Fallen Into Hell: Fallen: Book 2

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Fallen Into Hell: Fallen: Book 2 Page 20

by Layna Snow

  He reminded her of a predatory cat, someone who was hunting prey. He looked like he was going to eat her alive, and she had to admit, that she kind of liked that plan.

  Sophie turned around, facing the cross. And held her breath. What would he do? But she didn’t have to wait long. Because as soon as she turned, she could feel his body heat moving against her back. Could feel his chest brush hers as he took her hand, holding it up one side of the X.

  When she held her arm there, Adrian closed the leather cuff around her slim wrist, cinching the belt-like strap closed. He did the same to her other arm, before working on her ankles.

  She was spread out, her arms and legs held away from her body. She couldn’t see Adrian as he stood behind her, couldn’t see what his expression held. And the anticipation was driving her crazy.

  Soph took a deep breath, her breasts pressing against the leather of the cross, the material cold against her nipples. She couldn’t breathe very deeply, and she wondered if that was why her head started to feel dizzy.

  Or it could be because he is taking so freaking long!

  She wanted to laugh at her thought, but knew that it wouldn’t be a good idea. Nope, he would not like that at all!

  Finally, after what seemed like a ten minutes, Adrian finally reached out and touched her. His fingertips trailed down her back and over her butt, which probably stuck out a lot, and then down between her cheeks. He didn’t hesitate, just pushed a finger into her wet heat.

  She cried out soundlessly, tightening around his finger, wanting more. But he just teased her, moving it in and out while his other fingers moved through her wetness to touch her clit.

  Pleasure zinged through her body, so sharp that she jumped, pulled at the bindings to try to get away. But Adrian wouldn’t let her.

  He chuckled mischievously into her ear. And pressed his body against her. “You’re ready, aren’t you? But you’ll have to wait. I had to wait.” His voice was tight, and she could tell that he was close. But there was something else.

  He’d been livid, and so mean before. And he certainly seemed abrupt now, but he was also gentle. He didn’t bruise her, or say horrible things that made her feel that he was using her body.

  She didn’t know how he felt, didn’t understand his intentions. And, maybe he didn’t either.

  Adrian withdrew his hand and walked away from her. She couldn’t really see, because of how the cross was fashioned, but her curiosity spiked her longing.

  Sophie gulped a few breaths as she heard his steps come closer. She closed her eyes as she felt something cold and wet against her butt. Oh fruit-cup! What was he doing?

  She pressed forward, trying to get away from the aversive sensation, but there was nowhere to go. And he wasn’t saying anything.

  He didn’t even protest her movements.

  And then, she felt something pressing against that place where no one had ever gone. What the heck was he putting there?! But she couldn’t ask. He just continued pressing, until the muscles gave way. The only reaction from him was a terse “Relax!” as he continued to insert the thing into her.

  Relax? How was she supposed to relax? He was doing something that had never been done before. He was stretching muscles that had never opened that far, and she had no idea what to do! Yes, she had read books. She knew that they’d want to both take her. But she never thought that he’d have to stretch her first. It didn’t hurt in books. Everything was magical! But, this stung.

  Sophie didn’t struggle, didn’t object. She knew that he’d make her feel good. She just had to wait.

  He’s the expert! Just relax! But it was difficult. She trusted him, but with his current mood, she wasn’t sure what he’d do, how he’d react.

  They pushed her to her limit, past her limit, and…. And she always came out of it happy that they had.

  She’d have to put her trust in him again.

  Taking a deep breath, Soph focused on releasing all of her muscles. She started with the ones in her arms, and worked down until she unclenched the pelvic and butt muscles. And then her thighs. She needed to stay up, but she just released everything and cleared her mind. She wanted this sex because it was freeing. Because it didn’t make her think. So she was going to stop thinking and just feel for a change.

  After one more twist, the thing slipped past the last ring of muscles until the plastic was resting inside her. The end was flat, like a plug, and kept it secure where it sat.

  And then, she heard a click and it started to vibrate.

  Ohh! She hadn’t expected that! And although it was new, strange and her muscles were stretched, it felt kind of nice!

  The touch of Adrian’s fingers at her core was even better. He petted her, keeping his fingers away from the aching parts that needed attention. He went close to her clit, teasing before retreating quickly. She wanted to move, wanted to direct him but he just continued until she trembled.

  She then felt his lips at her back, his teeth grazing her flesh as he continued his torment.

  She wanted to cry, to scream, to jump him and make him hurry. She couldn’t think, couldn’t process what his body was doing. She didn’t even notice the other hand until it reached around and cupped one of her breasts. His fingers skimming the puckered flesh of her nipple. And then he grasped it with a finger and his thumb and tweaked it sharply.

  The piercing sensation was neither pain nor pleasure, and it zinged through her, straight to her clit, making it swell further. And this time, when he moved close to it, he actually touched, running the pad of his finger lightly at the same time he pinched her nipple again. It felt like lightning.

  She hadn’t even known she was climbing towards her orgasm before it washed her away. Overcame her like some giant tsunami, pulling her under, burning her up. She screamed silently, all the air in her body leaving in a whoosh, pulling everything from her as it expelled. Leaving her floating in a sea of nothingness, until she felt a prodding at the opening of her body.

  She felt the head just before he thrust into her, reaching into the dark recesses of her body, giving her his heat and pulling her back from her pleasure. But, his body in hers was just as heady. It added to the vibrations, reawakening her nerve-endings and sharpening the last decadent aftershocks. His breathing sharp and hard next to her ear, his body pressing into hers.

  Oh gosh!

  Immediately, it was building again, so quickly and hot that she could do nothing but let him take her higher.

  His thrusts were quick, deep and hard. He took, stole, but also forced her body to feel more ecstasy. He demanded that she take it until she was consumed, once again, by something so profound and electric that everything burst into a thousand fragments, shattering her mind until she knew nothing but the rapture and guttural shout of Adrian’s pleasure.

  She hadn’t even come down from her high when she was removed from the cross and carried into the middle of the room to be placed on the carpet. The toy was taken from her body before a warmth sidled up against her. Soph was too tired to open her eyes. Too exhausted to think. And so she slept.


  Connor looked around the workout room in the basement of the Hunters’ home base. Everything was familiar. The mats were set down on the floor in the middle of the room. The swords and knives placed close to the firing range. There was all the gym equipment that one could need.

  But, things were different.

  The light was sharper, allowing him to see the details. He could see the thin rip in the punching bag all the way across the room. He could focus on the scratches on the base of the rowing machine. Even the smells were stronger. He would never have been able to scent the small drop of blood that lingered on the floor beside the practice mats.

  He could tell that it belonged to Jai.

  He had only been up for a few weeks and already he knew that he was stronger. He broke a glass the other day when he went to wash it. He crunched the doorknob and he splintered a door when he knocked. Connor was sure that he’d b
e a better fighter now, but that didn’t matter. He would do anything to turn the clock back.

  Because, no matter how long he’d live, or how good he’d be able to fight, he was still a monster. He was still a plague on society.

  He was now a part of a race without souls, without redemption, forced to live on the blood of Humans. He’d give anything to be Human again, for now he was the very thing he hunted.

  Connor felt disgusted with himself, and forced himself farther into the room. He could smell the sweat of people who had been there before. He could feel the heat in the air from their practices. He could focus on all the tiny little details and pick them apart until he knew all their secrets.

  However, he wouldn’t. He didn’t want to use those ill-gotten powers.

  “Well, hey wonder-boy.” A voice said behind him, almost too loud for his sensitive ears. Connor winced, and turned so quickly that he almost stumbled. “Woah, be careful!” The blond Lion-Shifter said, his movements deceptively lazy as he strolled further into the room.

  Connor had always been in awe of Julian’s grace, of his mastery over his body. Julian was the type of person not to waste any energy, but he could spring into action at the slightest hint of danger. It was all a part of his make-up. Of his physiology. Connor knew this, because he studied it in detail.

  Just like he studied everything.

  His need to know information started when he was a child. He was always curious, always just a little brighter than his peers. And then, he skipped grades, having learned more quickly than the other kids. He graduated high school early, and knew what he wanted, what he needed to do with his life.

  He’d seen movies, read books, and he wanted to be a superhero. Then, he learned of the real heroes, the men and women who worked to make sure that the country was safe from those wanting to hurt it. So, he signed up for the military. He picked the Navy. Not at random, but after years of research. They were the best, they were the bravest and the strongest.

  After years of dedication, he became a part of a secret team which rescued people, which put a stop to insurgents quickly and quietly. He was the intelligence officer, having the brain power to provide. He was called the Whiz Kid, the youngest on the team. Then, the youngest to run a team.

  All that changed when they came across a group of ‘people’ who were kidnapping Humans. At first, they thought it might be for human trafficking, or possibly organ collection. It wasn’t until they got there that they realized what their ignorance had overlooked.

  They weren’t alone on earth, and some things were scarier than a man with a gun. Axel’s people were already on the case, and they put their heads together to figure out a way to shut the kidnapping down. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that switching out of the military, joining the Fallen Angel’s team, would save a lot more lives than what he was doing. Because anyone could take his place, but there weren’t too many people who knew about the Hidden.

  Now he was one of them.

  “Earth to Whiz Kid. I know that huge brain of yours has lots of little crannies to get stuck in, but it’s only polite to pay attention. You Americans and your horrible manners.”

  It seemed weird hearing that complaint in an American accent. It was so easy to forget that Julian came from South Africa. Where in South Africa, Connor didn’t know. His research hadn’t found anything more specific than that. The Lion-Shifter Pride was very secretive.

  As they should be.

  “What do you want, Julian?” he asked, hearing the booming sound of his voice. Even that was too loud, as if his bones amplified it. He never knew if he shouted or whispered. He hadn’t exactly practiced talking to people since his transformation.

  “I heard that you were looking for a sparring partner.” The blond mad said, stretching his body as he did so. It always reminded Connor of a cat. He certainly had the mannerisms.

  And do you have the mannerisms of a blood-sucking Demon?

  Sure, he knew they weren’t Demons. He knew they were infected with a virus passed through their blood. But all the research in the world wouldn’t help him come to grips with his new life. Hell, he wasn’t sure he wanted to live it.

  “Yeah, no one will take me on.” He wanted to portray a cocky edge, but his voice just sounded dry. The reason people avoided him wasn’t because of intimidation. They didn’t want to fight with him out of fear that he’d break. They thought him fragile, body and mind. He’d seen the pity in their eyes. He knew that they didn’t want to show him how badly they felt. But it was written on their faces. It could be heard in their voices.

  “Well, I’ve got some free time. I can’t leave here for a few more hours and there really isn’t anything else to do.” Julian complained, as if this huge mansion was empty. There were libraries and computer rooms. There were labs and so many people he was surprised that there were enough rooms for them all to stay. But, Julian wasn’t usually one for mental exercising. He was known to be quite lazy when he wanted to be.

  “Fine. Hand to hand. No weapons.” Connor demanded. If he spilled any of the Shifter’s blood… he didn’t know if he could stand it. Already the scent of him so close made Connor want to draw that copper-sharp fluid out. But he needed to learn control.

  You will not be ruled by your desire to feed!

  Connor took a deep breath and made his way over to the mats, hearing Julian follow.

  “So, have you discovered any extra abilities yet? I should know if you have me at a disadvantage.” The Lion-Shifter chuckled, the sound flowing like a wave over Connor. Julian was known for his charm, his debonair attitude that was at home on the beach, as well as at a black tie event. He could get information out of anyone without them even knowing. He could work someone into a false calm. Which was probably why he made such a good person to train with now. It wouldn’t do for Connor to lose his temper.

  “Just the usual.” But he hadn’t mastered them. As much as he tried, Connor’s body wouldn’t listen.

  “Alright. That’s fine.” The other man said, turning quickly so that they faced each other.

  Sparring here was always no holds barred. They wouldn’t stick to rules. The bad guys didn’t fight with honor, and so they wouldn’t train with honor.

  Connor attacked first, pushing his shoulder into the other man’s chest. He pushed Julian back a few feet before the cat kicked off the ground, rolling backwards and out of the way.

  Con fell forward, his momentum carrying him to the ground faster than he would have expected, not used to his new strength.

  “Well, that’s going to leave a mark.” Julian muttered, as he kicked out with his sneakered foot towards Connor’s solar plexus. Connor saw it coming and pushed himself to the side, away from the blow, only to flip over a few times in the air before coming to the ground hard on his side. He could feel his body protesting the rough landing.


  He needed to get used to this new power in his muscles.

  Julian whistled in appreciation. However Connor could tell that it wasn’t his skills the Lion was impressed with, but how disastrous his landing was. “You almost need to learn how to fight all over again. I’m sorry, dude.” He did sound concerned, but Connor wasn’t listening.

  He needed to act. Needed to expel some of this energy from him. Maybe then it would make everything dim just a little.

  So he attacked. Pushing up from the ground, his pain already starting to subside, and threw himself at Julian, knocking the man down to the mats.

  The blond man’s head bounced on the mats once before he seemed to collect himself, but Connor wasn’t giving him time to get his act together. He struck out, slamming a punch to his chin, and then one to his temple.

  The cat blinked, clearly dazed before smashing an elbow into Connor’s ribs. The extra DNA made the Lion-Shifter stronger than a Human, and the blow hurt, but not enough to faze him.

  Con pushed himself up a little, giving himself enough room to put his knees on Julian’s arms to hold them
to the ground. He then punched the suave man in the nose, and felt the bone crunch under his fist.

  Really, no man deserved to be that pretty. He looks like a Sun God for fuck’s sake!

  “Fuck man!” Julian snarled, his words sounding sloshy and funny. As blood started to leak out of the damaged mess.

  Scent rose up to him. Punching him in the gut.

  Connor’s stomach cramped in hunger.



  The smell was great, like the best food he could imagine. It was like walking into a thanksgiving dinner after starving for a year. And he could feel his fangs dropping down as he looked at the beautiful liquid.

  Just… one… taste!

  Before he could reach down for some life giving nectar, Julian wrapped his legs around Connor’s waist and rocked his body forward, throwing Connor off balance.

  He fell backward, so quickly that his head smashed against the floor.

  Off the mats.

  Connor hit so hard that his vision dimmed before he felt the shrill pain.

  Connor didn’t even know how it happened, but when his eyesight cleared, he found himself on his back with one of Julian on top, arm on his windpipe and the threat clear.

  “Gif up,” the man demanded, his tone nasally and disgusting, but it didn’t stop the hunger that continued to rise within him.

  Connor had denied feeding. Sure, he was given blood by a needle, but he wouldn’t actually get any in his mouth. He’d take what he needed by IV, like people with medical issues did. He was not going to actually drink it!

  At this point in time, however, none of his fears or reservations surfaced. He couldn’t think of any reasons why.

  He just wanted to feed. And it was right there.

  All he saw was red. All he wanted was the blood that dripped from the man’s nose.

  Splashing onto Connor’s face.



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