Wild Thoughts

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Wild Thoughts Page 7

by Charity Ferrell

  I dart towards them and shove Cam away from Savannah. He grunts when his back hits the wall, and my hand wraps around his throat. He gasps for air, his pants hanging around his ankles. I spit in his face, ready to plant my fist there next, but suddenly pull back and release him. I can’t go to jail, and I know this pretty boy will press charges.

  “What are you going to do, huh?” Cam asks in between heavy breaths. “You going to hit me?”

  Oh yeah, he’d definitely press charges.

  “You don’t deserve her,” I hiss. “Break up with her before I tell her what pieces of shits you both are.”

  He lets out a cynical laugh. “I don’t deserve her? Please don’t tell me you think you do.”

  “Fuck you!”

  Cockiness flickers across his face. “I see the way you look at her.” Sweat starts to build around his forehead. He’s nervous of Addison finding out. He loves her, I don’t doubt that, but he’s also a selfish prick. “She’ll never be with you. You’re trash, scum off the West Coast streets with a criminal record. Sure, you might succeed getting into her panties now because you’re going to tell her about Savannah and me. But she’ll be back in my arms. You can guarantee that.”

  His words punch me straight in the face. “Fuck you, Cam!”

  “No, fuck you, Zeth!”

  I push him back against the wall, rougher this time, but don’t pin him. “Do you want me to kill you? Leave now. I’ll take Addison home. You can meet us there and tell her what you,” I look at Savannah, “and this hoe have been up to.”

  He slides along the wall to get away from me and laughs bitterly. “Addison will be my wife in the next five years, and you’ll be waiting for your next prison trip.”

  “I’ll never be your wife, Cam.”

  Everyone, including myself, stops in shock and turns around at the sound of Addison’s voice. She’s standing in the doorway with her arms crossed. Her face is bright red as she fights back tears.

  I’m not sure how much she heard or saw, but there’s no mistaken what happened here. Her boyfriend’s pants are down, and his shrimp cock is dangling between his legs. Her best friend’s dress is up to her waist and wrinkled, and her hair is a mess.

  She looks at Savannah. “And you’re supposed to be my best friend.” Her attention moves to Cam. “You’re both dead to me.”



  I shake my head with each step I take down the stairs and ask myself what I’m doing. I should stay in my bedroom, away from Zeth, and sulk by myself. That’s what I planned on doing, but he sent me a text asking if I wanted to get my mind off everything that happened tonight.

  That’s all I want to do right now.

  I also want to see him.

  “How are you feeling?” he asks when I come into his view. He’s sitting on the couch looking at me with concern.

  I sink down on the opposite end. “Is feeling like a complete idiot an emotion?” My boyfriend and best friend were bumping uglies right under my nose. How could I have been so blind?

  The small smile on his lips puts my heart at ease.

  “I think we can work with that.” He throws his arm across the back of the couch. “Have you talked to him?”

  “Not since you led me out of the restaurant. He’s called and texted, but I’m ignoring him.” I release a low, tortured breath. “I don’t know what the hell to do.”

  I was close to collapsing, my heart pounding against my chest, when I took in the scene at the restaurant. I wasn’t stupid. I knew exactly what happened in that room, and I’d be damned if I was going to stand there and let them attempt to give me some bullshit excuse.

  Zeth grabbed my hand before I used a steak knife to stab the betrayers and pulled me through the restaurant as I fought back tears. Cam yelled behind us, but I didn’t look back once. I couldn’t. Zeth didn’t let up our fast pace until we made it to the street corner blocks away, and then he called a cab.

  He stares at me in shock. “You’re honestly not considering taking his bitch ass back, are you?”

  I chew on my nails. “No.”

  “Then what’s the problem? Cry, do all of that ridiculous heartbreak shit chicks do in the movies …”

  I cut him off before he can finish. “That stuff is necessary.” Not that I know from experience. Cam was my first serious boyfriend.

  “What’s even more damn necessary is moving the fuck on. Five years from now, you’ll see Cam on the news for hiring high-rate hookers with his campaign money. You’ll be happy you dodged that bullet.”

  A smile breaks out along my lips. “Really? High-rate hookers?”

  “I wouldn’t doubt it.” He gently elbows me in the side. “And you’ll be happy dating some non-asshole who doesn’t happen to accidentally stick his weasel dick in your best friend’s sloppy pussy.”

  He’s surprisingly making me feel better.

  I bite into my lip. “That’s not the problem.” I leave for college soon. The same college Cam is attending.

  “The problem isn’t that he was the country club’s community cock?”

  “The problem is finding a new plan.”

  He shakes his head violently. “Nope, don’t be that girl.”

  “What girl?”

  “The one who takes his ass back thinking he’s a changed man, or boy in his case. The only reason he’s showing remorse right now is because he got busted. Had he not got caught, you would’ve never known. He’ll cheat again. Don’t let it be on you. You’re smarter than that, better than that, and worth so much fucking more.”

  “So what do I do now? I have this plan to leave for college in a few months. The same one as him.”

  “Fuck that plan and get another one. I have no clue what I’m doing with my life. I’m just winging it, and it’s pretty fucking freeing. You don’t have to have your shit together and a life plan at eighteen.”

  “I don’t blame him for cheating.” I shut my eyes to blind myself from his reaction. There I said it. It’s been on my mind since we left the restaurant.

  He snorts. “Well, that’s the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard you say.”

  “You said it yourself. I’m a prude in the sheets. No one wants to be with a bore in the bedroom.”

  His hand runs through his dark hair, and his eyebrows squish together. “Fuck, I told you that you took that shit out of context.”

  I open my mouth fully ready to call him a liar, but he doesn’t give me the chance.

  “Okay, fine, that was an asshole move, but let me clarify what I was saying. When I walked in on you two, you looked like you were bored out of your mind.”

  “I was bored out of my mind.”

  He looks at me dumbfounded. “How can you possibly be bored during sex? Sex is the best thing in the fucking world. Being bored during sex is a fucking crime.”

  “It’s the same thing over and over again. Eventually, it gets old.”

  I shiver when he runs his tongue along the edge of his lower lip. “So you’re not the prude, he is. No female deserves a small dick, or a bad fuck in her life.”

  “He’s obviously not the prude if he’s giving it to my best friend in a restaurant.”

  “Yeah, and he was fucking her like shit. You’re not the problem, sweetheart. He is.”

  “And you know that how?”

  “Did you crave to be fucked differently?”

  His question is like a grenade hitting my body. “Yes.” My honesty surprises me.

  He slides in closer. “How did you crave being fucked?”

  My heart flutters. I lost count of how many times I asked Cam to try new things–in the backseat of our cars, in the pool, in different positions other than missionary, but he always insisted we didn’t have time for it. If that excuse didn’t work, he’d tell me he didn’t want to see me dirty because he loved me too much. I can’t believe I fell for that stupid line.

  “I craved to be on top,” I say in a whisper, revealing one of my biggest fantasies. I wante
d to be the one who set the pace and choose how I liked it. How I took it.

  “And where did you craved to be fucked?” His tone is thick, almost stern-like.

  “Anywhere … everywhere.” I avert my eyes to the floor in embarrassment. I can’t believe I told him that.

  “Then how about we fix that craving of yours?”

  I shiver when his chilly fingers run across my blushing face. My breathing grows thick as he cups my chin and slowly drags it up until I look at him. My eyes fix on his hungry ones.

  Something is happening.

  Something is changing in this moment.

  “Let me show you what it’s like to fuck a real man, not one with a two-inch rod,” he says. His hand snakes around my thigh. “I’ll give you tips, help you out, and turn you into the freak you want to be. You’ll know your body, your sexuality, and exactly how you want to be fucked when I’m done with you.”

  I wait for him to tell me he’s joking, but he’s only staring at me in determination.

  “Are you asking me to sleep with you?” I stammer out.

  “I’m telling you I can help you with your problem, teach you how to be skilled in the bedroom.” A smile builds on his lips. “We can do it out of bed, in bed, physically, orally. Although, a more hands-on approach is the most beneficial … for your education and all.”

  “So … you’re offering to give me lessons in bed while screwing me?” That might be the strangest thing I’ve said my entire life.

  His eyes deadpan on me. “That’s exactly what I’m offering.”

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “I’m dead serious.”

  “You’re my stepbrother.” I don’t know why I’m saying that word like it’s dirty. “That’s against like every rule in the book … I think.”

  “That’s not against any fucking rule. It doesn’t mean shit.” He gestures between the two of us. “You and me, we’re not related. Shit, we only met each other a few weeks ago. I’ve already seen your ass naked. You need to become more experienced, a sex kitten in bed, and I need to get laid. It’s a win-win for the both of us.”

  I exhale a shaky breath and open my mouth before I lose the nerve. “Okay, I’ll do it.”

  My words seem to shock the both of us. I can’t believe I’m agreeing to have meaningless sex with him, the man whore, the same night I became single. His bad boy ways are rubbing off on me … or it could be me finally breaking out of my shell.

  “When do we start?” I ask, as if need to make up a schedule or something.

  “Right now if you want.”

  My breathing hitches when he leans forward and grips the hem of my shirt. My arms fly up instinctively, allowing him to drag it over my head, and he tosses it on the floor.

  A thrill kicks through me. “Are we really doing this?”

  He answers with his mouth. His kiss drugs me, numbing my mind from everything that happened tonight as he injects me with more need for his touch. I’m drowning in him, and all he’s done is caress his tongue against mine.

  “This is only temporary,” I whisper into his mouth.

  He pulls away briefly. “I only do temporary.”

  We move impulsively, our hands flying in every direction to get each other’s clothes off. His mouth attaches to my nipple as soon as my bra is unhooked, his lips strong as they suck on it roughly. I can feel the liquid pooling between my legs.

  “That … God … that feels so damn good,” I moan out in rapture. Not once have I ever felt this charged up with Cam. “More … I need more.”

  His eyes are hooded when he looks at me. “I like hearing you beg. I want to hear more of it.”

  I yelp when my body is tugged down the couch. My panties are ripped down my legs, and I’m spread out on the couch completely bare to him while he settles between my thighs. Surprisingly, I don’t feel too on display with him. I feel comfortable.

  “Fuck, there’s my bad girl,” he says. His attention is on the tattoo on the inside of my right thigh. He traces the two small doves. “This is fucking sexy.”

  I take this time to revel him in. He’s gorgeous. I reach out and run my hands along his smooth, ripped stomach–something I’ve been dying to do since I went to his bedroom that first night. My attention goes from his abs to his rock-hard erection. He’s huge, way bigger than Cam, and my mouth waters at the sight of it.

  He throws his head back when my fingers curl around the head of his cock. I can see the hunger in his eyes. He’s holding back for me.

  “You have no idea how bad I want to give you this cock,” he says, moving my hand away. “But I need to taste this pretty little pussy first.” His strong hands grip my wrists to lift them up over my head. “Keep these here. Don’t move them. I’m going to eat your pussy. I’m going to eat it right, and you’re going to lay here like a good girl.” His voice drips with authority.

  I throb between my legs. I’ve never had this done to me. Cam always said he thought it was gross.

  Heat rips through my body with the first lick, and I instinctively throw my hands down to grip his hair. I gasp when his tongue stops.

  “I told you to leave your hands up here,” he says, licking me one more time.

  I lose his mouth, and his powerful hands recapture mine to put them back in their designated place.

  “If you move them again, you don’t get my tongue inside you. I will get up right now and leave. Do you understand?”

  I nod.

  “Answer me, Addison.”

  “Yes, I understand,” I mutter.

  I clench my hands into fists, feeling my fingernails dig into my palms, trying my best to keep them still. I don’t want this to end. I moan, squirming underneath him, when his tongue goes back to work. He rams a long finger inside me. And then another, pushing them in and out of my opening.

  “You’re going to come for me,” he says, pulling his fingers out.

  He licks them and shoves them back inside. My nerve endings are on fire. I’m close to reaching my brink, ready to explode, and I do. I’m finally experiencing my very first orgasm that wasn’t done with my own fingers.

  His hand clamps over my mouth, muting my screams, while I lose control. I wiggle to get up when his hand disappears but fall back down when he slowly starts to rub the head of his cock at my opening, teasing me.

  “You want it?” he asks.

  I nod in response.

  “Tell me what you want.”

  “I want your cock.” I’ve never said anything like that to Cam.

  “Where do you want my cock?”

  I look at him in confusion. What?

  “Do you want it on this couch? Do you want it outside? On the floor? It’s your call, baby.”

  I look down, my eyes zoning in on his massive erection. “In your bed.”

  I know it’s not totally out of the box, but I’m going to burst at the seams if he doesn’t give me what I want. I’ve never desired to indulge in anything this desperately in my life.

  “And how do you want to take my cock?”

  “On top. I want to be on top,” I answer in anticipation.

  He grins, hauls me off the couch, and throws me over his shoulder. He carries me across the room like I’m weightless. The bedroom light is flipped on, the door slammed shut, and he tosses me down on his bed. I feel exposed as he stares down at me from the foot of the bed.

  “Don’t,” he says, his tone harsh, when he notices me grab for the blanket. “Don’t you dare cover your sexy body up.” He licks his lips. “Never feel ashamed of those tits, those curves, that ass, that delicious pussy.”

  My heart races when he climbs toward me. His mouth crashes against my lips and washes away all my insecurities. Our tongues dance together. He nearly chokes me as he devours my mouth.

  “You ready to ride me?” he asks.

  My stomach flip-flops when I nod, and he opens his nightstand to snag a condom. He rips it open with his teeth before sliding it on. He falls down on his back and slowly st
arts stroking himself.

  “You know what to do,” he says, noticing my hesitation.

  I take a deep breath, my heart banging against my chest and pumping me up with excitement, and straddle him. He gasps when I sink down on him, and I throw my head back as he fills me up.

  “Now rock those hips, ride me,” he says. “Give your pussy what it wants.”

  I buck forward, starting to ride him, and my body burns with arousal and thrill. It takes me a minute, but I eventually find my rhythm.

  “Yeah, that’s it, gorgeous,” Zeth says, gripping my waist.

  I pick up my pace, thrusting my hips back and forth against him until I’m ready to fall apart again. His hand moves to my ass, gripping it roughly, and I can tell he’s just as close. My orgasm rips through my body at the same time he tenses underneath me. His head falls back as his body shakes.

  Holy shit.

  I just had sex with my stepbrother, and he gave me the best orgasm of my life.



  I wake up to the best fucking feeling in the world.

  Addison is on my lap, her legs on each side of my waist, and she’s looking down at me with lust-filled eyes. I blink a few times, making sure my brain isn’t deceiving me and I’m having another wet dream about her. There’s nothing better than waking up to a girl ready to take your cock like it’s her favorite thing in the world.

  Her blonde hair is a tangled mess, wrapped in a loose ponytail at the top of her head, and cascades of it fall around her shoulders when I release it. I throw the tie across the room and knot my fingers around the strands.

  “You want to start your day off with my cock?” I ask, trying to clear the sleepiness out of my voice.

  My dick is hard and ready to slide inside her again. I need to feel her sweet pussy one more time. I close my eyes as memories of last night come back to me. I tasted her. She rode my dick. I can’t wait to get another fill.

  A smirk spreads across her beautiful face. “I think this is a sure sign I do.”


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