By The Assassin's Side (Daggers 0f Desire Book 3)

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By The Assassin's Side (Daggers 0f Desire Book 3) Page 10

by Katherine Hastings

  Suddenly tension gripped his muscles and she could feel his body stiffen and pull away. Her eyes snapped open to see his face moving away from her own.

  “I’m sorry, Vivian. I forgot myself. Apologies,” he said, swallowing hard.

  No. Come back! Kiss me... please! she screamed inside.

  Clearing his throat, he slipped his arms from her and took a step backward. Pain seared through her gut with each inch that widened the gap.

  Tell him! Tell him this time you want the kiss. Say it! Her inner voice begged to take hold of her tongue and say what she felt inside. “It’s all right. No need to apologize.”

  When the wrong words escaped, she felt her desires shatter to a million pieces. She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t put herself out there and beg him to reconsider. Desperately she wanted to admit the error of her ways... she wanted this, too. But the words refused to come out.

  “Well, this is very exciting,” he said, his words forced and awkward. “I hope I didn’t get you wet in our... celebratory embrace. My clothes are still soaked from pulling out the skiff. I should probably change. These clothes are terribly uncomfortable waterlogged. Do you mind?”

  Her head shook back and forth before she could argue it.

  “It’s not like you haven’t seen a few partially clothed men in your day. I don’t expect you’re the sensitive type.” He laughed.

  “It doesn’t offend me at all. Please, change so we can finish coming up with our plan.” Her heart still pounded from their interaction, now it pounded harder at the thought of him undressed.

  He wasted no time in stripping off his cloak and waist coat. Vivian tried to look away but the wet shirt clinging to the muscles rippling across his chest pulled her eyes like a magnet. A gulp slipped down her throat. He turned to the trunk at his feet and pulled out a fresh shirt and a pair of trousers from within.

  “Tell me about your time on this ship with Viktor,” he said, pulling off his shirt.

  Breath and words escaped her when his flesh came into sight. Lines cut across his body and outlined the bulging muscles bursting beneath his skin. Heat raced to her cheeks and then turned and ran south between her legs. All the moisture from her mouth seemed to follow suit and head south as well.

  “Viv?” he asked, startling her from her frozen stare.

  “What?” she fumbled.

  “Your time here on the Dark Shark, what was it like? You lived here for a few months, didn’t you?” He lifted his arms, pulling the new shirt over his head. His body stretched taught only accentuating the hours and years of training that must have gone into sculpting his perfect physique. The only imperfection was the sizeable jagged scars running down his arm. They matched a similar scar on his side.

  “Eh, yes,” she started, searching for words while she watched his body disappear beneath the ivory linen shirt. “I stayed right here in this very room.”

  A flash of something, perhaps jealousy, flickered in his eyes when his head popped through the hole in his shirt.

  “Yes, I suppose you did. Where did you two travel to? How did it come about?”

  Words flowed easier now that his impeccable figure was covered again.

  “It was on a whim. Viktor came to visit me and told me tales of his adventures at sea. I said how jealous I was and that someday I wished to see some of the world myself. He told me to come with him. At first I thought he was joking, you know, Viktor...”

  Simon nodded and smiled.

  “But soon I realized he was serious. As bawd I decided to put someone in charge and take him up on the offer. I had the time of my life.”

  “You liked it? Being at sea?”

  Deft hands moved to the fastenings of his pants. Vivian’s eyes flashed white and shot away while his pants dropped to the floor.

  “Um, eh, yes...” she stumbled, trying to keep her eyes diverted. His brazen confidence was invigorating and only set her blood pulsing harder through her veins. “I loved it. The traveling more than the being at sea, but I didn’t mind that part either. Seeing the world though...” she trailed off.

  “It’s amazing, is it not?” He pulled his dry leather pants on. The disappearance of the temptations from his exposed skin produced an audible sigh.

  She continued on. “If I had no other obligations, I would be a pirate myself and sail around the world. Tasting every exotic fruit, scouring every foreign land, immersing myself in every culture... it was heaven.”

  He crossed the room, sat at the small table and peeked down at the map. “So what happened? Why didn’t you? Did you and Viktor have a... falling out?” His eyes left the map and invaded hers, waiting for an answer.

  She shook her head and moved to the seat across from him. His eyes followed her while she sat down. “No, we had no falling out. It was simply time to part ways.”

  “So you went home?”

  “Not straight away. I took up with Charles Vane for a time in Nassau.”

  “Captain Vane?” Simon arched an eyebrow. “I’ve met him twice. He’s not to be trifled with.”

  “Neither am I,” she said, waggling her eyebrows.

  “And Viktor? He didn’t mind you leaving him for Captain Vane?”

  Eager eyes awaited her answer. “No. Not at all. Viktor and I had an understanding. We enjoyed each other’s company when it suited us, and when it didn’t we harbored no resentment. Our journey had reached its climax and my attentions went elsewhere.”

  “So, you didn’t love him?”

  She could see his chest stop moving, his breath held fast in his lungs while he awaited her answer.

  “No, not in that way.”

  A long breath passed between his lips; a look of relief softening his face. “I see.”

  “We loved each other, much like he has a love with Charlie. A mutual respect. But romantic love was not in the cards for either of us.”

  “So you left him and sailed off with Charles Vane. Then what happened?”

  Vivian snorted. “Well, he almost found his way onto the gallows. War was brewing on Nassau and I decided my time there needed to come to an end. I hitched a ride back to London and picked up where I left off. My adventures in pirating now only a memory.”

  “You’ve lived quite a life, Viv.” He smiled.

  “I suppose I have. And you? Do you truly love the pirate life?”

  Excitement radiated from him before he could answer. “Every second of it. I love the sea, the adventures, the new cultures... I love it all. I must admit, though, it’s a little less enjoyable without Viktor at my side. He was my partner in crime, and I miss him every day. Though, I am extremely happy for him.”

  “As am I. Who would have thought Nora wasn’t a complete bitch?”

  Laughter passed between them.

  “It is good you and she can be friends. I know Viktor values you and to have you at odds with his wife would put him in a terrible position.”

  “Viktor saved my life. I would never put him in an uncomfortable position. I owe him everything.”

  “And soon your life will change again,” he said, looking down at the map.

  “Is this really happening, Simon? Is this treasure real?”

  He leaned back and crossed his arms. “Well, the rumors of Captain Avery are vast and ever-changing. He’s more of a myth now than a man. However, if rumors are to be believed, Devon is one of the places he was said to have lived, or died, rather.”

  “He died there?” she asked, leaning forward.

  Simon grinned. “Doubtful. After Avery secured the largest pirate heist in history, he disappeared. Poof. Never to be seen again. The rumors, however, place him as a pirate king in Madagascar married to a queen, he’s a pauper who spent all his money, he’s a dead man in Devon, he’s a politician in America... each rumor different from the last. We all think he started them himself to keep the Royal Navy running in circles and then, after reports of his death, off his tail completely. Even the men I have met who sailed with him have contradicting stories.
Some say he was an honorable man, forced into piracy to protect his crew and their starving families. Others say he was a ruthless pirate, the most fearsome and terrible ever to sail the seas. I suppose we will never know, but the only thing we do know, with certainty, is that he sailed away with the treasure from the Ganj-i-Sawei and there is a very real possibility part of it is buried in Devon where we sail.”

  The thought sent her blood pulsing again. “Do you think it’s there?”

  “I don’t know. I certainly hope so. But I should go tell George we make sail for Exmouth. Hopefully he doesn’t ask too many questions.”

  Her face tightened. “And if pressed, you will say nothing.”

  “You have my word. Now, if you’ll excuse me. Edgar should be here with food soon. Rest, make yourself at home. You can have my cabin for the duration of our trip. I’m due down below for some rum and dice.” He pushed up from his chair and started toward the door. Vivian pushed up from hers and stepped after him.

  “Where are you going?” he said, turning to find her behind him.

  “I will take you up on your offer to sleep in your cabin, but if you think I’m missing out on a night of dice and rum you are sadly mistaken.”

  His mouth fell open. “You’re coming with me? To play dice and get drunk?”

  A smirk tugged the side of her mouth. “I’ve been below this very deck tossing dice and drinks more times than I can recall. Do you have a problem with me joining? Scared I’ll beat you?”

  A grin spread wide across his face. “After you.” He pulled open the door and stepped to the side. Vivian offered a mock curtsy and headed out the door. She heard him chuckle before following her out onto the deck. It was time to show him her other set of skills.


  THE WORN DIRT ROAD stretched out in front of him, snaking in and out of the woods but following the sloping curves of the River Exe that stretched up to Exeter, the location marked with an X on the map. Vivian shifted in her saddle. Simon had noticed her doing it more frequently as they rode closer to the treasure awaiting them on a small strip of land inside the snaking river.

  “Are you all right? You’re fidgety today,” he asked.

  “My arse is numb. Are we almost there?”

  “How can your arse be numb? We’ve only been riding for a few hours.”

  “It’s not horses I’m accustomed to riding.” Her lip pulled up in a smirk. “Not to mention this saddle is awful. Next time we’re paying for an upgrade, or at least a piece of sheepskin. I swear I’m sitting on a jagged rock.”

  He chuckled. “I didn’t take you for high maintenance. My apologies, mi’ lady. I’ll be sure to get you a golden chariot for the return journey.”

  Glancing over her shoulder, she tossed him a glare. It dissipated quickly, a warm smile preceding her snicker.

  The playful exchange warmed him to the core. Teasing her and enduring her answering taunts had become his favorite pastime. Her sharp wit and impressive intelligence kept him on his toes. Every day since they’d sailed away from Liverpool on the Dark Shark and made their way to the south of England, their bond deepened. Their anger toward one another had long since passed and together they forged ahead into something resembling a friendship. The multi-faceted woman Viktor told him existed beneath the cool exterior had finally peeked out into the light, shimmering like a diamond. Several late-night talks, and a few evenings of shaking dice with him and the crew, had healed the rift that once gaped between them.

  “Let me see that map again,” Simon said, pulling on the reins. The gelding he’d rented at the stable in Exmouth pawed and tossed his head in revolt, straining to keep moving.

  The map, now secured together, was tucked deep in the satchel slung over her shoulder. Pulling her horse up beside him, she reached into the bag and pulled it out. He took the map from her and rolled it out across his lap.

  “See this.” He pointed to the blue lines mimicking the river they followed. “This is Exeter, it has to be. This here,” he said, pointing to the small swath of land that lay suspended between the river banks, “I’ve seen this on a map before. It’s an island, but the water is so shallow you can walk across. This is where the X is located. This is where the treasure is. It shouldn’t be far. Just keep your eyes peeled for a lump of land in the river.”

  Rolling the map back up, he stuffed it into the satchel and handed it back to her. Her long slender fingers brushed his hand. A shared look held them both frozen, her hand still pressed up against his own. With a jerk, she withdrew it, like his skin was coated in hot coals. A flush filled her cheeks, and she turned her head away, gazing out into the deep blue waters of the River Exe.

  “We should get going,” she said.

  It wasn’t the first time they had touched, and it wasn’t the first time her reaction to it had been the same. Countless times this week on the ship the same scenario had played out. A brush as they passed by, a bump when picking up dice, or a graze when he handed her a mug of ale. Each time ended in jolts of chemistry and swirls of sensation tearing through his body.

  He had spent long afternoons under the sweltering summer sun honing her skills with a blade. Time after time, she would freeze with his touch. Time after time she would recoil and retreat. The electricity that sparked between them wasn’t visible, but each time their skin collided he felt like a bolt of lightning exploded down his spine. Her reactions led him to believe it radiated through her as well. The fear that flashed in her eyes each time reminded him of what she had endured... that he must give her space and time. He needed to earn her trust.

  Again, he ignored her response and pushed through the desires her touch evoked in him. Never had he been around a woman he desired this long without her succumbing to his charms and his touch. Although, he’d never met a woman he desired this much, and in so much more than the carnal way he normally craved women. The anticipation boiled up inside him, increasing with intensity every time he looked at her. This game of cat-and-mouse caused both his groin and his heart to swell to near bursting.

  Silence followed their touch, just as it had each time over the past week. She urged her horse forward. Simon fell in line behind her.


  Not his favorite virtue, but one that would hopefully prove successful in softening the rigid exterior that kept her safe from the world. If only she could understand that in keeping her safe, her carefully erected walls also kept her from experiencing true joy... love.


  That word stripped him bare and sent him plunging into his own shell. Yet time and time again, it slid uninvited into his mind when he thought of her. It seeped through the cracks and invaded his thoughts more frequently each day. Forcing it out, he repaired the crack only to find it sliding into another yet undiscovered one. The foreign feeling still unnerved him each time it surfaced. There had been plenty of beautiful women in his life, but love had never been a thought or a feeling they evoked in him. He’d managed to avoid the foreign feeling... until now.

  A warm breeze wafted the salty air and stole his mind from the spiral it descended into. It pulled his attention to the magnificent scenery guiding their way. Lush green banks lined the softly flowing water that wound down the river. The water sparkled under the afternoon sun like someone had scattered diamond dust across the surface. He welcomed the beautiful distraction.

  “There! Is that it?” she pointed, rounding the turn before him.

  He craned his neck while he made his way around the corner. A small mass of land sat at the tip of her pointed finger, just a short distance off shore. A clump of trees clung tight together in the center, a boulder perched on the west end casting a shadow over the bushes crowding below it. It was an exact match to the boulder sketched on the map... the one with the X marked beneath it.

  His heart pounded at the sight. “I... I think it is,” he stammered.

  Looking over her shoulder, Vivian grinned a triumphant smile. Her eyes sparkled with excitement, their beauty sha
ming the glistening water beside them. Casting her attention back to the island, she bumped her legs on her horse and sent the motley gelding into a canter. Simon’s horse sprang forward and followed the dusty trail kicked up in her path.

  They raced to the side of the island and pulled to a halt next to the narrowest strip of water separating them from the little patch of land. Vivian hit the ground before him.

  “Grab your shovel!” she shouted, wading fearlessly into the water.

  “Wait up, Viv!” He dropped to the ground, gathering up both horses’ reins and leading them over to the small tree just on the other side of the trail. After securing them to a branch, he pulled his shovel from the saddle pack and started after her.

  She was over halfway there by the time he reached the shore. The waist-deep water slowed her movements. Wasting no time, he trudged in after her, the current tugging at his legs while he crossed the distance to the island. Her small frame offered the river less weight, tossing her about and allowing him to catch up before they reached the shore. Glancing down at her, he smiled as they stepped simultaneously onto the island.

  “That’s the boulder, isn’t it,” she said, making a beeline for it.

  “It certainly looks that way.”

  “Come on, Simon! Hurry!” she exclaimed, breaking into a run. Her enthusiasm was contagious, causing him to burst into a jog as well. When they reached the monumental rock, twin smiles of accomplishment mirrored on their faces. The treasure should be just beneath the crooked ledge of the stone.

  She took a deep breath. “This is it, Simon. This will change everything.”

  “I can’t believe we’re here.” Disbelief now shadowed his excitement. Was it there? Was it possible that there was a treasure to change his stars buried just beneath his feet? With a stilling breath he plunged the shovel deep into the earth.


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