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Suppliant Page 8

by Laura Tree

  Chapter 8

  The high school auditorium is decorated with gold and black streamers, the color of our mascot. There are “Congratulations, Graduates” signs everywhere. Most parents and family members in the audience are holding flowers and balloons for their graduate.

  It’s supposed to be a happy occasion, but I’m sad. I’m one of the odd kids who actually likes going to school. I love to learn, which is why I’ve always been known as a bookworm, and probably why I got a job at the local library.

  The ceremony lasts a lifetime. Our school isn’t as big as an inner--city school, but there are still over two hundred graduates. Several students have a hard time sitting still through the entire two--and--a--half hour process.

  I’m thrilled to be called so I can stretch my legs. They hand us a fake diploma, and we pause to take some pictures. After the ceremony, we are supposed to pick up our real diploma in the office. They said this policy was in place to eliminate any pranks that were planned.

  A few years ago all of the boys in the graduating class mooned the audience after they were handed their real diplomas. There were several complaints to the office about graduation being ruined, so they changed the procedure to only allow you to pick up your diploma after the ceremony ended. I think this was smart on their part, but everyone else hates it.

  I keep eying Sally Hansen and the football players, during the ceremony. I can’t believe that they would show their faces for graduation. I avoid her after the closing speech. She is not worth wasting my breath on, and I will never have to see her again.

  “Are you still planning on heading to the beach with us?” Ava and Mads had gotten a small group of students together to have a burning party at the beach. They said graduation symbolized freedom from school, so they wanted to burn their cap and gown. I had agreed to go with them; why am I really going to need with a bright yellow cap and gown in the future anyway?

  “Sure, is it okay if I ride with you? Mom and Dad insisted on driving me, so I don’t have my car.” I know that they’re sad and them offering me a ride is their way of spending more time with me. Our time together is coming to an end. They agreed to help me find my birth parents this summer, so we will be spending a lot of time looking for them, but I still will be heading off to college in the fall.

  “No problem.” We leave the bathroom, dressed and ready to go.

  I find Mom and Dad waiting for me in the hallway. Mom is holding flowers and a balloon. It’s a sweet gesture; I just hope she isn’t disappointed when I ask her to take them home with her. I don’t want to have to cart them around the beach.

  “Congratulations honey. You worked so hard and really deserve it.” Mom hands me the flowers.

  “We’re proud of you, Layla,” Dad chimes in. Mom bursts into tears when I give them a hug.

  “Thanks for the flowers; they’re beautiful. Would you mind taking them home with you, along with this?” I hand over my diploma, the real one. “I was heading off to the beach with Ava for the burning party.” There isn’t much that I hide from them.

  “What time will you be home?” Dad asks. I’m used to having to tell them everything about my life, where I’m going and who I’m with.

  “We’re having lunch there. I should be back by five,” I respond.

  “Just give us a call if that changes,” Dad says.

  “Of course, Dad. I didn’t forget the rules.” I give them another quick hug before I leave to find Ava.

  “Are you looking for me?” The sexy voice makes me turn around. Of course, I already know that it belongs to Damien.

  “Actually, I was looking for Ava, but you’ll do.” I haven’t realized until now how tall Damien is. I’m medium height, and he towers over me enough that I have to look up to meet his eyes.

  “What are you doing after this?” he asks.

  “A group of us were headed off to the beach to burn our caps and gowns. I was looking for Ava to give me a ride. Do you wanna tag along? I know that you have to return your cap and gown, but it should still be fun.” What the heck, we’re friends now. He might as well come along for the ride.

  “It sounds like a blast. You can ride with me if you want to since I don’t know where I’m going.”

  Well, it makes sense that he would need directions since he’s new here. I’m sure that Ava wouldn’t mind.

  “Sure, let me go find Ava and tell her. I’ll meet you out front in ten minutes,” I say, searching the crowd for her familiar face.

  By the time I get out front, most of the cars are gone. Damien is leaned up against a shiny black sports car. He has changed his clothes. He looks amazing. He looks like he belongs in a magazine ad for some pretty enticing cologne. What is wrong with me? I’ve been able to mostly ignore his looks all week long, but suddenly it’s getting harder.

  “Ready to go?” He takes a few steps toward me and then opens the door. He’s a gentleman too, the total package. I’m starting to like Damien, but I want to get to know him more. I know that it doesn’t make any sense to get into a relationship the summer before college, but I feel a connection with him.

  The drive there leads us over some twisty ocean--view highway. It’s the perfect day for a drive and a walk along the beach. I can’t care less about the burning. I still haven’t decided if I’m going to burn my cap and gown. It’s a waste of money, but I know I won’t get any use out of keeping them.

  Maybe I can donate them back to the school for an underprivileged student next year.

  Damien parks next to the other cars. He pauses for a second and looks into my eyes. Suddenly his fingertips are running down my cheek; I feel a spark on my skin where he touches me. I have never felt this tingle from anyone before, including him. The first time we touched, I felt a warm buzz, and it’s grown hotter each time since.

  The world goes dark as my eyes flutter closed. I feel like I’m seeing through a bubble. There’s a woman, tall and slender, who looks to be in charge of things. She’s ordering people around. I feel like I’m on the outside looking in, like I’m a ghost. She has the most beautiful, long, and wavy brunette hair. She’s wearing a purple empire dress with a gold snake bracelet around her left bicep and a golden tiara.

  In her right hand is a tall staff with a blue stone. I’m so captivated with the stone that I’m surprised when I hear her talk. Her voice is silky and only recants one phrase “Azure Pendant.” Suddenly she’s staring right into my eyes, like she’s talking directly to me. With a jerk, my focus comes back to Damien’s eyes.

  He looks concerned when I finally recognize him. “Is everything all right? What’s going on, Lay?” I’m stunned for a moment, staring off at the students on the beach starting the fire, some already swimming in the ocean.

  He grabs my shoulders, and my head lands on his chest. I take a second to collect my thoughts. My skin is burning everywhere he touches. It’s an odd feeling. I only just met him earlier this week.

  This is the first time I have heard sound in a vision. It’s so real; the last ones I had were of the past, and this one is different. I’m not sure what to think.

  Then I have the other issue that’s more pressing. A guy that I just met is holding me against his chest, like he’s protecting his most prized possession, and I like it. Well, I really like him. I haven’t let myself admit that yet.

  Everywhere he touches me I get a feeling that starts off as a tingle, and then turns into a deep burning sensation, a need for his touch. To top it all off, I think it’s addictive; I want him to touch me more.

  Damien shifts rather quickly and pushes me away. “Sorry, I got carried away. I was just concerned for you. What happened?”

  “It was nothing. I just got dizzy for a second. I’ll be okay. Thank you.” I try to pull myself together to face Ava and Mads on the beach, but I can’t help but focus on his touch.

  “Layla, you can trust me,” Damien says while looking into my eyes. I feel like I can see to the depth of his soul staring into
his eyes; why is this the first time I have noticed it? It must be because I have allowed myself to admit that I like him.

  I want so badly to trust him. This is crazy; I just met him. No sane woman would trust a man that she just met. What’s going on with me lately?

  “Layla, what did you see?” Damien grabs hold of my biceps and gives me an impatient look.

  “What are you talking about?” I question, as I put on my best confused face. How does he know that I’ve seen anything? I haven’t told anyone about my visions.

  “Your vision, what was it about?” Damien glances back and forth quickly. “Tell me now, Layla; we don’t have much time.”

  How in the heck does he know I’m having visions? I don’t know what to think, but still, I feel like I can trust him anyway; he’s helped me before. There’s something going on here, and I’m going to get to the bottom of it.

  I decide that I won’t hold back from him. I need at least one person in my life who knows everything about me, who I can vent to.

  “I have never had a vision like it before. There was a tall, slim woman; she was ordering people around. She was wearing a purple dress, a snake bracelet that wrapped around her arm, a tiara, and she was holding a staff with a blue stone. I know it sounds weird, but she looked right at me and said ‘Azure Pendant’,” I recall.

  Damien gasps. Once again he glances back and forth. “We have to go now; you’re in danger. We should have left sooner.” He puts the car in reverse and speeds out of the parking lot. My heart starts pounding faster.

  “What’s going on? Where are you taking me?” I start to get concerned for my life. I mean, I just met the guy a few days ago. It’s not like I know anything about him. My panic subsides slightly; I still feel like I can trust him.

  “Just give me a minute. We have a tail,” Damien says.

  This guy must be insane. Why in the world would someone follow us? It must be one of the students leaving the beach.

  I turn my head to look, and sure enough there’s a black SUV with the high beams on, following us. I look back at Damien, and he looks focused. Both hands are on the wheel; he’s staring straight ahead.

  “Buckle your seat belt,” I look down and realize I hadn’t buckled my seat belt when he took off again. How does he know that without looking? Is this guy psychic or something?

  “All right Damien, I want some answers and I want them now,” I buckle my seat belt without taking my eyes off him. Suddenly the car takes a ninety degree turn that it shouldn’t have been able to make.

  I’m flung against the center console, thankful that my seat belt has caught me. Thank goodness Damien’s a good driver at high speeds!

  “What’s going on? Who found me? What do they want with me? I haven’t broken any laws.” Seriously, I’m about to open the door and jump out if Damien doesn’t tell me what’s going on.

  “Did you feel it? The tingling sensation when I touched you earlier?” How does he know? I haven’t told him that his touch causes a tingling or burning sensation.

  “Should I take that as a ‘yes’?” he responds to my silence.

  “How did you know? And why aren’t you answering my questions?” I am truly freaked out right now. Damien knows more about this situation than he’s letting on and I want answers.

  “This is going to sound weird, but I’m a Protector. I was sent to this realm to find you,” he says.

  “What? Why were you sent to find me? Is that why you were in all of my classes and wanted to hang out? Where did you come from?” I look at my fingernails, trying to wrap my head around what he is saying. Besides, what in the heck is a Protector?

  “I’m your Protector. I’m here to protect you; I will give up my life to keep you safe.” I nearly laugh inside until I turn to see his face. He looks dead serious. No way, he’s going to protect me with his life?

  “What do I need protection from?” The car suddenly comes to a stop.

  “We’re here; let’s go.” He pushes me toward the door, so I get out and he’s already around the car grabbing my arm, dragging me into the woods. I look around and don’t see a single car or person in sight. Damien must have lost our tail.

  I’m starting to get worried. How do I know that he’s not dragging me into the woods to rape and murder me?

  I look at Damien’s muscular back and catch a whiff of what smells like fresh flowers mixed with water. There’s a stream ahead but I don’t see any flowers. I stumble on a log and Damien’s strong arms catch me, his reflexes way too fast to be natural.

  “We’re almost there,” Damien says. He turns around and picks up the pace.

  “Almost where? Where are we going?” I ask. Why won’t he tell me what’s going on? I plant my feet, refusing to go any further.

  “Look, Layla, we either go now or we get caught, tortured, and then murdered. That’s how the Dark does it, in that order,” Damien says.

  “Who is the Dark? And how do I know that you aren’t going to do the same thing?” I ask.

  “I’ll explain when we get there.” Damien pulls hard on my arm. I’m yanked off my feet and pulled through the air. I land face--first into the freezing stream. I open my mouth to scream and only succeed in swallowing a mouthful of water.

  Within a few seconds Damien is pulling me by the arm, swimming underwater. My lungs begin to sting in the ice--cold water. We break the surface, both gasping for air.

  The air feels much lighter, easier to breathe. It smells cleaner. I can’t explain it, but it feels right. Like everything has clicked into place.

  Damien still has my arm in his grasp, dragging me toward the bank. I take a look around. The atmosphere has a sense of familiarity. I feel like I’ve been here before, but I can’t remember. What’s the term—déjà vu?

  My feet hit the ground, and Damien releases my arm. For the first time I realize we have gone from noon to dusk. Whatever we swam through isn’t your typical stream.

  “I know a place we can go to get cleaned up that’s safe.” Damien takes off, walking toward the woods. I follow behind with sopping wet clothes.

  Confusion and fear must be evident on my face. I want to go home, but don’t know how to get there, so I reluctantly follow him because, deep down inside, I know that he won’t hurt me.


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