Wild Thoughts

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Wild Thoughts Page 10

by Charity Ferrell

  She throws her hand out and focuses on me. “You better get to stripping, too. I want to see you naked and jumping in by my side.”

  She’s testing me. My little firecracker wants to give me a piece of my own medicine.

  I pull myself out of bed, untie my shorts, and let them fall to the floor. “That better, princess?”

  Her beautiful blue eyes drop down to my hard as a rock cock, and she bites into her lip while rubbing her thighs together.

  I point to the doorway. “After you.”

  She stares at me for a few more seconds. Well, at my cock. If she doesn’t pull her attention away from it, we won’t make it to the pool. I’ll be bending her over that dresser and plowing into her.

  She inhales a deep breath and scurries out of the room without another word.

  “You better be naked by the time I get out there,” I yell. I slowly tread down the stairs and find her waiting for me outside.

  “I thought I told you to be naked,” I say, looking at her clothes in disgust. I need to see her, be inside her, before I explode.

  “I wanted you to watch me,” she replies.

  She rips her shirt over her head, giving me a glimpse of her perfect nipples. Her shorts drop, her panties next, and I’m in front of her in seconds.

  I grab the back of her head and smash her lips to mine, tasting sweet syrup. Fuck, she tastes so good. I grip her ass, pull her into me, and then pick her up. The water splashes and hits me in the face when she lands in the pool.

  She comes up and takes deep breaths. “Seriously?”

  I jump in next and pin her against the wall of the pool, resting my hands above us on the concrete.

  “Give it to me, Zeth,” she says, practically panting. “Don’t be gentle. Take me how you want.”

  I kiss her with more passion, more intensity than I ever have. I want her more than anything. She’s all I can think about. There’s a blame burning through me, burning so fucking deep, and I’m ignited with the truth that I’d do anything for this woman.

  “Fuck … we don’t have a condom.” I go to pull away, but her legs wrapping around my waist stop me. I shake my head. “I don’t fuck without a condom.”

  “I’m on the pill,” she argues. “Don’t you dare stop right now.”

  I groan when she rocks against me, rubbing herself against my cock, and hesitate briefly before filling her with my cock without warning. Her back arches, and her nails dig into my back. I release a primal growl at the sensation of feeling her pussy against my bare cock.

  Fuck, this is what going raw feels like?

  I won’t give my friends shit for not wrapping it up again.

  I know she’s close when she throws her head back. She moans, and I pound into her faster, losing control. I palm her tit, playing with her nipple, and the water moving against us makes her pussy feel even more incredible.

  It only takes two more thrusts of my cock, and she gets off. Her back slumps against the wall as she lets herself go. Two more pumps, and I bust inside her.

  Holy hell. Yes!

  “That was incredible,” he says, catching her breath while circling her arms around my neck. “Let’s do it again.”

  I blow out a breath. Damn, I love how much she craves me. “Give me a minute, babe.”

  She bites into the edge of her lip while looking up at me. “Was that good for you?”

  “That was fucking amazing.” My shoulders shake. “Fuck, you felt so good without a condom.”

  “You’ve never done it without one before?”

  I shake my head while she tries her best to conceal her satisfied grin. “What?”

  “It’s nice to know I can finally be one of your first for something.”

  “Princess, that’s not the only first you’ve taken from me,” I mutter, without thinking.

  Her head tilts up to get a better look at me. “What do you mean?”

  Fuck. I’m not supposed to say shit like that. I open my mouth to tell her she’s the only woman I’ve ever wanted more than sex with. I’ve never wanted to come back for seconds over and over again like I do with her. But I bite my lip to stop myself.

  I can’t put a feeling like that into words, especially when what I want to say terrifies me. I close my eyes and wish she could read my mind. Maybe, just maybe, my soft touches and the way I hold her will tell her everything she needs to know. It’ll tell her how much I’m falling for her.

  I scramble to come up with the right words to her question. “I mean … I’ve never had sex with someone as many times as I have with you … or watched a movie.” I feel bad for being dishonest with her.

  I’ve also never craved someone’s pussy twenty-four-seven … or wanted to share a bed with her every night. I freeze up when I realize something. If she asks me to stay, I will. I’ll do anything for her–but only if she wants the same thing.

  And I’m not sure if she does.



  Oh my god, Addison Marie Andrews! What have you done?”

  My eyes shoot open in horror.

  No. No. No. This can not be happening right now.

  My heart races. I need to start locking doors. I’ve had too many people walk in on me in compromising situations. Too many people seeing me naked with a man.

  It’s early in the morning, and I’m in my bed. Zeth is next to me, and we’re both naked.

  “Melinda, get the hell out of her bedroom right now,” Zeth demands.

  His arm reaches underneath the sheets, and he taps my stomach, silently telling me to stay put and not freak out. He’s assuring me he has control of the situation … or at least he’s going to try to.

  I gulp. I’m too terrified to look up. I don’t want to see the look on my mom’s face. I watch him with the sheet covering up half my face, and he wraps a blanket around his waist, careful not to uncover me, and gets out of bed.

  My mom gasps. “You will not tell me what to do.” Her voice rises. “Addison, get up right now and look at me. Explain yourself.”

  I’m a chicken shit. I have no problem admitting it. I’d rather get my fingers cut off one by one than face her right now.

  “I said look at me!” she screams.

  I inhale a deep breath. It’s time I stand up for myself. I can’t let Zeth fight this battle on his own. My brain starts to pound against my skull as I slowly rise to look at her.

  Her face is red, pitted with hostility and hurt. I’ve never seen her so distraught. But then again, I’ve never done anything like this.

  “You slept with him?” she asks, trying to hold back tears, her lower lip quivering. “You cheated on Cam with him?”

  She looks at Zeth like he’s some incurable disease.

  I clutch the sheet in my fist. “I didn’t cheat on Cam, mom. We broke up because he cheated on me with Savannah.”

  She lifts her chin in the air. “Then you need to take him back.”

  “The hell I will,” I screech. I will not let her dictate my life anymore.

  “You will if you want a good future. People make mistakes Addison.” She looks over at Zeth in disgust. “You obviously have.”

  Zeth takes a step closer, and she backs away.

  “Listen you old hag,” he says.

  “Would you stay with Leonard if he cheated on you,” I ask, giving Zeth a look asking him to back off. He thankfully listens to me and refrains from getting any closer.

  “I refuse to answer such a ridiculous question,” she replies. “Forgive Cam’s sins, honey. You know that’s what God would want you to do.”

  “Get the hell out, so we can get dressed,” Zeth yells. “Then you can try to talk her into making a stupid fucking decision.”

  My mom surprisingly listens to him. She hurries backward, out of the room, and slams the door shut behind her.

  “This is not good,” I say repeatedly, jumping up and grabbing my robe. “This is so not good.”

  Zeth grabs my shoulders and turns me around to look at him. He
holds me in place, and we’re only inches apart.

  “Blame it on me,” he says, moving a hand to caress my cheek. “Tell them I got you drunk or some shit.”

  I shake my head, pushing him away from me. “Nu-uh, I’m not letting you take the heat for this. I wanted it just as much as you did. This is us. She can get the hell over it.”

  Our attention goes to the door when it opens again.

  “Are you finished?” my mom asks. “Are you done being a little slut?”

  Zeth’s chest puffs up and moves around me. Anger fires off him, but he’s still gentle as he situates me behind him. “Don’t fucking talk to her like that, you hear me? Addison is a grown woman.”

  “Who do you think you are?” she screeches. “Talking to me like that under my roof.”

  “I’m the guy telling you to stop dictating what your daughter does in her life. You want her to stay with a man that’s fucking other bitches. That’s fucked up. You don’t love her.”

  I press my fingernails into his back and can feel the tears start to fall down my cheek. This is it. This is when reality smacks us in the face. This is the day my future with Zeth will be determined.

  “How can you say that? I love my daughter more than anything!”

  “Then let her be herself!”

  “You selfish, little bastard. I knew you’d corrupt my daughter with your demons.”

  “Mom, he hasn’t done anything I didn’t ask for,” I say, struggling to get around Zeth. I need to face her. She has to know not to blame him.

  “He’s been trying to sleep with you since the moment he walked through our front door.”

  “Mom …”

  “And you let him!”

  “She hasn’t done anything,” Zeth blurts out.

  I ram my arm into his back to get him to shut up, but that doesn’t stop him.

  “We didn’t do shit. We were hanging out in here watching movies and fell asleep.”

  “You were watching movies naked?” she asks, insulted we’d even think she’d believe that lie.

  “No, we weren’t watching movies,” I say, keeping my voice level. I manage it get around Zeth and make eye contact with her. “We were in bed because I’ve been sleeping with him.”

  She glares at Zeth, her eyes ready for the kill. “You gave this guy your virginity?”

  “No! I slept with Cam before him. I’ve been sleeping with Cam for over a year.”

  “God will forgive you for your indiscretions with Cam.”

  “But not with me?” Zeth snorts in disgust. “Go fucking figure. Hypocritical assholes, that’s what all of you are.”

  “Don’t you dare talk to my wife like that!” Leonard squeezes in the doorway and stands at my mom’s side.

  Well, this is all we fucking need. Shit is about to hit the fan.

  “Fuck you, you piece of shit,” Zeth yells to him.

  Leonard takes another step into the room, and Zeth wraps me in his arms to push me behind him again.

  “You little asshole,” Leonard goes on. “We let you into our home, and you disrespect us like this.”

  I gasp when I lose Zeth’s hold, and he heads toward the door.

  “You won’t have to worry about that anymore. I’m out.”



  I hold Addison’s blanket around my waist while rushing down the stairs toward the basement. As much as I’d love to give all of them a show of my cock, I don’t have the time for their bullshit. I have to get out of here before I do something I know I’ll regret … like punching Leonard in his face. He’d have me arrested in seconds.

  I call a cab and start throwing all of my belongings in my duffel bag. I drop the blanket and am getting dressed when Addison comes running into the bedroom.

  Her eyes are swollen. Her cheeks are tear stained. She’s in her robe, and her hair is a mess. “What are you doing?” Her attention goes from me to the bag. “Where are you going?”

  I zip my bag, throw it over my shoulder, and move around her. “It’s over, Addison. Our little fun time is done. I did what I told you I would. You got what you wanted. I made you experienced and taught you what men like in bed. Mission accomplished. It was a pleasure working with you, and it’s now time for us to move on.”

  I can hear her behind me, sobs mixed with begging pleas for me not to do this. I glance over my shoulder and see her trying to keep up with me.

  “Stop fucking following me,” I demand.

  She has to let me walk out of here. I can’t face her. I can’t see the pain on her face that I know I caused. Of course, she doesn’t listen. She follows me, bare feet and all, outside and straight to the corner while I wait for the cab.

  “Please stay,” she begs.

  I run a hand over my face, so she doesn’t see my pain. I have to keep my emotions in check. She can’t know walking away from her is the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. She’s better than me. I’ve known that all along, but hearing her mom say it and seeing the look of disgust on her face reminded me. This would never last. Addison will eventually realize it was better for us to end it this way.

  “I can’t,” I answer.

  Her fingernails dig into my skin when she grabs my arm. “Stay. We can get our own place. We won’t ever have to see them again.”

  I shake my head. “It’s not that easy.” She’s young, naïve, and living in a fantasy if she thinks that’d fix this problem.

  “I’m falling in love with you!” she yells.

  I still, and it kills me when I finally look at her. Really look at her. Tears are falling down her cheeks, and her lower lip is quivering. My blood runs cold. My entire body goes rigid. Seeing her cry is killing me. But I have to do what’s best for us.

  “We agreed this was only temporary, remember?” This isn’t only a reminder for her, it’s for myself as well.

  “You know that’s not true. You know what we have has never been temporary.”

  I pull her hand off me. She grabs for it again, but I’m faster than her. “It was fun while it lasted. My goal was to make you a better lay and to fuck a stuck-up princess. That’s what I did.”

  “Don’t say that,” she sobs. “Don’t you dare lie to me! You know you want more just as much as I do!”

  “Shit, you’re going to school to be a fucking doctor. I’m a now unemployed tattoo artist. My future will never be what you’re looking for. I’ll never be an Ivy League graduate and become some doctor or lawyer. I’ll never give you the life you’re used to. I’m white trash, and I’ll always be white trash.”

  I shut my eyes, my tongue hurting from saying that to her, and she manages to grab my arm again. She attempts to pull me back to the house.

  “Please don’t, don’t do this,” I yell, my nostrils flaring. I gesture between the two of us. “We are not in a relationship. We are not in love with each other. We’re only fucking, remember? I’m getting you ready for the love of your life, and princess, that’s not fucking me.” I’m lying out of my goddamn teeth, and I feel like a jackass. “This was us getting our socks off. That’s it. You’ll be off to school in a few months, and I’ll be back in California. Our little summer fling will be long forgotten.” My voice is cold. Harsh. She doesn’t deserve this.

  “I’ll come there. I’ll move to California. We can be together.”

  I shake my head, cutting off her wild imagination. “It’s over.”

  I light brush my lips to the top of her head and walk away when the cab pulls up. She trails behind me and yells my name. The pain is clear in her voice. I’m breaking her heart, but it’s better now than in six months when more feelings have formed.

  “Don’t do this,” she begs. “Don’t listen to them.”

  I throw my stuff in the backseat of the cab. I can’t help but look at her one last time. She’s standing on the sidewalk, shivering in her robe, and looking like I just ripped her heart out and am taking it with me.

  I’m leaving mine with her.

  I g
ive the driver directions, and we pull away.

  It’s over. I’m leaving like a coward, but I know the truth. I’d be wasting my time to think we’d ever be anything other than temporary fuck buddies.

  She’ll find the perfect man when she leaves for school, and I’ll be long forgotten. It’s stupid to think it would be any different.

  We come from two different words that were never supposed to collide.



  I’m sitting on my bed going over today’s events.

  It was supposed to be a good day.

  I went to sleep looking forward to waking up in Zeth’s arms again. We had a plan to watch movies and hang out before he went to work. Then everything went to hell and he left me.

  Our relationship wasn’t supposed to end like this. In the beginning, I told myself I wouldn’t care when he left. I knew he was only here temporarily. We wouldn’t get married … at least, I knew that in the beginning. Now, it’s weird thinking about being with anyone but him. The thought of another man’s hands on me makes me sick to my stomach.

  He couldn’t even look at me when I tried to go after him. I begged him, but he wouldn’t listen. He was leaving me and going back to California, not caring that his decision would destroy my heart.

  I tilt my head back in a failed attempt to control my tears. It wasn’t only about sex with him. If he only cared about sex, he would’ve had Savannah in his bed every night.

  The way he touched me, the way he stood up for me, told me he was lying when he said it was all for fun. Kelton was right. He thinks he doesn’t deserve me, which is complete bullshit. Zeth is better than any man sitting at the country club, or anyone I’ll meet in college. He might not be perfect, but there’s a spot in his heart for me where he makes me feel like I’m on top of the world. If anyone deserves me, it’s him.

  “I’ve given you time to get yourself together.”

  I glance up to see my mom standing in my doorway again.


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