Shattered Legacy : A Dark Bully Romance (Gravestone Elite Book 1)

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Shattered Legacy : A Dark Bully Romance (Gravestone Elite Book 1) Page 21

by Caitlyn Dare

  It’s no secret that they all have more money than sense, and access to anything their hearts desire. And, of course, they’re all twisted motherfuckers. It literally could be anything.

  “I know, me too. It’s gonna be brutal.”

  “You don’t look too concerned,” I point out.

  “They’re not gonna kill us.” He shrugs—fucking shrugs, as if this is water off a duck’s back. “We’re firstborn heirs of bloodlines that will become extinct without us. Their lives wouldn’t be worth living if they offed us.”

  Alex has a point, but it doesn’t fill me with much confidence. So they’re not gonna kill us. It still leaves it open to any other sick and twisted games they can come up with.

  I collect up my books and shove them all into my bag, ready to switch it with the one I packed earlier that’s waiting in my dorm.

  I’m at the door, about to say goodbye, when he speaks again.

  “Where are you really going?” he asks, his eyes holding mine as if he’ll read the answer within them.

  I pause with my hand on his doorknob, my temperature spiking.

  I want to tell him. Forgetting the fact that he only searched me out on my first day at Gravestone High on the instruction of Marcus, he's been nothing but a great friend. If it weren't for him, I've no doubt I'd have spent my entire time at high school here in the shadows, but he forced me to do things I didn't want to do. He forced me to live, and while I dug my heels in at every opportunity, I really appreciate that he never gave up on me.

  But I can't. This is one thing that I can't confide in him. If Cade were to find out that Alex knew… I shiver. No, I can't do that to him.

  "I'm going for a run. I'm too wired to sleep. I need to burn some energy off."

  "Riiight. For the record, I don't believe you, and I think you're playing with fire."

  My mouth opens to respond, but I can't find any words.

  I pull the door open and step through, but just before I round the corner I hear his warning loud and clear.

  "I hope she's worth it."

  You have no fucking idea.

  I quickly change, dragging on a pair of joggers and a hoodie before swiping up my overnight bag and heading back out of my dorm.

  Campus is pretty empty at this time of night. There are just a few students loitering around, but most are home, working their asses off in preparation for the weekend. I'm sure this place will look very different come tomorrow night when everyone is heading to all the different parties that will be scattered around campus.

  My muscles burn as I run, reminding me that I went out first thing this morning and did double my usual distance as I tried to outrun my demons. As usual, though, I never leave them behind for long.

  Mia's dorm building comes into view, and I lock my eyes on her window right as a figure emerges from the bushes to my right.

  My heart jumps into my throat as the moonlight illuminates the harsh lines of his face.

  "Going anywhere in particular this time of night, Easton?"

  Motherfucking cunt.

  "Just for a run. Gotta keep my strength up. Never know what you motherfuckers are going to throw at me next."

  A smirk appears on his face, and my fists curl to wipe it off.

  I'd fucking love to have a round or two with him just one-on-one. I'm sure I could fucking take him down. Actually, I'd put money on it. Without Ashton and his little gang of pussies, he's nothing.

  "With a bag?" he asks suspiciously, glancing over my shoulder.

  "Not that it's any of your fucking business, but I've just come from Alex's."

  "But his dorm is—"

  "Is this really necessary? I've got shit to be doing, Kingsley, and I'm sure you need to get home for your beauty sleep. Or your chosen whore for the night." His lips press into a thin line, and I wonder if he made use of Mia for his needs tonight.

  My stomach churns at the thought of her sucking him like she did me in the auditorium yesterday.

  "I guess not." He taps his forefinger to his chin as he studies me. "Just remember, Easton. I own this fucking campus. There isn't a thing that goes on here that I don't know about. I have ears and eyes everywhere."

  "Great, thanks for the reminder. I'll remember to flip off every camera I pass in case you're watching."

  "You know, it doesn't have to be this way."


  "You could just do as we say. You don't need to fight us at every turn."

  I laugh at him, which only serves to piss him off further.

  "You're talking bullshit and you know it, Kingsley." I take a step toward him, but he doesn't back down at all. "Whether I was a good little boy and took your shit or not wouldn't make a bit of fucking difference. I'm a threat to you. My bloodline is stronger and you know it. You might be reigning right now, Kingsley, but rest assured, all you're doing is keeping the throne warm for the real king."

  His lips twist and his eyes narrow as his fists curl at his sides.

  "So thanks for the warning, but I think maybe you should be the one watching your back. You can throw whatever you want at me, but I will win, and I will take my rightful place in this town. And I will rewrite all the motherfucking rules. Just. You. Watch. Me."

  Even in the darkness, I see his face turn beet red with anger.

  "Go on," I taunt. "Hit me. I know you’re fucking gagging for my blood."

  A growl rips up his throat.

  "Exactly as I thought. You’re nothing without your soldiers backing you up. Enjoy your night, Kingsley. I'm coming for you."

  I take off before he can respond. I continue toward Mia's dorm but veer right before the path that leads toward her main entrance.

  I know he's watching me. My skin prickles with his attention. I'm also aware that I just poked the beast, and I've only made it worse for myself. I have no doubt that whatever he'd planned for this weekend has just been ramped up another level.

  Fine by me.

  Bring it on, asshole.

  It's almost forty-five minutes later when I finally climb up Mia's fire escape and tap on her window. I needed to make sure the motherfucker had gone, because the last thing I need right now is to get caught in his prosapia’s dorm room.

  She quickly pulls the window open and attempts to drag me inside. I let her think she's helping, but the truth of it is that I've got a foot on her in height and at least fifty pounds in weight, so she's unlikely to be able to pull me anywhere.

  "I didn't think you were coming," she whispers as if someone is going to hear us, despite the fact that she's already closed and locked the window behind me.

  "I got intercepted by an asshole."


  "Yeah. It was almost like he was waiting for me."

  Mia pales at my words.

  "It's okay. I took off in the other direction. He doesn't know I'm here."

  "But why would he be waiting for you?"

  "I didn't say he was waiting for me." Although it sure looked that way when he emerged from the bushes. Not that I'm going to worry Mia with that. "He probably stopped off somewhere after leaving here. He was heading toward the parking lot." Kind of.

  "I really hope you're right, because if he has any idea about this then—"

  "Shhh," I say pressing my fingertips to her lips and stepping into her body. "Everything's okay, mouse. Everything is going to be okay." It has to be.

  She doesn't look like she believes me, and I don't blame her. Everything feels utterly impossible right now.

  "You're all sweaty," she points out when she slips her hands under my hoodie and connects with my flushed skin.

  "Hmm… so I am. Think you could help me out with that?"

  "I have an idea or two."

  "Two? I only had one in mind, and it involved getting you naked.”

  In minutes, we're both naked, and I've got her in my arms with her legs wrapped around my waist as I carry her into her attached bathroom and walk us straight into the shower.

  "Argh, tha
t's freezing," Mia squeals when I turn it on and we both get blasted with ice-cold water.

  "Allow me to warm you up." I drop her feet to the floor and press her back against the tiled wall.

  I claim her lips in a bruising kiss before descending her body, sucking her nipples into my mouth and grazing my teeth down the soft skin of her stomach before I throw one of her legs over my shoulder and dive for her pussy.

  My tongue sweeps up the length of her as she squirms above me, her fingers twisting in my hair causing biting pain to race down my spine, making my cock impossibly hard for her.

  "Mine," I growl against her. "This. Is. Mine."

  "Yours, Bexley. Oh God," she cries as I suck her clit into my mouth before lifting my fingers up to her entrance, working her until she's screaming my name and coming all over my face.

  Heaven. Fucking heaven.

  It's just a shame that it's all going to come crashing down around our feet long before we're ready.



  By the time Friday rolls around, my stomach is a tight ball of nerves. I survive morning classes but barely hear my professors due to the constant thoughts on loop in my head.

  This weekend marks the full moon, and Bexley and Alex’s Transitus. Cade wouldn’t tell me what it will entail—he wouldn’t tell me much at all when he stopped by to study the other night. It had been a total surprise, finding him at my door. But now, I can’t help but wonder if he had an ulterior motive. If he knows about me and Bexley.

  We’ve tried to be discreet. But it’s Cade. He owns this campus and most of the people in it. There’s no use in worrying about that now, though. Not when I have bigger things making me nervous, like tonight’s party.

  Sasha has invited me over to the house beforehand, to get ready and hang out. But I fear that it’s just a distraction while the guys do whatever it is they plan to do to Bexley and Alex.

  God, I hate this.

  Class breaks for lunch, and I file out of the room with my classmates. I’m meeting Annabel, but when I reach the end of the hall, she isn’t waiting for me. Sasha is.

  “Hey,” I say. “This is a surprise.”

  “I have a free period so thought we could grab some lunch.”

  “I’m supposed to be meeting Ann—"

  My cell vibrates in my pocket and I dig it out, reading the message. “Something came up. She’s busy.”

  Sasha smiles. “Guess I’ve got you all to myself then.” Lacing her arm through mine, we walk to the food court, keeping conversation to safer shores. Classes. Tonight’s party. Today’s lunch menu. I don’t ask about Cade’s plans, and she doesn’t ask me if I’ve been seeing Bexley.

  It’s like we’ve reached a stalemate and neither of us wants to surrender first. But I know the questions will come, they always do. Just as I know I’ll cave and ask her to tell me anything she knows about the weekend.

  We choose our lunch and find an empty table near the back of the room. But as soon as we sit down and start tucking into our food, someone approaches us.

  “What do you want, Brook?” Sasha grumbles.

  “Nice to see you too, sister.”

  Sasha bristles. “Go suck dick, we all know you’re a pro at it.”

  “Maybe I’ll see if Channing’s around.” The color drains from Sasha’s face as she grips the edge of the table. “He loves this thing I do with my—"

  “How can we help you, Brook?” I ask, cutting the tension.

  “Oh, Mila. Mila, Mila, Mila.” She tsks. “So much to learn.”

  “It’s Mia.”

  “I’m sorry, what?” Her shoulders lift in a dismissive shrug, twirling a lock of hair around her finger.

  “Did you actually need something, or did you just come over here to be a bitch?” Sasha seethes, and I wonder what happened between the two of them. Sasha claims to be my friend, but I hardly know anything about her. Although, I haven’t exactly been an open book either.

  “Just came to say I’ll see you tonight at the party. We should all hang out. Take notes, if you know what I mean.” With that, Brook saunters away.

  “God, I fucking hate her.”

  “But I thought the two of you—”

  “Are stepsisters?” Sasha balks. “Please. I have to tolerate her bullshit at home because my daddy can’t stand the arguing. But there is no love lost between us.”

  “Is what she said about Channing true?” I whisper.

  “Mia,” Sasha warns.

  “Oh come on, I know you like him.”

  “And like I told you, it doesn’t matter. He’s Electi, and I’m… a female heir.”

  “Don’t you ever wish you were born somewhere else?”

  “Every. Single. Day.” She lets out a heavy sigh before popping a fry into her mouth.

  “I know you can’t tell me much about this weekend—"

  “Don’t, Mia. Don’t put me in this position.”

  “I’m scared,” I admit. “For Bexley.”

  “Shh. You can’t be saying his name in public.” Her eyes widen. “If anyone overheard and it gets back to Cade…”

  “God, I hate this.”

  “Join the club,” she grumbles. For a second, I think she might say something else, but she doesn’t, and the moment passes.

  “Look, I know you’re—crap.” I look up and see the source of her panic. Cade and the Electi are heading right toward us. They speed up and sit down, Cade taking the empty chair beside me.

  “Mia,” he drawls, leaning in to kiss my cheek. “I missed you.”

  Ashton snickers. “You are so fucking whipped, man. If you ask me, you need to go fuck some unsuspecting girl and get her out of your system.”

  “Do you always have to be such an asshole?” Channing grumbles.

  “As opposed to such a pussy?” Ashton flips him off.

  “There goes my appetite.” Sasha pushes her tray into the center of the table, and the vultures descend, eating the remaining fries.

  “Looking forward to tonight, Mia?” Ashton asks around a wolfish grin.

  “Ash,” Cade warns.

  “What? It was just a question. The full moon party is always lit, but something tells me this weekend is going to be epic.”

  I let out a small sigh, reminding myself that this is nothing more than a game to Cade and his friends. But two can play at that.

  “Where’s Tim?” I ask.

  Cade bristles, and I go on. “Is he with Fawn? The two of them are so cute together. Will she be at the party? I haven’t really had a chance to hang out with her yet.”

  Silence falls over our corner of the seating area. Cade shifts his chair, dragging it until he’s pressed right against me. “I know what you’re doing, babe,” he whispers, “and it won’t work. You think Tim is soft? That he’s the weak link just because he’s wifed up? You have no fucking idea what Tim is capable of.”

  A shudder rolls through me at the venom in his voice.

  It doesn’t make any sense. Tim is the quietest of the group, the most withdrawn. I’d assumed it was because he was already engaged.

  I glance around at the five of them, and Sasha catches my eye and discreetly shakes her head. Don’t push him.

  Defeated, my shoulders sag. “I think I’m done here.” I shove my tray away and stand, but Cade grabs my wrist.

  “We’re not done here,” he hisses.

  “Actually,” I yank my hand away and shoot him a saccharine smile, “I think we are.”

  The second I walked away from Cade, I texted Bexley. I needed to see him. To feel his lips on mine, his arms wrapped tight around my body. But he didn’t answer. So I went to my next class and tried to let the dulcet tones of the professor distract me.

  By the time class is finished, I’m more than ready to go back to my dorm and shut away the world.

  But as I’m walking toward my dorm building, Sasha catches up with me.

  “Hey, are you okay?”

  “I guess.”

  “Ashton is a dic
k, like his sister. And Cade… well, he enjoys toying with people’s lives.”

  She laces her arm through mine and rests her head on my shoulder. “I know you want to stand up to him, but fighting back will only make it worse.”

  I shirk her off and face her. “What does that even mean? Everyone is always talking in riddles, and I don’t understand.”

  “That’s kind of the point.” Sasha gives me a sad smile. “He wants you to be disoriented, to drop your guard, even for a second.” She glances away, only briefly, but I see the hesitation shining in her eyes.

  “Sasha,” I say quietly, “what is it?”

  “Nothing.” Her smile is too forced, her tone too peppy.

  “You know something, don’t you?”

  “Not really, no.” She tries to keep walking, but I snag her wrist and pull her back to me.

  “Sasha… please.” A sense of dread washes over me. “Are they going to hurt them again?” I don’t think I could bear it if they are.

  “I overheard them talking…” she hesitates, glancing around. The path to the dorms is quiet, but she pulls me to a nearby bench and we sit down.

  “Have you ever heard of DOM?”

  “DOM?” I shake my head.

  “It’s a psychedelic. Strong as fuck. I heard Ashton saying DOM was ready for tonight. I thought he meant a person until I realized this is Ashton Moore and Cade Kingsley we’re talking about.”

  “They gave us something at the dinner the other week.”

  “DOM isn’t like E or G, Mia. It’s hardcore mindfuckery. If they’re giving Bexley and Alex DOM, they have big plans for them.”

  Fear trickles down my spine. “I have to warn them.” I leap up, but she grabs my hand.

  “If they resist or don’t show, Cade will know, and that won’t end well for anyone.”

  “But I can’t just not tell them, Sasha. What if something goes wrong? What if—" I drop back onto the bench. “At least if I warn them, they’ll know what’s coming. Maybe they’ll be able to avoid taking it or something.”

  Sasha doesn’t look convinced, but she doesn’t stop me either when I pull out my phone and dial Bexley’s number.

  “It’s ringing,” I say. “He isn’t answering.”


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