Boy Scouts in Southern Waters; Or, Spaniard's Treasure Chest

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Boy Scouts in Southern Waters; Or, Spaniard's Treasure Chest Page 16

by G. Harvey Ralphson



  As Arnold rushed back into the burning cabin the gallery roof fell,effectually blocking the doorway, thus preventing escape again.

  "Harry," cried the frightened boy. "Harry, where are you?"

  Through the pall of smoke and amid the hiss and crackle of flames camethe reassuring call that put new life into the lad.

  "Here I am over here in the corner. Come here a minute."

  "But, Harry," urged Arnold, "come on out of here. We'll be burned assure as fate. What makes you stay here, anyway?"

  "I'm going now," declared the boy. "I forgot something that was lefthere and came back to get it. That's all."

  Both boys now moved toward the one window of which the cabin boasted.The roof at the opposite end and directly over the bed where the firehad started was now weakening and threatened to fall.

  "Up with you now, Arnold," cried Harry. "Let's make time."

  "You first," gasped Arnold. "You're burned and have had more smoke thanI. Go ahead or I won't stir a step."

  "All right," smiled Harry. "It's a good thing the breeze is favorable.We'll make it all right now. Wonder where Doright is."

  "Never mind Doright," said Arnold, drinking in great draughts of freshair. "Doright can take care of himself for all of me. I want to get backto the boats and the Fortuna. Let's be going."

  "I'm with you," Harry agreed with a satisfied chuckle.

  "What's the matter now?" asked Arnold. "I can't see what should amuseyou in all this trouble. I'm worried."

  "I can't tell you what makes me feel so happy, but I just imagine thatwe've done a good stroke of business tonight."

  "In burning down a man's home?"

  "Yes and no. I can't tell you any more for I don't know."

  "More mystery, eh? Well, so long as we're hot-footing for home you maysave the mystery. Come on, now, let's go."

  The boys lost no time in starting for the place where their boat hadbeen left. A short conference in the shadow of a clump of palmettos washeld. They were agreed as to the direction, although it lay in adifferent quarter than the road by which they had entered the clearing.Here the boys' woodcraft stood them in good stead.

  Soon they were out of the light cast by the now fallen walls of theburning cabin. Just as they felt safely away from the clearing andthought it safe to speak above a whisper a coarse voice called them tohalt. They were confronted by a tall man.

  "It's that man Lopez," gasped Harry. "He's got back quickly."

  "What do you want?" questioned Arnold angrily. "Say it and be quickabout it. We haven't time to stand here all night."

  "Now, don't get gay, young rooster, or I'll cut your comb."

  "It is Lopez," whispered Arnold. "He's still angry, too."

  "Put up your hands," commanded Lopez, for it was he. "Keep 'em up," headded. "I'll fix youall for this. You done burned my cabin and it's gotto be paid for. I'll settle you." Then lifting his voice he called,"Doright! Doright! Come yere."

  "Comin', Boss," quavered the still frightened negro.

  "Doright, did these fellers set fire to my cabin?"

  "Yaas, sir, Boss. Dey sure done hit," replied that worthy.

  "We might as well arrest 'em now as any other time, then," declaredLopez. "Take this gun, Doright, and if they try to run, shoot."

  "Yaas, sir, Boss," grinned the darky. "Ah sure will shoot."

  "Now, boys, get going," commanded their captor. "Walk right up, too, forwe're a long ways from home and I'm tired."

  "How did you happen back so soon?" queried Harry. "I thought you hadgone to town to talk with Wyckoff about hanging us."

  "I done change my mind," answered Lopez. "I forgot something at thecabin and now hit's done burned. I have an idee I'd better shoot youallright now for that trick. Yes, sir, I just believe so."

  Knowing his quick and hasty temper as they now did, the boys were notunprepared for anything that might happen. Gritting their teeth theymarched bravely on even though they felt that at any moment the erraticman behind them might send a bullet into their backs. They resolved,however, to show no fear.

  Not far along the path they were halted by Lopez, who whispered a shortconsultation with Doright. In a moment he ordered the boys to one sideof the road for some distance where he compelled them to lie flat ontheir faces and commanded them to absolute silence on pain of instantdeath. He kept his rifle at their ears.

  "Doright," he ordered, "go back up to that there path and see what themfolks wants. If they're strangers let 'em go on. If they're the fellersI think they is, toll 'em along and lose 'em. You'll know where to findme at the factory if I lose you now."

  "Yaas, sir, Boss," grinned the negro. "Ah'm named Doright."

  Arnold and Harry were compelled to lie with outstretched arms andfingers digging into the sand while their comrades parleyed with Dorightin plain hearing of their place of concealment. Neither dared to make asound or in any way attract the attention of their friends. Lopez wasswinging the rifle muzzle slowly back and forth.

  After Doright and the other, party had proceeded to the destroyed cabinLopez compelled his prisoners to get to their feet and walk ahead of himin the path.

  "We'll have a nice little boat ride, boys," stated Lopez in a pleasedtone of voice. "We're going to have a pleasant trip, too."

  No answer was made to this remark by either of the boys. Their silenceseemed to anger Lopez, for he upbraided them for their sulkiness. Hismoods changed quickly. Frowns tramped the heels of smiles. One moment hewas gay, the next in despair.

  Arrived at the leaning oak he compelled the lads to untie both boats,towing the small skiff that had been brought by Harry and Arnold behindthe big scow rowed by their friends. Into this scow he put the boys andthen seated himself, rifle in hand.

  "Grab a root and growl, now," commanded Lopez. "I'm ridin' this trip.And mind you," he continued, "you better row quiet. No splashin' andbangin' around with them oars."

  "We'll row as well as we can," replied Harry. "A Boy Scout always doeseverything he undertakes as well as he knows how."

  "You're great Boy Scouts, you are," sneered Lopez. "If I had a boy likeyou, I don't know what I would do with him."

  "You couldn't have a boy like us," declared Arnold with some heat. "Youknow heredity exerts a wonderful influence on boys."

  This sally, luckily, was lost on Lopez for his knowledge of English waslimited to say the least. His mind, ever alert, caught the sarcasm inthe boy's tone, but he hesitated about showing his ignorance by askingquestions concerning the meaning of the big word. He contented himselfwith abusing the boys in vile language.

  Pulling manfully at the oars the captives sent the scow through thewater at a good rate of speed, rapidly shortening the distance betweenthemselves and the town. Ever and anon Lopez cast a backward glance overthe stern. Finally he commanded the boys to pull in closer toward theshore. His voice assumed a brisker tone with a note of anxiety in it. Hewas visibly excited.

  "Lopez," announced Arnold, "I see a light behind us. It's gaining on us.I've seen it for two or three minutes. What is it?"

  "Hush up about lights, boy," commanded their captor. "Youall don't seeno lights. They ain't no lights there at all."

  "But I did see a light," insisted Arnold in a positive tone.

  "No, you never," repeated Lopez. "Don't make no difference if you thinkyou saw a light, they ain't no light there."

  "Oh, I get you," Harry put in. "That's another of those mysterious'because' reasons. Or as the fellow said, 'It's so if I say so even ifit ain't so.' Is that it, Lopez?"

  "Yes," snapped Lopez. "Now git to work at them oars and send this boatalong or it'll be the worse for you."

  Thus urged, the boys bent to the oars with renewed vigor. Their effortssent the boat along at a rapid pace. Finally as they were becomingexhausted, Lopez commanded them to head directly in shore. They did so,but instead of running ashore, shot up the entrance to a narrow bayou.Inside, Lopez commanded them to li
e flat in the bottom of the boat. Theyheard directly the sound of approaching oars.

  "What's that coming, Lopez?" questioned Harry.

  His answer was a thrust of Lopez's foot in his ribs and again he feltthe muzzle of the rifle creep along his spine.

  With the talk and laughter of their chums ringing in their ears, Harryand Arnold were compelled to lie silently in the scow, while the otherparty passed them a second time that night without being aware of theirpresence.

  "Looks like we better get up and go to work," announced their captorafter the sound of the oars and talk from the other boatload had diedaway. "We've got a long ways to go yet," he added.

  "Let's take it a little easier, if you please," requested Arnold. "Myarms are nearly pulled out of their sockets."

  "All right, my hearties, take your time now. I just wanted to get intoclear while the others went past us," replied Lopez.

  In a short time the boys were amongst the shipping on the river. Herethey were directed to row alongside a deserted wharf. Lopez guarded themwhile they made the boat fast and then prepared to take them up into arough looking quarter of the town. Just as they were preparing to leavethe wharf a boat was heard approaching from down stream. Lopez stopped,then gave a peculiar whistle.

  What was the boys' surprise to see Doright row up alongside the wharf,make fast his boat and come ashore.

  "Doright," Lopez commanded. "Youall come with me while I fix these youngrascals and then I want you to come back here and take that shipyardman's scow back to him and take that skiff back to the shipyard, too.Somebody might want them boats again."

  "Yaas, sir, Boss," was Doright's unvarying reply.

  The boys were marched a short distance up the deserted street to adisreputable looking shanty. Here they were forced inside and compelledto enter an inner room.

  "Doright, get a piece of rope and tie these young fellers."

  "Haint got no rope, Boss," announced Doright. "No rope here."

  "What'll we tie 'em with?" inquired Lopez.

  "Don't know, Boss," replied the darky. "Dey don't need tyin'."

  "Oh no, they don't," Lopez replied sarcastically. "They didn't need itup in the woods, neither. That's why they burned my cabin down. Now Ihaint got no home no more'n a rabbit."

  "Haint got no rope, Boss," dolefully declared Doright.

  "Here, take this gun while I cut up their snake skin," cried Lopez,turning over to the negro his rifle.

  He proceeded to remove from an inner pocket of his jacket the skin ofthe snake that had so nearly ended the life of Harry. Cutting this intostrips he quickly bound the boys' arms and made them sit down on abench. Next he prepared to leave the room, taking Doright also.

  "If you are good boys and don't try to burn this place," he said fromthe doorway, "I'll bring you something to eat by and by."

  After he had closed the door the boys sat talking over the events of theday. They were agreed that the day had been a most strenuous one andthat a little sleep would be welcomed. As they prepared to lie on thefloor for what rest they might get, Harry gave vent to a chuckle oflaughter. Arnold was all attention.

  "What is it, Harry?" he queried. "What's the joke?"

  "If that man only knew what he had been missing, he wouldn't have goneaway so cheerfully," replied Harry with another chuckle.

  "I don't seem to get you," declared Arnold. "I think you might tell--"He paused. "What was that noise?" he asked.

  "I didn't hear any noise," replied Harry sitting up.

  Through the wall came the plaintive cry, "Bob, Bob White."


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