So Many Reasons Why

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So Many Reasons Why Page 11

by Missy Johnson

  Damn you comfy blue and pink undies.

  “Hi you.” Simon smiled, his eyes on my derriere. I blushed and sat up, straitening my skirt in the process. He laughed, turning his attention back to his laptop. “Essays.” He explained. I jumped up.

  My essay. Shit.

  “Holy fucking shit are you serious?” I ran my hands through my hair, trying to relieve the pounding pain. I imagined telling my parents I'd failed a class. Maybe I could throw in a 'By the way I'm in love with a teacher twice my age.' At least that would throw the focus off the fail. I began to pace up and down the length of the couch.

  “Settle down, Em.” I glared at Simon, his smile abruptly fading.

  “Settle?” I screeched. “You want me to fucking settle?” How could I? This would ruin my future. There was no way in hell they'd let me into honours with a fail against my name. Shit, shit, shit.

  “Em!” Shouted Simon. I sat down. “Don’t you ever check your student email anymore? With so many extension requests, I've given everyone an extra week.” I felt my heart rate begin to return to normal. What a fucking relief. What would I have done? I'd really been neglecting my workload since Simon. Which is impressive, considering I had fuck all to do with my time.

  “You couldn’t have told me that in person?”

  Simon rolled his eyes at my annoyance. “Exactly how much time have you spent on your essay in the last week anyway, Emma?”

  “That is so beside the point. It would have been nice to know I had extra time is all I’m saying.”

  “Yes and if you’d checked your email like every other student, you would have known.” He kissed me on my nose.

  “I need you to go and not bother me for two days.” I announced. Simon's mouth dropped open. Obviously he hadn't been expecting that. He looked stunned.


  “I need a great grade. You are a distraction.” I shrugged my shoulders, illustrating how simple it was. Simon pulled me back into his arms. He nibbled at my neck.

  “I'll give you a distraction.” He muttered. Oh boy. Well maybe a few more minutes wouldn't hurt, I reasoned, letting him work his way down to my collarbone, and back up toward my lips. He turned my head and met my lips with a forceful kiss. I felt my insides melt. This man was amazing. All sorts of wonderful. He made me feel so alive, so wanted. I wanted him. If I was going to go without him for a week, I needed to feel him inside of me, and soon.

  “Are you coming?” Halfway to the bedroom, I turned to Simon, who was still lying on the couch.

  “I thought I was being kicked out?” He smiled cheekily. Leading him down the hallway, I tossed my head over my shoulder.

  “You will be when I’m done with you.” He kissed me. Slowly, he unbuttoned my shirt. He ran his hand from my neck down past my belly button, making me shiver. I was so turned on. He lifted the shirt off my shoulders, letting it float to the floor.

  His fingers traced the straps of my bra. He pulled down each strap, exposing my breasts. He breathed in sharply, gently licking my neck with his tongue. His mouth travelled down, over my nipple, circling, rousing feelings deep inside me I never knew I had.

  “Oh lord.” I gasped, losing my balance. He caught me and manoeuvred me onto the bed. We fell onto the bed, he held himself above me as he took a moment to take my naked body in.

  “You are so damn beautiful.” Simon pushed his hand up my skirt, pulling both it and my panties down in one swift movement. I stepped out of them, kicking them aside. He guided me back onto the bed, edging my knees apart. Pulling himself on top of me, I could feel his hardness teasing me, making me even wetter. I thrust my body upward, trying to force him inside of me.

  “So eager.” He teased, amused. He kissed me again, a wicked smile playing on his lips. He pulled away from me.

  “What are you doing?” I said confused. He stopped just short of my stomach, his smile widening.

  “I'm playing, Miss Mancelli.”

  “Oh GOD!” I cried, as he worked away with his tongue. I instinctively grasped the back of his head, grinding him into me. I ignored his muffled laugh, as his tongue continued to stroke me, each touch lifting me higher. My body finally releasing into the most intense orgasm I'd ever experienced.

  “Stop, stop, oh please, Fuck!” I cried, writhing from side to side, yet not releasing my grip on his hair. He slowed, his tongue still inside me. “Oh god. Oh Wow.” I groaned, jumping at every touch, but not quite ready to pull myself away. Each touch felt like I was being shocked with a thousand volts of electricity. My body jerked in response to the overwhelming intensity of the orgasm.

  Finally, when I couldn’t take another moment of him inside me I frantically pushed him away from me.

  “Did you enjoy that, my dear?” he kissed me again, his kisses trailing down to my breasts. “So beautiful.”

  I reached my hand out. He was hard. Very hard. I leaned down to kiss him, pulling him on top of me. I positioned my legs wider apart, allowing his hardness to fall at my entrance. He breathed in deeply. He lifted himself above me again, allowing me to wrap my legs around him. He didn't take his eyes off me when he entered me. I gasped, biting my lip. Each thrust filled me more, causing me to gasp with delight. His thrusts became more urgent as he held onto my leg, lifting it higher.

  “Oh my god you feel so good. You're so wet. So tight.” He groaned. “So damn tight.” I clenched, wanting to feel him deep inside me. I could feel he was about to come.

  “I love you, Simon.” I whispered, gasping as he pushed into me harder and harder. I felt him explode inside me, his warmth filling me as he orgasmed.

  “God Em, what am I going to do without you for a whole two days.” He groaned. He lifted himself off me and collapsed next to me. We were both covered in the sticky smell of sex. He was panting hard. I smiled.

  “Did I feel good?” I asked shyly, knowing the answer already.

  “You have to ask?” He laughed. “You felt amazing.” He pulled me into his arms.

  Chapter Sixteen

  I clicked word count. Surely I had to be above a thousand words by now. I’d been sitting at the computer for close to two hours. Only four hundred words? How the hell was that possible? I blushed, thinking about last night. I knew exactly how it was possible.

  Simon. I couldn't keep my thoughts off him. I wondered what he was doing now. I grabbed my phone and dialled. A five minute break wouldn't hurt right? Yes, I was kidding myself, but what the hell. Maybe he would inspire me. He picked up after two rings.

  “Mr Anderson, I hear you’re good at problem solving. That you really like to get under things and work up through them.”

  “Is that so? Well I do try very hard...” His voice trailed out. I giggled. This was way better than some stupid essay.

  “Mm I love it when you’re hard.” I whispered. I was trying my very best to sound sultry

  “Careful Em, I'm at work.” He said sharply. I bit my lip. That sounded like a challenge, and I loved challenges. I could picture him, sitting at his desk, a room full of students. I could hear the unease in his voice. He was nervous about what I’s say next. This control was such a turn on.

  “Well I wouldn’t want to be inappropriate, Mr Anderson. I won’t talk about the bubble bath I just took, or how I just touched myself thinking about what I want to do to you.”

  “Shit!” He cursed, his voice low and gravelly. “I am in the middle of an exam room with 200 students and you’re getting me hard”

  “I hope nobody asks for help then.” I teased “How would you explain that one?”

  “I'm going now Em.”

  “I can't wait till Sunday. I'm going to suck you so-”

  “Goodbye!” The dial tone rang in my ear. I collapsed on the couch in fits of giggles. The bastard hung up on me. He was so going to pay for that!

  Saturdays were the worst. They were put aside strictly for cleaning. If I didn't have a day set aside for cleaning I'd never do it. Saturday always seemed like a good day for it, because it’
s not like I had a social life to work into my schedule. Today I decided to tackle the couch. Orange hairs covered the fabric like a blanket. Carol glared at me, clearly offended.

  "Paranoid much?" I tickled behind her ear. She arched her back and purred. I swear she winked at me. I tossed up between the vacuum cleaner and a dust brush. Vacuum cleaner won.

  "Thanks mom." I dragged the Dyson out of the shortage room. Best present ever. Carol hissed her disagreement. She shot out of the room.

  "What the hell are you doing?" Tom stood in the doorway, hands on his hips.

  "What does it look like?" I grumbled, dusting the cat hair off my knees. I'd been straddling the top of the couch trying to get the damn cat hair off.

  "Honestly? It looks you're getting freaky with the couch." He raised his eyes at the cleaning nozzle and took in my underpants and sports bra. "Been a while, has it?" His eyes danced with amusement. He was loving this. He thought he was so funny.

  "No, actually it hasn't been awhile." I shot back, instantly regretting my comment. Tom’s eyes widened in surprise. “Fine. Let me get Cass over here.”

  “Ok, so you and teach did the deed? Cass shot upright, her eyes wide with surprise.

  I was relieved. I had half expected a lecture, but Cass had once again surprised me and accepted my feelings for Simon. She had even made a comment the other day about not choosing who you fall for. Once Tom found out I knew I had to tell Cass. If she found out he'd known before her, well let’s just say that would not have been pretty.

  “It was truly amazing. I've never-it was mind blowing.” The image of Simon's naked body lying beside me filled my mind.

  “This happened yesterday?” I nodded.

  “And the day before.” I added sheepishly. Cass widened her eyes. She picked up coaster and threw it at me. “Ouch!” I complained.

  “You waited a whole day to tell me about this?” She threw another coaster, this time I managed to duck.

  “Sorry, I wanted to tell you in person, and I’ve been kind of busy.”

  “Fine, but I’m still pissed.” Cass grunted, frowning. “So was that the only thing blown?” Cass smirked. I poked my tongue out at her.

  “Seriously Cass. I've never come so hard. It was...” I shivered. For once I had no words. Cass rolled her eyes.

  “Honey, not to be rude but how many times have you orgasmed? It's not like you have much to compare him to.” I gasped at her frankness.

  “This is you not being rude? Anyway, I've orgasmed before.” I argued. “I've been known to stroke the entrance every now and then.”

  Cass laughed hysterically. “The entrance? She sputtered. “Babe you need all the help you can get.” I threw a pillow at her head. Hard. She shrugged it off and continued her uncontrollable laughter.

  “So anyway, your man was acting strange in class yesterday.” She commented, reaching for her water. I reddened. Her eyes got wide. “You little slut.” She cried.

  “Why were you even there?” It wasn’t like she was even in his class.

  “I took the subject last year, and now I’m tutoring a couple of students.” She shrugged. “Extra credit. Besides, he’s so much nicer now he’s getting laid.”

  This essay was giving me the shits. I'd considered dropping the class for more than one reason, but it way too late for that. I'd get a fail on my records. I needed more information on the Landry trial, which was in the news now. I'd gathered as much as I could from the papers and the news, but without going to the court case, I was having trouble getting the full story.

  The effect on the community was apparent. Newspapers as far as the UK and Australia were following the story. I could ask Cass to sit in on the case for me, but I knew her schedule was pretty hectic right now. I threw my laptop shut in disgust.

  Damn you Mr Anderson and your stupid essays. Em xx

  I waited until the text had sent through before throwing my phone on the couch. The vibration altered me to his immediate reply. His replies were almost always immediate.

  Watch your mouth Miss Mancelli, or I will have to punish you. What's the issue with the essay? I thought you were close to done. S xx

  My essay was finished. Until I realised I needed a decent mark to move onto honours in my course. I flicked back over his message, the reference to punishment making me smile.

  Punishment? Sounds kinky, Professor. My problem is I cannot get to the court so I'm having trouble covering both sides of the Landry case. Em xx

  I didn't even bother putting my phone down this time. Sure enough, not twenty seconds later my phone rang. I answered, surprised. I hadn't been expecting him to call.

  "You watch yourself, Miss Mancelli, or things might happen." My god, his voice was so sexy, especially when he was playfully threatening me.

  "Really, have you seen yourself around me? I make you crazy. You better watch yourself.” He laughed, I could almost feel him shaking his head.

  "I've only got two minutes until my next class. I have emailed you two numbers. One is the number for Peter Landry's mother. The other is for Megan Delanta's sister. Do not tell them I gave out their numbers, but you should be able to get enough info. I think they’d both be happy to talk to you."

  Wow. I was shocked at how far he'd gone to help me. He could get into a lot of trouble for this. Then again, he’d be in so much trouble for what he’d done with me already so what difference did this make?

  "I don't know how to thank you." I stammered, still taking in the essence of his gesture.

  “Oh don't worry, you'll thank me tomorrow night on your knees."

  "With pleasure, Mr Anderson." I giggled. Simon was right.

  Both Megan and Landry's mother were more than happy to talk. I’d been so terrified they would ask how I got their numbers that I’d crafted a whole story about tracking them down on Facebook and then searching the internet until I found their details.

  "That bastard should rot in jail for what he did to my sister." Megan hadn't even attempted to hide her disgust of the criminal justice system for finding Landry guilty of only manslaughter. "He kidnapped, raped and murdered my sister and argues it was an accident? How do you accidentally rape and murder someone?"

  Mrs Landry, on the other hand had been grateful at the decision.

  "My husband committed suicide last year, and peters brother died in a car accident early this year. Peters all I have left." She had whispered tearfully. "I know he did a bad thing, but I also know when he is on his medication he is a different boy. He wouldn't hurt a fly."

  Chapter Seventeen

  I spent much of the afternoon thinking. Not about my essay. Or Simon. But about him. His parole hearing was coming up.

  Two days.

  Two days and I would know if he was being released. I had tried so hard not to think about it. I couldn't think about it. Not without breaking down.

  Talking to the people hurt most in the Landry case had made me realise I wasn't the only victim in my situation. I'd never considered his family. How had his mother felt, knowing she'd raised a son capable of doing what he’d done? Did he have brothers or sisters? They must have gone through hell after his conviction. His name was in no way concealed through any of the trial. Everyone knew who he was, and people can be cruel to relatives of offenders. I took a deep breath. I needed to stop.

  I took a long shower, forcing every thought out of my mind. Simon had texted he was on his way over. Stepping out of the shower, the doorbell rang. Shit. I had expected more time. I quickly dried myself and threw on a sun dress. Finally. I threw the door open and smiled at him. It suddenly occurred to me how much better I’d become at the simplest thing like opening the front door. Gone were the heart palpitations, knots of anxiety, and feelings of terror. In replace were feelings of excitement. Speaking of which, god he looked good, the last few days apart somehow made him seem even more attractive, if that was possible. He eyed my dress appreciatively.

  “You look pretty.” He wet his lips, my eyes drawn to them, so soft, so
moist. I leaned in and kissed him. Wow that felt good. I felt his hand graze my ass.

  “No underpants?” He raised an eyebrow. I swatted away his hand as it tried to work its way under my skirt.

  “I was hot. And in a hurry” I said defensively. He shook his head, amused. His fingers raised the skirt of my dress again so his hand touched my bare bottom. I bit my lip. It took all my willpower not to throw myself at him. As much as I wanted him now, I wanted him to want me more. I groaned inwardly. How old was I, six?

  No, that would be weird. I laughed aloud, earning myself an odd look from Simon.

  “Do you often laugh at nothing?” He teased, slapping my bottom. I jumped, not expecting that. It tingled where he had struck me.

  “Yes.” I answered honestly. “I'm kind of weird sometimes. I thought you would have figured that out by now.” I confessed, smiling like an idiot.

  “I have noticed.” He laughed, kissing my nose. He began to fiddle with the buttons on the front of my dress. “That's one of the things I love about you.”

  “That I'm weird?” I replied, crinkling up my nose. Usually people hated that. People being my family. My family meaning my mother.

  “That you are who you are.” His hand roamed over my upper back. “No bra either.” He said approvingly. I giggled as he slid the dress off my shoulders. Soon, I stood in front of him, completely naked.

  “Turn around.” He instructed. I did. I breathed in as his hands began to work their way over my body. He reached around my stomach, lifting his hands over my breasts. They rested there while he kissed my neck. He spun me back so I faced him. He grabbed hold of my thighs and hoisted me onto his hips.

  He pushed my back against the wall, his erection very obvious. He continued to kiss me as he led me to my room. He threw me onto my bed, literally. I laughed, my body bouncing at the force I was thrown with. I self-consciously grabbed hold of my breasts which were also jiggling about with the movement.


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