Love Me Forever

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Love Me Forever Page 2

by Lisa Renee Jones

  And there it is, what I feared—his fear. My hand settles on his jaw. “I’ve told you this, but I’m going to say it again. None of us can control how long we walk this earth, but if anything ever happens to me, I’ve had the best damn life anyone could want for. Because of you. That’s how we have to live. Every day we have to be all-in, all the way.”

  His forehead settles on my forehead. “I keep seeing that gun in his hand, at your head.” He cups my face and tilts my gaze to his. “This isn’t about me. It’s about you. How are you?”

  “It’s not just about me, Grayson. It’s about you, too.”

  “How are you?” he repeats. “How are you really?”

  “Remarkably good, but you’re not.”

  “If you’re good, I’m good.”

  My rejection is instant. “No. No, you’re not. And I’m probably not, either. I have some sort of barrier up, a wall that I’ve pushed all this behind. I’m not sure which is better. You with no wall or me with one that isn’t allowing me to deal with this at all. I wish—” so many things, I think.

  “You wish what, baby?” His voice is softer now, velvet meant to soothe my nerves. He is always about me and that is why I have to be about him. He needs that. He deserves that.

  “I wish we could be here for weeks on end and pretend the rest of the world doesn’t exist. But I also wish for our life back, completely back. I want to be in our apartment. I want to live our life. I want to find our routine again. There’s security in those things, Grayson.”

  “There is,” he agrees. “But when we go back, the press won’t be gone. This Ri situation won’t be gone. Are you sure that you’re ready for that?”

  “I have a deep need to be past this. I want to ride this storm and get past it. And your staff needs to see you. They need to know Ri and his attacks on your firm have no impact.”

  He skims fingers through my damp hair. “You’re sure?”

  “I am,” I say, but again, I’m cautious not to make this just about me. “What do you want, though?”

  “You. All I want is you, safe, and happy.”

  “You have me, safe, and happy. So, we go back?”

  “Yes,” he agrees. “We go back.”

  I kiss him and smile. “Good. I can show off my ring.”

  This earns me his smile and I watch the tension in his shoulders slide away. I’ve made him happy. And that is what I want.



  Grayson and I sit at the island facing each other, sipping our coffee and talking about his father, with shared smiles and laughter between us. It’s a magical moment in time that has successfully crushed those demons that he’d been battling upon my entry into the kitchen, and left me with the man I love. The man who cares about people. The man who is filthy rich and never acts as if he deserves it. The man who would die, and literally kill for me, and yet, I’d dared doubt him. I do not believe I will ever forgive myself for slighting our love in such a way. I’m fighting the need to ask him if he’s sure he will when his cellphone buzzes with a text message.

  His expression doesn’t change, but I don’t miss the subtle tensing of his jaw, and that’s before he even he reads the message. A sign that he’s expecting bullets to fly, that perhaps he doesn’t think this Ri thing is over. Reluctantly it seems, he picks up his phone, reads the message, types a reply, and sets it back down.

  “Blake, and his team at Walker, want to update us on the Ri investigation at his office and talk through a full security plan until this mess completely passes.” He glances at his watch and then me. “It’s ten now. He’s sending an escort to take us to the airport at one.”

  I study the handsome lines of his face. “What else?”

  “Nothing else.”

  “You’re turned off. I saw it happen.”

  He catches my hand and kisses it. “It’s going to be a week or two before we find our sweet spot back home. You know that, right?”

  “You mean because of Ri and the press?” I clarify, just to be sure I know where his head is right now.

  “Yes. Because of Ri and the press. You say you’re okay, Mia, but there’s no way you can be unaffected by what happened with Ri in that stairwell. Blake suggested you talk to a counselor.”

  “I don’t need to see a counselor,” I say, dismissing the idea quite emphatically. “I’m fine. Stop worrying.” My coffee is gone, so I drink his. “But I do think we should talk about that case I’m bringing over with me. The Wittmore case.”

  “How can I forget Mitch Wittmore, the billionaire tech genius, being killed by his wife?”

  “In self-defense,” I remind him.

  “I remember the details. She was a battered wife.”

  “Yes and I believe her. When you see the file, you will as well.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  “We’re trying to get rid of the press. He was Mitch Wittmore. This case will bring more press, not less.”

  “Months from now,” he says. “And we as a firm are used to that kind of press.”

  “If I’m to be your wife—”

  “If?” he challenges.

  “Because I’m to be your wife,” I amend, “my cases will bring a different kind of attention to you, Grayson. You’re a billionaire who runs a massive operation that stretches well beyond the law firm and its many offices. You have a hotel brand. Maybe even a stake in a professional football team in the near future. The interest in my cases will come with a different level of scrutiny.”

  He stands up and grabs the coffee pot, refilling both of our cups and then settling the hazelnut creamer we’re both using between us. “And that means what to you?”

  I grab the creamer and pour it into our cups. “What does it mean to you? Are you up to dealing with that?”

  “You believe in this. We’re fighting for what’s right. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  I slide off the seat and step between his legs, my hands on his thighs. “I really love you, so very much.”

  “I really love you, too. Talk to me about the case. Why haven’t they offered her a plea?”

  “The ADA involved is a real asshole.”


  “Nick Reynolds.”

  He picks up the phone, sends a text, and then sets it down. “I asked Blake to find out what he can about him. I’ll be interested to find out if he was involved in that dirt dive Ri had the DA doing on my me and my businesses.”

  “But this case was with Ri’s firm with me there until this week.”

  “I know. It’s a long shot, but it’s worth looking into. Maybe we should work this case together. I’ll be the second chair.”

  “You? Second chair. Grayson, you’re the CEO of an empire.”

  “And a criminal attorney, in case you forgot. Sometimes getting back to the basics reminds us about who we really are and want to be.”

  “You are a brilliant man with the world at his fingertips. This is beneath you.”

  “No. Helping someone who needs help will never be beneath me, and if it were, you know my father would turn over in his grave. But if this is about your independence—”

  “No. Not at all. I would like to have you help me with the case prep, but if the press know you’re a part of this, the news will explode. And if we lose, you’ll look bad.”

  “Then let’s not lose.”

  “I’m handling my case,” I say, “but I have a proposition for you.”

  His perfect eyes twinkle with mischief. “You have my undivided attention.”

  I always do, I think. No matter what deal or project is consuming him, Grayson always makes me feel like he’s one hundred percent present. “You wanted me to consider working more closely with you and the corporate side of Bennett so that we can travel and work together.”


  “And what if I handle this case and then step back from a formal caseload? You’ve already approved me hiring Kevin, my old boss at Ri’s firm. Now that Ri is gone, we lega
lly brought over my business. Kevin can take over the rest of my caseload, or whoever you feel is appropriate. I’d love to look at the charity operation. You’re not as active in charitable activity as you should be. I can have an impact. I know I can. I want to contribute.”

  “What happened to needing your own career and identity?”

  “I don’t know why this can’t be that, too. And as far as needing to completely free myself of your coattails, I think we’ve been there, done that. I’m done feeling like I have something to prove because you’re more experienced and filthy rich. And I don’t care if people think I slept my way to the top anymore. I think my insecurity over those things allowed Ri to break us up. I won’t make that mistake again.”

  His hands come down on my arms, his lashes lowering, expression tightening before he opens his eyes and fixes me in a tormented stare. “‘I won’t let you,” he promises, his voice roughened by emotions, raw torment radiating off this brilliant, talented, good man because of me.


  I never finish that sentence. He picks me up, throws me over his shoulder, and starts walking.



  Once we’re in the bedroom, Grayson sets me down at the foot of the bed, and his hand slides under my hair, his palm hot on my neck. “Next time you run,” he promises, his voice vibrating with emotion, “I swear to God, woman, you won’t run fast enough. Next time, I will catch you and I will bring you home and tie you to our bed.” His hand sweeps down my spine and my sex clenches, nipples puckering, this game of dominance he plays one I know well. It’s about control, about those times in his life when the pressure of being Grayson Bennett pushes his buttons. In this case, when I’ve pushed his buttons.

  “Then what would you do to me?” I challenge, sounding breathless, feeling breathless. “Because if you’re going to tie me up, you can’t just leave me there unattended.”

  His lips curve, his beautiful lips that can be both gentle and oh so punishing. “We both know I wouldn’t leave you there.” Oh yes, we do, I think, my only thought before his lips come down on my lips, a dark demand in the slide of his tongue that follows. I know this side of Grayson, and I know right now is not all that, unlike earlier this morning. This is all about burning fast, wicked, hot demand. He owns me right now, and I don’t fight that need in him. I think—I think it’s what I need, too.

  He proceeds to strip us both naked, turn me over, and slide a finger along my sex, testing my readiness before he gives my backside a smack. I arch into the touch, and he drives into me. He fucks me then—rough, dirty, and an edge of urgency in every thrust of his hips that ends with us on our backs, staring at the ceiling, panting out breaths. At the same moment, we turn to face each other and my fingers curl on his jaw. “You’re still angry.”

  “Not at you, baby.” He kisses me, then pushes off the bed, bringing me a towel, and then grabs his pants, clearly avoiding this conversation.

  I sit up, but I make no attempt to dress. My clothes are the least of my worries right now. I scoot to the edge of the bed and study him, only slightly distracted by his perfect abs. “Grayson,” I say softly. He pulls his T-shirt over his head, his green eyes meeting mine for a piercing second before he answers my unspoken question.

  “I’m fine, Mia.” He sits down next to me and pulls on his boots.

  “‘Fine’ is a word women define as ‘not fine.’ You know that, right?”

  He stands and takes me with him.

  “I’m fine,” he repeats. “I promise. It’s you that I’m worried about.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “So fine is okay if it’s you, but not if it’s me?”

  “I really am fine.”

  “And it’s my job as your future husband to make sure you stay that way. Get dressed. I want to take you to eat and make another little stop before we head to the airport.”

  “I thought Walker was sending men to pick us up?”

  “We’ll meet them at the airport.” He cups my face and then gives my naked body a once over. “You’re beautiful.” He kisses me. “Now get dressed. I need to make a phone call.” He heads to the doorway and just when he would disappear, I call out.


  He turns and glances back at me.

  “Do you know why I’m really fine right now?”


  “Because I woke up with you. Because I’m marrying you. And because today, we’ve had two chances to get pregnant with our first child.”

  His expression softens instantly, and he’s back across the room, enclosing me in his arms, molding me close. And even better, he’s smiling. “You know why I’m fine?”


  “Because you’re going to be my wife and the mother of my children. And because the very fact that you might be pregnant is a good reason to rush the wedding. Now, get dressed.”

  He turns and walks away, but not before casting me another look and a smile. I’ve made him smile again. I’ve made him happy again. At least for now.



  I step into the kitchen, pour the last cup of coffee, and once it’s doctored to my liking, I dial Blake. “Grayson, my man,” he answers on the first ring. “How’s Mia?”

  This is what I like about this man. He cares. And he knows what I care about. “She says she’s fine.”

  “Fine,” he says dryly. “Fine from a woman makes me say, ‘oh fuck.’”

  Another reason I like this man. He couldn’t give a fuck that I employ him and that I have loads of cash. He does him.

  “Exactly,” I agree, running a hand through my hair. “I’m worried that I’m taking her back to the city too soon, but right now, that’s what she wants. That’s where she wants to be. Home is calling her.”

  “She was away from home for a long time. I say let her go home. You’re one chopper ride from getting out of the city. I’ve seen a lot of these situations, the trauma effect, and sometimes routine and stability is the best thing for the person.”

  “And when does the storm hit?”

  “It doesn’t always happen. She’s back with you. She feels stable. But that counselor I told you about is excellent. She’ll come to Mia. And you. How are you holding up, man?”

  “You tell me. How important is this meeting today? Where are we on ending this?”

  “I just wanted to debrief you and talk through the press situation for the week.”

  “We held a press conference,” I remind him.

  “Which did nothing to shift their interest. They’re all over, looking for you.”


  “I can just drop by later tonight if you want, bring the wifey and shit, and make it more informal.”

  “That works. What’s happening with the investigation?”

  “The Feds are involved and since I have connections, I’m getting constant updates.”

  Alarm bells go off in my head. “Updates on what Blake?”

  “Ri is gone, but the degree to which he tried to infiltrate your company and use it for criminal activity is what matters here. Right now, we’re trying to pin down every person involved. And you want us to do that. Anyone helping Ri burn you might be willing to burn you for their own gain. And I want you to talk to that attorney I told you about, Reese Summer. You just did a big deal with his brothers-in-law, Reid and Gabe.”

  “Right. I know who he is. I haven’t met him, but I know his reputation as talented and honest. But why would I hire him, Blake? I own a law firm. A very large international law firm.”

  “You need a criminal attorney to deal with the Feds, and someone impartial.”

  “I need someone loyal,” I counter, getting the idea he’s not telling me everything. “And I have plenty of criminal lawyers on staff. Where are you going with this?”

  “Any time the stinking Feds are involved, you want to watch your fucking ass.”

  “This from a man who was a Fed? And I’
m back to, where are you going with this?”

  “There’s a reason I’m not a Fed anymore. One jealous fuck over there that hates you for your money and success, and this drags out. Reese’s name alone holds power. And he doesn’t work for Bennett. Ri infiltrated your operation. I like the feel of Reese being an outsider on this.”

  And there it is, the reasons he’s pressing me to call Reese. “I’ll call him,” I agree tightly. “I’m taking Mia to lunch and someplace special. We’ll meet your men at the airport.”

  “I’ll keep them out of sight,” he says.

  I scrub the knot at the back of my neck. “I really don’t want to take Mia back to this shit.”

  “You’re not taking her back to this shit. You’re taking her home, man. And it’s none of my business, but it seems to me with all you’ve been through, you both need to be home together. What time tonight?”


  “Eight it is. See you then. Oh fuck, I almost forgot. That ADA’s name you sent me. He’s dating a female ADA who’s connected to this Ri thing.”

  “‘The Ri thing.’ I still can’t believe the degrees this man went to try to destroy me. He infiltrated my staff, planted who knows what dirt inside my operations, and then went to the Feds.”

  “And that didn’t turn out well for him. My job, and Reese’s, will be to make sure we clean this up completely, so there are no snakes in the grass to bite you. Back to the ADA. What is this about?”

  “Mia has a case he’s handling. She feels like a deal, and a light one at that should have been made and instead, she and her client are headed to trial.”

  “We might be able to help her dig up something to turn the ADA around, but it sounds like you could request this guy hand off the case.”

  “I suspect that’s what Mia will do, but I’ll keep you posted.”


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