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Luke Page 19

by R. C. Ryan

  “Luke. Oh, Luke, I can’t stop. I can’t…” Her words died as she was lost in the unbearable pleasure.

  Even now, with his passion building, his heart pounding, Luke waited until he felt her reach the very top of the mountain and slip over to the other side before allowing himself to give in to his own shuddering climax.

  For the longest time they lay, still joined, as their world slowly settled.

  When at last he could move, he framed her face with his hands and looked down into her face.

  She smiled up at him.

  No words were needed as she wrapped her arms around his waist and clung to him.

  He moved his weight off her, gathering her close.

  “That was…” She sighed, letting the sound express what she was unable to put into words.

  Against her temple he murmured, “Sleep awhile.”

  She had already gone limp in his arms, her breathing soft and steady.

  He watched her, loving the way she looked in his arms. His woman.

  The thought caught him by surprise before he smiled.

  She was his. He didn’t know quite how it had happened, or when she’d gone from just another rancher to this amazing, beautiful creature who’d captured his heart. Or how pure lust had morphed into something much more.

  He’d always prided himself on his freedom. From rules. From doing all the ordinary things other men did.

  Yet here he was, thinking about permanence, and settling down, and happily-ever-after.

  Prince Charming he wasn’t. The very thought had him grinning again. But he did intend to let her know that there was such a thing as a happy ending. Her cynical little heart might not be ready to accept it quite yet, but he would just have to wear her down until he made a believer of her.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Ingrid felt the mattress shift and looked up to find Luke facing her on the edge of the bed, holding two mugs.

  “Coffee?” She breathed deeply before sitting up. “Oh, Luke.”

  “Yeah. I thought we could both use some caffeine.” He handed her a cup before settling in beside her.

  She drank gratefully before glancing toward the window, to see clouds drifting past a full moon. Caught up in the heady excitement of their newly discovered freedom, they’d barely snatched any time to sleep. Instead, they’d loved in the dark with a passion that left them both breathless.

  “Only a few hours left until morning.”

  “Is that disappointment in your voice?”

  She chuckled. “Sorry. But if I’m going to be honest, I have to admit that I hate to see this night end.”

  “About that honesty of yours…” He looked at her. “Yesterday, by the creek, you said I had you at first glance.”

  She looked down. “I was hoping you’d forgotten.”

  “A guy doesn’t forget an admission like that. Why did you act like you could barely stand me?”

  She cupped her hands around the mug. “I guess it was a survival tactic.”


  She drank, then set the mug on a nightstand beside the bed before looking at him. “I vowed I’d never be like Nadine.”

  He gave a snort of derision. “You couldn’t be if you tried.”

  “You’ve said that before, but it isn’t so. I saw the moves she made on you. And I was jealous. And that jealousy made me afraid that I’d do something stupid.”

  “You mean liking me would be stupid?”

  “No. Yes.” She blew out a breath. “It’s complicated. When you started paying attention to me, I was afraid I’d find out that you pretended to like me so you could get close to Nadine.”

  “Has that happened before?”

  She nodded. “I brought home a…friend from college to meet my family over spring break. The next day I caught him coming out of her room.”

  “What did your father have to say?”

  “I didn’t tell him. I ordered Roger to leave. He was gone within the hour, and I told my dad that he’d had a family emergency.”

  “And Nadine?”

  “She left later that day with a smug, satisfied grin. Knowing Nadine, she probably arranged to meet him again in Wayside.”

  “Oh, baby.” Luke set down his mug and gathered her into his arms. Against her temple he murmured, “Roger Whatshisname was a damned fool. In fact, the biggest fool in the world.”

  Ingrid sighed, wrapping her arms around his waist. “I hope I’m not just as big a fool.”

  He drew a little away to look down into her face. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I saw that same smug look on Nadine’s face that night she came out of your room. I don’t want to ask, but—”


  At the harshness of his tone she blinked. “No? You mean don’t ask?”

  “That’s exactly what I mean. Don’t lower yourself to ask. Not now. Not ever.” He put a finger beneath her chin and tipped up her face, forcing her to meet his steady gaze. “There may be a lot of fools in this world attracted to someone like Nadine, but I’m not one of them. The only woman I see is you, Ingrid. The only one I’ve seen since being in this house is you. Only you.”

  She took in a long, slow breath. And then, without a word, offered her trembling lips to him.

  He took them with a hunger that caught them both by surprise.

  “You brought more coffee?” Ingrid shoved wispy hair from her eyes before sitting up.

  “Yeah. Along with some food.” Luke climbed into bed and set a plate of toast and cold roast beef between them. “I’ve burned more energy during this night than I would in a week rounding up cattle.”

  A look out the window showed the first faint smudges of dawn coloring the horizon.

  Ingrid touched a hand to Luke’s arm. “I wish we could hold on to this night.”

  He held the beef and toast to her lips for a bite. “But think about the fun we can have by day. Or have you forgotten about skinny-dipping?”

  That brought a smile to her eyes. “Oh, I haven’t forgotten.”

  “Good. I hope this turns into one long, hot, sweltering day. We could make it last for hours.”

  “I think you’re getting spoiled.”

  “If so, you’re the one who spoiled me.” He leaned over to indulge in a long, lazy kiss. “For any other woman.”

  “Am I supposed to feel guilty?”

  He set aside the plate to drag her on top of him. Against her mouth he growled, “Not guilty. Just thoroughly satisfied, woman. Because that’s how you’ve made me feel.”

  And then there were no words as they took each other on a slow, delicious ride of pure pleasure.

  Luke and Ingrid were laughing together as they stepped into the mudroom to wash after their morning chores.

  “’Morning, you two.” Mick opened the oven and retrieved a tray of biscuits when they entered the kitchen. “Sounds like you were having fun out there.”

  “Luke boasted that he could clean more stalls.”

  Luke stood back grinning. “I guess you showed me.”

  Mick looked from one to the other. “So I guess you won that bet, girl.”

  “Of course I did.”

  “And Luke got to lean on his pitchfork and watch you do the bulk of the work.”

  “And it was a damned pretty sight to behold.” Behind her, Luke winked.

  Ingrid turned in time to see it. “You conned me.”

  “You can’t blame a guy for being a guy.”

  At that, both Luke and Mick burst into laughter.

  Instead of her usual irate response, Ingrid joined in while playfully punching Luke in the shoulder. “And here I thought I was being so smart.”

  Luke reached up and smoothed a lock of her hair from her eyes, and the two of them shared a smile.

  Mick’s look sharpened.

  He set out a plate of scrambled eggs and another of crisp bacon and toast. “You two heading up to the herd again today?”

  “Later.” Luke held the pl
ate toward Ingrid before helping himself to the food. “But first, we have a chore to see to here.”

  Ingrid shot him a questioning look. “A chore?”

  He took his time tasting the eggs, the bacon, the toast. “I’m hoping you’ll give me a haircut.”

  “A…” She lowered her fork to stare at his head. “A haircut? Why?”

  “It’s hot. I’m tired of dealing with it. It’s time for a change.”

  Mick was grinning. “Amen to all of that.”

  Ingrid looked from Mick to Luke. “All right. But I’m wondering how you’ll look without that ponytail.”

  “I guess you’ll find out.” Luke turned his attention to his breakfast, soon helping himself to seconds.

  “You’ve got yourself a healthy appetite, son.” Mick topped off their coffees.

  “Yeah. I burned a lot of calories—” Luke stopped himself before adding, “out in the barn.”

  Ingrid shot him a sideways glance and covered the laughter that bubbled up by coughing behind her hand.

  Mick placed the coffeepot on the stove and returned to his seat at the table. “Maybe I’ll join you two up in the hills. Looks like a good day for a ride.”

  Luke swallowed back the groan that threatened before pushing away his half-filled plate. “Looks like I wasn’t as hungry as I thought.”

  “That’s all right, son.” Mick dug into his food. “You’ll have plenty of time to work up another hunger for some of Yancy’s Fancy Chicken by tonight.”

  “Yeah. I will.” Luke carried his dishes to the sink. “I’ll get started on washing up here.”

  Ingrid joined him, picking up a towel. “Where do you want me to cut your hair? Upstairs in the bathroom?”

  He shook his head. “I don’t think you want all this hair on the floor up there. I think I’ll just haul a chair outside and you can cut it in the yard.”

  “Good idea, son.” Mick drained his coffee and sat back. “I think I’m going to enjoy watching this.”

  Luke took off his shirt and draped a bath towel around his shoulders before taking a seat in the yard.

  Mick settled himself on the back stoop to watch as Ingrid stepped outside with a mirror, comb, and scissors.

  Luke reached a hand to the elastic holding back his hair. Once free, his hair fell to his shoulders.

  Ingrid ran a comb through it, and Luke gave a humming sound.

  She paused. “Something wrong?”

  “No. That feels good.”

  She leaned close, so Mick couldn’t hear. “Why are you insisting on me doing this?”

  “The truth?” He turned his head, keeping his voice low. “I don’t like the idea of my hair being longer than my woman’s.”

  My woman.

  Her heart took a hard, quick bounce before the smile touched her lips, and then her eyes. “Really?”

  “Yeah.” He closed a hand over hers. “Now get on with it, woman.”

  She shoved the mirror into his hand. “Use that tone again and I just might shave your head.”

  He laughed and turned away.

  She approached the job hesitantly, snipping a few strands of hair, pausing to watch as they drifted to the grass. With each snip she could feel Luke watching her in the mirror. Each time their gazes met and held, she felt a tiny shiver of heat along her spine. Despite all that they’d shared, it seemed strangely intimate to be cutting his hair.

  Before long she got so caught up in the task, she found herself taking bigger clumps of hair and cutting, then cutting even more.

  She indicated the mirror. “Well?”


  She cut more, then more. And finally, using an extension cord that snaked all the way from the mudroom, she used the electric trimmer to shave his sideburns and the back of his neck.

  Mick ambled over. “Now that’s a man’s haircut, son. You look like you just stepped out of BillyBob’s barbershop in Wayside.”

  Ingrid arched a brow. “I’ll take that as a compliment, Mick. Luke? What do you think?”

  He studied his reflection in the mirror before giving a nod of approval. “Perfect.”

  He stood and removed the towel, shaking the hair from it. Tossing it over the back of the chair, he leaned close to press a kiss to the top of her head. “You’re hired.”

  She stepped back, feeling the heat on her cheeks. “Thanks. Did I do as good a job as Yancy?”

  “Better. But I’d appreciate it if you keep that our little secret.” He picked up the chair and carried it inside. When he did, Mick followed.

  Luke set the chair by the table and picked up his shirt.

  Mick cleared his throat. “There’s something I’d like to talk to you about before you and Ingrid head back up to the hills.”

  Luke tucked his shirt into the waistband of his jeans before turning. “I thought you were coming with us.”

  “I thought so, too. But I’d like to ask you something first.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “You and Ingrid.” Mick was staring intently. “Since she has no one else to care about her, I’m asking. I’m thinking something has changed between you. Is that so?”

  Luke nodded. “I think you already know the answer. And for your information, you’re not the only one who cares about her. She matters to me, Mick. She matters more than my own life.”

  Mick cleared his throat. “Thank you for your honesty, son. And you’re right. I did know. I could tell just by looking at the two of you. But I wanted to hear it from you. I’m glad for you. And glad for her, too.” He ducked his head before adding, “She’s a loner. Doesn’t let folks get close, ’cause of her ma.”

  “Yeah. That’s why I intend to take great care of her feelings. They’re special. She’s special.” Luke turned toward the door. “I think it’s time we headed up to the herd.” He turned to Mick. “You coming?”

  The old man shook his head. “I think it’s way too late for me to play chaperone. Since the day’s half over, I’ll just stay here. You two go ahead.”

  “We’ll be home in time for supper.” Luke strolled out.

  Mick stood at the back door and watched as Luke conferred with Ingrid before she led two saddled horses from the barn. She and Luke pulled themselves into the saddle and started up across a meadow.

  The sound of their easy laughter trailed on the summer breeze, warming the old man’s heart.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Luke walked to the corral, where Ingrid stood holding the reins of their horses.

  She glanced behind him. “Where’s Mick?”

  “He decided to stay here.” Luke took the reins from her and held them while she mounted.

  “How did you talk him into that?”

  Luke handed over her reins before pulling himself into the saddle. “He said he figured it was too late to insist on going along to chaperone.”

  She laughed, until she realized he wasn’t kidding. “Chaperone? Why would he say that? Unless…” Her jaw dropped. “You told him about us?”

  Luke met her wide-eyed stare. “No need. Mick’s a smart guy. He figured it out by himself. But when he asked me to confirm or deny it, I figured he deserved the truth.”

  As she digested his words, she looked dismayed. Then, slowly, her smile bloomed. “I bet Mick appreciated your honesty.”

  “Yeah. He feels responsible for you.”

  She flicked the reins and started off at an easy pace. “Through everything that’s happened in my life, Mick’s been my rock.”

  “He’s a good guy. And you deserve some good guys in your life.” Luke reached over and caught her hand. “I hope I’m one of them.” The flare of heat was instantaneous. “I’ll race you to the herd.”

  “You’re just a glutton for punishment, aren’t you?” With a quick laugh, she yanked her hand back and spurred her horse into a run.

  For several moments Luke held his mount still as he drank in the sight of her. She poured herself into this simple challenge as she poured herself into eve
rything. Full out. Nothing held back. She made love the same way.

  She was simply magnificent.

  She stirred his heart.

  She owned his soul.

  “The herd, at least what’s left of it, is growing sleek and fat on this grass. I could look at them for hours.” Ingrid slid from the saddle to examine yet another cow.

  “I get it. But I’m growing impatient to go skinny-dipping. Come on, woman. This sun is hot.”

  She shielded the blinding sunlight from her eyes and looked up at him. “My, my, cowboy. I didn’t realize you had an impatient streak.”

  “I didn’t, either, until I met you. You should know that not all this sweat is from the sun. I get overheated just looking at you. I hope you’re going to take pity on me soon.”

  She couldn’t help laughing at his frown. “Okay. The herd’s fine. Let’s get to that stream.” She pulled herself into the saddle and nudged her horse into a run.

  Halfway down the hill, Luke passed her, and by the time she reached the banks of the creek, he was already slipping off his boots and tearing aside his damp shirt.

  He tossed a bar of soap in the grass. “Last one in gets to wash my back.”

  “That’s not fair…”

  He shucked his jeans and waded into the water before turning and watching as she stripped down and made a mad dash into the water.

  Luke’s eyes narrowed as the water lapped at her hips, then her waist, and finally, as she reached his side, the water spilled over her breasts.

  She held up the bar of soap. “Okay. You won. Turn around and I’ll wash your back.”

  His grin was quick and dangerous. “Thanks. But all of a sudden winning or losing doesn’t mean half as much as enjoying the view.”

  At her questioning look, he explained. “The most perfect woman in the world just stepped out of her clothes and into my arms. Baby, that’s a view that will never get old.”

  He dragged her close and poured himself into a kiss.

  Against his mouth she whispered, “If I’d known it meant so much to you, I’d have taken more time. Want to see my imitation of a model’s walk?”


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