MENAGE - Bound,gagged,stuffed DOMINATED (1st time Gang,MFM, MFMM, MFMMM ,DP,TP,White Female Shared Hard,Fast without Protection)-Volume 2 -10 Short Story Book Boxed Set Anthology

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MENAGE - Bound,gagged,stuffed DOMINATED (1st time Gang,MFM, MFMM, MFMMM ,DP,TP,White Female Shared Hard,Fast without Protection)-Volume 2 -10 Short Story Book Boxed Set Anthology Page 18

by Nicola Diaz

  Then he turns me so that I am facedown again, and I hang there, spread eagle still, and I feel like I am going to fall to the floor. Actually, I feel like I am falling for the longest time, and I cannot hold myself back from plummeting to the ground. I am hanging though, suspended midair like a piece of meat hanging in a butcher shop. I really have a new found respect for these animals, although dead, who just hang there until they are cut down and cut into many pieces.

  This meat is dead though, I remind myself. It doesn’t have to put up with the blood moving through its body, and settling at its joints. It doesn’t have to put up with its genitalia being assaulted, and with clamps being attached to all its delicate bits. There are no forms of torture that these dead animals have to put up with. But I am not dead, or an animal. I have started to accept, for the first time in a long time that I am in fact human, and that I have very real feelings, physical and emotional.

  Kane pulls on the clamps again, and the burning starts to filter through my breasts again, and especially through my pussy. Deep inside my cunt though, I yearn for attention, wanting to feel him inside me. This would almost let me accept what has just happened here. I never expected to feel like this, this combination of liking it and really hating it, and I really never expected to be such a basket case, especially since I have put myself in this situation. I fight the urge to surrender though, a little more.

  Then the back of the whip finds the inside of my cunt again, passed the clamps. The feeling is fresh now, new, and it pierces deep inside me to that I cannot help but scream again. I don’t care anymore about the screaming, I don’t care what sounds come out of me now, not anymore. All I know is that my cunt hurts like hell and the occasional feeling of pleasure makes for little comfort through the pain. I cannot take it anymore, really cannot. There are a million things that go through my mind now.

  My head races with these thoughts, wildly. There are feelings that settle in the depths of me, behind my belly, into my back. I think that I might just pass out now, and I hope that I do in fact. Not that I don’t like the fleeting moments of pleasure, but I am just really suddenly very tired. The exhaustion really gets to me now, and I don’t even try to fight it anymore. But I don’t pass out, finding that with every moment that passes I am more alert, more aware of everything that is going on.

  The handle of the whip digs deeper into my pussy, harder. I let myself fall completely now, and my head hangs low, really low now. I cannot even think which way I am facing now, although instinctively I know that I am still face down. My wrists ache deeply now, really deep. They burn actually, so tight are the bands restraining me around these joints. All my attention is on my cunt though, the burn on it and in it more intense than anything that I have ever felt in my entire life before.

  I start to feel the beginnings of an orgasm though, faintly, in the background it seems. The orgasm seems to be beckoning me, calling me like a lost lover over the river. I want to answer, I really want to respond to this request. But I wouldn’t dare, I would dare to hope and dream, and allow myself to believe that I will actually climax. Closer still though I am brought towards this end, and I really start to believe that it is really possible. I start to think that it might just really happen this time, and I start to relax into the possibility.

  He keeps on digging into me with just the handle, with all of it. Just as I start to have a climax though he pulls it from me, and out of sheer frustration I let out a final scream. I hate this hot and cold, this game that he is obviously playing with me. He really is just playing with me, and I cannot stand it. I cannot stand the way he seems to read me perfectly, timing all his actions and inactions to a tee. Now I know why he is so sought after as a Dom, I understand the level of skill that he has.

  As a sub it is not about cumming. That would bring it to an end, bring the session to a definite conclusion. The aim of the sub/dom game is to lengthen it out, to prolong the perceived agony of wanting to have an orgasm. Actually it is not even about an orgasm, but rather about doing things, or in this instance having things done to you that make the lines between dominant and submissive really clear. This is a strange world, a strange art that I have perfected, and apparently Kane has perfected it too. He is fucking good at what he does.

  He start to release my nipples from the clamps, and then my pussy. He takes the longest time to do this too, making me think that he is enjoying this as much as he enjoyed placing them there. He runs his fingers across my nipples now, and then he pinches them so lightly that I suddenly think that he is probably not that bad. But then he pinches my nipples harder, and pulls on them, and lets out a little smirk, and all thoughts of him being a good guy go completely put the window.

  He looks at me, I can sense this. I sense his eyes all over me, and I want to hide myself from him suddenly, feeling very exposed and extremely vulnerable. When he replaces the clamps on my tits and pussy it feels a little bit better than the time before, and I know that this has nothing to do with the fact that these clamps are any less intense. It is just that I am so used of them by now that the effect of these clamps has really started to wane.

  He pulls on the clamps for a little while longer and then he sends his fingers into my pussy again. Now he fingers me, really fingers me, but not too intently that I might blow. I hold myself together as best as I can, not letting myself into that promised land that has eluded me all night. Even when I do have an orgasm at last, it seems like it is happening in abstract. It is as though somebody else is having an orgasm and they are telling me about it. This feeling is really strange to me in every possible way.

  He pulls out his fingers, and then walks away from me. I smell him lighting a cigarette, hear it too. But the smell is what gets to me, and I really like it. I breathe in the Camel, enjoying the second-hand smoke, and then I hear him walk out of the room. It has stopped raining too, so the thought of him going outside isn’t an altogether absurd one. Kane walks out without closing the door, and the wind coming into the room now wraps itself all over me, around me, and between my thighs. I really feel alone now, even though I know that Kane cannot have gone very far.

  Chapter 5

  I try to listen for him now, to hear him, anything. I hear nothing though, accept for the occasional footstep, but that could be the trees hitting against the cottage that we are in. All the night’s sounds seem to have fused into one seamless orchestra almost, so that one thing sounds just like every other. The frustration of this really starts to get to me now, and I really want this blindfold off me. I really just want to see what has been done to me, and what is happening around me. I want to see Kane too, knowing that he must be very happy with the work that he has done here.

  I know that he is happy with what he has done because he hit every mark. He gave me just enough torture, just enough punishment to leave me wanting more. He did this without even fucking me, no promise of this fucking, not even the suggestion of penetration. This has been the most frustrating thing about tonight, the seemingly out of reach possibility of being entered by Kane, who is for all intents and purposes the alpha male.

  Thoughts start to come into my mind, thoughts of where I am now, and also what brought me here. The question that I asked myself in the buildup to making the appointment with Kane, everything that crossed my mind before I made that call. I asked myself if I was really ready for this, really prepared to discover this other side of me. I wondered if I was really ready for the possibility that I might actually really enjoy it. These thoughts linger in the back of my head now, and I know that I actually did, a hell of a lot.

  There is a sudden tug on the blindfold, and it drops to the floor. I close my eyes still though, almost not wanting the confirmation of what just happened to me here tonight. When I open my eyes too still the room is in darkness, and it takes me a moment to adjust. As things around me start to come into focus though, I make out a table, and a chair. There are some tools on the table, a few of the things that I know were just used on me. My cunt ach
es a little more as I see for the first time what apparatus was used on me.

  My nipples still burn, and I look down to see that they are still fastened in clamps. I look down to my pussy, and it really looks like the headdress of an ancient queen. It almost looks too beautiful to be sending the soft pulses into me that it is, but it really is throbbing now, and I want it to come off. But I am still suspended, still wide legged and waiting, almost like Kane is not done with me yet. I look around for Kane, but see nothing, nothing but a few torches burning against the walls of the cottage, and I wonder why it isn’t warmer in this space.

  A stiff breeze envelopes me now, and hugs every part of me. I feel it over my breasts and belly first, then hard on my cunt. Still my pussy beats on the inside, deep inside it, and it gets wetter and wetter. I want more. I really want more. The sheer violation of this night, the sheer vulnerability of this position that I have been put in, that I have put myself in really works its way through my body now. I want nothing more than to be tortured further by Kane, punished for sins that I haven’t even committed.

  I hear Kane at last, somewhere outside. He is pissing, a long piss, a hard piss. The sound of his piss hitting the earth really reverberates through me, and I want to be force-fed his cock. But more than that, I want him to abuse me a little more, knowing that I can take it. After all, if I can dish it out, if I can be such a formidable Dom, then surely I should be able to take more punishment. I wonder if I should call him back, if I should initiate this further torture. I know the rules though, and I know also that the gag in my mouth will not allow me to make any real sounds.

  Hanging there, I feel an incredible loneliness. Over and above this loneliness though is a thirst. A thirst for more, a longing for more, an incredible hunger for more. I listen to hear if Kane is going to come back inside the cottage yet, but nothing. I hear absolutely nothing. The sounds of the night start to come into focus for me though, and I can make them out. The owls hooting in the distance somewhere are the most haunting. I start to scream through the gag, no sound escaping my mouth, my screams resounding in my head only. I am really cold now too, wet and naked and the feeling of vulnerability settles over me in waves again. The thirst too is growing inside me, from deep in my belly, like a tree firmly rooted in midair. Surely Kane will not leave me hanging here for much longer…




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  Seduce Me!

  (Victorian Punishment, Backdoor Domination,

  Older Man Younger Woman, First Time Public Humiliation, Object Insertion, Submissive Female , Suspension)

  Chapter 1

  Looking around the room I can see why his other assistant bailed. Or maybe she really does have the flu, I don’t know. It was instinctive almost, offering myself to replace her. I actually begged him, even when he insisted that I may not be ready for this. After all, this was his biggest show, his London debut, and he couldn’t afford for anything to go wrong. Julian was the world’s most famous erotic magician, and I as a second rate assistance begging for a break.

  “Okay Giuliana, okay… but there will be one practice run, just one. There won’t be time for us to get you comfortable. So if you’re sure…” Julian says, looking at me the way a butcher examines a prime cut, or a doctor a patient.

  “I’m sure…I’m sure…” I say, excitedly, warming instantly at the thought of being Julian’s assistance for one of the most important shows of his life.

  He looks at me closely again, almost as though he is trying to see the thinking going on in my head. I try to wipe the deer in the headlights look from my eyes, try to appear more confident than I really am. Even as he leads me to the practice room I am thinking of turning and running. But I know that I won’t. Not only do I really want to do this for Julian, but I am also curious about my own limits or abilities. I am really interested in seeing just how far I can push myself, how far I can let myself be used for the entertainment of what already promises to be a packed auditorium. The tickets are completely sold out.

  We enter the room, already set up for the practice run, adjacent to the main auditorium. I want to see the main auditorium, but this is not possible. There is no time for this preview, no time to get comfortable with what is going to happen here tomorrow. All that we have is this session, this practice, and I am not really ready for it. But I must be, or at least appear to be so that Julian is comfortable enough with using me as his assistant tomorrow. I take a deep breath, as I undress, as per his instructions, standing naked in the cold, almost too dark room.

  There is a cold shiver working its way up and down my back, so that I hug myself. Julian comes up to me and pulls my arms away from me, and he smiles a sly smile. He throws his eyes over all of me, and then lingers long over my pussy. Instinct says that I should cover it up, that I should hide myself, but common sense tells me that this will be to no avail. There is just no time for me to be coy, no time for shyness or awkwardness of any sort. I hold myself up, higher, against the dim light from the candles dotted around the room. This is probably just so that I am comfortable with the dimness on the stage come tomorrow night.

  Julian leaves me now, and he goes off to the table. He works with some pieces of equipment, and with some tools, before he puts them down again. He lifts one candle, and then after returning it to its holder, raises another. He examines these candles, and then one by one returns them to the table. It almost seems like he doesn’t know where to start with me, but I know that this is not the case. He probably knows instinctively that I have never done anything like this before and so he wants to just start me off slowly. After what seems like an eternity he returns to me.

  He takes me over to the suspension device, and straps me into it. Deep anxiety fills my stomach as I am raised off the ground and turned in the device so that I am facing up to him. Completely parallel to the floor now, I hang almost in midair, except for my wrists and ankles that are fastened to the machine-like piece of equipment. I smile up at him, and keep my eyes opened, although this is a struggle. I just want to close them, and allow whatever is about to happen to me to just happen. But I know that if Julian gets just the slightest inkling that I am not up to this, he will replace me. This is really not an option for me right now, or for him, I hope.

  Julian moves his fingers on me, and I shudder. I try not to, but his fingers, as the rest of him, intimidates and excites me all at once. My eyes close briefly now, and I cannot resist the feelings building up inside me. The apprehension starts to fade now, and I am filled with the most incredible intrigue suddenly. I open my eyes now, and watch his fingers dance across my belly. They settle, one finger at a time on my tits, testing my nipples, squeezing them, and pulling them. I moan softly, and then a little louder as he goes at it a little harder. When he pinches my nipples harder still, there is nothing else for me to do but to let out the softest screams.

  Then he dances his way down to my pussy, and takes my clit between two fingers. He pinches it hard, and more screams escape me. He smiles at me, a menacing grimace, and then he looks at my pussy, pulling my clit harder and harder. The soft flesh starts to tingle, and then burn, before it starts to tingle again. Then he finds my entrance, and starts to slowly fill me with his longest finger. My pussy wets almost immediately, and then he fingers me for the longest, most delicious moment.

  Chapter 2

  Time seems to stand still now, as he brings me close to orgasm. Then he stops suddenly, pulls his finger from my depths as slowly. Then he goes over to the table and brings a candle back to me, moving it over me in deliberate circles. His free hand has his magic wand in it, and this too he moves in deliberate circles over my breasts, and then over my pussy. He starts to tilt the candle, just enough for me to feel that he
might pour the hot wax over me. He doesn’t though, and he just threatens me with this as a possibility. I know though that he will soon make very good on these threats.

  He does, pouring the wax directly onto my belly quickly. I squirm under the torrent of heat falling onto me, and I try to move out of the way. The restraints on my wrists and ankles pull harder against my resistance. I stop moving now, and firm myself against the onslaught of this wax. It pours all over my belly, covering every inch of me, and then on my breasts. My nipples harden under the wax too, and even though they are firmer, they cannot go against this hardening liquid now.

  Then he drops hot wax on my pussy directly, while inserting his finger back inside me. He fingers me hard now, cracking the drying wax with his finger, but never ceasing the deluge. My pussy burns with pleasure now, and even when he goes deeper into me, I want more still. This isn’t so bad, I tell myself. ‘Giuliana you can do this,’ I tell myself. I surrender completely to this fingering now, and when he adds a second and then a third finger, my excitement grows immensely. He brings the candle closer to my pussy now, and licks my pussy with the flames.


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