Reality's Plaything 4: Savants Ascendant

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Reality's Plaything 4: Savants Ascendant Page 50

by Will Greenway

  Azir’s efforts were to be short-lived by a chance and detrimental encounter with the avatar Hethanon, who would capture the man and give him into the hands of Mishaka. It is shortly after this time that Azir’s sister Wren Kergatha would finally find her identity and her way back home after more than a decade spent in the streets of Corwin where she was a member of the Brethren guild of thieves. Wren and her friends would eventually succeed in their efforts to restore the Kergatha family, and Azir could finally end his cycles of torment and exile.

  See Also: De’Falcone, Laramis

  Kergatha, Euriel Idun-daughter — Daughter of the goddess Idun, wife of Vanidaar Kergatha, mother of Liandra Kergatha and Azir Kergatha.

  Kergatha, Liandra {Wren} Idun-daughter — Daughter of Eurel and Vanidaar Kergatha. Fifteen summer vetran of the Brethren guild. Wren is a Kel’Varan Nola a savant of forces. Wren has had dozens of run-ins with the pantheon lords and their servants. She has fought several avatars and permanently killed two. Even Hecate speaks of this young woman with grudging respect… knowing her full potential especially when backed by the proper allies.

  Kergatha, Vanidaar — Husband of Euriel Idun-daughter, father of Liandra Kergatha and Azir Kergatha. Vanidaar, like his two children, is a savant—Kul’Vita Nola—a savant of life forces.

  keshira — Elven diplomatic term referring to a person of royal descent who is not currently in power or acknowledged by the powers that be. Sarai refers to Bronawyn Darkstalker as “Keshira” because the royal family of Drakmourne Silissia were run out of the kingdom (indeed off the continent).

  See Also: Shadowstalker, Bronawyn, T’Evagduran, Sarai (3rd Princess)

  kidomma — Elvish term of respect for an woman who is older but of lesser rank. Ryelle refers to Euriel Kergatha (who is a baroness by rank) as “Kidomma”. Domma is an elven synonym for “mother”. The prefix ‘ki’ is somewhat like ‘kul’ (which means power) but is more like emphasis than true meaning. So the best translation is ‘special mother’ or ‘respected mother’.

  See Also: T’Evagduran, Ryelle (1st Princess)

  Kirikos, Dame — A cleric of Ishtar in service Jharon Ko. The dame (along with the entire Corwinian precinct of Ishtar) is slain by Mishaka.

  kriar —Summary: The Kriar being a vegetative (rather than mammalian) humanoid race possess several plant-like attributes. Their skin is photosynthetic, and they derive nourishment from light. Their tissue is dense (like wood) and thus they are heavier and more resistant to injury. Kriar scientists have heavily modified the hereditary physiology of the species and many of the evolutionary drawbacks of their origins have been engineered away. Most Kriar rely on a life-support mechanism called a matrix stone that is embedded in their bodies at a young age. These jewels provide supplemental photosynthetic nourishment so the Kriar can function for extended periods in environments where there is little to no natural sun-light. These jewels are normally installed in sets. A focus stone in the forehead, a distribution matrix enfleshed in the collarbone, and brain-stone or central control enfleshed beneath the lower abdominal muscles. These matrixes often have cybernetic enhancements and convenience mechanisms built into them depending on the kind of work the Kriar does. Warriors typically have additional implants in the palms of both hands. These are high-energy foci. The hand focus allows the warrior to create force weapons and shielding, along with usually having various sensor and cybernetic apparatus built into them.

  kriar ranks — Unlike the Earthly military, which separates rank designations into Officers and enlisted men, the Kriar are broken into two overlapping ranking tracks—Combat grade and Engineer grade. At the same rank in hostile situations, Combat grade always takes precedence over Engineer grade. There is some fuzziness to authority where tactical and strategic command comes into play. The authority of Engineer grade is generally recognized over Combat grade in non-critical situations, reflecting the extra schooling and specialized knowledge of the military engineering track.

  Engineers are required to be flight certified on all vessels up to 100,000 tons. They must have combat certification on three classes each of ground armor, flight armor, tactical and strategic fighter craft. To qualify above Thane rank, Engineers must check out as at least level 5 certified in all timediving related skills. Engineers must also be checked out on all classifications of portable weaponry, and able to perform field strip and repair on said same. They must also be proficient with biomedical units, and fluent in the programming/hacking of cybernetic a.i. Because the Engineer track emphasizes flight and technical knowledge, Engineers have much looser martial requirements.

  Kriar Rank Equivalents

  Combat Grade Rank: Prime Kath

  Engineer Grade Rank: Shal Prime

  —Equivalent to: Fleet Admiral

  Combat Grade Rank: Counsel Kath

  Engineer Grade Rank: Shal Counsel

  —Equivalent to: Admiral

  Combat Grade Rank: Varkath

  Engineer Grade Rank: Varkath

  —Equivalent to: Vice Admiral

  Combat Grade Rank: -NONE—

  Engineer Grade Rank: -NONE—

  Equivalent to: Rear Admiral (upper half)

  Combat Grade Rank: Tarkath

  Engineer Grade Rank: Tarkath

  —Equivalent to: Rear Admiral (lower half)

  Combat Grade Rank: Kath

  Engineer Grade Rank: Shal’kath

  —Equivalent to: Captain

  Combat Grade Rank: Belkirin

  Engineer Grade Rank: Shal’kiran

  —Equivalent to: Commander

  Combat Grade Rank: Varlonn

  Engineer Grade Rank: Shal’kar

  —Equivalent to: Lieutenant Commander

  Combat Grade Rank: Tarlonn

  Engineer Grade Rank: Lonn’kar

  —Equivalent to: Lieutenant

  Combat Grade Rank: Bellonn

  Engineer Grade Rank: Thane’kar

  —Equivalent to: Junior Lieutenant

  Combat Grade Rank: Lonn

  Engineer Grade Rank: Thane

  —Equivalent to: Ensign

  Combat Grade Rank: Varthane

  Engineer Grade Rank: -NONE—

  —Equivalent to: *Master Chief Petty Officer

  Combat Grade Rank: Tarthane

  Engineer Grade Rank: -NONE—

  —Equivalent to: *Senior Chief Petty Officer

  Combat Grade Rank: Belthane

  Engineer Grade Rank: -NONE—

  —Equivalent to: *Chief Petty Officer

  Combat Grade Rank: Thane

  Engineer Grade Rank: Searga

  Equivalent to: *Petty Officer First Class

  Combat Grade Rank: -NONE—

  Engineer Grade Rank: -NONE—

  —Equivalent to: *Petty Officer Second Class

  Combat Grade Rank: -NONE—

  Engineer Grade Rank: -NONE—

  Equivalent to: *Petty Officer Third Class

  Combat Grade Rank: Searga

  Engineer Grade Rank: -NONE—

  —Equivalent to: *Seaman

  Combat Grade Rank: -NONE—

  Engineer Grade Rank: -NONE—

  —Equivalent to: *Seaman Apprentice

  Combat Grade Rank: -NONE—

  Engineer Grade Rank: -NONE—

  Equivalent to: *Seaman Recruit

  * Indicates Enlisted designation in Earth Navy. The Kriar do not possess a concept like enlisted. The Kriar military consists entirely of career professionals.

  See Also: kriar, tarkath

  krillar — Weapons created by the Elder elite Loric Felspar. There were eighteen of these weapons, six staves, six swords, and six daggers. They are all powerful magic weapons that draw their strength from all the living things in the world around them.

  See Also: Felspar, Loric

  — L —

  Loki — Pantheon lord, god of fire and magic. Many would say trickery and deceit as well. Loki shifts his form often and is not the most mentally stable of the Vanir. Loki’s h
alf-immort wife is Sigyn (pantheon lords cannot breed true with one another—but can copulate with half-immorts) with whom he has a daughter (Hella). He also has a mistress (Angrboda) who in mythology is a “giant”, but in actuality was a Dreel. (Rumor has it, that Angrboda is an alias for Vulcindra Skybane, and descriptions of “giant” Angrboda and Vulcindra coincide quite strongly.) Loki has two progeny by Angrboda—Fenrir (Fenris) and Jormungand, who are more often known as the Fenris Wolf and Midgard serpent. These mythical “monsters” were actually shapes taken by Loki’s half-dreel children.

  Loki is not on particularly good terms with any of his children, and has a way of pissing off just about everybody. Bannor Starfist and Sarai T’Evagduran have several run-ins with Loki. During a battle with Odin’s High Jury, Odin and Loki have a sharp division after Odin attempts to slay Daena Sheento who had tao-merged with Hella. Loki had viciously denounced Daena as being merged with Hella but later reveals that he does indeed acknowledge this has happened (and considers her to be his daughter in fact). Loki rescues Daena and Sarai from Odin’s spear, only to later betray the group and get a good dragon stomping for his trouble.

  Loki confronts Sarai later over what he sees as a threat to the pantheon lords. He believes her child will be born an ascendant, and that child will cause ragnarok (according to him). Daena, freshly rejuvenated from the valkyrie renewal spring pummels Loki brutally after he refuses to give up his attack on Sarai and Bannor.

  Loki’s current whereabouts are unknown, but it is fairly certain he is still alive. He is on the outs with the Vanir for actions it is assumed he took against Balder and his son Forseti.

  See Also: dragon, T’Evagduran, Sarai (3rd Princess), tao

  Luthice — A baronian war-witch hailing from the Karanganoi homeworld. She and her sister Senalloy both have an extraordinary knowledge of Kriar technology and artifices. Both sisters speak the Kriar high-tongue fluently which alone is very rare.

  Beyond her millennia of hardened hand-to-hand combat and weapons training, Luthice is noted for her stealth abilities, and her understanding of locks and traps. In addition, she is an extremely accomplished mage rivaling the likes of Elsbeth Crowninshield and Aarlen Frielos. Those skills coupled with her Baronian physiology makes her a harrowing opponent.

  At some point, Luthice came into the possession of Kriar master gate key. She has in some way managed to magically alter this technical tool and has used it on occasion to “hack” the Kriar time-gate network. Luthice is in possession of a kind of magic that allows transport between universal pockets. Something previously thought to only be possessed by the very oldest of the elder races the Jyril.

  In return for being freed from captivity on Karanganoi homeworld, Luthice agreed to work as an agent for the pantheon lord Isis. Her infiltration skills and knowledge of magical security have been put to abundant use since.

  As a diversion, Luthice joined up with a group of musicians headed by the infamous bard Arabella. With Luthice’s help, the red-haired bard persuaded the D’klace sisters Sindra and Drucilla to also participate in this odd musical endeavor. The group which they dubbed the “Rainbows in the Dark” is fast becoming renowned through the Ring Realms for their music. This is not surprising given that the skills and resources of three great elders are at the core of the group. Initially, this group started as a traditional bardic troop using common stringed and wind instruments. The three technically savvy elders eventually led the group to technical instruments like amplified guitars, keyboards, and rock-style band accoutrements. This band’s own unique style of “bardic rock” is an unmimickable mixture of vast elder life experience influenced lyrics, youthful creativity, and beautiful all-girl band novelty. This group became so profitable that even Aarlen Frielos wanted to manage for them.

  Later, Eviria Felspar is engaged to Luthice, and the two of them live together in the Felspar citadel.

  See Also: kriar

  — M —

  mada — Elvish. Informal usage for ‘mother’.

  mage — Simply a person who uses or is knowledgeable in the science of magic.

  magestrix — Title given to the ruler of the fourth alliance. Aarlen Frielos has held this title for more than ten thousand cycles. The title was developed for her and is derivative of the words ‘magesty’, ‘mage’, and ‘dominiatrix’. Aarlen’s rule over the technical worlds is largely because of her skills both as a technologist and mage, and her even rarer talent of being able to blend the two.

  magic — Magic in the Ring Realms is a science, but unlike a technical science it is an elitest pursuit. While anyone can study and understand biology, and put its principles to use, the same cannot be said for magic. It’s largely believed that all creatures have the ability to wield magic to a certain degree, however the spark which allows us to tap into that power is typically too small to do anything significant with. The evidence of this at work are those isolated moments in our lives when we experience déjá vu, briefly see another’s thoughts, or foretell the future.

  While magic itself can be learned, the powers that can be attained cover a vast range, from simple hand illusions to the altering of reality on a interdimensional level. In some cases, creatures can substitute personal and psionic (mind power) energies for the gift that allows most mages to cast spells and manipulate magical energies.

  Magic is not a specific energy or range of energies. It is more of metaphor that encapsulates a “principle” of action and reaction. In the Realms, the true magic is defined as:

  The persistent ability to manipulate the environment in ways otherwise impossible without the utilization of natural phenomena, the influence or cooperation of physical bodies, or the use external artifices.

  By this definition then, powers such as telepathy, and telekenesis, and other abilities of mind qualify as magic. However, they are not what is considered “traditional” or “ritual” magic.

  Ritual magic uses the wielder’s magical spark and aspects of “sympathetic bonding” to generate chains of forces that act in place of birth-granted abilities to mentally tap and manipulate energy. In another regard, these ritual formulas substitute for an actual working knowledge of the mechanics and physics that make a particular feat possible. Rituals are coded schemes that at the basic level simply unleash simple reactions while at the higher complexities are actually sonic mnemonics that generate sympathic reactions in dimensional space that can unleash whole chains of complex energetic interactions. As a mage increases in power and knowledge, his/her reliance on “ritual” totems for the performance of magical feats grows less.

  Magical sophistication falls into categories at follows:

  1st Order

  Raw Ritual

  The most basic level where all principles of magic are taken by rote and no underlying understanding of the physics or laws is assumed. Most shamanistic magic exists at this level

  2nd Order

  Reinforced Ritual

  Rituals are assisted by a rudimentary knowledge of natural laws and fundamental sciences. This is the level of most trained lower-order mages.

  3rd Order

  Academic Ritual

  Rituals are combined and enhanced with more sophisticated studies and

  scientific principles like chemistry and alchemy. Mages who have advanced to the point where they may expand their abilities without a mentor’s guidance have this level of magic.

  4th Order

  Elaborate Ritual

  Lower order rituals can be performed by force of will alone. The mage’s

  academic understanding of rituals and their interaction with nature and physics allows them to create simple rituals that can be followed by other mages. They can also alter rituals to create slightly different effects. At this level of skill, a mage can insinuate (“bind”) magical energies into an artifice. Magical staves, swords, wands, and the like are examples of this ability.

  5th Order

  Sophisticated Ritual

  The mage begins to develop p
seudo-psionic capabilities. Many lower-level rituals can be performed with little or no concentration. The mage’s reliance on ritual is now a matter of following “templates” or “guidepaths” which tap the interactions of energy. The mage begins to manipulate the powers “manually”.

  6th Order

  Psionic / Pseudo-Ritual

  Pure psionics are considered to practice magic of the sixth order. However, a being who uses mental energies like telepathy or telekenesis do not have the broad scope of abilities a ritual mage typically possesses. On the other hand, a creature who can perform such feats without resorting to rituals tends to have more flexibly and control in their application. Generally, psionicists have greater capabilities in their narrow spectrum of power. Ritual mages at this level can work magical energies in abstract ways and can combine them into newer structures. Rituals become “source material” that can be treated as building blocks.

  7th Order

  Reinforced Psionic / Free ritual

  At this level the creature’s psionic potential affects a broader spectrum of the physical world and chains of interaction can be stimulated into motion. They can perform feats like cellular adjustment (healing). Mages of this order rely little on ritual. Their understanding of ritual is complete enough that they can “make it up as they go”. They are essentially still using rituals but are now only using them as anchoring or controlling points in their magic.

  8th Order

  Psi-Master / Ritual Independent


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