Douluo Dalu: Volume 27: Gengxin City

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Douluo Dalu: Volume 27: Gengxin City Page 9

by Tang Jia San Shao


  A blood curdling scream came from the rear of the group. Everyone jumped like startled rabbits, swiftly turning around. One of the less powerful Spirit Masters was already slowly sagging to the ground, his eyes filled with extreme alarm, both his hands covering his throat, scarlet constantly blood pouring between his fingers like tiny serpents. A seven cun[2] willow leaf dagger, thin as a cicada’s wing, could clearly be seen piercing his adam’s apple.

  The atmosphere seemed to grow even more quiet, and even colder. Meyers, showing a strong front, loudly shouted,

  “Who? Get out here! Everyone release your spirits, be careful.”

  At his warning, these Spirit Masters, who had never stood on a true battlefield, came to their senses, and almost flustered released their spirits. For a moment, dazzling bright light shone, and the appearance of spirit rings drove off the fear in their hearts. Gathered together, it seemed as if even that bone deep chill had already faded a lot.

  But just at this moment, someone cried out,

  “On that side.”

  Along with the shout, everyone’s gazes turned towards the darkness in that direction, a shadow gradually growing distinct. His pace was so natural, the distance covered by each step astonishingly even.

  In the dark and windy night, it was very difficult to see his appearance, and only from his physique was it clear he was a man.

  Without need for Meyers’ command, practically everyone began to release their spirit abilities in the direction of that shadowy silhouette, like hiding the sky and covering the earth. Of course, these Spirit Masters didn’t release their most powerful spirit abilities, because they still had to keep in mind to preserve their lives. Humans are selfish, and especially Spirit Masters who lived like princes like them were even more reluctant to be the next victim.

  However, at the same time as their attack erupted, that silhouette suddenly disappeared. Without any warning, he just disappeared. Where he were erupted the violent explosions of the Gengxin City Lord Spirit Hall Spirit Masters’ attacks. Some of the weaker Spirit Masters didn’t even discover that the silhouette was gone, and were still immensely pleased with themselves for hitting the target.

  A clear and cold shadow lengthened on the ground under the brilliance of the Spirit Hall Spirit Masters’ spirit rings. A Spirit Grandmaster in the back row suddenly felt a slight numbing sensation, and immediately afterward he saw a sharp conical object sticking out through his chest. He wanted to scream, but discovered that he was already unable to utter a sound.

  It wasn’t painful, only endlessly numbing, so numbing he couldn’t make a sound even with his mouth wide open. Before falling into darkness, he finally felt his all being sucked in by something, swallowed.

  Not one person fell over, but two. That slender shadow stood behind them, two of the Eight Spider Lances that had at some point appeared outside his body sticking out, skewering their bodies. The defensive capabilities of their spirits basically amounted to nothing. Before the Eight Spider Lances, how could they escape?

  Sonorous cracking sounds exploded along with Tang San’s right hand rising, and when numerous Spirit Masters turned around to look, mournful screams once again filled the night. At least four Spirit Masters lost their lives under the fearsome sharp death sprayed out by the Godly Zhuge Crossbow. Two dried out corpses simultaneously flew from the Eight Spider Lances, blocking the attacks of the fastest to react Spirit King level Spirit Masters, that slender shadow once again fading away.

  If the death of the first person alarmed these Gengxin City Lord Spirit Hall Spirit Masters, then these following six deaths made them completely sink into terror. As if an intangible vicious maelstrom revolved around them, unceasingly swallowing their souls.

  Seven people had collapsed like that, seven Spirit Masters. Even if they were only the weakest Spirit Masters among them, they were still Spirit Masters! They had already fallen to the ice cold ground without the slightest sign of resistance, and nobody had clearly seen what happened. To these Spirit Masters, used to living like kings, what kind of terror was this?

  The more it was like this, the clearer the chill around them seemed. That ice cold and ruthless aura filling their surroundings made the weakest parts of these Spirit Masters’ hearts grow larger. If their own strength could be split into ten parts, then right now they were using twelve parts in order to save their lives, and even Meyers was no exception.

  “Everyone stand in a circle back to back.”

  Meyers still had some leadership ability, and under his directions, the now less than thirty remaining Spirit Masters quickly formed a circle, nervously gathering together. The light of the spirit rings became even brighter, they were already urging all their spirit power to the peak in order to save their lives.

  The two Spirit Kings next to Meyers were brothers, both raising their hands simultaneously, their second spirit abilities lit up, two brilliant golden lights soaring towards the sky, rising twenty meters upward or so before abruptly exploding open. Along with the golden light spreading, the original darkness was immediately illuminated, as if in daytime.

  “Over there.”

  In the suddenly illuminated night, that silhouette was finally revealed to the eyes of these Spirit Masters.

  Blue hair, purple eyes, eight strange long lances extended on either side, in the golden light, he was constantly radiating an ice cold aura.

  When the Gengxin City Lord Spirit Hall Spirit Masters finally found the target, they also saw those simultaneously glinting six spirit rings.

  Exposed to the opponents’ gazes, Tang San no longer had to hold back on using Blue Silver Emperor in order to hide himself.

  The brightening light was that black fourth spirit ring, and along with that deep black light came completely contrary white light abruptly erupting from beneath Tang San’s feet.

  Tang San spared no effort for this attack. All his spirit power was completely focused on the eruption of this fourth spirit ability. And that also meant that the white light of his Deathgod Domain was released as a direct result of the evolved Deathgod Assault.

  At the same time as the white light erupted was blue light. If the white light was described as a triangular attack, then the blue light spread in a semicircle. Just as he became visible in front of the numerous people, and as the enemies became entranced by that red spirit ring, Tang San’s complete strength was already blossoming.

  Erupting from below their feet without the slightest warning, the Blue Silver Emperor fourth spirit ability Blue Silver Prison variant ability, Blue Silver Thrust Array, blossomed. Under the all out control of Tang San’s formidable spiritual force, his all out spirit power attack was completely focused on the circle where those Spirit Masters were concentrated, so much so that there wasn’t even a strand of Blue Silver Emperor outside.

  Ear piercing collisions suddenly resounded as the Blue Silver Emperor collided with the Spirit Masters’ defenses. Spirit Masters with strength below the fortieth rank were almost instantly skewered by that terrifying Blue Silver Emperor.

  It wasn’t really because the Blue Silver Thrust Array had reached such power, but rather because of the combined weakening and strengthening effects.

  The Blue Silver Domain’s strengthening of the Blue Silver Thrust Array, and the Deathgod Domain’s weakening of the opponents, displayed the power of this spirit ability to its extreme. The Deathgod Assault Array made all the Spirit Masters, including Meyers, lose their senses, their defensive power greatly diminishing. Under such circumstances, the Blue Silver Thrust Array that could originally only kill thirtieth rank Spirit Masters, completely skewered Spirit Masters at the fortieth rank and below.

  As early as before everything was began, Tang San had already eaten a big recovery sausage and a stimulating pink sausage. His purpose was of course not to constantly kill those weak Spirit Masters, but rather to exterminate everyone before him.

  The combined effects of the Blue Silver Thrust Array and t
he Deathgod Domain stunned each Spirit Master present for at least three seconds. Of course, this only applied to those Spirit Masters that hadn’t already died under the terrifying killing power of the Blue Silver Thrust Array. And the Spirit Masters still alive, numbered only six. Including Spirit Emperor level Meyers and five Spirit Kings.

  * * *

  [1] Imitating the dog to steal chickens - Having an affair.

  [2] 7寸 = 23 cm

  Chapter 188: Divine artifact, Wishful Eight Treasure Soft Armour

  Without hesitating on the use of his teleportation, Tang San had already appeared in front of two spirit kings who were standing together, his eight spider lances piercing through their stunned forms like it was paper. Their vitality was also drained away the moment their body got pierced. As such, the large amount of spirit power Tang San had expended was quickly recovered. During such opportunities when Tang San could fully utilise the draining abilities of his eight spider lances like this, Tang San had very strong combat endurance. He did not even need to use the highly poisonous venom on the eight spider lances, all he had to do was drain and he would suck dry all who had been pierced.

  And during this process, Tang San had only used two seconds.

  To save time, while Tang San’s eight spider lances were still carrying the two corpses, he had already teleported in front of yet another spirit king and repeated the same stabbing process without any pause. By the time he was done, there were only three spirit masters from Geng Xin city’s Spirit Hall branch still alive, by the time Meyers and his companions came to their senses, they already did not care about the carnage around them, and were practically ready to burst out their strongest spirit abilities at any time.

  Perhaps to protect their lives, the spirit power they released was enough to suddenly break the Death God Domain. In a life threatening situation, they had managed to unleash their maximum potential.

  Tang San dropped the three dry corpses on the spider lances in front of him, instead of retreating like his opponents would expect, he instead rushed forward to meet the full frontal assault of two Spirit Kings and a Spirit Emperor head-on.

  A golden light enveloped Tang San’s body, rendering his opponents’ attacks ineffective like a clay ox dissolving in the ocean, his cold blue gaze reflecting the fear in their eyes.

  Three opponents, in three different directions, after withstanding their combined attacks, Tang San had already appeared in front of another Spirit King.

  The three seconds of invincibility given by the invincible golden body was enough for Tang San to do many things, while the three of them were stunned by how Tang San was unharmed by their combined spirit attacks, his eight spider lances had already pierced that spirit king’s chest.

  A purple coloured light also shot out of Tang San’s eyes, and the last Spirit King’s head exploded into a rain of blood. The timing he chose to release the Purple God Light was just when their spirit abilities had ended, how could he have possibly blocked it?

  Meyers was going insane, be it the terrifying lethality of the attacks, the blood red sixth spirit ring or the fact that he managed to withstand three of their all out attacks unharmed, had already made the fear in his heart reach the maximum level. When a person reaches this level of fear, it can no longer be called fear but madness, true madness.

  But, Tang San did not even give him a chance to go mad.

  The instant Invincible Golden Body ended, Tang San once again disappeared using his frightening teleport ability. Both were Spirit Emperors, but how could Meyers even come close to comparing with him? Even Spirit Douluo level elites might have a hard time fighting Tang San head-on. Even though Tang San had already exhausted more than eighty percent of his spirit power, the final result of this battle still wouldn’t change.

  This time, after teleporting, Tang San did not appear behind his opponent’s back, rather he choose to appear right in front of Meyers, choosing to release his second spirit ring ability, Parasite, which consumed only a little spirit power. Calming down Meyers who was going insane, the Eight Spider Lances on Tang San’s back exploited this moment of restraint to rest on his body.

  Without stabbing through, without draining, only lightly scratching his skin, releasing the deadly poison, in an instant Meyers was paralysed stiff.

  “This...this is...elder’s... de…...cision?” Meyer asked while stuttering. Up till now, he had thought that Tai Tan was a spirit hall elder, and Tang San was his subordinate.

  Tang San laughed, a cold laughter, surrounded by this ring of corpses, his smiling appearance, akin to a death god, made Meyers lose all hope of surviving.

  “This is my own decision, this is the interest I am collecting from Spirit Hall. When you tried to take liberties with my Xiao Wu, your fate was already sealed.”

  Psssh——. A rain of blood erupted, without absorbing, by only stabbing through, the eight thick spider lances instantaneously tore through the human body violently, a sight reminiscent of when Tang San was still within Slaughter City. All the pain suppressed within his heart let out with this slaughter today. He never could forget the feeling of powerlessness when Xiao Wu sacrificed her life to save him. Tang San vowed to be able to control life, to control his life, to control the lives of others.

  Baptised by the killings in Slaughter City, the sight of a couple of corpses here had no effect on Tang San. Throwing Meyer’s mangled corpse on the floor, he silently went to collect the hidden weapons he had used on these spirit masters. And just now, in the distance, rose the expected raging flames.

  After eating a large recovery sausage. Looking at the flames in the distance, the violence in his heart too gradually melted away, although the forces of the Spirit Hall were immense, at the same time the ground they had to govern was vast. Although directly engaging them was still impossible, striking their flanks was possible. Given Tang San’s strength, as long as it was not an elite with extremely high restraining capabilities, even if he could not win he could still at least guarantee his survival.

  After learning about his parents grudge, he had already started to lay down plans to eat away at the Spirit Hall. Today was the start, and it was only a start. His parents’ vengeance, Xiao Wu’s vengeance and also Clear Sky School’s vengeance, he would slowly but surely repay it all to the Spirit Hall.

  Loud footsteps came from a distance, although the disturbance here was minimal, the dazzling lights still easily attracted attention within Geng Xin City. Stepping past the bloody floor, Tang San gradually melded into the darkness.


  The very next morning, a piece of news spread explosively throughout the streets of Geng Xin city. The Spirit Hall branch in Geng Xin city had been burnt to ashes the previous night. Including Meyers, a total of thirty four spirit masters lay dead on the streets of Geng Xin City, each with uniques causes of death, dying that street a sea of red.

  What a powerful existence the Spirit Hall was! It was one that even the two great empires had to show consideration for. The officials in the city also did not dare to offend them but, for it to have been completely demolished along with over thirty spirit masters in a city like Geng Xin city. Not just the hall but also the members, for such a thing, it has never ever occurred before in the continent let alone in a city like Geng Xin.

  The atmosphere in Geng Xin city suddenly became very tense and severe, officials started carrying out strict investigation, the city gates were closed, not letting anyone in or out. Door to door searches started to look for the perpetrators.

  Of course, everyone knew that this was just for show. After all, how could the perpetrators who easily wiped out over thirty members of the Spirit Hall be so easily caught. All that the officials could realistically do was to report the incident to Spirit Hall and wait for them to come and resolve the incident.

  Within the city populace, the majority of the commoners were clapping their hands in cheer. Given Meyer’s personality, there was a large number of people who were oppressed by him and the S
pirit Hall Branch. The Lord Spirit Hall in Geng Xin city being razed was applauded almost all over the city.

  Without anyone’s notice, the main gates that had been closed since dawn, had already opened and two carriages had also silently left. Given Lou Gao’s status, who would be able to stop him from leaving the city? What’s more, last night, the Blacksmith Association had already officially announced that Si Long would be taking over as the president.

  On the trip back, the Shrek five rode in one carriage, while the two Divine Craftsmen, obsessed with hidden weapons, rode in the other. Meanwhile, Si Yu and Si Kai, these two Smith Scholars did not come with Lou Gao to the Tang Sect. Si Long who had just taken over as the Blacksmith Association president still required their help. Hence, they had previously arranged with Tang San to wait after things have settled down in the Blacksmith Association before catching up at Tang Sect after a month.

  Ma Hongjun complained: “Third brother, yesterday I got so much good loot from the Spirit Hall Branch, why did you make me hand them over to the Blacksmith Association? That was quite a large sum of wealth you know!”

  After the Spirit Hall Branch was razed, Ma Hongjun couldn't possibly come back empty handed, he instead brought back a shockingly large amount of treasures.

  Tang San smilingly spoke: “Those were all obtained from the blood and sweat of the residents in Geng Xin city, it’s not good to hold on to them. Handing them over to the Blacksmith Association and letting them gradually return it to the people would be better. Then the Blacksmith Association would also receive the gratitude of the people. The things in the auction yesterday, including those two divine artifacts, have already been given to us at half the price, is it not already enough? The harvest from this trip have already exceeded my expectations, we should not be too greedy, don’t you agree?”


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