Dirty Salvation (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 1)

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Dirty Salvation (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 1) Page 38

by V. Theia

  Bikers were in the kitchen.

  Four of them around the small pine oval table. They looked ridiculous sat hunched, it was too small for big men, but somehow, they looked at home in Rider's house. Zara paused in the doorway, regretting not putting on long PJ pants. The shorts clung to her upper thighs and butt. She had okay thighs, she thought, presentably shaven legs, too skinny, according to Rider, but she hadn't prepared for them to be on display so early in the morning with a bunch of his men. She considered backing out before they saw her.

  Too late.

  Rider's head reared up, sensing her there. She watched his eyes flash heat before his eyelids drooped sexily to half-mast, and then his smile grew ever so slowly. It was in his smile; the bond of two people who shared a similar energy that flowed between them. It almost knocked her off her feet.

  It brought a stain of pink to her cheeks as she smiled in return.

  Three other faces joined in on the looking.

  "Good morning, gentlemen." she said softly. Gruff morning's replied. The lure of coffee was too much to ignore; she couldn't function without at least half a pot of caffeine in her bloodstream. She'd read once that coffee was the blood your body really needed, and she agreed not wanting to take the chance of missing her coffee boost first thing on … well not quite morning, their sex had passed the early hours away but it wasn't worth the risk of skipping this step altogether. Zara was no heathen.

  Shuffling to the gurgling pot, she crowded it waiting for it to be finished brewing so it could spit out the brown elixir she adored. Come on. She wanted to escape back to her room. Feeling all sets of eyes on her. They had been talking and stopped rapidly when she entered, telling her she'd interrupted them.

  "I won't be a minute, just let me grab a coffee and I'll leave you boys to it."

  "No need to rush off, girlie. Rider was 'bout to kick us out anyway."

  "Did you offer your boys food, Ambrosio?" lifting the white mug to her mouth, Zara went through her ritual of sniffing her coffee first, before taking the first glorious sip, quickly followed by a second. Oh, heaven.

  Rider snorted. "Ain’t running a soup kitchen. They came with club business not to fill their bellies."

  "He didn't! Here we are starving, Z-girl." protested Grinder at the same time, sending Zara a cheeky wink.

  "Fucking famished I am, didn't even get asked if I wanted a lousy piece of bread. A man could die." interjected a smiling Snake.

  "Boy has no manners, girlie." Uncle Jed gazed her way looking cute and amused.

  Zara smiled against the rim of her cup, eyeing Rider who winked. She felt it in the pit of her belly, their fast lust connection and how he didn't hide it when his boys were around.

  Stood in the heart of his kitchen he was still all president bad biker man despite him being the same man who made her beg for her orgasm just an hour ago.

  She knew which one she preferred. Both.

  It was strange to separate. He was different in President mode, as she called it, it was incredibly attractive to watch him work, and interact with his club members, it was obvious to her they all held a tightly knit bond with each other, was it any wonder some were still wary of her presence in Rider's life.

  Without asking, she pulled out a skillet, next came a large package of bacon from the fridge. She was dolloping a good heaping of Crisco into the pan when a hand came around the back of her nape, moving up into her hair. Long masterful fingers. Warmth filled her belly when Rider's head dipped down to her ear, his mouth kissed her right there. "You don't have to feed these pigs, Icy."

  "People have to eat. It won't take long. Who wants bacon?” she called out and a chorus of I do greeted her back.

  Making food for a bunch of people, her man looking on with a smile playing the edges of his mouth like she’d pleased the shit out of him, while he watched her. Now, this felt normal, she thought.

  This was good.


  “The way to your man's heart is not with a candy bar, niñita." – Capone

  "Maybe we should move her somewhere else, Prez."

  The suggestion came from a calm spoken Snake. Like he knew he was stepping on a Rider shaped landmine.

  Rider's expression changed. His tan faded down to white, making his blue eyes pop to a darker shade. Not because he was pissed from all the looks his men were giving him letting him know that they shared Snake's idea. But he'd been having the same thoughts, too, he was just reluctant to put it into action. Zara was finally in a good place and he didn't want to fuck that up by terrifying her further placing her in an unknown location for god knows how long.

  Couldn't … wouldn’t do it just yet.

  But then if he risked her safety ... fuck.

  Rock meet hard place. Love was fucking up his logic.

  And as the President he knew what he should do, the buck stopped right at his door. Twofold since they all knew if Hades had any kinda inkling she was here, and they were placing money he did now, then she was a glaring target not only for herself but for everyone else.

  Club first.

  Club fucking first.

  Rider reached out a hand dragging his untouched glass of scotch across the hardwood table, downing it in one agitated gulp, feeling the burn, not caring if it rotted his oesophagus off.

  It had always been the club first, from day one of his leadership, always.

  Why then was he willing to risk everything for his Zara, to say fuck it, and take her somewhere and leave the club to deal with Hades. Only Rider wouldn't do that, not really, even if it flitted through his mind, he had more loyalty and morals than that and wouldn't run from anything. The day he did the outsider-pussies could have his gavel

  Fuck it.

  His long fingers tapped the table.

  Each of his men waiting on his answer. All ten pair of eyes around the table watching him. Waiting.

  These men, brothers he'd trust with his life, at his back, in front of him, at his side. He'd meticulously picked each one of them to be members of the Colorado chapter, a part of his most valued crew, he'd patched them in knowing they'd give their all and best for the Renegade Souls.

  And they had. They'd do whatever he said, he knew that. He was just finding it fucking hard to decide anything when his woman's safety was out of his hands. Or so it felt while Hades was still drawing breath. All their problems would go away magically with just one death.

  Because he wasn't saying a damn word, he heard Preacher clear his throat and ask.

  "Are we absolutely sure we don't have a mole, someone who would have blabbed to that cocksucker what was going on within our walls?"

  All at once the noise level amped up. Every man having his say.

  Rider whistled for them all to calm their shit down.

  After a minute the noise leveled out.

  "That's bullshit. We know everyone through those doors, Preach. Besides the fact who would be dumb enough to go up against us that way, it's their own death warrant, to eat and shit and fuck where we do and to sell us out?" Snake shook his head.

  Rider had to weigh up every eventuality. Tiny was dead. He had been a big fucker, not easy to get the jump on, and yet he was killed and dropped on Rider's door. HAD someone else been a helping hand in that? told Hades where and when? It would need considering until he was certain, he kept it on the table. He didn't have the answers, and it was burning his gut. Or maybe that was just the scotch, either way, he poured a second and downed half.

  "I'm not sending Zara away. Yet. She feels safe here. Can’t do that to her. But she’ll go if I ask her, if and when. Let’s get that put in place just in case." He could easily send her to spend time with his sister and mom, even if his father would be there as well, plus Rider always kept a few safe houses with his other chapters, getting her somewhere wasn't the problem, talking her into it would be.

  "As for a mole." Every man's eyes were on his and it was times like this Rider felt the pressure to do right, to say right and to d
ecide right.

  Club came first.

  Club came first.


  "You shitheads are my core crew, so if it's one of you then you deserve a fuckin' Elizabeth Taylor Oscar..."

  “Come on, Prez. Can't it at least be Leonardo's Oscar? And not some old broad." Guffawed the Butcher. Tattooed fingers rapping the table.

  "I second this motion." Added Texas with a smile cracking his face. "If we are gonna have an Oscar for best actor, at least let's take the one from the guy who waited decades for it."

  "You, knuckleheads scare me. If you start talking about the Kardashians next I'm shooting you," growled Hawk low in his throat. Obviously disgusted in what he was hearing.

  "Hawk knows about the K's! goddamn, fuck me! always knew you were a secretive guy, but this ... now I'm just grossed out."

  Rider cracked his own grin at Pretty boy's jibe and watched Hawk's scowl and finger salute, sitting back in his massive chair, the leather molded completely to his body frame, Rider waited for the noise to die down. His knuckles rapped the table for attention, everyone immediately came to a quiet, all joking aside.

  "Preach, you really think we have a mole?" his man shrugged, but he was fisting his beard, a sure sign his road captain was unnerved about recent events. They all were. "Then give it some attention, if only to lay your doubts at rest. Start with the hangaround's and the prospects then dig into the groupies. Go as deep as you gotta."

  "That's with investigative purposes, Preacher, not your cock, man." Advised a laughing Texas. His tie today was ebony black with gray stripes. And had the biggest fucking knot Rider had ever seen, how on earth had he tied it, he wondered, a two-man job?

  The meeting came to an end. Rider's boys scattered to do their own thing. Work was busy, it kept them all occupied and not so careless to get themselves killed by picking needless fights with outsiders. The entire community had heard about Tiny, they knew without being told that the Souls were on the blood scent and no mercy would be shown. The last thing Rider wanted was to bury another of his boys.

  "Yo, Prez." called out Capone as Rider strode across the forecourt. "Got mad-dog on the phone for you." Capone didn't need to add again for Rider to hear it. He'd been dodging his father's calls for days and would go a couple more. He kicked up his chin to his boy and carried on walking, throwing over his shoulder. "tell him I'm out."

  "Will do, boss."

  Finding his woman overseeing a delivery around the back of the kitchen he waited until she’d sent the other women off carrying in boxes of food before he grabbed her around the waist.

  “Look at you taking action. Thanks, baby. You wanna get out of here for a while?” he kissed the end of her nose.

  “Is that code for you want sex?” she asked grinning up at him. They took the longer way around back by walking the outside of the building, his arm slung low around her waist keeping her close.

  “You think I need code to get your clothes off? I always want you, Icy. Thought we could get out of here ‘a while, just you and me. You’re seein’ the kid tomorrow, arentcha?”

  Zara giggled and wrapped her arm around his waist holding the loop on his jeans. He liked that. “Such a sweet pervert. Her social worker is bringing Angela. So, maybe the boys can be on their best behavior?”

  Rider snorted. “Good luck with that. But I’ll have a word and warn ‘em.”


  “And what, baby?” he asked watching her whittle her teeth on her lip. “Spit it out, you want me to chain Hawk as well?”

  She chuckled. “Nothing like that. But Angela seems to be weirdly attached to Lawless, I don't know why, he's not exactly Harry Styles, she’s asked about him every phone call I’ve had with her, perhaps he could be out tomorrow, on a pickup or something, just while we visit. Or just not have it be that he’s one of the guards at your house.”

  Laughing, Rider kissed the top of her head. “You’re an oddly sugary quirky little thing, baby, but sure, I’ll have Law elsewhere. I think the kid scared him anyway, he hasn’t recovered from her clingin’ to him that time. He'll probably want to avoid her.”

  “That's great, thank you. So…” he saw her smile twitch. “ I want to go to the store if we’re taking off for a bit. For supplies.”

  Rider groaned at the sly and sneaky way she’d dropped that in. His feet came to a halt, hands at his hips staring down at her beautiful smile. Damn, she blew him away sometimes. Day by day he was watching his Icy-girl emerge from her cocoon turning into some beautiful as shit butterfly.

  Jesus, she knocked his heart and stirred his cock.

  But. His eyes narrowed with suspicion.

  “Dammit. After the last time, I thought we wouldn’t have to hit the store again for maybe a year. You shop like the Queen of Arabia.”

  “Riiiiider. Please! I want snacks for tonight for our movie. I’m sitting through some gun toting boy-crap for you, remember. I need sugar.” her face became cuter when she scrunched it like that and Rider found himself smiling despite the agony of watching her meticulously choosing items like she was picking between diamonds and rubies instead of Pringles or Cheetos.

  “Supplies? It’s a movie, Zara, not a 5-week sit-in. I think we can make do with frozen pizza.”

  “I’ll owe you a blowjob.” she offered him sweet as shit and oxygen careened in his chest banging up against every rib just because she’d said the word blowjob.

  As he’d thought, sneaky.

  Rider’s smile was wicked. Zara wasn’t to know he would have done it eventually for free, but he never said no to getting head.

  Around the front main entrance, he sent Zara for her jacket and purse. His gaze reached across to see who was about. A few of his boys and his VP. He was tagging someone else in for that torture and taking the blowjob rewards. Perks of a president.

  The man he trusted the most was Hawk. But not with his woman.

  "Yo, Capone. Take my girl to the grocery store, that engine for Johnny will wait, it's fucked anyway."

  "Gotcha, Prez, I could do with a break. I’ll wait at my ride for Zara. " Yelled back Capone as he downed tools and slid his overalls off leaving them piled on the shop floor. Dressed in simple dark jeans, patched whiter around the thighs and knees, his boots were thick and his t-shirt black clung to his wide chest, he pulled on his cut as he strode across the forecourt. Capone was a good man, perfect for keeping Zara safe. Rider knew Capone valued family whether blood or chosen, above anything else, what with the baggage he carried from his own past, he’d be a second skin for Rider’s woman the entire time.

  Rider was busy kissing Zara a minute later, both hands cupped to her face, his voice low just for her ears. "You'll be fine with Capone, baby, get all your sugar crap for the movie, he won't let anything happen to you. Maybe look at the cars in the lot over the street from the store, see which one you wanna get, we'll take a drive there this week."

  She nodded with a small unsure smile but otherwise didn't reply. He kissed her forehead, skimming lips down her jaw. As much as he wanted to keep her in her own bubble Rider knew this would be better for her to regain some of her independence and lessen the dependency on him, though fuck, he loved that a lot, he loved her wanting him, needing him, relying on him, with anything though it would wear thin over time, she'd come to resent that she needed him that way because she was afraid. One more kiss and he set her free, he didn't need to tell Capone he was to guard her like he was bone deep in love with her as well, Rider's upturned chin said it all and his man nodded. Rider watched her step over to Capone's Black Jeep, ever the gentleman, Capone jumped out and held the door open for Zara.

  She glanced over to Rider, whittling teeth on her lower lip, he smiled and nodded his reassurance, though even he was jittery as fuck to let her leave the safety of his compound without him.

  Once they were out of sight, only dust left on the road, he turned and walked back inside. He needed to reach out to some of the neighboring clubs, they all hated Hades as muc
h as he did, having grudges a mile long with that guy. He’d talk to Jamie Steele from the Apollo Kings first. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


  The Shop N Go on South Logan Street was playing Christmas music in the background even though Thanksgiving wasn’t here yet, she liked their commitment to the holidays, truth be told she was thrilled to hear a Christmas song, a nice addition to the nerves running rampant through Zara's body. The twenty-minute journey to the store had gone relatively sedate. Capone played classic rock music, he liked to whistle along, and he kept up a steady stream of conversation that he didn't seem to mind when she barely gave any reply to. She'd watched the road grow further and further away from the clubhouse, fighting her own instincts to ask him to turn around, to take her back. This unnerved woman wasn't her, or it hadn’t used to be, she might have had a boring social life by anyone's standards, but she'd never been afraid to walk into a grocery store, for god sake.

  Instead of wimping out, to lie and say she didn't need anything after all just so she could return quickly to the safety of Rider, her personal crutch, she rounded her shoulders and slid out of Capone's jeep, he waited at the hood for her and they walked into together. His eyes scanning left and right.

  If Hades was still in the state, he could just go fuck himself. She was done being afraid of that monstrosity of a human being.

  Capone grabbed a wire basket for her as she scanned the aisles deciding where she wanted to go first. It wasn't a very large store, nothing like Target, she preferred the personable feel of a mom and pop place, the fresh foods set around the edges and all the junk (aka the best part) in the middle. It was the junk she headed for, an apple a day didn't keep away what she had, so she went for the chocolate instead.


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