MENAGE - Bound,gagged,stuffed DOMINATED (1st time Gang,MFM, MFMM, MFMMM ,DP,TP,White Female Shared Hard,Fast without Protection)-Volume 2 -10 Short Story Book Boxed Set Anthology

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MENAGE - Bound,gagged,stuffed DOMINATED (1st time Gang,MFM, MFMM, MFMMM ,DP,TP,White Female Shared Hard,Fast without Protection)-Volume 2 -10 Short Story Book Boxed Set Anthology Page 8

by Nicola Diaz

  He pulls out half of his cock, and then sinks it all the way into me again. Half out, he stirs again, and then re-sinks his dick into me. Over and over again he repeats this, the stirring more and more intense, more and more deliberate, and increasingly more and more comfortable. Then he fucks me a little faster, with the full length of his penis, hard and thick, and then he stops again. He stirs my asshole again, and then he pauses again, and I am sweating profusely now.

  Kane really loves my ass, making it more and more obvious now. He holds my hips again in his hands, pulling me onto his cock, and really moving me around on his tool. I adjust eventually to the length and girth, and I suddenly want more of it inside me. He gives me more too, really ramming his cock into my depths now. Harder and harder he fucks me, grunting louder and louder. I think that he could at any minute explode, but then he stops moving altogether, stirring my asshole wide and hard all over again. My cunt aches for attention at this point.

  He repeats this pattern over and over again, and he really adds variety to each one of his strokes now. He fucks me up one side, and then up the other, and then deep into the center. Then he fucks me in circles, all the way in and out of me, moving in small circles, widening the deeper he goes into me. On the exit though, he keeps his circles small, consistent. I find it amazing how aware I am of every single movement of his dick inside me, every stroke having a definite signature to it.

  Then he is fucking me harder again, faster and faster. He loses his mind apparently, because now he is the one that is screaming. I scream too, and he completes my screams with his own, louder, more intense. I am not sure if he is just mocking me, of if he is enjoying himself so much that he cannot help himself. Whatever it is, it sounds so erotic, so absolutely fucking amazing that I scream louder, just to edge him on. I start to think of my neighbors again, but immediately dismiss them, saying fuck them, to myself of course.

  He fucks me for the longest time, slow first, and then fast. He brings himself close, too close, and then he manages to pull himself away from the edge just in time. Then again he is fucking me slowly, really slowly, and then he sounds like he is having an orgasm. I try to feel for the tell-tale warmth that will signal this eruption, and when I feel nothing, he fucks me hard and fast again. I really have adjusted completely to him now, and I really am enjoying this anal penetration. But my pussy really starts to yearn for attention, aching, leaking, and beating profusely.

  Kane suddenly pulls his cock from my ass completely, and I almost hear my ass closing, snapping shut in a rapid solid flapping sound. He eases himself into my cunt now, and fucks me fast with his naked penis. The difference in feeling is remarkable, and I like this feeling of his flesh against my wet hot cunt. It feels primal, really savage, and I start to think that now, at last we are getting somewhere. This has been a spectacular session, but it could be better. The good thing is it is now getting very much so.

  Faster and faster he fucks my pussy, and I think that he will spill the contents of his cock into me. He doesn’t though, pulling out of me just in time. I cannot believe that he would do that to me though, pulling his dick free from my shivering pussy moments before I have another orgasm. My cunt throbs, deep within, and I really want to have an orgasm now. I beg him to bring me to an end, beg him to fuck me just a little bit longer, but he doesn’t. Instead he goes into my ass again and just settles his cock deep inside my tight hole.

  He reaches for the ropes around my neck, and pulls on it. He seems to think that I am a horse now, because as he thrusts into my ass he pulls on the rope, really riding me. He rides me long, not pulling on the rope so much that I cannot breathe though, just tightening it enough for me to know it is there. I start to panic though, thinking that if he pulls it tighter, if he obstructs my airway while fucking me in my ass, and he forgets to loosen the rope, that will be it for me.

  The rope does tighten though, a little, all the more. He also goes deeper into my asshole with his cock, seeming to have grown further in length and in girth. I try to tell him to stop with the rope, but it is too late now. I cannot breathe, and so I cannot speak. I cannot scream certainly, which is a good thing because this might belie the sheer panic and anxiety that I am feeling inside. He just keeps going, digging deep into me and pulling a little harder on the rope.

  I start to feel myself fading, really fading. The panic consumes me completely now, and I start to tear. Spit falls from my mouth too, and then nothing, my mouth bone dry. I open my mouth wide, trying to make a sound, trying to make some indication, any indication that it is enough now. But nothing comes out of my mouth, and all my focus suddenly goes to what is happening on my ass. Every part of me is suddenly focused on the intense friction and burning in my asshole.

  He cums at last, and he pulls on the rope a little harder, in one final tug. I think that my neck is going to break, snap in two. There is a burn around my neck too where the rope has started to eat into my skin. I really want to touch it, to feel the extent of the damage. But my current position doesn’t allow me to do anything, least of all tend to my wounded neck. He lets the rope go at last, and it falls to the ground. I can imagine it snaking around right in front of me.

  Kane goes into my cunt, still hard, still throbbing, and still leaking I think. But I know that this is just the feeling of heat that is fed into my pussy by his naked tool. I am suddenly very relieved though, thankful that he is giving my cunt the attention it needs, grateful that it is still hard enough to bring me close to orgasm. There are the beginnings of an orgasm, but I wouldn’t dare let myself believe that he is going to let me have it, let me fall blissfully over the edge into that wonderful land of happily ever after.

  He does though, brings me to a beautifully intense orgasm such that all the previous ones have been forgotten now. He keeps his cock inside me, deep inside me, and then he sends his hands onto my back and ass. He moves his hands over me magically, and beautifully. His fingers dig deep into the muscle and tissue and I start to relax, really relax. There is a huge relief that the rope is no longer around my neck too, but the burn is still very present, very much there.

  Kane starts to move his softening cock around my pussy now, and resurrects his erection. He fucks me with this new hardon and brings me to another orgasm still, without cumming himself. When he pulls his cock from my cunt I am not sure if I have pissed myself. All I know is that it is really worn out, and well and truly stretched. Actually, all my limits have been stretched tonight, and I haven’t seen a single one of the things that have been done to me. I have only felt them, really felt them, and they have been fucking fantastic.

  As he sinks into my ass again I cannot believe that he has the power to go another round. But it is clear that he has, and it is also clear that he wants to bring himself to another orgasm, quickly, because he is fucking me fast and furiously. There are no other things that I can imagine him doing to me tonight, nothing. But what I know is that he still has enough energy to keep me in the confines of this suspension device for much longer. I need a drink though, and as he cums, I ask him to wet my throat with a little more than just the beautifully sticky, sweet sauce from his cock…




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  Dominate Me!

  (Victorian Punishment, 1st time Spanking, Bondage, Fireplay, Backdoor Domination, Older Man Younger Woman) - A Dark Fantasy

  I could feel the cold, damp air blow against my skin and I stood in silence, my hands at my side and my face looking forward. The blindfold was thick, with a faint smell of cologne, and I wondered what lied before me. It was a strange sensation, being able to hear and smell what surrounded me, but being unable to see anything. I wondered what Bruce had in store for me next. I said nothing, and instead simply w
aited for his cues.

  Thinking back, I shouldn’t have been surprised that I ended up being under Bruce’s control. After all, I had made him look like a fool that night back in July. He had come sauntering out of the Carmine Club down on West Bodden, and I knew that he would be the perfect target. I was always a stellar pickpocket, and the summer months always brought in more money than I ever knew what to do with.

  On that particular night, I got hold of Bruce Connor’s wallet, and for a split second, it seemed as though my life could have changed. He had over five grand in cash stuffed inside that little leather billfold, and I jammed it all down my pants before he could even tell what was happening. As it turns out, he knew all along that he was being robbed, but he didn’t do anything to stop it. In fact, he said that in retrospect, he felt really bad for me because he knew that I needed the money.

  I continued to stand blindfolded, back straight and head high. Bruce tightened the knot behind my head and I felt the fold press down on my eyes. I didn’t like being unable to see. It was intimidating, and it evoked a sense of entrapment that made me question whether I would actually come out safe in the end. I took a deep breath and tried not to let the anxiety overcome me. His mansion was not far from the square, and I could hear the bells of the old tower clock chime eight times as I waited with increasing anticipation.

  Bruce was tall and confident. He had broad shoulders and a prominent jaw. The first time I saw him outside the club I noticed how he walked with a commanding swagger that made people stop and watch as he passed by. Even with his size and his presence, I didn’t think that he’d be much of a challenge for me. And the first time, he wasn’t. But I got greedy, like most people who get a flavor for something that they enjoy.

  The second time that I ran into Bruce it was outside of the same club, only this time he walked out with a friend. They were both laughing and making a lot of noise, which I considered the perfect signs of distraction. I crept quietly along the edge of the banister that separated the club from the parking lot, and waited for him to round the corner. Then I reached for his back pocket. I grabbed it out with no hitches, but unlike the first time I had snatched it, the second time was different. He caught me this time.

  He grabbed my wrists and held them so tightly I thought they would snap. Then he snickered. “Nice try, sweetheart.” He grinned with satisfaction and my heart raced with fear. What would he do with me? I had never been caught before. I gulped and looked around. It was dark, and nobody was outside the club except for a couple of drunken teenagers that would surely be useless in coming to my aid. I looked down at the ground, wondering what would happen next.

  “So here’s the deal. You got me the first time. Made off with one hundred pounds if I recall correctly.” He looked up at the sky as if he were expecting answers. “But this is the second time, and I’m not going to be as nice.” He narrowed his eyes and then got in my face. “I’m giving you an ultimatum. You can do one of three things.” He sounded like he was excited to read off his list. “Your first choice is to hand over my wallet.” I huffed under my breath.

  “Fat chance.” I tossed back my head and waited to hear his other options.

  “Your second choice is to turn yourself in to the police.” He looked at me with a frown and I laughed.

  “I don’t deal with the police.”

  “Okay. That leaves us with the third choice, which is to take my special punishment.” He chuckled and looked at me, his head cocked to the side and his eyes glaring at me. I can still remember telling him that I would take the punishment, laughing at him like it was some kind of joke.

  As I stood there with the blindfold, shaking and nervous, I wondered if going to the police would have been a better alternative. He called me “Little Thief Turning over a New Leaf,” and the sentiment was cute, yet foreboding. I knew that there was no point in telling him that I wanted to take off the blindfold. I had greed to the punishment, thinking at the time that it was better than the alternatives. Now I wasn’t so sure.

  A flock of birds flapped their wings and I heard them settle outside his balcony window. His mansion was dim, even with the few lit candles that he liked to keep out in the hall. I could sense his body coming closer to me, and I flinched out of instinct. He laughed and then cleared his throat. Then I felt the heat. Bruce must have had his torch in front of me, because I could feel the temperature gently rising in front of me. He liked to hold the torch about three inches from me, as close as he could get without physically burning my clothes or my skin.

  I didn’t want to move because one false step and I could easily be set on fire. Bruce enjoyed watching me stand in fear. He chuckled to himself as he started to circle me, and I lowered my head in submission. “You’ve got some fine looking thighs, Little Thief.” I always wondered why he referred to me as “little” when I was quite clearly the opposite. All of life, the little girls in London used to poke fun at me because of my size. As I got older, I learned to love my shape, and I soon realized that many men appreciated a big and beautiful woman, as well.

  “Don’t you think I’ve endured enough of your punishment?” I tried to be respectful, yet assertive. After all, I had no idea what he might choose to do. What if he got angry with me in a moment of retrospect, and decided to impart harsher vengeance upon me? I wanted to see that he felt satisfied with his punishment, yet I wanted to remain safe and unharmed in the process.

  “I’m not sure that I will ever feel that you’ve endured enough.” Bruce sneered at me and then adjusted his tone. “On the other hand, maybe after I get you tied up with some of this twine, I’ll feel a littler more at peace.” With that, he unraveled a long piece and grabbed my wrists. Then he wrapped it around several times, with each circular movement growing increasingly tighter. I winced but he didn’t let up on his task.

  “Surely that is enough. My wrists feel like the circulation is cut off.” I exaggerated a little, but for the most part it was terribly uncomfortable, and the only reason that I endured the wrapping of the twine around my wrists was because he let up on the torturous heat from the torch for a few moments. I wanted to break free, and my legs were growing weary form standing for so long. Yet Bruce till had more torture to inflict.

  “Maybe if you had been more cognizant of how your behavior would affect your future, you wouldn’t be in this situation.” Bruce sounded self-righteous and intimidating. I wanted to tell him that I would never steal from another soul ever again, but I knew that it would be of no use. He was set on making me endure his punishment and I had to submit to his demands.

  Bruce grabbed me by the arm and told me to get on my knees. I knelt down and could tell that the temperature was changing outside. A cool breeze swept into the room, and I guessed that it was probably close to sundown by now. No sooner had the coolness of the air come inside when I felt the familiar presence of something hot beside my body. It was Bruce wielding his torch once again, and this time I was too weary to protest.

  I knelt down, my knees crunching on the hardwood floors, and tried not to cry. I wanted him to release me, wanted him to let me just apologize for robbing him twice. But a piece of me still had too much pride, and Bruce would not be moved by my pleas for mercy. “When I untie your wrists, I want to see you take off your shirt and then I want you to get back on your knees.” Bruce gave me new orders and I waited while he sliced through the rope and unbound my hands.

  Once free, I did as he requested. I rubbed the raw skin around my wrists once to see if there was till sensation. Then I gingerly lifted my arms up over my head, and pulled my sweater off. I gently laid it on the cold, marble floor, and then stood silently. Bruce always liked to admire my breasts because of their size. He said he wasn’t used to seeing a woman with such curvy hips and large breasts, and he liked the change of pace. I waited for his instructions, and he approached me with the torch once again.

  “Unfasten your bra so that I can see your massive breasts.” Bruce spoke with a commanding tone and I
did as he asked. I reached behind my back and unfastened the hook that sent my breasts spilling forth in all of their glory. He reached for my nipples and pulled them, then twisted them around with his fingers. He liked how they became hard and he licked them few times as I knelt on the ground. I wished that he would let me lie down on the bed soon, because my feet were sore and my legs were tired.

  “I’ve got something new for your hands, Little Thief.” Bruce didn’t have any time for complaints or resistance. I couldn’t even see a shadow from underneath the blindfold, so I tried to guess what he might do next. Within minutes he had produced something that made a clanging sound. I guessed that it must be chains of some sort, and I was right. “I want to see your big tits in front of my face while you’re chained up, and I want you to remain on your knees in submission. Do you understand?” Bruce questioned me and I nodded my head in submission.

  He circled in front of me and I could tell where he stood by the smell of his cologne. It was a musky, pine scent and I actually grew fond of it, but the sensations I had were so unpredictable. In one moment I was reeling from the intensity of the torch’s heat, and in another I was contemplating what it would feel like to have Bruce’s cock inside of me. Something about being dominated was enticing, and I wanted to know what it felt like to be under Bruce’s complete control.


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