Fallen Into Hell: Fallen: Book 2

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Fallen Into Hell: Fallen: Book 2 Page 31

by Layna Snow

  Trainers were always known to be stubborn, but they should know better than to question him. He had made more powerful people than Angus disappear.

  The man was no more than an annoying gnat, who would be gone with one phone call.

  It would take nothing to kill the man. He could do it with his own two hands if he wished. He could transform himself into a massive and deadly creature. It took special days, but the strength was always in his body.

  Not only that, but he had other powers as well.

  As Angus pulled the team in, Tolk nodded in appreciation. They stood straight and proud like the military officers they used to be. The three man team were all large, strong and completely controlled. He liked that.

  “You have received your orders. You must confirm her identity before you kill her. Do not kill anyone else right away. We can’t have too many deaths in one small town. Do not take any risks being seen. Retrieve her phone and computer before burning the house. Is that understood?” He asked.

  “Sir, yes sir!” they shouted at once.

  They might not respect him, but they did show him the proper deference he deserved.

  Tolk nodded at them, and turned away.

  They would be successful or they would die.


  Sophie smiled as she stretched.

  She was finally happy and comfortable for the first time in a long time. There wasn’t anything to worry about. She didn’t need to go see her sister or go to work. She wasn’t worried about leaving the boys or about getting her heart broken. She was able to just relax and enjoy life.

  And even though the sheets were cool and the guys were no longer in bed, she could still smell them in her space. It was nice. Yummy. She just wanted to roll in the bed and bask in their maleness. What would it be like if she could do this every day?


  “Alright.” She heard Adrian say before the beep of a cellphone hanging up sounded. Then she remembered what woke her up. Adrian had been talking to someone.


  “-coming soon.” Sin now muttered, his voice sounding annoyed. “Fuck if I know, Death,” he said loudly before his voice lowered a bit. “Gage found some of Axel’s intel. When they took the red head out of stuff, it left blanks. They think this Tolk guy is focused because of that. Or…something. Who the shit knows? Speaking of things we are getting yelled at for…” he started and his voice dipped low again. Shoot, now she was curious.

  “-deleted them off the internet and ran a virus.” He continued.

  “Can’t tape.” Thane responded, his voice hard enough to reach through the room.

  “Well, there are some things taping is good for! Sex tapes and stuff! But right, this wasn’t good.” Sin agreed.

  Well, obviously her guys were getting upset over this. They’d been here a week and they were getting a little more high-strung by the day. Little things were bothering them and Soph wasn’t sure why.

  At least no one else attacked her while the men were here. It made her feel safe.

  Everyone as also sexually frustrated.

  Didn’t they realize that she was ready? They had touched her, made her ache and gave her orgasms, but they hadn’t penetrated her since they returned.

  She knew that it wasn’t that they didn’t want to. And she wanted to. I want to, very much!

  She guessed that Thane was worried about the baby. He asked about it constantly, and tried to make sure that she wasn’t doing too much.

  He helped her when she had morning sickness, and made sure that she ate.

  She supposed that Sin was trying to prove that he liked her for more than her body. He always added comments about her personality after the lude references to her tits.

  But if she had to wait too much longer she was going to explode!

  So much for relaxing in bed for the morning. It was only—Sophie looked at the clock—10 am. That wasn’t nearly enough sleep! Maybe they could take a nap after they had some fun. She wasn’t going to let them go this time!

  Soph rolled out of bed, more excited than she had been a few moments ago.

  Now to set the stage for some romance!

  She strode quickly to her dresser, going through her stuff until she found some vanilla body lotion. She had gotten it not too long ago when she realized that the smell made her stomach settle. Whoever named it morning sickness obviously had no clock! And maybe that is why the guys aren’t sexing me. I have been super sick.

  At least she was feeling better right now. Rubbing the lotion into her skin, she felt confident and sexy. Something she never would have felt before meeting the guys.

  Smiling, she turned to the mirror and brushed out her hair. They liked it down best and so did she. It made her look more adult and feminine. Like a sexy Siren.

  This woman in the mirror was totally different than the one that left Cold Wood.

  “It’s not like I like it any better than you do! I don’t like working for anyone.” Okay, well she was going to have to talk to them about that!

  But for now, she had something else in mind.

  Soph moved into the living room cautiously, wanting to surprise them. Her house had changed. The guys stuff was everywhere and she kind of liked it. If only it was our home, not a place we’ll have to leave soon.

  Listening closely she could hear a grumble that sounded like an annoyed Thane. It was enough to make her smile.

  He was such a sweetie. And now that he was allowing himself to feel emotion, he was learning how to react again.

  He was doing it for them, so they could all understand each other. It was a precious gift.

  And the sound came from the bathroom.

  They’d come out soon.

  And she’d be ready

  Sophie dropped to her knees, facing the bathroom, naked. She widened her stance, glad to have some carpet cushioning her.

  She had just gotten into position when she heard the bathroom door open and Thane take in a breath, while Sin cursed.

  “Wow that’s so fucking hot.” Came from her foul mouthed man, his bare feet coming into view. Even Sin’s toes were sexy, so long and masculine. He could have been a model if he wanted to. His bad boy look would have sold so many magazines! But he was all hers!

  She heard Thane pace around her, only to come to stop behind her. She felt his hand in her hair, running along the strands. She wanted to look up and watch, but knew that he’d stop and she seriously wanted them to keep going!

  “What are you up to, hot-stuff?” Sin asked, reaching down to tip up her face. Sophie took in all of him, her eyes eating him up. He looked scrumptious in his black jeans. The button undone to show a tempting view of flesh above the bulge in his pants.

  He looked like a lazy predator.

  “Just trying to please my Masters.” She mouthed. Then licked her lips as her eyes went up along his chest to his hungry face. His eyes showed fire, his cheekbones standing out harshly on his face.

  Thane’s hand tightened in her hair and she hissed a little. The slight sting was delicious, traveling down her body to her clit.

  “Aah, baby, we aren’t your Master’s yet.” Sin told her, his smirk mischievous. “We have a present for you. Keep her there Thane, I want it to be a surprise.”

  Sophie tingled in anticipation, sure that it had to be something naughty. Would they give her those nipple clamps that they kept warning her about? She might not know what they are, and she certainly hadn’t looked them up! But if they wanted to try them on her, they had to do something great.

  They were so in tuned to what she liked.

  As soon as Sin left, Thane pulled her up from behind. It took a second to get her balance but she stood obediently in front of him. His large hands came around her body, palming her breasts. It made her want more and when he squeezed, she sucked in a breath.

  Her nipples immediately hardened into tight points, scraping against the calluses on his hands as he moved them over her. She wanted to lean back into him, bu
t managed to stay right where he put her.

  “Want more.” He growled into her hair, running his jaw across the top of her head. She had to agree. She wanted more too. She couldn’t survive on the surface orgasms any longer.

  She needed these men inside her.

  “Please can we have sex?” She whispered back, the sharp pain in her throat worth it. She was willing to beg.

  “Perhaps.” He answered.

  “Yes.” Sin responded as he came back. “I’ve been a patient bastard, but we are going to have you! You’re ours.” He said as he came back into view. He held a bottle of what she figured was lube along with a rubber plug. She knew what that was. She had felt it before and knew that it was needed for her to get used to butt stuff.

  Sophie eyed it dubiously. It was rounded with a flat end. And it certainly wasn’t near the size of their penises. Would they stretch her all at once, or were they planning on doing one a day? She wasn’t going to be able to last for days!

  “Oh no, sugartits. This isn’t your present. This is just something to get you ready.” Sin told her, reaching around to give them to Thane. Which meant that Thane had to take his hands from her breasts.

  She would have protested but knew she’d like what happened next. “Close your eyes and you’ll get more.” Sin’s voice was hard, commanding and it made her wet.

  She couldn’t imagine ignoring that order!

  She shut her eyes quickly and felt hands along her body. She knew they were Sins. They were smaller, thinner and rougher. His nails scrapped her nipples sharply.

  Her insides clenched and her body ached. She was so sensitive that she was sure that she’d orgasm if they told her to.

  Next came Sin’s lips, pressing against her own, demandingly. He nibbled on her lower lip, muttering about pillowy softness and other things. She was too dazed to pay much attention.

  At her rear she felt Thane’s hand squeezing her butt cheeks with what she’d call loving force. She was sure that he’d leave bruises but she didn’t care. They were his mark and she would gladly wear them. Sin moved back from her face, but continued to play with her breasts.

  And then she felt a cool liquid at her back opening. Like Sin had done while in Hell, Thane spread the substance around and then pressed it into her to get her ready.

  Thane’s finger was thick and long and she couldn’t help but clench around it. “Tight.” He muttered, moving in and out of her.

  As he did so, the liquid began to heat and tingle.

  Looking into Sin’s amused face, she gasped.

  The dual sensations of their hands on her body was amazing, distracting and overwhelming. The warming in her back entrance only added to the barrage.

  “It’s ginger lube. Livens up all those nerve endings. It will be so good to be in you. You’ll like it. Now, close your eyes.” He said bringing his mouth back to hers. This time, the kiss wasn’t so fleeting. This time, he took control of her mouth, plunging his tongue in to eat at her with horribly erotic sensations.

  Thane pushed the plastic past her loosened muscles, and nuzzled his face against her hair.

  Oh gosh! She just wanted to move! She wanted someone’s hand, mouth or dick. She needed the attention on her pussy, the pressure.

  She needed something more!

  Her hips casted forward, and Sin kissed his way to her ear, his breath coming in short and fast. “Tell us you’re ours.” He demanded, his hands leaving her breasts to be replaced by one of Thane’s. Thane’s other pulled on the plug, taking it out a little only to push it back into her.

  “I’m yours.” She whispered harshly, her breath breaking as Thane pushed the plastic back in.

  “You like Thane fucking your ass with the plug, don’t you?” Sin asked, and she nodded.

  She shouldn’t like it. It was wicked but it felt so good.

  Thane and Sin both growled, the sound so sexy that she almost came!

  Sin trailed the end of something cold against her neck. “Keep those peepers closed.” He warned, his minty breath fanning her face.

  “You are ours. Only ours. Say it.” His demand was harsh, his words as thick as cement. He was getting more turned on. Good! She couldn’t be the only one!

  “I am yours, Adrian. And Thane’s. No one else’s.” Her throat ached, but she had to say the words. Had to whisper them, so they could hear. It was too important.

  She would vow it if they needed her to. Never would she find what she needed from anyone else. She couldn’t be as comfortable with other Doms. She wouldn’t be able to accept or love anyone else. Not like she did them.

  “Good,” Sin praised, placing something metal and cold around her throat. “You are ours and we are yours no matter what.”

  “Follow,” Thane said, moving away to take her hand.

  When she would have opened her eyes, Sin growled. “Keep them closed!”

  The last thing she wanted was a punishment! What she needed was more of them!

  Besides, Sophie trusted them. They wouldn’t do anything to seriously harm her.

  So she followed, holding Thane’s hand in a death grip so that she didn’t fall.

  Soon her feet hit tile and she was positioned in front of Thane. His heat warmed her back even as the tile cooled her toes.

  “Open.” Thane rasped.

  The first thing she noticed was their location. She stood in the bathroom in front of the mirror. The second was the beautiful choker style necklace that wrapped around her throat. It was a luminescent rose gold, with small hoops connected with braided metal. It was lovely and she couldn’t help but touch it.


  “It’s a collar.” Sin said, reaching up to finger the metal. “It shows that we are your Masters. Don’t take it off, ever.”

  Thane’s strong finger petted it next, his eyes warm when they met hers in the mirror. This was their symbol of commitment. It showed how much they wanted her. She knew that only serious permanent relationships had collars and titles other than Sir. I’ve done my research. They wanted to stay with her.

  “Love you both.” She mouthed, needing to show how much she appreciated this. How much she needed them in her life.

  Adrian turned and pulled her into his arms, pressing a kiss to her temple. “I love you too. Almost as much as I love your breasts.” He added, and Soph smiled. It was just about as romantic as he could get. And it was much more than she could ever hope for.

  Never once had she thought that Sin would love her. He just wasn’t someone who said things like that. He was strong, amazing, but didn’t like to commit to anything besides Thane. But he was doing it for her. Because he loved her.

  Her eyes burned, tears leaking down. She tried to hold them in, but this was just so perfect. So sweet.

  “Oh shit don’t cry!” He begged her, pulling away to look down at her with a horrified expression. “We didn’t do this to make you sad! You’re supposed to be all wet somewhere else! I don’t think I’m allowed to fuck you when you’re crying. Am I?” He asked Thane over her head.

  Soph laughed silently.

  Sin smirked, showing lots of straight white teeth. “Good, see, that’s what we want to see. That heat in your eyes. Do you want us? Do you want us to fuck you?”

  Sophie nodded with no hesitation.

  She wanted it more than anything. Needed it more than anything.

  “Well it’s good that we already knew what you’d want and set something up just for this. We will fuck you until you can’t take anymore. And when we’re done, you will thank us for your pleasure. Won’t you, little sub?” Sin asked, and Soph could only lick her lips and nod.

  She would thank them for whatever they wanted, as long as they did something about this ache she felt!

  “Now.” Thane growled.


  Sophie was nervous but excited. This wasn’t the first time she was going to have sex with both of them but it was the first time that she’d have them both inside her. She didn’t really know how it was go
ing to work or how she would feel, though.

  They already knew that they liked to have sex this way and if she didn’t and didn’t want to do it again, would they regret being with her?

  She was going to try it, though. Not just for them, but for herself.

  Sophie didn’t have too much time to worry because Thane swept her up and carried her through the house to the office. Or at least to the office door. And to what appeared to be restraints tied to the doorframe.

  Oh, she was sure that her mother would not approve of this! It would serve her right to come back to sell the house and see this here.

  Sophie would have laughed if Thane hadn’t set her down at that moment.

  And then Sin seemed to attack. He pressed her against the opened door, his bare body rubbing against hers. When did he take off his pants?

  She wasn’t complaining! Instead Soph took full advantage, taking his lips in a lusty kiss. She wanted more contact. Wanted his hands on her breasts, his cock in her body. But instead he pressed a strong thigh through hers and up against her core. The pressure was enough to make her wet and she moved against him, trying to get more friction on her clit.

  Sin laughed against her lips. “So hungry for pleasure. You’d think that we’d been neglecting our little sub, wouldn’t you? Poor baby. Getting greedy.” Sin pulled away from her enough that she felt the loss. All her nerves were aching, trying to get closer. They needed more of him!

  Then Thane pulled at her hand, turning her towards him. His pants were undone, revealing his thick hard shaft. Actually, his body was hard all over, all his muscles clenched as he eyed her body. She could see pain in his expression as if his need was killing him. She wanted to ease that pain, ease the tightness in his body. Wanted to ease her own lust.

  She didn’t protest as he put his hands on her shoulders, pressing her to her knees in front of him.

  She was at eye level with his penis and the huge erection bobbed in front of her face.

  She wanted to taste him, to know what he was like in her mouth, but she waited for the order.

  Sin handed her something, a piece of cloth that she gazed at curiously.


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