Breaking us Both 2: Bi Dominant Training Submissive Hotwife & Cuckold Husband Humiliation & Sharing

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Breaking us Both 2: Bi Dominant Training Submissive Hotwife & Cuckold Husband Humiliation & Sharing Page 1

by Tinto Selvaggio

  Breaking us Both 2

  Bi Dominant Training Submissive Hotwife & Cuckold Husband Humiliation & Sharing

  By Tinto Selvaggio

  Copyright 2016 by T. Selvaggio

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the author. Reviewers may quote brief passages in reviews.


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  Cover Design by D. Luck. Cover Images: Young Couple In Love by stil333& Businessman with arms crossed” by Ambro. Courtesy

  This work of fiction contains graphic sexual content and is for mature audiences only. It is intended only for those eighteen years of age or older. All sexually active characters portrayed in this ebook are consenting adults eighteen years of age or older. As a work of fiction, any similarities to any situations or persons living or dead are entirely coincidental.


  What happens to a cuckolded Husband when the dominant alpha male sharing his submissive wife wants them both humiliated?

  Vaughn is beginning to doubt the wisdom of introducing his beautiful young wife to wealthy older man Richmond.

  If only he knew.

  Richmond has hardly even got started.

  The older man has his sights set firmly on pushing the limits of the married couple, intensifying his demands of their dominant training and cuckold humiliation.

  How will a submissive husband and his young hotwife react to the increasing requirements of this old man as he tries to push them further and further into cuckolding and humiliation – even in front of each other?

  This 15k+ word wife sharing erotica ebook adventure, written from the husband’s point of view, contains explicit descriptions of sexual action and other activity including public humiliation, group sex, forced bi and sissy humiliation, submission and cuckolding. Only mature adults who won’t find that offensive should read this.

  Chapter One

  “I’m afraid we won’t be taking up the option to renew your contract at the end of next month.” My client leans back in his high leather chair the other side of his desk and opens his palms at me. He shrugs his shoulders as if the decision is out of his hands.

  “My partner and I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for all your input since we took over here Vaughn,“ the other suit standing near the window in their wood-panelled boardroom speaks for the first time. “We both wish you well for the future,” he crosses the room offering me his hand.

  “Yes and a shame we never did get to meet your good lady wife in person. You kept her a secret right to the end didn’t you?” smiles the partner in the leather chair. “Give her our best too though won’t you Vaughn?”

  My face flushes at the mention of Lily. It doesn’t take much to make me feel insecure about her at the moment. Not after what I saw her doing with Richmond in that parking lot. Sometimes I suspect everyone who mentions her to me knows what's been going on.

  I wipe my clammy palms on my pants and make my way down in the elevator to the car park. I won’t be sorry to lose that arrogant pair as clients even though it might mean Lily has to increase her hours at work until I can replace them.

  I check my watch. If I get my foot down in the car I should still be able to reach the gym my wife goes to before she gets there.

  The traffic is pretty light at this time of the afternoon and I make the gym and Spa in plenty of time to avoid being seen by my wife. I tuck the car into a corner of the parking lot. From here I’ll be able to watch the entrance door to the gym without any cars directly passing me and risking the drivers catching sight of me.

  In some ways I feel ridiculous sitting here. I’m sure there’s absolutely nothing to worry about. I haven’t heard anything from Richmond for nearly a fortnight. Not since he said he had to go overseas for a few weeks because of a new business his company had bought. He said he’d be back in touch as soon as everything was sorted over there. But still I can’t shake this sneaking suspicion that he and Lily could be going behind my back. That they could be keeping me ‘out of the loop’ or so to speak.

  Anyone who tells you that submitting to another man and surrendering your wife to him is straight-forward is lying to you. Sometimes you’re plagued by nagging insecurities that make you do things like I’m doing now; sitting waiting in my car. Other times all you can think about is the mind-blowing sexual arousal so intense that you can hardly sleep at night.

  It comes in waves or cycles.

  A car swings in to the car park and I sink down into my seat in case its Lily or Richmond. It’s a Honda though. I watch it pull-up across the lot and a huge-assed woman with blue-rinse hair waddles across to the entrance with her pink gym bag. What the hell am I expecting to see hiding here like some third-rate private detective?

  Why would Richmond have lied to me and not really be abroad at all? Does the idea even make any sense? Why would Lily tell me she was meeting a girlfriend at the gym then going straight out for a meal with her after working out? I just need to see for myself that it’s not Richmond she’s meeting tonight without me being told.

  Is this what paranoia is like?

  These last few days I’ve been feeling more scared than excited about my wife and him. Maybe it’s because Richmond hasn’t been around to talk to about it and I obviously can’t bring the subject up with Lily. She still has no idea I’m even aware of him, let alone that I ‘introduced’ her older lover and her to each other. What words would any husband use to try to explain to his wife exactly what I’ve done here?

  I drum my fingers on the steering wheel, more convinced than ever that I should put a stop to this whole thing.

  I turn the engine back on so that the heater can warm my legs. The late afternoon sun is sinking, taking the temperature with it.

  What if Richmond was lying about going away at all and he only said it because he never wanted to be seen or heard by either of us again?

  Maybe that’s how predators like him work. I shudder at the brief mental image of myself on my knees at his feet. Guilt and self-loathing try to smother me. I shove the thoughts away.

  Maybe once someone like Richmond has proven that he can take what he wants from else’s wife and humiliated her husband; he moves on. Perhaps he just likes the challenge or the chase? He debased me in that hotel suite and my wife in front of those strangers in that parking lot. What if we’re nothing to him now and he’s moved on to the next conquest?

  Perversely, something about the phrase and the thought of a man like Richmond taking what he wants from my wife then dumping her makes my groin throb.

  Lily’s car hurrying into the parking lot almost takes me surprise. I duck down out of sight. Realistically I doubt she’d notice my car even if it wasn’t so well hidden. It’d be the last one she’d expect to see here.

  I crouch, waiting for the sound of her car door closing and her heels across the ground. When the sounds don’t come I inch upwards, craning my neck to see Lily’s white car beyond the other vehicles directly in front of me. I can make out her head in the driver’s seat, exhaust fumes outside rising towards her back window. She’s waiting. For Richmond?

  My heart pounds. I couldn’t bear to lose her. If she’s meeting him behind my back I have to confront her tonight. But how? What do I say without admitting what I’ve done?

  A car horn sounds and a small burgundy-colored Ford pulls up alongside Lily’s c
ar. I squirm further down in my seat. My wife gets out of her car grinning as does the brunette from the Ford. They hug and I watch Lily’s rounded ass as both girls walk across the parking lot with their gym bags.

  Looks like Lily was telling the truth after all. What kind of a fool am I wasting my time like this?

  Back home I’m relieved and more clear-headed about everything now. As temporary as this might be, I’ve all-but convinced myself that Richmond has ‘moved on’ and that it’s probably the best thing that could have happened.

  I fix myself a cappuccino and decide to make a start on some marketing for a new client. If I draw up a list of suitable local businesses I can start canvassing them with my freelance services when I’m working from home tomorrow.

  I’m going alphabetically through a trade directory and have got as far as the letter ‘C’ when my phone alert sounds. A new email in my ‘anonymous’ hotmail account. I’m so absorbed in the trade directory it takes a couple of seconds for me to register the potential significance.

  My throat and stomach tighten at the sight of Richmond’s name. The subject heading is one word: ‘Return’. I hesitate and then with my pulse throbbing in my throat, click into the body of the email.

  ‘Good evening Vaughn,

  I hope you and Lily are keeping well.

  My heart bangs in my chest like a repeatedly slammed door at his mention of my wife.

  ‘Apologies for not having been in touch for a while. Matters here have been far more complicated than I anticipated. I think even my own wife has begun wondering whether I still exist!

  I’m pleased to say though that the new business set-up here is finally concluded and I can now leave it in what I hope are the capable hands of my team. My return flight has been booked for late tomorrow night. I’ll need to sleep off the inevitable jet-lag and attend to family matters for a day or two, but should be able make myself available towards the end of the week.

  I think it’s important we have a catch up ASAP and discuss the next phase in the development of our project.

  I look forward to talking to you again towards the end of the week.



  Chapter Two

  I wanted to act immediately that email came through last night. To tell Richmond it was over. To let him know there’s no way there could be repeat performances of any of it. I’m not really sure what stopped me doing that.

  I guess now I know he wants to carry the relationship on, I need more time to think everything through. I mean I have no idea where Lily’s head is at with regard to him or ‘them’. I don’t know everything that’s happened between them or exactly how he left things with her before he went away.

  The only thing I do know is that the more I’ve thought about what I helped happen between the two of them; the sicker I’ve felt. Never mind what happened between him and me those two afternoons in that hotel suite. I just don’t think I can handle this anymore.

  As soon as Lily left this morning I began trying to compose a more measured and controlled reply to Richmond than I would have sent last night. I don’t believe he’s the vindictive kind but I don’t want to risk upsetting or angering him when I try to end this.

  Sitting at my desktop PC my email takes me so many rewrites that I lose count and its several hours before I arrive at the final version.

  ‘Hi Richmond,

  Glad everything has gone well on your trip.

  While you’ve been away I’ve had time to think things through in a lot more detail.

  While I do really appreciate the help and advice you’ve given, I’ve found what happened between the three of us very difficult to manage emotionally. I guess if I’m totally honest I don’t think I’m up to what I thought I wanted.

  I’m sorry, but I honestly don’t believe I can continue with this anymore. I hope you don’t feel I’ve wasted your time but I would be grateful if you don’t contact Lily again so that we can hopefully move on from this.

  I hope you go on to find another couple you can develop a long term relationship with and I wish you well for the future.

  Kind Regards,


  Even when I’m finally sure the message can’t be further improved I’m trying to talk myself out of sending it. Couldn’t I just ignore him? Wouldn’t he just eventually disappear? Maybe, but who’s to say he wouldn’t just carry on with Lily? That’s what happened last time I stopped replying to him. How would I know whether he was continuing to see her or not? In any case, would it be wise to risk the wrath of a man like this by ignoring him?

  My finger hovers over the ‘send’ button for several seconds before I find myself scrolling down the page. I read last night’s email from him again. My eyes linger on his phrase about wanting to discuss the ‘next phase in the development of our project’. Almost before I know what’s happening I realize I’m contemplating letting things continue with this man.

  What does he mean by ‘next phase’? An image fills my head. That night in the parking lot. Lily stripped gloriously naked, Richmond fingering her up to his knuckles in front of those other men. My hand moves across the front of my pants. My stomach clenches. I know this has to stop, but desire is seeping through me again. It floods and could drown me.

  I need to resist this insane sexual excitement the only way I know. To relieve it, beat it off and then when my desire is spent, to immediately send this final email to Richmond.

  I hurry to the toilet and take my erection in my fist. Lily on her hands and knees for him. Lily being pounded by his powerful thrusts. Richmond directing me onto the floor at his feet. My balls spasm and I’m gasping.

  Cleaned up and back at my PC I hit ‘send’ without any hesitation. Richmond will doubtless have business and family priorities when he does eventually arrive back. It will probably be a couple of days before he reacts to the message. If indeed he does. Maybe he’ll just shrug his shoulders and decide to look for another couple after all. In that case I’ll probably hear nothing back from him.

  Perversely, only an hour later I’m feeling a sense of ‘loss’ about having sent the email.

  Wasn’t this exactly the kind of guy I always imagined for Lily? He was her ideal. Look how quickly she fell for him. Where would we ever meet anyone so perfect again?

  I try to push all thoughts of Richmond out of my mind and focus instead on looking for a new client.

  By the time I’m finishing my lunch, he replies. I hesitate before clicking into his email on my phone. Somehow I’m not wholly certain of my resolve or ability to resist if he tries to argue about what I’ve said. But I must.

  ‘Good afternoon Vaughn,

  Thank you for your email. I’m glad you feel you can trust me enough to confide your deepest emotions to me. Believe me; I do completely understand how conflicted you may be feeling. It wouldn’t be natural if you were anything other than uncertain and disorientated by what has happened so far.

  Ordinarily at the start of a project like ours, I would have been around to constantly mentor and coach you both through what can be the difficult early stages. Unfortunately, but also unavoidably in this case; I couldn’t as you know be present. In my experience the alternative of long distance counselling via email always carries the potential to do more harm than good.

  I’ll be leaving for the airport very shortly and will have time once there to talk more fully if you are available yourself. If so, feel free to call my cell after 4pm or if you’d prefer I’ll ring you and save you the expense.

  In the meantime, having dealt with similar situations in the past I’ve learnt how helpful it can be to simply remind yourself why you sought the involvement of someone like me in the first place. In your case of course Vaughn: - sexual satisfaction for your wife and submission to a more senior, dominant male for you both.’

  I read his last sentence several times over.

  ‘Try not to lose sight of this Vaughn. It’s easy for one’s emotions to sidetrack an in
dividual from their original and deepest needs.



  My palms sweat as I read then read again the whole email.

  Why won’t he take ‘No’ for an answer? I don’t know what to do. Maybe now the time has come to ignore him. I mean, I’ve tried to spell out how I’m feeling. I’ve told him I want this to end. Why should I need to speak to him on the phone?

  On the other hand maybe he’s right. Maybe it’s only natural I feel so confused about everything. Horny one minute, scared shitless about losing my wife and my own dignity the next. Can I actually trust my feelings about wanting to put a stop to this? Wouldn’t other cuckolds just be able to lie back and enjoy the whole process? Maybe even getting off on the fear and worry?

  I’ve chewed the end of a Cross pen Lily bought me so hard that it’s deformed. I want to chicken out and ignore Richmond. But if I did call him I could find out how he left everything with Lily. There’s something else too. Something I can scarcely even acknowledge to myself. A crazed part of me wants to experience the thrill of being spoken to again by Richmond.

  “Hey, Vaughn Good Afternoon.” his voice sounds relaxed and confident when he answers at 4:10pm. My whole torso feels like it’s in a vice just because I’m on the phone to him.

  “I’m glad you called. You should always feel free to do so. I want to help.” He says calmly.

  “The thing is Richmond,” I want so much to sound firm and in control but I’m stammering from the first words. “I’m just not comfortable with this now.”

  “I understand,” his voice is soothing, like he knows something I don’t and whatever it is - I don’t need to fear it. The airport tannoy sounds in the background.

  “I would expect nothing less from you Vaughn; you’re a sensitive boy. But tell me this: How easy did you think it was going to be handling the fact you were sharing a woman like Lily with someone like me?” he laughs but it’s not a mocking laugh. It has a sympathetic, understanding tone to it. So much so that I can’t help silently smiling down the phone.


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