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A Matter of Time 03 - 04 (Volume 2) (MM)

Page 18

by Mary Calmes

  When I walked back and saw the keys dangling from the ignition, I started laughing. It was just absurd. Between the kidnappers and the carjackers, it was a toss-up over who were the bigger morons. I was hopeful that, because Caleb was a smart guy, he too had been able to escape. I got in, closed the door, and drove out of the parking lot.

  It worked out great, since driving the kidnapper's car I could take all the evidence with me. I parked it in front of the police station downtown. It was a noisy, crowded zoo, but I stood in line and waited my turn. When I finally made it to the desk sergeant, I asked him to call Detective Sam Kage downstairs for me. I was informed that the detective was out but that his partner, Detective Stazzi, was free to see me. I asked to go upstairs, but he told me to take a seat instead. I walked to the waiting area and slipped down into the first chair I came to. I heard my name minutes later and lifted my head in time to see Chloe flying across the room to me. She was yelling at people to get out of her way and the two other men beside her—big guys, big like Sam—parted the crowd for her. When she knelt in front of me, hands on my face, I smiled at her.


  "Jesus Christ, Jory," she breathed, her eyes all over me.

  "Where did you come from?"

  So I told her about the kidnapper's car I had parked out front and all about Caleb and me and how worried I was about him.

  She nodded and smiled, used a very soft voice when she talked to me, and had several blankets brought for me. She was very concerned about my body temperature and how big my pupils were and the fact that I was talking a mile a minute. When she suggested that I go to the hospital with her I agreed, since I wanted to make her happy. I told her I was only doing it for her.

  "Thank you, honey." She smiled at me, looking at the other two men with her, moving me toward the door, her cell phone in her hand.

  "Are you calling Sam?"

  "Yes, honey."

  I nodded. "Will you call Dane and tell him to meet me at the hospital?"


  "Is Aja okay? I saw her running, but I just—"

  "Aja's just fine. You're the one we were worried about."

  "I was worried about her and Caleb. I tried to—"

  "Jory, everybody's been looking for you. You're the one we were worried about. We weren't sure if you were hurt or—"

  "I'm a little bumped up but... will you tell Sam I'm sorry?"

  She nodded, steering me toward the door. "Of course. Now stay with me, okay? Open your eyes for me."

  I was closing my eyes?

  "Jory... sweetie...."

  But my legs went out from under me and even her calling my name didn't help. I couldn't see anything at all.

  * * * *

  I woke up at the hospital, and even though Chloe wanted me to go in on a gurney, I wouldn't. The wheelchair was out of the question as well. I shuffled along beside her, unsure of my feet, and when I looked up and saw him at the emergency room entrance, I smiled.

  I saw his chest constrict, heard his sharp intake of breath as he stood there, frozen, taking me in, absorbing me with his eyes. The muscles in his jaw were cording, as were those in his neck. His eyes were ravaged and I felt terrible, standing there knowing that I was the cause.

  "I didn't mean to get kidnapped," I said when I was close enough for Sam to hear me.

  He charged across the remaining few feet that separated us and I got my arms lifted in time to receive him as he crushed me to him, his face buried in my shoulder. He took deep breaths as he clutched me tight.

  "Jory." He shivered hard.

  "Sam," I sighed, listening to his heart hammering in his chest, drawing the heat from his body and pulling it into mine. He was so solid and strong, I just wanted to lean and be held. "Say something good."

  "I love you." He kissed the side of my neck, my shoulder, slipped his hands up under the back of my sweater to caress my bare skin.

  The warmth of his voice, the tenderness of his touch sent heat racing through my body. The man didn't just love me—I was his home. He couldn't do without me.

  "Why didn't you fuckin' call me?" he growled, stepping back to look at me.

  I realized how much I needed him close to me. When I reached for him, he shook his head.

  "I didn't have a phone," I said in way of an explanation. "I went where I thought you'd be. That was smart, wasn't it?"

  He cupped my face in his hands and looked into my eyes.


  "Loving you is gonna fuckin' kill me."

  I smiled into his beautiful eyes and he pulled me back to him and kissed me long and hard. I was so lost in kissing him that, when he ended it, I moaned loudly.

  "God, Jory, I was so scared. Nobody knew where you were and... baby, you can't just—"

  I pulled him down for another kiss, my mouth devouring, my tongue tangled with his.

  "Stop." He shoved me back, but clutched me tight at the same time, making sure I didn't fall. "You scared the shit outta me."

  I put my hands on the side of his neck. "I'm sorry."

  "We gotta get you checked out and—"

  "I'm okay." I smiled, leaning my forehead against his lips.

  "I just need to sleep."


  "Is Caleb okay? I was so scared when—"

  "Baby," he cut me off, cupping my face in his hands. His palms were so warm; I realized how frozen I was as I shivered hard. "You need to let me take care of you."

  "He's really out of it," Chloe said from behind me. "You should get him inside."

  Sam didn't respond, concentrating on me. "Jesus, J, your pupils are huge."

  "Oh yeah?"

  "Did somebody hit—"

  "I got hit in the back of the head," I told him before I smiled up into his eyes. I felt like I was floating and I was pretty sure Sam was the reason. 'Cause I loved him. "But it doesn't really hurt anymore, I just—"

  His hand went to my hair as he leaned my forehead into his chest. "Oh shit, J, there's a huge bump back here."

  "I'm okay," I said as I tipped my head back and kissed his chin. "I'm so glad to see you. I missed you."

  "J," he said sharply, shaking me a little. "Baby, open your eyes."

  I realized when I did that I was suddenly looking down a long tunnel at him. "Sam, I love you."

  "Jory! Baby!" he yelled at me and it felt like there was a dip, like I was riding a roller coaster, that drop in your stomach just before you start down. And then there was nothing at all.

  * * * *

  I groaned as I opened my eyes. "Crap."


  I rolled my head to the left and there were Sam and Dane and Aja.

  "Hey, baby." Sam smiled at me, his voice soft, gentle, reaching out to put his hand on my cheek. It was so warm and I leaned into it. "How ya feel?"

  I grunted. "I feel like shit. What's wrong with me?"

  "You got a mild case of hypothermia, a concussion, and you're really dehydrated. They've given you three IV bags already."

  "Oh yeah?"

  "Yes, baby. You were really out of it before."

  I nodded and looked at Dane. "Sorry. I'm really sorry I worried you."

  He walked around the bed and leaned over and took me in his arms. I breathed him in and he held me tight, his face in my hair.

  "Dane, please—"

  "You saved Aja and you're home safe. I couldn't ask any more of you."

  "You're not mad at me?"

  "Mad at you?" He exhaled deeply, rubbing my back. "No, Jory, I'm just thankful. It's all I am."

  "You sure?"

  "Jory, you're amazing. The only reason I yell at you and worry about you is because you're my brother. If you... if anything ever... I...."

  I relaxed in his arms and my eyes drifted closed. The lips that touched my cheek were featherlight and soft, like the petals of a rose. I smiled slowly. "Aja," I sighed, opening my eyes with great effort, her lovely face my reward. "Hi."

  "Jory." She smiled even though her eyes were
filling fast, her bottom lip trembling. "Oh baby, I was so scared."

  "Don't cry."

  But she couldn't speak because the tears had drowned her voice.

  "Dane, lemme hold your wife," I sighed.

  He threw his arm around her, pulling her in close so we were both in the circle of his arms, holding us both so tight. "I can't lose either of you," he barely got out.

  "You won't," Sam assured him, his hand rubbing circles on the small of my back. "But I think you need to put J back down before he passes out."

  And I didn't hear what Dane said back because the room did a sharp tilt to the left and I was dumped into a black pit.

  * * * *

  The hand was slowly smoothing the hair back from my face, over and over, gently, lovingly. It felt really good.

  "Are you awake?"

  I made a noise.

  "Open your eyes then."

  I opened them just barely and saw Sam sitting there, looking at me.

  "How do you feel?"

  "My whole body hurts."

  He nodded. "I bet."

  The three-day-old stubble, how soft his eyes were, the way his hair was sort of sticking up, the shy, crooked grin that took the ice out of his dark, smoky blue eyes, infusing them with heat... all of it made my heart hurt. "You look so good."

  He just stared at me. "They want you to spend the night in the hospital for observation because of the concussion."

  "I wanna go home."

  "I knew you would, that's what I told them. Dane's fixing it now."

  "Good," I sighed deeply, "because I just wanna sleep with you."


  I felt the sting of the tears behind my eyes. "I missed you."

  "I missed you too, love."

  "That's even better than baby." I smiled up at him, letting out a deep breath of contentment. "I can't wait to go home."

  "Okay, baby," he said, and put his head down on my chest, over my heart.

  I trailed my fingers through his hair as I looked out the window. I watched the snow gather on my window. Gray, cloudy days being my favorite, I was comforted by the darkness.

  * * * *

  Sam gave me a choice. I could either be carried down to Caleb's room or I could ride in a wheelchair. I rode, and when I reached his room and saw him, I was so relieved I started shaking. Caleb had been grazed by a bullet that hit his leg, but other than that he was in great shape. He actually looked much better than my own bruised and battered appearance.

  "I was so worried about you," I told him, holding his hand, trying not to cry.

  "I know." He sighed, hugging me tight. "You care so much about me."

  And I did. We were friends, and family, sort of. I stayed with him as long as Sam let me. I found it sad that Caleb didn't have anyone to sit with him. Sam assured me that it was not going to be me.

  Once we were home and Sam had the car parked on the street in front of my apartment, I swung the door open to get out.

  "Don't move, J."

  So I waited for him to come around, and when he did I jumped down. Before I could walk away though, he scooped me up into his arms.

  "Oh hell, no." I squirmed to get him to drop me. "I'm not a girl, Sam. You can't carry me like—"

  "I'm carrying you up to that apartment," he told me, "and if I put you over my shoulder you're gonna be sick. So today you're going like this."

  "But Sam, I—"

  "No, J, just stop talking."

  I sighed, realizing he was going to have his way since there was nothing at all I could do about it.

  He rubbed his chin in my hair as he carried me up the front stoop and inside the door that led into the foyer of the building. I let my head drop onto his shoulder and felt him tighten his hold.

  "Caleb's gonna be all right, isn't he?"

  "That's the fifth time you've asked me."

  "No, I know," I said. "I was just worried about him."

  "You're the one that got hurt, J, he should be worried about you."

  "He got shot." I was incredulous. "I didn't even—"

  "He was grazed by a bullet, that's it. You, on the other hand...." He took a settling breath. "You were choked and hit and kicked and—"

  "I'm fine," I cut him off before he got worked up. "You can see I'm fine."

  "Well, so is Caleb," he snapped at me. "He's in better shape than you."

  I was going to mention again that Caleb Reid had been shot, but Sam didn't seem all that receptive to the reminder.

  "Caleb was way luckier than you," Sam said, letting himself in with the key to the security door. I told him I could get up the stairs myself, I didn't need to be carried, but he didn't even slow down. "Just let me take care of you...


  "Why don't you just put me down?"

  "I don't feel like it. I like holding you," he said as he effortlessly took the stairs even with my added weight.

  I squeezed him tight and felt the deep breath he took when he reached my front door. My apartment was just as I'd left it days earlier. It was so good to be home.

  "It's cold in here," he commented as he locked the door behind him.

  "The radiator just hasn't kicked on yet." I yawned. "But it will."

  "Yeah, and you'll be frozen by then."

  I couldn't stop yawning. My eyes were watering, I was so tired. "I need a shower so bad."

  He carried me to the bathroom, and after I promised not to pass out and hit my head on the tile or the faucet, he went to get a fire started while I stripped out of my clothes and washed away my days of captivity.

  When I was towel-drying my hair, he came in with sweats and socks and a long T-shirt for me. He watched me as I changed.


  "Nothing." He shook his head. "I'm just glad to see you."

  "Where are you going with my clothes?" I asked as he put my jeans and sweater and boots in a plastic bag.

  "It's evidence," he told me. "I'm gonna call someone to come pick them up."

  "Okay," I said weakly, "I'm gonna go lie down."

  "You should try and eat something."

  But just the thought of food was nauseating. "Maybe later," I said, walking away from him.

  My bed felt amazing and I sank down onto it. I was almost asleep by the time he came back, but I felt the bed dip as he lay down.

  "Come here."

  I lifted up and he pulled me into his arms so I was lying with my legs between his and my head on his chest. The steady beat of his heart was very comforting, as was his warmth.

  "Did you miss me?"

  "I more than missed you," he said, his hands in my hair, on my back, petting me.


  "I don't sleep the same when you're not with me. I figured that out when I was gone all that time. You're the only one who makes me forget about everything else so I can"

  "You know, for a big tough silent-guy type, you say a lot of really good stuff."

  "Yeah well, I try."

  "No, you don't." I smiled, my body getting heavy. "And that's the best part."

  "J, you—"

  "Wait," I said, rolling over on my stomach away from him, reaching between my shoulder blades to pull my T-shirt off and over my head. "Look."

  "J, I'm trying to... oh shit." I heard him deflate.

  I smiled into the pillow as I felt his warm hands sliding over my back.

  "Jory... baby, you put my name on you."

  "Yes, I did," I said softly. This was the first time Sam was seeing my tattoo. I hadn't gotten the chance to show him before everything happened.

  "I don't...." he trailed off, and that made me very happy.

  The tattoo was simple, just large black letters, but it was special because I had taken a piece of paper with his signature on it with me to the tattoo parlor. They had used a projector and enlarged it and then traced it on my skin. The result was as though Sam himself had signed his name directly over my right shoulder blade. There was no mistake to whom I belonged now.r />
  "How did you do this?"

  I grunted as his hands slid up and down my spine, down over the small of my back and lower, over my ass, massaging, kneading my skin, taking the tension away with each pass.


  "Do you like it?"

  "Yeah," he said simply, his voice hoarse, kissing the tattoo gently, and then tracing the same path as his hands, down my back to my ass. "I was so scared, J. I've never been that scared even before."

  I rested my head on my hands, tried to roll over without success. He wanted me down.

  "There's bruises on your back and your ribs."

  "One of the guys roughed me up a little."

  "There was blood on your clothes," he said tightly.

  "Don't think about it anymore."


  "I'm home now."

  "I know, I just... we're no closer to stopping this guy."


  "Yeah. Me, my partner, the department, the feds... all of us."

  "You'll figure it out, Sam."

  He cleared his throat. "You know Dane asked to talk to you when he talked to Caleb, but the guy said no."

  "You were scared I was dead, huh?"

  "No, 'cause Caleb said you were okay, but... I wanted to talk to you."

  "'Course." I shivered as his hands started back up my back.

  "Feel good?"

  "You know it feels good."

  "I missed rubbing your tight little ass every morning."

  I concentrated on breathing.

  "I missed everything about you."

  "I'm sorry I scared you."

  "Honey, you have no reason to be sorry."

  "I just feel... weird. I think maybe I'm a little out of it right now."

  "Baby, you are so out of it, you have no idea. Everything that's happened and you're this calm, talking to me, rambling on about how funny it was that you were carjacked after being kidnapped... Jory, honey, you should be terrified."

  "But it's just so stupid, Sam. C'mon, that shit is funny as hell."

  "You're in shock, baby."

  "I am," I asked, rolling over onto my side.


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