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Zombies Page 8

by Grubbs, Roger

  “I am not at liberty to say. You will just have to trust me on this one,” said Angelica.

  “When we were fighting the demons, you looked like an angel, at least to me.”

  This pleased her. “I didn’t know how I would appear to you, but I am happy to hear it,” said Angelica.

  “How did I look to you?” asked Michael. That question made her slightly nervous, something that rarely happened. Not expecting an answer, Michael was surprised by her blunt remark.

  “You looked just like an Archangel in my eyes.” She walked away before being asked to explain.

  So Michael decided to look it up on the laptop. “You were right. We do have internet connection out here,” he said, busy at work. Being somewhat pleased that Michael would make the effort to research her answer on the web, Angelica grinned. The smile on his face indicated he too was delighted with what he discovered. “So that is how I looked to her,” he whispered. No one heard him or so he thought. However, Angelica did and was delighted.

  “We need to get some sleep. Morning will be here before you know it,” said Angelica, walking toward the bedroom.

  “I think I will call it a night as well. How about you, Professor?”

  “You two go ahead. I think I’ll sit out here and enjoy the view for a bit before turning in,” said the professor.

  “Suit yourself.” As his thoughts turned toward the morning’s events, Michael wheeled around and asked, “Do you really see any need in holding classes tomorrow?”

  The professor chuckled before saying, “They will show up, if for no other reason except out of curiosity,” said the professor.

  “Then we shall see you bright and early in the morning,” said Michael, closing the laptop. The professor smiled as Michael entered the bedroom. He knew what was on the boy’s mind, but it wasn’t happening. Only disappointment awaited the smitten young man. The smile disappeared when the professor approached the window to gaze into the valley. He could sense a host of spirits nearby—some good, but mostly evil.

  “Are you asleep?” asked Michael in a pleasant tone as he approached the bed.

  “No, but I must remind you of our agreement,” said Angelica.

  “I promised I would stay on my side of the bed, and I fully intend to keep my word,” said Michael.

  “I know you want to, but you are only human. Those urges are normal for a young man in your position. Just remember that our relationship is that of friendship and nothing more,” said Angelica.

  “Are you insinuating I would try to hit on you?” asked Michael.

  “Yep, now be a good little boy and lay down. It will be morning soon, and only heaven knows what awaits us tomorrow,” said Angelica.

  As the faint streams of moonlight filtered in through the window, he couldn’t help but notice her beautiful countenance; and fighting off the urge to kiss her didn’t prevent him from thinking about it. Then as if to read his mind, his friend spoke. “A kiss on the cheek would be nice,” said Angelica. Being startled, he sat up in the bed and stared at the gorgeous girl. Then his eyes wandered. “Michael, stop staring at my body, or you will get yourself in more trouble than you could ever imagine.”

  “I can’t help it.”

  “Yes you can. Now focus on my face, and then kiss me as you would a dear friend,” said Angelica. He accepted her offer; and as his lips tenderly touched her cheek, he felt something he had never experienced before. “See. Wasn’t that much better than what you were thinking about a moment ago?” asked Angelica.

  “I suppose, but do you really know what I was thinking?”

  “Certainly, I know everything,” said Angelica.

  “Then I am already in a heap of trouble.”

  “You’re safe for now. Just don’t ever try to act upon those thoughts,” said Angelica. It became obvious that the young man was embarrassed by having this conversation. Was she in fact an angel? That thought did cross his mind; and since she refused to settle the matter, Michael could only guess. If she were to be an angel, thoughts of a carnal nature were taboo; or were they? But, on the other hand, if he looked like an angel to her in spiritual form, could this possibly work for them? With those thoughts oozing from his brain, he got his answer. “The answer is no, Michael, but there is something grand awaiting you—that is if you can control your thoughts in the meantime. Believe me. You will not be disappointed,” said Angelica.

  “The last time a girl told me that was when we . . .”

  “Michael, please. I don’t want to hear it,” said Angelica.

  “I was just going to say a beautiful girl offered to kiss me on the lips. It was my first and we were nine.”

  Thinking it was much more earth shattering, Angelica could not contain her amusement. “Well, were you disappointed?”

  “Nope. It was all I could have ever imagined,” said Michael, lying back down on his side of the bed.

  “What happened after that? You know . . . as you became older?” asked Angelica, instantly regretting having posed the question.

  “She moved away right after that, and I never saw her again. But I will never forget that kiss,” said Michael, sighing.

  “Oh, then you have never been with anyone?” asked Angelica. Again, she bit her lip, wondering why in the world she had asked such a personal question.

  “If you are asking if I have ever been intimate with a girl . . .”

  “Michael, you don’t have to answer. It was wrong of me to ask that of you.”

  “I don’t mind at all. You are not the only angel in this bed,” said Michael, proudly.

  A smile came over the beautiful face of the young lady. Then she realized something. “I didn’t say I was an angel.”

  “You didn’t have to. Any girl as beautiful as you is an angel in my eyes. Now stop talking so I can get some sleep,” said Michael. A pillow across the face was to be expected, and he was not disappointed.

  “Good night, Michael.”

  “Good night, Angelica.”

  “You had better watch what you are insinuating. The big guy won’t like it.”

  “Then give him my humble apology the next time you see him,” said Michael.

  Silence followed and the young man still didn’t know who or what Angelica was. He desperately wanted to know the answer and had tried everything he could think of to get it out of her. But, that would have to wait. However, unknown to Michael, the beautiful face of his friend was sporting a smile, only her back was to him. With closed eyes, she cherished the moment, leaving Michael to deal with his own thoughts. Soon the rhythm of her breathing indicated she was sleeping soundly. Quietly listening by her side, Michael also soon drifted off into a land of slumber.

  * * * *

  Morning came much too quickly for Michael. As usual, he was the last of the trio to awaken. When the sound of a familiar voice shouted his name, it was anything but that of an angel. “Michael, get your lazy butt out of the bed. We will be late,” said Angelica.

  “You were much nicer last night. What did you do with my little angel?”

  “Stop calling me that, or you will begin to believe it,” said Angelica, smiling.

  “Well until this morning I considered the possibility. However, at the moment, I am convinced otherwise,” teased Michael, dragging himself from the bed.

  When a towel landed in his face, it came with an order. “Get that bath and don’t make me have to tell you again.”

  “You can’t boss me around. You sound like my wife,” said Michael.

  “In your dreams, buster. Right now I feel like your mother.”

  “Then you didn’t follow me in my dreams,” teased Michael. Immediately he wished he had not said it. “I am sorry, Angelica.”

  “For what? You haven’t done anything to be ashamed of, yet.”

  “Then you definitely didn’t see my dreams,” said Michael.

  “I am going to pretend I didn’t hear that, although that may not satisfy the big guy.”

  “It sounds like
this big guy is someone to fear,” said Michael. She ignored him again. Since he wasn’t making any progress in the quest to find out who Angelica really was, he decided to get that bath out of the way. Moments later the loud yelling indicated he was in the water. The professor laughed and sat quietly while going over his notes with a cup of coffee.

  “Don’t waste your time, Professor. You and I both know there will be no classes today,” said Angelica.

  “They will show up and I will be ready,” he replied confidently.

  “I am not talking about the students. Today will be filled with violence, and who knows how that will turn out,” said Angelica.

  “Oh? It has gotten to that level?”

  “We are expecting the arrival of a host of demons shortly, and this time they will most likely enter humans. So be on your guard for any signs of a person that is possessed. Maybe we can head off this tragedy,” said Angelica, attempting to be hopeful.

  Standing just out of view, Michael had overheard the conversation. They became startled when he stepped through the door, drying his hair with the towel. Looking up at his friend, he asked, “Aren’t you going to bathe?”

  “I bathed while you guys were asleep,” said Angelica, shrugging her shoulders.

  “So how much time do we have?”

  “We need to leave immediately,” said Angelica. While she spoke truthfully, none of them fully expected to arrive at the campus.

  “Are you going dressed like that?” asked Angelica, staring at Michael’s clothes. Those were the very same duds he had worn since they first met.

  “This is all I have, remember? We could always go by my place to get some more.”

  “Why don’t you and Michael swing by there on the way, and I will meet you at the campus?” suggested the professor.

  “I don’t know if that is such a good idea,” said Angelica, reluctantly.

  “I am deeply hurt. You don’t trust me, do you?” asked Michael.

  “Nonsense, we have been sleeping in the same bed, haven’t we?” asked Angelica.

  “Then it’s settled. We will meet you at the building, Professor.” Feeling manipulated, Angelica finally consented, although against her better judgment. They left together and only separated at the last minute to avoid being apart any longer than was absolutely necessary.

  The lengthy journey provided ample opportunities for them to discuss their plans. However, those discussions were quickly interrupted with the dreaded discovery. “They are following us,” whispered Angelica. Yet when her companion searched the area, he spotted nothing out of the ordinary. In fact, there was not a soul anywhere to be seen. “You can’t see them, but they are there. I can feel them.”

  “Are you referring to people or something else?” asked Michael.

  “It’s the demons and they are getting ready to make their move. We need to go back and warn the professor.”

  “There is no time,” replied Michael, checking his wristwatch.

  “Forget about classes. This is more important.” When she turned back to locate the professor, Michael was forced to follow her. Sensing danger, Angelica picked up the pace. The further they traveled the faster she ran. It was all Michael could do to keep up with her. Fear overtook the novice as he had not witnessed this type panic being displayed by his new acquaintance—that is until now. Suddenly her actions were justified by the sight of the professor being carried away by a host of unrecognizable creatures. These were unusual in that none of them resembled any of the previous encounters. They had the body of a man and the head of a beast. Their teeth were like tusk and a huge eye was positioned in the center of their forehead. Michael waited, expecting to be transformed into a mighty warrior as before. It didn’t happen.

  “This is where you do your thing, Angelica,” said Michael, anxiously.

  “If it were up to me, I would.”

  “You did it before. Now, do it again so we can help the professor,” pleaded Michael.

  “It’s too late.”

  “I can’t believe you would stand here and let this happen,” said Michael.

  “It’s out of my hands. There must be a reason for this that I don’t know about.”

  “I have never understood this mess, and this only complicates matters,” said Michael.

  “Tell me about it. But the decision has been made, and we have our answer.”

  “So whoever sent you is just going to let this happen? What if they do the same thing to us?” asked Michael.

  “If that happens, you can trust me on this: there is a very good reason.”

  “How am I supposed to trust you when you are keeping things from me?” asked Michael. When she didn’t answer, Michael continued. “What do you propose we do now?”

  “We go back to the cabin and wait for further instructions.”

  “Why can’t they just provide those instructions right now?”

  “Who?” asked Angelica in deep thought.

  “Whoever sent you, Angelica,” he replied in a loud tone.

  “Hold it down or they will spot us,” said Angelica.

  “Now who are you referring to?” asked Michael, becoming frustrated.

  “The demons! Who did you think I was talking about?”

  “Well, I wasn’t real sure. And to be candid with you, I don’t know which one is worse,” said Michael. A chill in the air was followed by the fierce look in the eyes of his companion. “I apologize for saying that. I know I shouldn’t be questioning your motives or the one that sent you. But I hope you understand my concerns,” said Michael.

  “That does surprise me after what you have witnessed,” said Angelica with her jaws clinched. Obviously she was losing patience with her companion.

  “I said I was sorry, didn’t I?” asked Michael, attempting to apologize for spouting off.

  “You are going to have to do better than that,” said Angelica, turning her back to her friend.

  “What do you expect of me?” asked Michael, totally frustrated. He grabbed her by the arm and wheeled her back around to face him.

  “I expect you to help me save the world. Now follow me back to the cabin, and keep your eyes peeled for anything unusual,” she hissed as she removed herself from his grip. With no further explanation, Angelica strode off in the direction of their shelter; and Michael fell in behind her as instructed, but with many doubts.

  Chapter 8

  After being cast into a world unknown to exist until now, Michael wasn’t really sure what to believe. Maybe his friend would enlighten him at a later time, but that did not make up for the fact that right now he was more confused than ever. Being distracted by those thoughts, Michael was disturbed and jumped out of his skin at the sound of gunfire in the direction of the campus. “What was that?” he asked, already knowing the answer. Rapid gunfire indicated something tragic was happening nearby.

  Immediately the two ran in the direction of the frightening sound. Then it ended. “It’s over. There is nothing we can do for them now,” said Angelica, turning toward the cabin once again.

  “Shouldn’t we at least try?”

  “I already know what has happened. The demons entered the soul of a susceptible human and created havoc on the students and teachers gathering for school.”

  “Then we need to find this demon and stop him before it hurts others,” pleaded Michael.

  “It’s too late, Michael. The work of the demon is finished, and it has turned the weapon on itself.”

  “How do you know this?”

  “That is how they do it, leaving no way for investigators to determine motive or who was behind this tragedy,” said Angelica, sadly.

  “Would it matter anyway? What could they do about it?”

  “There is nothing they can do unless the person is apprehended and the demon cast out,” said Angelica, pausing to consider the matter. “Even then who would ever believe it? The person would be sent to jail with no idea why he or she did such a terrible thing.”

  “So the dem
ons are allowed to do this? Something doesn’t sound right about this arrangement,” said Michael.

  “It hasn’t always been this way, although good and evil has existed since the beginning of time.”

  “So the thousand-year reign is behind this? Why would these evil powers be allowed to roam the earth? Why couldn’t they just leave them in the chains of darkness as you already mentioned?” asked Michael.

  “This was set in motion from the beginning of time. The world is a testing ground to separate the good spirits from the evil.”

  “I hate to bring it up, but which one will win?” asked Michael.

  “If you have to ask, then you are not the person I thought.”

  As they arrived at the cabin, the sight of the lonely abode created all sorts of emotions. The absence of the professor was at the center of those concerns. “What will happen to him?” asked Michael.

  “I only wish I knew, and then again I am not sure I want to know.”

  “Was the professor good or bad?” asked Michael, testing her.

  “He was a good person, but the mind was weak.”

  “Are you kidding? The professor was a genius,” argued Michael.

  “I am not referring to his intelligence, Michael. He was brilliant, but his weakness lay in his ability to resist the evil spirits. I am thinking that was his downfall in this case, and that is why we were not allowed to intervene,” said Angelica.

  “What if that happens to us? Will your sources abandon us?”

  “It won’t happen to me, but I can only hope you will be able to resist their power,” said Angelica.

  “Don’t worry about me. I have already proven myself, in fact, twice,” said Michael, boastfully.

  “If you have a weakness, it is your pride. Many a great leader has fallen because of that flaw.” This jolted the young man back to reality. Like many his age and gender, he was subject to allowing the excessive high opinion of himself to become a stumbling block; this was no exception. While in deep thought, he was encouraged by the wisdom of his companion. “That is why I was chosen to protect you. Just listen to me and you can do this, Michael.”


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