titus was stalking her. If this was what was happening he would deal with it.

  The wooded area behind his house was quiet and
everything seemed as it should be. But looks could be deceiving, especially in daytime. If Titus was stalking her, Mason was certain that he was using the cover of night to help disguise himself, and he had no expectation of finding him in the woods now that the sun was up. All he wanted was to find proof that he'd been there, so he could take it to Logan and show him that it was time to find out where the hell Titus was and deal with him.

  Once he got to the spot where he was certain that Grace had been standing last night, he scanned the area as he tried to remember exactly in which direction she'd been staring off into. His eyes zeroed in on the spot that appeared to have a small gap in the trees and he walked over to it.

  A quick test of the air with his nose didn't reveal anything out of the ordinary. That didn't mean that there hadn't been anyone in the woods last night, it just meant that he needed to go a little deeper into the woods for proof. He stepped into the trees and walked slowly forward, making sure that he wouldn't miss anything that might point to the identity of who'd been watching his woman last night.

  He was certain that it had been Titus, since he was the only logical one. He was the only East Brook pack member that objected to the merger and he was currently MIA. Mason had no idea why he appeared to be targeting Grace, but he supposed in the grand scheme of things it didn't matter. There was no way in hell that he was going to be able to get close enough to her to be able to do anything. Mason was going to make sure of that.

  The search through the woods proved to be more tedious than he'd anticipated. If Titus had been there he'd certainly done his best to cover his tracks. Mason was about to give up and go back to his truck when he noticed a small tuft of gray fur stuck on the trunk of a tree, as if whoever had left it there had rubbed up against it. The fur didn't belong to either him or Grace, since his fur was black and hers was golden when she was in her wolf form.


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