Straight Cut

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Straight Cut Page 5

by Wyatt, Dani

  As I sit alone, my fantasy turns to dreams as I let my heavy lids close, my head on the soft pillows as the fire warms the room. All of it such a luxury from my days of camping.

  I don’t know how long I’m out, but when my eyes flicker open, it’s completely dark outside. The fire casts small flicks of orange around the black coals of logs, and there’s a soft light from a lamp in the corner.

  I orient myself, remembering how I got here, when I hear breathing behind me. His scent makes my head spin, and suddenly I feel drunk again.

  Craning my neck, I see him standing there in the low light, looking like he’s ready to tear a tree from the ground by the roots, and with his size, I’m sure it would be possible.

  I turn on the sofa, pushing off onto my feet as his eyes narrow. His gaze feels heavy, like he’s planning something. There’s a dark light behind his eyes that makes me shiver as his deep voice rumbles through me.

  “You shouldn’t stand on your ankle.”

  “It’s fine.”

  He grunts something that doesn’t quite sound like agreement, but when I hop up and down a couple times, he runs his tongue over his top teeth and his nostrils flare on a deep breath.

  “See?” I turn my palms up on a shrug. “All better. Hundred percent.”

  His hand rises to his neck as he squeezes and scratches for a moment, and I hear the bristling of his beard under his fingers. He could be from another time. A time traveling wild outlaw...with mad baking skills.

  There’s a tug in my gut, an invisible cord drawing me forward. I tiptoe around the sofa, and even in the low light I see his body tense as I come closer, wondering again if I’m off my nut and misreading what I think is lust in his eyes, but maybe it’s just irritation or bad Chinese food.

  “What are you doing?” He grits out, his jaw muscle standing out harder with each word as I come well into his personal space, so close I can feel the heat of his body and see the curls of brown hair on his chest where the red, blue and brown flannel shirt is unbuttoned.

  “I’m not entirely sure.” I answer in complete honesty. “I just feel like I want to be closer to you.”

  Another grunt and I crane my neck to look into his face, my chin barely at his chest level. “You don’t want me so close?” I manage half teasing, trying to hide my own uncertainty.

  He shakes his head and his shoulders are so wide they look like they could balance a Mini Cooper.

  “You should be careful.” His voice rumbles around me.

  “Why, are you going to hurt me?” I half whisper, lighting my hand on the collar of his shirt which elicits a painful groan from him.

  “I would never hurt you.” He grits out as I move both hands to the thick of his biceps, which are granite under my fingers.

  I watch him swallow as he brings a hand upward between our bodies, to my shock wrapping it around my throat. Fear and excitement war inside of me. He could end my life with one quick movement, but the danger only drenches my panties and makes my clit tingle.

  “Never?” I whisper, the weight of his hand startling. The power of him is intoxicating.

  “I don’t hurt what is mine.” The words tangle inside of me, somewhere between my heart and my desire. “I hurt what hurts what is mine.”

  I open my mouth, but no words find form as his hand tightens, forcing me to gasp for air as he leans down, his lips devouring me in a kiss that rocks me to my core.

  His words echo inside my head as the intensity of the kiss seems to melt my bones and my hands move instinctively, gripping the flannel fabric covering his upper arms to hold myself upright. It’s not just a kiss, not that I have anything to compare it to, but his tongue slips between my lips and I feel consumed.

  Thoughts evaporate. My mind goes blank. His hands move over me, releasing my throat but slipping down my back, pressing me forward as he shifts his hips into my belly.

  He tastes like the wild forest, his beard rough on my face, his tongue glancing mine as I figure out how to kiss him back, my heart punching its way through my chest as I squeeze my legs together.

  I couldn’t have just met him hours ago. I couldn’t.

  Because this, this kiss, feels like forever.



  THE MOMENT OUR LIPS touched, the urgency to be inside of her became a raging animal and the civilized parts of me began to fall away.

  For thirty-five years I’d never quite understood why I was different. Not like my friends, the other men I knew, who wanted sex for sex’s sake. The drive to relieve themselves with any woman that would have them always boggled my mind.

  I know now, without a shred of doubt, keeping myself for Astrid was my purpose. A plan set in place by some destiny that before today I could not completely understand.

  Her lips are the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted. Warm, wet, soft. Our tongues feel like they’ve known how to kiss each other for centuries and for a moment, the flash of wonder that maybe we’ve been searching for one another through other lifetimes feels as though it could be real.

  She feels so perfect against me. The lustful near rage that ignites inside of me makes me want to rip the clothes from her curves, lay her out on the nearest surface and fuck her for hours, until the only thing she knows is that she now belongs to me.

  Now and forever.

  I quell the monster that thrums inside of me, breaking from our kiss, knowing now why I built not only this house, but another structure I rarely use.

  “Come.” The single word is all I can manage through the red lust that clouds my vision, but I need this to be special.

  More than special.

  I need her to see parts of me others would not imagine. Not understand.

  “Okay...” She draws out as I take her hand and lurch forward, trying to adjust my gait to accommodate the steel erection that throbs painfully, so stiff it makes walking difficult. My balls must weigh ten pounds, full of seed that is ready to go to battle and find its way to the home inside of her.

  We walk in silence onto the terrace, across and down to the lower level before following a slate stone path in the dark, but I know my way well.

  “If this was a horror movie, the audience would be telling me not to follow you...” The lilt of her voice mixes with the evening forest sounds like a sprite.

  “Probably,” I answer, squeezing her fingers tighter in mine as the cool of the forest wraps around me and the sound of the creek that runs down the slope to the east becomes louder with each step.

  Minutes later we reach our destination. I’ve never shared this place with anyone.

  “Wait here. I’ll light the lanterns.” I turn toward her, my hand on the back of her head as I lean down and press my lips to the silk of her hair, kissing her before I take the last steps forward into the small cabin.

  A moment later, the lanterns and candles inside are lit and I retreat back out the door, lighting the last two that flank the entry door before crushing the match on a rock with my foot and retrieving her hand, watching the flicker of tiny flames that dance in her blue eyes.

  “What is this place?” She asks, wonder making the tone of each word higher than the last.

  “I wasn’t sure until today. I had this vision a few years after I built the main house. I wanted this cabin over the creek. I wanted to hear the water underneath, to make a place that felt like part of my mountain. A place where the forest felt part of it all, not like the main house which feels like an intrusion. I wanted this...” I nod toward the cabin made of logs I felled myself and fit together over the course of a year while the vision for the oasis came clear in my mind. “A place that felt like it belonged here.”

  “It’s amazing.”

  I draw her up the steps. The small structure is built on stilts over the moving water. Once inside the , I turn to close the door, my eyes on her face. Joy sparkles there as she spins in a slow circle to take in the cozy interior.

  “It’s like it’s just been here, waiting. Waiting for some
thing perfect to happen.”

  I nod, pressing my body to her back, slipping my arms around her waist, my cock pulsing against her amazed at how right she feels.

  The inside glows with the lamp lights. A massive log bed is anchored on one wall, and across from it, the other wall is windows from floor to ceiling, giving a wide view down the mountain and making it feel as though you are teetering on a precipice as the sound of the creek under the floor makes everything feel alive.

  On the raw log walls hang carvings I’ve created over the years from the burl knots I don’t sell whether to market or as art.

  “Did you make all these?” Her hand raises in front of her, pointing in an arc.

  “Yes. I see things in the wood. It’s like it’s my job to set them free.”

  “I’ve never seen anything so beautiful.” She points at one large specimen. “Is that a woman’s face? The rest look like animals, or other things but that face...”

  Her words drift away to silence as we both stare at the carving, and in that moment a realization comes to both of us at once: the face is hers.

  “I’ve never seen anything so beautiful either.” I rasp into her ear.

  “I don’t know what’s happening.” Her voice quivers barely above a whisper.

  “You’re wet right now, aren’t you?” The words are out before I can stop them, and I hold my breath, wondering if it’s too much too soon.

  The back of her head presses into my chest and her body softens, her answer drifting from her lips, mixing with the sound of the water. “I’ve been wet since I saw you in the hallway at the bar.”

  Her answer sounds like a confession, and my breath comes out in low gruff bursts as I spin her around, my giant hands on the sides of her face like she’s Faye Raye in the clutch of King Kong.

  She doesn’t fight me as I back us into the wall, the bed to my right, the expanse of windows to my left, and she gasps, her lips parting as I battle the possessive, obsessive part of me that claws its way to the surface, wanting to claim her in every way possible.

  I crush our lips together, my cock making its own demands now, demands that I know, eventually, I will not be able to quell. My need to pump inside of her, to feel the jerk and seize of my balls as they deliver hot steams of my seed into her ripe cunt.

  I want her coated with me. When she’s out in the world without me, if I ever allow it, she will be wearing me so any other fucks who even breathe near her will know she is taken.

  And I will protect what is mine to my last breath.

  Her lips taste like heaven and innocence, and I need to taste her everywhere. I have a sudden, obtrusive vision; of her shimmering pink pussy, spread wide for me as I lap and linger, teasing and torturing her until her fingers tear at my hair and she rocks her hips, grinding into my mouth, desperate for what only I can give her. The image twists my brain until I think I will go mad.

  I move my hand to the side of her neck, running my thumb along her jaw before resting it where her pulse is racing.

  Her warm breath drifts upward and it’s as sweet as the taste of her mouth. Her eyes dart around my face, lips open, and I think of how hard it will be for her to walk tomorrow. How she will feel when I tell her she’s never leaving. How she will be the first thing I see when I wake up in the morning, from now into forever. She will be next to me. My wife. My partner. Our home will be filled with love and lust, and as many children as her body will give us.

  I lick my lips, looking into her eyes, and I need to know. I need to know she’s untouched, I pray she is, because I want her to give me what no one else has had and I will do the same.

  “Has anyone ever touched you before, my sprite?”

  Her teeth nip her bottom lip and the next seconds feel like forever. When she twists her head from side to side, the anger that was welling up inside of me a moment ago vanishes.

  “I never knew why...” I start, hoping she will take my gift to her as a sign of my resolve and strength, and not of some male weakness. “I’ve never touched a woman before you. Now I know, I was waiting. For you.”

  Surprise flashes behind her eyes, and she blinks a few times as I stroke her hair. As much as I want to fuck into her and make her mine, I need this moment to last. It’s the first and only time we will give this to each other, and I will savor every second until my dying breath.

  “You’re a...” She doesn’t finish and I’ve never been prouder that I waited for her. I provide the last word.

  “Virgin.” It booms in the small cabin space, echoing off the walls as I wait to see the reaction in her eyes.

  “That’s the sexiest word I’ve ever heard.” She crinkles her nose and I swear I see tiny blue Christmas lights flashing behind her irises, making her look illuminated from the inside out.

  “I’ve waited for you, my sprite. But I’m done waiting, and I hope you’re ready...because I’m not sure I can hold anything back once I touch you. Once I taste the flavor of your dripping cunt it will imprint on me and whatever restraint I have will be gone.”

  Her eyes search mine for a beat, and when she answers it sends my lust into orbit. “Let me help you out...” She drops a hand, slipping it down between us, into the front of her jeans, under the fabric waist band as her hips shift back and forth, and when she withdraws her hand, raising it in front of my face, fingers splayed, glistening strings of her lubrication web between them.

  A growl tightens my chest as she touches her soaking fingers to my lips, and I draw them inside, the flavor racing through me, the youth and innocence on her face making me feel like a monster.

  But I no longer care.

  The scent and taste of her need sends me into a rage. I want to be calm, but I cannot. Any restraint I had is gone now, and I drop my hands to her waist, mounting her onto my body as her legs wrap around me. I make it to the bed in two strides, throwing her down with such force her entire body bounces three times before settling on the deep blue bedding. The halo of white blonde hair splays wildly around her cherub face, as I grab the bottom of her t-shirt and rend it from her body in a furious tear.

  In rough tugs, I untie her boots, pulling them from her feet and tossing them across the room, hearing the thuds as they hit the wall. Next, I peel her socks from the cutest feet I’ve ever seen and drop them onto the pine boards of the floor.

  Next, button pops from her jeans as I grip them with my fists, and the zipper retreats from the force.

  Taking in her naked body, agony clutches in my center. She’s too perfect. Too good for someone like me. Her body is soft and curved, with flawless ivory skin, waiting for my marks. I will ruin her in every way I can.

  I’ll be the first to touch her. Taste her. Feel her body clutch around my cock and hear the sounds she makes when she cums for me, my dick buried deep inside her heaven.

  All those things, I will be her first.

  But I will also be the last.

  No one will ever touch her but me. If they try, they will beg for mercy as the pain I will inflict on them brings them crumbling to their knees.



  LOOKING UP AT MATHIAS, I finally grasp the whole love at first sight deal.

  A moment of doubt lingers, wondering if this is lust, not love.

  I realize, it’s both and they are an inseparable addicting mixture that I never want to end.

  I felt it all, that moment in the hallway, but it didn’t make sense until now.

  I’ve read a few romance books. It never was a big interest of mine though. Finding love, the whole swept off your feet...

  But I have to say, what’s going on with Mathias? It’s all the things they write about in those books. Books I thought were pure fantasy.

  Mathias looks like he’s in pain. His face is tight, and I notice for the first time the tortured reflected in his eyes and wonder what he’s thinking. He saved me from that bear, although in truth I’m pretty sure I could have dealt with it.

  Or, he saved the bear from me.

/>   His eyes make slow loops around my naked body and I’m surprised at how comfortable I feel laying here exposed. I want this, but in my belly there’s a gnawing.

  “This is crazy.” I finally mutter, and Mathias’ eyes dart to mine.

  “This is crazy.” He says on a nod. “But it’s not wrong. Nothing that feels like this could be wrong.”

  I know I was in need of human connection, but this is not what I imagined when I went to town for a burger and a beer.

  I arch my back as he brings a finger down to press on the center of my chest, holding it there, driving me insane with such a simple touch.

  “Please,” I mumble, needing something and everything from him.

  “I like that.” A dark smile curves his lips. “Hearing you say please.” He reaches down with his other hand and strokes the length jutting out from under his pants. “I’ve never been this fucking hard.”

  The hunger in his eyes makes me shiver, and I know I should be frightened. After all, he’s a beast of a man I barely know, and here I am naked in front of him in some far-off cabin where no one would hear me scream or find the buried body.

  Fire follows where his finger traces around one nipple, making it draw tight, and then he’s on the other, his eyes moving from where he’s touching me to my eyes then back.

  “Spread your legs.” He grunts, his teeth set into his bottom lip as he gulps air through the grimace. On a deep breath, I let my knees fall open, allowing someone to see me like this for the first time.

  A restrained growl rumbles from deep inside him, and his eyes narrow as the muscles in his chest flex.

  “So beautiful. The perfect shade of pink. Wet. Glorious.”

  His hands come together, rubbing his mouth, then down his beard, a wild, predatory look in his eyes.

  The craving inside of me spins nearly out of control, bowing my body again, legs wide, feeling like if he doesn’t touch me, I might die.

  He tips his head as I battle back frustrated moans.


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