Need (Vampire Beloved Book 2)

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by R. E. Butler


  Vampire Beloved Book Two

  By R. E. Butler

  Copyright 2019 R. E. Butler

  Need (Vampire Beloved Book Two)

  By R. E. Butler

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author.

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  Cover by Jacqueline Sweet

  * * *

  This ebook is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination and not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locations is coincidental.

  Disclaimer: The material in this book is for mature audiences only and contains graphic sexual content and is intended for those older than the age of 18 only.

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  Editing by Missy Borucki

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  Thanks to Shelley & Ann for beta-reading

  Love & hugs to Joyce

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Coming Next from R. E. Butler

  Contact the Author

  More Books by R. E. Butler

  Coming Next in the Vampire Beloved Series

  Need (Vampire Beloved Book Two)

  By R. E. Butler

  Vampire Cella has been around for a few hundred years, and she’s never made a mistake quite as large as attempting to take a human male as her private food source. On the surface, Quaid was the right fit for her, but once he got settled it was clear the only reason he wanted to be with her was so she could turn him into a vampire. After kicking him to the curb, she wondered if she’ll ever be lucky enough to find her beloved mate, the one male on the planet meant for her.

  Tiger shifter Cyrus Abrams hasn’t had the best of luck when it comes to females, but he’s not given up hope. Somewhere out there is his truemate and their paths will cross eventually. When he’s tasked by his king to head up a construction crew at the vampire restaurant in downtown Cleveland, he senses a presence that drives his cat wild. The source? A stunning blonde vampire with curves for days. He never expected his truemate to be a vampire, but he’s never needed anyone more.

  The coven isn’t as safe as it used to be, thanks in part to a dangerous anti-vampire group known as The First Church of Humanity. They’ve been trying for years to get rid of the vampires in Mishka’s coven, and they’ll do anything to destroy every last one. When the restaurant is attacked while Cyrus is working, Cella races to find her beloved. Can she save him, or will her only chance at love turn to dust?

  Chapter One

  Cella carried a box of her belongings to the elevator in the basement of Fang, the vampire-owned club where she lived and worked. She pressed the button to call the elevator, her nerves jangling with excitement as she heard the whir and click of gears announcing the car’s descent.

  A bell sounded and the door opened. Temple, one of the members of Cella’s coven, smiled at her, holding the door so she could step inside before he stepped out.

  “Hey, how’s the move going?” He looked pointedly at the cardboard box.


  “Do you need a hand? I’m not busy at the moment.”

  “This is the last box.”

  “He’s a good guy, right?”

  She stepped into the car and nodded. He was talking about the human male she was taking under-the-fang. “Of course,” she said. “Quaid passed all the background checks and I like him.”

  Temple stepped free of the elevator but kept his hand on the door to keep it open. “We’ll miss you down here. Are you sure this is the right choice for you?”

  “You’re worrying over nothing.”

  “Not when it comes to a family member.”

  “You’re very sweet to worry, Temple, but it’s all good. If it doesn’t work out, then I’ll be back.”

  He arched a brow. “Four family members have found their beloved mates in the last few years. Are you positive you want to do this?”

  “It’s nothing new for our kind to take a human under-the-fang.”

  “It’s unusual for you though. I thought you were set on waiting.”

  She let out a sigh. “I’m lonely. I want to do this.”

  “Okay, okay. Just know that if you need me, I’m here for you.” He took his hand away.

  “I know,” she said as the doors slid shut. She pushed the button for the first floor, where the coven’s offices and the club were located, as well as the daytime living spaces for the coven members. As a family member – part of Mishka’s seven-person inner circle – she had the luxury of living in a private chamber under the club. However, since she’d made the choice a few weeks earlier to take a male under-the-fang, she needed to temporarily move into the common area living space with her chosen male to ensure the decision was right for her.

  Cella had decided on Quaid, a thirty-year-old ex-boxer who worked part-time at his family’s gym as well as his job as paid food – an employee whose job it was to offer his wrist or neck to vampires. She was the food manager and had hired him six months ago. She found him charming and sweet, and as they’d gotten to know each other, she’d decided that he would be perfect to be her permanent food.

  The elevator stopped and the doors opened. She carried the box down the hall and out to the empty reception area. It was dawn, which meant the offices were closed until an hour before sunset. She turned toward the living area, which was essentially a very large room that had been set up with moveable, fabric-covered walls that formed living cubicles. There were several available, all roughly the same size – big enough to hold a full bed and a dresser and not much else.

  She set the box on top of the dresser and peeked around the corner of her cubicle. She smiled at Leighanna, a coven member who worked behind the bar mixing drinks for the humans who visited the club.

  “Welcome, neighbor,” the curvy redhead said, smiling as she walked across the hallway.


  “Today’s the day, right?”


  “Are you nervous?”

  “A little. I want it to work out, and quickly. I miss my chamber already.”

  “Ah, I get that. I wish I was part of the family so I could have a chamber. I’ve heard they’re really great.” She leaned against the open door and folded her arms. “How long do you have to wait to bring him to live in the chamber with you?”

  “There isn’t a time limit, it’s more just going on my feelings. This is a trial to see if we’re really compatible. Have you ever taken someone under-the-fang?”

  “Nah. I had a boyfriend before I was turned, and he stuck with me for a few months, but he didn’t want to be
permanent food or turned so we split. I think about doing it from time to time, but I guess I haven’t found the right guy. And honestly, I wouldn’t want to live in the cubicle with someone full-time. They’re not big enough for more than one person.”

  “Mishka’s got an apartment complex downtown.”

  “I put in an application a while back but there weren’t any openings.”

  “I can check for you, if you’d like.”

  “Yeah?” She smiled sweetly. “That would be cool. Thanks.”

  “My pleasure.”

  “Sweet dreams,” Leighanna said.

  “Same to you.”

  Turning back to her cubicle, Cella slid the door closed and unpacked the box, leaving two drawers for Quaid’s things. Pushing the empty box under the bed, she slipped off her three-inch kitten heels and wiggled her toes in the plush rug for a moment before stripping and grabbing a tank and matching set of shorts. After she was dressed, she put on her slippers and walked to the bathroom to clean up.

  Once she was back in the cubicle, she got into bed and fluffed the pillow. Closing her eyes, she hoped it didn’t take her long to fall asleep. She hadn’t slept anywhere except her chamber in decades. Her mind spun as she thought about what the coming night would bring. This was the first day of a new life she was charting for herself. Going out on a limb, she’d invited a male to live with her so they could get to know each other outside of the club environment. If things went well, she’d move him to her chamber. But she was aware she was getting ahead of herself. He hadn’t even moved in yet.

  First things first, see how it goes. Then she could decide if he was the right male for her.

  The question eating at her though, was if there was a beloved mate out there for every vampire. Beloved mates were treasured, a perfect match that allowed them to share a unique and powerful bond. So far, four family members had found their beloveds – Brone, Mishka, and twins Vex and Rage, who shared a mate. Brone was a thousand years old, and he’d waited all that time for Arissa.

  Here Cella was only three hundred, a fraction of his age, and she was pushing things forward with Quaid simply because she was lonely.

  Sighing, she rolled over and shut off the inner monologue, finally drifting off to sleep.

  Chapter Two

  Cyrus Abrams pulled into the driveway of the home he shared with his cousin Gavin and turned off his truck. His tiger was grumbling, irritated about the events of the evening. It was at times like these he wished he could speak directly to his cat and find out what the hell was bugging him, but all he ever got were snarls and growls.

  He opened the front door of the quaint two-bedroom home, and caught the scent of chocolate and followed it to the kitchen, where Gavin and his sister Aeryn were sitting at the table, a tall chocolate cake between them.

  “Hey, I didn’t know you were in town,” he said, kissing Aeryn on the cheek.

  “Winter break,” she said. “It’s almost Christmas, you know.”

  “I’m aware,” he said dryly. “I had to dig my truck out of a ton of snow before I could leave tonight.”

  “Ah, hot date, right?” She smiled, her green eyes glittering with humor.

  “Meh.” He pointed to the cake. “Are you sharing with your favorite cousin or being selfish?”

  “Grab a plate,” she said.

  He pulled a dessert-sized plate from the cabinet and set it on the table, watching as she cut a thick slice of the three-layer cake. He sat next to Gavin and dug in, his cat – who was a sucker for sweets – purring in response to the decadent taste.

  “I’d ask if you liked it, but you sound like you’re in a porno,” she teased.

  His cheeks heated and he chuckled. “It’s great, Aer.”

  “Thanks. It was part of my finals for the semester. I got an A of course.”

  “Of course,” Gavin said, rolling his eyes. “Little Miss Perfect over here.”

  “You know it.”

  Cyrus finished the cake quickly and eagerly accepted a second piece.

  “Gav said you had a blind date tonight,” Aeryn said.

  “Yeah,” he said in between mouthfuls. “Mari set it up.”

  “Was she a shifter?”

  “No, human. Someone Mari used to work with.”

  His mind flitted over the date that had started with her asking why he hadn’t bothered shaving and ended with her yelling at the waitstaff for running out of crème brûlée. He’d never been so glad to be done with a date and had left a very large tip in thanks to the staff, who had put up with her snobby and demeaning tone.

  “I gather it didn’t go well?” Aeryn asked, pushing back her chair and standing.


  “I don’t know why you even asked Mari to set you up with someone in the first place,” Gavin said, leaning back and pushing his empty plate away.

  Cyrus finished the cake, stood up from the table and carried the plate to the sink where Aeryn took it from him. He grabbed a bottle of lemon-flavored water from the fridge and cracked the lid, draining half before he answered. “My cat’s restless.”

  “So a blind date was the answer?” Gavin arched a brow.

  “Well, not this one. He’s been antsy for a while. I thought maybe he was needing to shift. We’ve been so busy at work that I haven’t gone out hunting for a while, but after shifting last weekend, it didn’t change anything.” If anything, his cat was even more unsettled than he had been before. And he was feeling decidedly worse after the date.

  “I’m sorry your date sucked,” Aeryn said. “There are some cute girls at college. Want me to fix you up?”

  “Hell no,” he said. “No more blind dates. I’ll find my truemate when the time is right. Trying to force it isn’t going to do anything but continue to piss off my cat.”

  Gavin stood and clapped him on the shoulder. “Wanna go grab a drink?”

  “Nah. I’m going to walk over to Midas’s and talk to him.”

  Midas was the king of the ambush. A single male like himself, he was a great leader and a good friend, and Cyrus knew he could discuss his personal life with him.

  “I’m staying at Mom and Dad’s,” Aeryn said, turning off the water in the sink and drying her hands on a towel. “I’ll see you two tomorrow.”

  “You’re leaving the cake, right?” Cyrus asked, eyeing the plastic lid she set over the half-eaten cake.

  “Of course. Dad’s on a cheesecake kick right now, so I made him a raspberry swirl one. I even got extra credit points for it.”

  He kissed her cheek. “You should open your own bakery.”

  “Maybe someday,” she said, “but I’d settle for a position at a nice restaurant when I graduate next year.”

  Cyrus said goodbye to his cousins and headed outside. The ambush all lived near each other – with Midas’s home in the center of their territory – surrounded by vast woods for hunting small game from rabbits to deer. There was a point in time when he’d lived away from the ambush, sharing an apartment with a wiccan named Cinder. They’d fucked around for a while but it hadn’t been serious. His cat liked her, but she wasn’t his truemate so he hadn’t pushed back when she found hers – a wolf male named Adam who had insisted Cyrus take a hike. He had no say in the matter anyway once Midas got involved and made it a direct order. His friendship with Cinder had never recovered, and they’d both gone their own way. He’d moved back to the ambush’s territory and Gavin had happily welcomed him back to the house they’d shared before Cyrus left.

  Knocking on Midas’s door, Cyrus opened it when he heard him call from inside that the door was open.

  “Hey, it’s Cyrus,” he said, shutting the door and stomping the snow from his boots.

  “I’m in the family room.”

  He hung up his coat and walked through the house until he reached the room, where Midas was seated on the plush couch, with a laptop resting on his legs.

  “Hey, man,” Midas said, closing the laptop and setting it on the coffee table. “What
’s up?”

  “Do you have a minute? I wanted to talk to you about something.”

  “Of course, have a seat.”

  Cyrus sat heavily on the loveseat and rubbed his palms on his jeans. “I’m feeling restless.”

  “In what way?”

  “I’m just ready to settle down. I know I can’t push fate, but I was thinking a change of scenery might be helpful.”

  Midas frowned. “You want to leave the ambush?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “I want to join another crew and get out of Whisper Creek for a while.”

  “Ah.” Midas opened the laptop. “Let’s see what we have open.”

  Midas was the owner of an ambush-run construction crew. Cyrus’s current job was working on the interior of a home in the ambush’s territory.

  “I’ve got two openings,” Midas said, glancing at Cyrus. “There’s the remodel in Davenport and the restaurant downtown. The restaurant would be a good fit for you. Right now, we’re doing installations and laying the flooring, and we could use the extra help to stay on time.”

  Cyrus hadn’t been downtown in years, aside from a visit to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for a new exhibit and when he and Gavin had taken their mothers to see a Broadway show. The restaurant in question was commissioned by the vampire coven and would cater to vampires and humans. It was next door to Fang, the coven-owned club. He’d never been in the club. Shifter blood was more potent than human blood to vampires, and most shifters simply steered clear. It wasn’t that he was worried he’d be fed from against his will, he’d simply never had a desire to check it out. He wasn’t a club sort of fellow anyway. He liked going to the ambush-owned bar in town, playing darts or pool, and hanging out with his friends.

  “We’ve got temporary housing, or you can commute. It’s less than an hour’s drive from here. It’s second shift – three to eleven p.m. Our people are on first and second shift, and there’s a group of vamps that comes to work after the sun sets and leaves before dawn.”


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