The Vessel

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The Vessel Page 10

by Felicia Tatum

  “Hey, don’t freak out, ok? I just worry. Have you seen Sebastian lately?” She questioned, her voice edgier than usual. “Santos is at that smarty-pants summer camp, but Sebastian isn’t.”

  “No, Sadie, he went.”

  “No he didn’t. I talked to Santos just a few minutes ago. He hasn’t seen Sebastian either,” she explained, her eyes showing a hint of anger. Her mouth was tight as she sucked her cheeks in. She didn’t just look mad…she looked furious.

  “Sadie…where do you think he is?” My chest rose and fell quickly, the tightness growing stronger.

  “I don’t know, Scottie. But I have a feeling he’s up to no good.”


  “Remember the time at the grocery store? Come on, that’s not normal. He hates all of us. He’s always angry. There’s no telling what he’s up to,” she said, shaking her head.

  “Surely….” I paused. My brother was angry, but he wasn’t evil. He wouldn’t have taken them and tortured the woman I loved. No way. “He didn’t take Olivia and Aiden.”

  Her head snapped up, “What?” Her mouth formed a big “O” as she stood. “I never said he did, Scottie. Don’t put words in my mouth. I never thought he took them. I just want to know what he’s up to. I don’t want to have to go around cleaning up his messes.” Her arms were flying around in the air as she paced the length of the porch. I’d definitely pissed her off this time.

  “Sorry, little sis. I wasn’t trying to upset you. Don’t be mad at me. I think…we’re all on edge and need to chill.”

  Her chest puffed out as she took a deep breath. “We need to relax.”

  “Exactly. I wanted to ask Livvie out on our first date, but maybe we could all hang out tonight? You, me, Livvie, Juniper, Mark…all of us. Want to?”

  She smirked, “And Aiden?”

  Clenching my jaw, I nodded briefly. “And him. Don’t really have a choice there.”

  “I can’t look at him without seeing what happened at the dance…” she admitted, sheepishly.

  “Uh…me neither. I want to rip his head off.”

  Laughing, she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. “I love ya, Scottie. Please don’t rip his head off. Let me know when and where and I’ll be there.”

  “Ok. I’ll see ya then. Gonna head home and call Livvie.”

  “See you later.” She gave a small wave and went back inside to assist Grandma. She was doing much better after finding out about The Destroyers, but we didn’t want her alone for long. The fresh air filled my lungs, and I decided to walk home. It wasn’t far, and the day was too nice to waste.


  I sat nervously fidgeting with my hands and staring at the floor. The first time back to my house was scary and heartbreaking. The tears threatening to escape weren’t going to win this fight. Kyle sat across from me, looking almost as awkward as I felt. We hadn’t spoken one word in the five minute car ride over. This whole not-close-to-my-brother thing kind of sucked.

  I exhaled, clenching my hands into a tight fist. “Sooo….”

  “Yeah, I don’t know where to start. I thought they would have told you by now…but if they’re missing, and I’m being followed, I’d guess you are too. You could be in danger, Olivia.”

  “How so?” I inquired.

  “Olivia…you don’t know our parents any more than I did at your age. What I’m going to tell you…well, it’s hard to take. And you may not believe me, but I really, really need you to be open minded.” His eyes were huge. He looked like a scared little boy, not like my distant, non-caring older brother.

  I decided to just ask what I was thinking. “Does this have something to do with my recent powers?”

  He shot out of the chair. The legs came off the floor and landed back down with a loud thump. I looked at him quizzically. His hands were shaking, and the red on his face gave me the impression he wasn’t too happy about what I asked.

  “You have powers?” he spat at me.

  I nodded. I wasn’t sure what else to say to him since he was in a rage.

  “You are kidding me! They bound you, I was there,” he moved closer, his face inches from mine.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Kyle, but I’d appreciate if you got out of my face,” I enunciated each word, trying to control the anger rising in my chest.

  He registered what I said. He backed away, the shock really settling in. “You really don’t?”

  I shook my head.

  “Mom and dad…they aren’t what they seem. Mom is a vampire and dad a sorcerer, well was. They are forbidden in their world, the two races aren’t allowed to mix. So when they had me, then you, they had to bind our powers so we couldn’t reach our potential. There is no known mix of vampire/sorcerer breed, Olivia. If you have powers…they broke through the binding. You’re in more danger than I thought.”

  “What do you mean was?”

  “Well, vampires are immortal. Mom couldn’t stand the thought of losing dad someday, so she injected him with her venom.”

  “You mean she bit him?” I asked, disgusted by the thought.

  He looked equally sick to his stomach. “Yep.”

  “Ugh. So…tell me about this binding thing.”

  “It’s a simple process, basically, before you turned one year old, they had to take you to the council, and they worked to bind your powers. I never got any powers. I’m human. I don’t know how they do it, exactly. I do remember them telling me all of this when they took you, because I had to tag along. Both of their families disowned them, Olivia. Everyone took this really seriously,” he explained.

  My parents were vampires. But my dad had been a sorcerer…just like Scott. I wasn’t sure what this meant for him, me, us, but I knew we were in danger. If people were following me, they had to know where Scott lived. “I wonder if someone that’s been following you is who took me in May?”

  “I don’t know. But neither of us is safe. Something strange is going on. I don’t think anyone has ever followed us like this…I talked to dad about it all once when I was about your age. He said both communities basically just ostracized them. They only have each other, and us.”

  “You mean me. You ran off, Kyle,” I said to him, not really thinking before my mouth spilled the words out.

  “I did leave. I wasn’t too happy that I could have had this wonderful life, never dying, having powers, but they took that from me, Olivia! They had no right.” His voice was rising, making me flinch away from him. I could feel the waves of anger rolling off him.

  I kept my eyes cast down, afraid of looking directly at him. He had no powers…but I did. “Why didn’t the binding work for me?”

  “I don’t know, I guess you got lucky, ya know?” he angrily spat at me.

  “Lucky?” I snarled as I stood, stepping closer to him. “I was taken and held in a room for two months. My parents were kidnapped, and if that binding really didn’t work, I’d guess those people either want me dead or in for experimentation. So don’t you dare say I’m lucky.” I glared at him, narrowing my eyes as he studied me.

  “You’re right, sorry. I just always wanted to know what it was like…and now you do.”

  “It’s scary as hell, Kyle. That’s what it’s like.” I rolled my eyes, making my way to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I didn’t hear his steps behind me. Glad for a few minutes of peace, I leaned against the sink, trying my hardest to not let the tears fall. The disasters just kept coming at me, and it didn’t look like anything was going to let up.

  There were going to be consequences. Any way I turned, the outcome looked dreary. I had Scott, but at what price? If we didn’t find this descendant, I was destined to die. My parents had faced their own set of problems and made the best decisions they could…only for it not to work for me? What would happen when this council found out? If Scott’s curse didn’t kill me, would they?

  I inhaled deeply until my chest couldn’t take anymore. Slowly, the air released from my nostrils, le
aving calmness over me. I ambled my way back to the living room, ignoring the small pieces of glass left over from the break in. Gathering my courage, I stepped in and studied Kyle. He looked a little like me. He was twenty-eight years old. I couldn’t figure out how he wasn’t a redhead, like me. I thought one redhead usually meant the siblings would be too, but I guess I was wrong. I never was a good student in biology. His eyes were identical, though I would bet his didn’t glow at times. Now wasn’t the time to bring that up to him, though.

  Our noses both slanted downward and to the right, but only slightly. I only noticed because mine did the same. Our similarities ended there. I was petite and small in build. He had large muscles and was hefty. His chest seemed to go on for miles, stretching his shirt to the max. He wasn’t a bad looking guy, but his attitude…it made me wonder if he was rude to everyone or just his family.

  “So…where do you live again?” I questioned him, seating myself in my favorite chair. It had been moved to cover the barely visible dent I’d left a few months ago.

  “Florida…Georgia…wherever the wind takes me, really,” he stated nonchalantly.

  “And you really left because they bound you?”

  He nodded, running a hand through his hair, leaving it sticking out in all directions. Now that I was closer, I could see the faint circles underneath his eyes. He looked stressed.



  “That’s not really a good reason to run out on your family,” I scolded.

  “I know,” he said quietly. His eyes peered at me under his long lashes, and it was hard to be mad. Yeah, he was a jerk, but he was still my brother. He knew more about what was going on than anyone else at this point. I needed him in my corner.

  “Well, as long as you know. Now, are you going to stay in town?”

  “Someone’s gotta make sure you stay safe,” he joked. He playfully swung his arm out to punch me, but missed, causing me to laugh hysterically. He really wasn’t good at this.

  “Ok, well why don’t you get your stuff in here. We’ll figure out what our next move is,” I suggested.

  “Ok, sis. Ya know…I’m sorry I haven’t been the brother I should have. I know that doesn’t make up for anything, and my being here now isn’t going to make up for anything, but maybe when it’s all over we can talk more.” His voice was sincere, so I nodded.

  If I was still here. I couldn’t help but think of the worst.


  “Ok, man. We’re at Juniper’s. Yeah, see you in a bit,” Mark said into his cell. Cell phones had really developed since I had one. Mine had been simple, only being able to call and text, but his was like a mini computer. I wondered what all changed since my life had been taken over.

  “Hey, new Aiden, are you listening?” Juniper poked at me. Her lips curved slightly, telling me she didn’t hate me anymore. Couldn’t tell if she liked me though.

  “No, sorry. What?” I asked.

  “I said…Scott is coming to talk to us about something. Might wanna prepare for y’all’s next fight or whatever.”

  “We do not fight.”

  “Uh, yeah you do. You look at him like his neck will be between your hands any second, and he looks at you like you’re Satan.”

  “Thanks for the visual,” I said sarcastically. I didn’t know if I liked her almost liking me or hating me more.

  “No problem. Now try to get along with him. Him and Liv, their hearts are like this,” she said, winding her fingers together to create a knot. “Don’t mess with it.”

  “Whoa, whoa, I haven’t messed with anything,” I told her.

  “Good. Don’t,” she commanded.

  I glared at her, then turned to Mark. “Is she always like this?”

  “Yes, so you’d better listen. She was scary before she turned immortal…I wouldn’t wanna make her mad now,” he shuddered with a smirk.

  “Seriously, come on—“ I was interrupted by a knock at her door.

  She sped to it instantly, opening to let Scott in before I could even blink. How did she move so fast? He came in, looking as arrogant as usual, inspecting the surroundings. His eyes barely surveyed me, before he stopped on Mark.

  “Where’s Livvie?” he questioned, his voice slightly panicked.

  Leaning back, I stretched my arms around the back of the seat. I smirked. He didn’t know where his “love” was for once. Maybe they weren’t as close as everyone assumed.

  “She’s with her brother,” I commented, even though Scott had tried his best to ignore me.

  His head whipped to glare at me. His eyes pinched into little slits, giving me a glimpse of what he would look like if he was Chinese. The thought made me want to laugh, but I thought better of it. I was in a room with powerful people, and Olivia wasn’t here to protect me.

  “Her brother? He doesn’t live here,” he said.

  “No, he doesn’t, but he’s here.”

  “Something’s wrong,” he stated.

  “Thanks, Sherlock, I didn’t know,” I quipped at him. I heard Juniper snort as she held back laughter and it made me feel a bit better.

  “Don’t mess with me, Aiden.”

  “I’m not. Just answering your questions.”

  “I wasn’t talking to you,” he barked, looking away from me.

  “Boys…let’s play nice, please. Olivia isn’t here but she would not be pleased,” Juniper said, her eyes darting to look at both of us.

  I raised a brow and shrugged. I had no reason to fight with him. He just really got under my skin.

  “Where did they go?” Scott asked, his voice a laced with desperation.

  I kept quiet this time, letting his friends deal with him. Mark explained what had happened. Scott’s face grew darker with every word.

  “Ok, guys, I’m going to go over there and see if she’s ok. Sadie and I thought we could have a barbeque tonight. We all need a relaxing night, so if you want to head over there, we’ll meet you there.”

  Juniper looked at me, her face tense. She didn’t know what to do with me.

  “It’s ok, I’ll go to that grocery store or something. Is there somewhere I can get on the internet?” I asked.

  “No, you’re invited,” Scott said curtly.

  Shocked, I just stared at him as my mouth fell open. Juniper looked at him uneasily, but didn’t say anything. Mark took the lead.

  “Ok. We’ll go over. Grandma’s?”

  Scott nodded in agreement and was out the door. Always playing the hero.


  I knocked on Livvie’s door. The black sedan in the driveway proved Aiden hadn’t been lying about her brother being in town. What this meant, I wasn’t sure. She told me about her family, but only mentioned her older brother. I gathered they weren’t close siblings.

  She opened the door. Her hair was loose and wavy, her eyes dancing with laughter. The sight of her made my heart skip a beat, and my face broke into a wide smile.

  Her eyes widened and she jumped in excitement, “Scott!” Her arms circled around my neck. My skin instantly reacted to hers, heating with desire. Her strawberry scent tingled in my nose and I hugged her tightly.

  “Hey, babe.”

  She grinned up at me, her eyes crinkling at the edges. “My brother’s here…”

  “I know,” I told her with a laugh. “It’s why I’m here.”

  “Oh, well come on! I want you to meet him. Just…he can be rude, don’t let it get to you. He has some anger issues,” she said with a wave of her hand.

  Anger issues didn’t seem like something to brush off, but I followed her inside. The house was different than the first time I saw it. Juniper and Sadie worked hard to ensure everything was neat and back in order for when we found everyone. Just inside the living room, her brother perched on the arm rest of the sage green sofa. He was much larger than Livvie. He looked nothing like her. He looked up and I saw he possessed the exact eyes Livvie did. Ok, they shared eye color, but nothing else from what I could see.
  He stood awkwardly watching us, waiting for someone to speak. He looked me up and down, analyzing me and turned his eyes to Livvie expectantly.

  “Kyle, this is my…this is Scott,” she said, fumbling over her words.

  I gave her a sidelong glance, raising my brow in question. I guess we hadn’t technically discussed our status, but I thought it was obvious. She avoided my stare, chewing on her lip and giggling nervously. I couldn’t help but think she looked adorable.

  I held out my hand, taking Kyle’s and shaking firmly when he extended it in return. “Nice to meet you, Kyle.” I nodded as I spoke.

  He grunted in reply. His shake was limp, showing his indifference to meeting me.

  “So, what brings you to town?” I asked politely.

  Olivia gripped my upper arm with her nails, sending a wave of lust over my body. My mind couldn’t help but think of our dreams, and I looked at her with a smirk. Blushing, she pulled me out of the room.

  “My dear, we shouldn’t do this with your brother here,” I chided, pulling her closer. My lips crushed on hers, devouring every inch of her mouth. I pried her lips open, mingling my tongue with hers. She moaned softly, arching her body into mine. Extending my hand, I blindly reached for the wall for support. I guided her back, pushing her body against it. Pulling her lips from mine, her eyes peered at me, her need for me evident in her gaze. I moaned, dropping my face to take her lips again. We moved together, our kisses urgent. My hand gripped her side. I slid one hand under her shirt, the electric current from touching her skin setting me on fire. My fingers pressed into her, and her kiss became deeper.

  Suddenly, her hands were on my chest, pushing me away. Her face was flushed and her lips swollen and red. Her huge green eyes stared at me. “I didn’t bring you out here for that,” she whispered.

  I chuckled, “Sure you didn’t.” I reached for her, but she smacked my hand away.

  “Kyle says people are following him, Scott. I’m a little worried about this. I need to speak to Anna.”


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