Wild Thoughts

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Wild Thoughts Page 5

by Charity Ferrell

  “You clearly need your eyes checked, sweetheart.”

  “You sure about that?” she pushes.

  “Positive, she’s far from my type.”

  She scoots in closer, like my words were an invitation to drop her panties. “Then, what’s your type?”

  “Not lost, virginal puppies.”

  I don’t know if Addison has told her friend about her broken virtue, but I’m not going to be the one to share it. If she wants everyone in the goddamn world to think her pussy has never been touched, that’s her business.

  “Good news for you, then.”

  “What’s that?” I already know what she’s going to say.

  “I’m exactly your type.” Bingo. I was right. “I’m not a virgin and more than willingly to screw on the first date.”

  I raise a brow. “Oh really? Then, you’re definitely my type.”

  “So when are you taking me out?”

  I don’t want to take this chick out. The only thing I’d prefer to do with her is drag her to my bedroom, push her down on her knees, and shove my cock in her mouth. That’s it. She seems too needy and annoying for me. She’s the type of girl that will call twenty-five times the next day and then stick my cat in the microwave if I don’t answer.

  “We’re going on a double date,” she calls out when Addison comes back with drinks.

  I want to strangle this damn chick. The only thing she has going for her is she might take my mind off wanting to see my stepsister naked. I can take all of my sexual frustrations out on her.

  The drink cans drop from Addison’s grasp, and I quickly jump up to save them before they hit the ground.

  “What?” Addison asks, like she misheard Savannah.

  “Zeth asked me out,” Savannah lies, snatching a can from me. “How about we double date?”

  Addison glances over at me in question, like she doesn’t believe her friend.

  “Sounds like a damn blast,” I say.

  “Yeah, I mean, whatever,” Addison mutters, clearly as excited as I am. “Let me know when. I’ll see if Cam is up for it.”

  Savannah gets up and wraps her thin arms around my waist. Her hand feathers over my cock briefly before resting on my stomach “This weekend you’re all mine.”

  I’m relaxing on the couch, exhausted from fighting Savannah’s wandering hands away from my cock all day. I never thought I’d complain about a chick wanting my dick, but the broad was relentless.

  I look down at the caller ID when my phone rings.

  “Hey fucker, what’s been going on?” I answer.

  “Same shit, different day,” Kelton says on the other end. “How’s the East Coast?”

  “As sucky as we thought it would be.”

  “And the East Coast pussy?”

  I scratch my cheek. “Now that’s not as bad as we thought it would be.”

  Kelton has been my best friend since we were ten. Him and my mom are the only people who’ve ever had my back. He was born addicted to drugs thanks to his strung-out mother and has never met his father. He was shoved into the system at a young age. We met in our teens, and he stayed at my house nearly every night because his foster parents were assholes. Even though we don’t share blood, I still consider him my brother.

  He roars in laughter. “I’m trying to save up some dough to get out there and see you.”

  “You don’t have to do that. You need to save every dollar you can.”

  He has a three-year-old daughter, Rose. I remember the day he came to me, scared shitless, about becoming a dad at seventeen. But he’s shifted into fatherhood well. I was honored when he asked me to be Rose’s godfather. I love that little runt to death.

  Her mom practically dumped Rose on Kelton after she was born, and she only comes around when it’s convenient for her. She even tried to take him to court for child support when he’s the one who has her ninety-percent of the time. They talk about dead-beat dads like it’s nothing, but there are deadbeat moms, too. Rose’s mom is one of them.

  “Nah, I’ve been telling Rose we’ll visit you soon. She’s excited as hell. She misses her Uncle Zeth.”

  “Give her a kiss for me and tell her I can’t wait to see her.”

  “How’s your dad treating you?”

  “Like I’m the bastard child,” I say, honestly.

  “And his new wifey? Is she an evil stepmom?”

  “Holy roller. She thinks everything is evil. I’m surprised she hasn’t tried to do an exorcism on my ass. Her daughter isn’t too bad, though. A little uptight, but she’s cool.” I instantly regret bringing Addison up. I know how much fun he’s going to have with this.

  “Her daughter?”

  I can sense his excitement.

  “How old is her daughter?”

  I cringe. I should lie, so he’ll get off my ass. “Eighteen.”

  “Fuck man, she has a grown ass daughter and you’re just telling me this now? Is she hot? Bangable? Willing to give it up when I come visit?”

  “She’s alright, and I doubt that’s going to happen.”

  He catches onto my tone. “Alright, huh? Please tell me you hit that shit. That would piss your dad off, and that would be fucking great.”

  “Nope, my dick hasn’t been anywhere near her.”

  “But you want it to?”

  I clear my throat. “Nah, she’s off limits.”

  “Holy hell, you’re falling for your step-sister. I’m not sure if that’s fucked up or hot as hell.”

  “You’re wrong,” I answer, not sure how true that is.

  I’m not falling for her. I can’t be. I just want to get into her sweet little panties, get a taste of something innocent. Even the girl I lost my virginity to wasn’t a virgin. I was fourteen, and she was eighteen.

  “You don’t think she’s attractive?” he asks, skeptically.

  “Of course, she’s attractive, but I’m not going to fuck every female I find attractive.”

  “Newsflash to me.” He’s still laughing. “At least, admit she’s attractive enough to fuck, man. Let me have some fun with this.”

  “I don’t want to fuck her. I walked in on her boyfriend railing her on the couch, and it looked like it was some step-by-step instruction video. I’m not into proper prudes in the bedroom.”

  “You walked in on her getting screwed? This is too good. I’m definitely coming out there.”

  All of a sudden, I hear a loud gasp come out from behind me. I feel like I’ve been smacked in the face when I turn around and see Addison. Her face is flushed, almost red, and she’s biting the edge of her lip.

  “Gotta go,” I say quickly into the phone before hanging up.

  “I take it you were talking about me?” she asks, hurt clear on her face.

  “Would you believe me if I said no?” I stupidly reply.

  She gawks at me in disbelief and then stomps around the couch to face me. “Nope.”

  I rub the back of my neck and knead my fingers the my skin. “I didn’t mean for it to come out like that.”

  “Like what?” She crosses her arms and sucks in a breath. “It sounded pretty damn clear you were making fun of me to your friend. I’m a prude in the bedroom? You know nothing about me, or my sex life.”

  “I know you looked bored out of your mind when he was inside you.” I raise my voice. “I know you looked like you’d rather be doing Calculus homework than having sex with him. Is that your fault or his?” I get up, ready to explain myself, or try to.

  She moves away from me. “Again, you know nothing about me, or my sex life, jackass,” she says, angrily. “Nor will you ever.”

  She turns around without giving me a chance to fight my case, leaving me feeling like an asshole again.

  Me and my big fucking mouth.



  It’s my third day working at the country club, and surprisingly, it’s not as bad as I thought it would be. The staff is pretty chill, and I haven’t received too many looks of disgust from the mem
bers. I guess everyone with money isn’t as uptight as my dad. My long sleeve, button-up shirt hides my tattoos, but I’ve noticed a few members are inked up. I’m positive one member is from one of my favorite bands, and another chick plays on some reality show my mom is obsessed with.

  Tonight is what my boss called the club’s biggest event of the year. I spotted Leonard as soon as he walked in, but he hasn’t said a word to me. He even went to a different bartender to order his drink.

  “You the new kid?” a guy asks, joining me behind the bar.

  He’s sporting the same uniform as me–a black button-up vest over a white dress shirt, and black pants. I’m the most dressed up I’ve ever been in my life.

  That’d be me,” I answer, drying off a glass.

  They started me behind the bar, which was perfectly okay with me. I’d rather be serving drinks in the air conditioning than riding around in a golf cart all day in the heat.

  The guy slaps me on the back. “Welcome to the lifestyles of the rich, the famous, and the fucking annoying, whiniest motherfuckers you will ever meet in your life. Get ready to please some of the pickiest fucking people in the world.”

  His accent is straight-up East Coast style. He’s short and bulky, his chest broad. His hair is black, darker than mine, and gelled down.

  “The art of ass kissing is something I don’t think I’ll ever get the hang of,” I grumble.

  “Just smile and nod, my friend. Some of them are surprisingly cool, and most of the girls aren’t as stuck up as they look.”

  I whip my head over to look at him in excitement. Maybe I’ll find another proper girl to help me fuck Addison out of my system. I don’t want to have to resort to Savannah.


  “Oh yeah. The daughters of these assholes always want to have a go at the bad boy.” A salacious grin forms on his face. “And don’t get me started with the wives. They’re lonely women who want a younger piece of meat to screw. I mean, their husbands are out cheating, they might as well do the same.”

  “Do we get fired for doing that shit? Fraternizing with the members?” I can’t be losing my job over some pussy.

  “If you get caught, but that doesn’t hold me back.”

  I like this guy.

  He holds out his hand. “I’m Mikey.”

  I grab his hand and shake it. “Zeth.”

  “You working the bar tonight?”

  I nod.

  “Me, too. Let’s get this fucking party started. I need to make some good tips tonight. My girlfriend caught me cheating, so I need to spend some dough for an apology gift.”

  “Yo Zeth, we’re out of ice. Can you run to the kitchen and grab more?” Mikey asks.

  I give him a head nod. “Sure, man.”

  The boss was right. It’s a full house tonight for some benefit gala. I’ve been slinging drinks for the past four hours and have lost count of how many vodka sodas and bourbons I’ve poured.

  I wipe my hands on a towel, move around the bar, and dodge bodies to make my way through the packed crowd. I grab the bucket and move in slow steps on my way back to the bar.

  “Fuck, watch where you’re going, asshole.”

  My feet stop when the bucket slams into something … or someone. My attention shoots forward, and Cam is wobbling in front of me. His face is pink, his eyes close to bloodshot, and a glass is gripped in his hand.

  He’s drunk off his ass. I didn’t deliberately hit him with the bucket, but I can’t say I’m pissed it happened.

  “My bad,” I say, taking a step back. I look over his shoulder in disappointment when I don’t see Addison.

  “Yeah, it is your bad. Do your job and stay the fuck out of my way,” he fires back, stumbling a bit.

  I tighten my hold on the bucket and bite my tongue. I can’t get fired because of this punk. “Is Addison here?”

  I’ve been keeping an eye out for her all night, but haven’t seen her. I’m positive she’s been hiding from me after what I said to Kelton. I’ve texted her a few times the past few days, but she’s ignored me. She also hasn’t been showing up for breakfast.

  “No, migraine,” he answers.

  I raise a brow.

  “She’s at home with a migraine,” he clarifies.

  “And you’re here?”

  I’ve never had a serious girlfriend, but if I did, I sure as hell wouldn’t be hanging out with my douchebag friends while my girlfriend was at home with a fucking headache.

  “She doesn’t like to be bothered when she has migraines.” He looks at me with cold eyes. “Oh, and one more thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Stay the fuck away from my girlfriend, or I’ll kill you.”

  I chuckle. “I’d love to see you try, rich boy.”

  The house is quiet when I get home. I slowly walk up the stairs and open a few doors until I find the one I’m looking for. It’s pitch black, but I make out her bed with the help of the hallway light. I feel around on the wall and hear a loud moan of disapproval when I flip the light on.

  “Dear God,” Addison cries out. “Shut that light off, or I will murder you.” A blanket is wrapped around her body and head like a tent.

  I turn off the light and move into her room, careful not to run into anything. “You really do have a migraine.” I want to kick her boyfriend’s ass even more now for leaving her in this much pain by herself.

  “Yes, I really do have a migraine. Why would I lie about that?”

  “I don’t know. I thought maybe you were trying to avoid me.”

  “Don’t flatter yourself,” she mutters. “I wouldn’t miss a charity event because I know a rude asshole who talks behind people’s backs and thinks I’m a bore will be there.”

  “About that. It came out wrong.”

  “Please stop talking.” I want to turn the light back on and look at her, but I can hear the agony in her voice. “Every time you talk it’s like torture to my head.”

  “Fuck, sorry.” I change my voice to a whisper. “Is there anything I can do for you?” I make out her shaking her head. “You’re going to just lay here in the dark?”

  “This is how I handle them. I lay here until I fall asleep.”

  “And it’s gone when you wake up?”

  “Sometimes yes, sometimes no. So, please, leave me alone. I’m not in the mood for you and your jackass attitude right now.”

  I turn around and leave. She lets out another groan when I come back a few minutes later and slowly pull the blanket away from her face. I bend down in front of her with a cold washcloth in my hand.

  “Uh … what are you doing?” she asks, wincing when I run the cloth along her cheek.

  “I Googled what helps with migraines,” I answer.

  She lets out a rush of breath when I move the cloth to the other cheek and then to her forehead. She sighs loudly. It’s helping. I can tell by her body starting to relax. I set the cloth on her nightstand and walk around the bed before sitting down next to her.

  “Now, what are you doing?” she asks.

  I start making myself comfortable. “I’m hanging out in here with you.”


  I shrug. “I don’t have anything better to do.”

  She turns around on her side to face me. “You’re going to sit here in the dark?”

  “Sure am.”

  “Prepare to be bored out of your mind,” she grumbles.

  I move stray pieces of her hair away from her face and slowly start to massage her scalp.

  “Don’t,” she says, trying to pull back, but I don’t let her.

  “Relax,” I tell her, going back to massaging her soft strands.

  I don’t stop until I notice her body loosen up and her breathing grow heavy. I lean back against her headboard and see her phone on the nightstand. It hasn’t gone off once since I’ve been here. Not one person–her boyfriend, her mom, or her best friend, none of them have even checked on her while she’s been sitting in the dark in fucking pain.r />
  That pisses me off.



  Good morning, Sally,” I sing out when I sit down on the kitchen stool.

  She pushes my breakfast in front of me. It’s become a regular thing for us every morning.

  “Has Addison been down here yet?” I ask.

  I slipped out of her bedroom late last night when I heard the garage door open. I made it to the basement just in time. It was a close call. Who knows what would’ve happened had they found out I was in her room. My dad would’ve shit a brick seeing me in her bed. I would’ve been packing my bags and kicked out on the streets. The bad influence bastard isn’t allowed to touch the princess.

  Sally’s face fills with concern. “She hasn’t. She came down with one of them dang migraines last night. That poor girl.”

  “Does she get them a lot?”

  “About once a month, depending on her stress. They make her miserable, sometimes lasting hours, but I’ve seen them go on for days.”

  Shit, that’d suck.

  I lean back in my chair, suddenly feeling bad, and hope I’m not the stress that prompted the migraine. “So, she lays in the dark until they go away?”

  “She usually catches the symptoms early and takes her medicine before it kicks in all the way. If she doesn’t, then yes, that’s what happens. She’s suffered from them for years.”

  I flex my jaw and slam my hand down on the counter. “You know what’s bullshit?”

  Sally pinches her brows together but doesn’t say anything.

  “No one even came and checked on her last night.” I blow out an aggravated breath. “Not her boyfriend or her mom.”

  “That’s not true because you did.” She’s fighting back a smile. “Don’t think I’m as blind as the others around here, boy.”

  Fuck, I’ve been busted.

  I’m praying she’s the only one who knows. I don’t think she’ll rat me out.

  “I noticed all the lights were off, and her car was here. I was only checking to make sure she wasn’t dead up there or something,” I say, impassively.

  She lets out a lighthearted laugh. “Oh, I’m sure that’s exactly what you were doing.” She points a finger at me. “You’re a good person. Don’t let your father or anyone else tell you any different. You put off that whole bad boy front, but you care about people. You care about her.”


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