Worth the Risk (Blue Falls #2)

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Worth the Risk (Blue Falls #2) Page 4

by Stella James

  The night feels cool by the time we leave Mac’s. I pull Sophie close to me while we walk to my truck, her body molds to mine as if we are made to fit one another. Neither one of us had more than one beer so I’m good to drive us home. I’m hoping the night isn’t over for us but I don’t want to push her. As if reading my mind, she turns to me as I pull away from the curb and makes the decision for me.

  “Trace, I don’t want to go home yet,” her voice is sure, without a hint of hesitation and I know exactly where I want to take her.

  Twenty minutes later we are laying on a thick blanket in the box of my truck looking out at the lake. The bright lights of town blink in the distance. It’s one of the best views in the area and I know Sophie will appreciate it. She’s wearing a hoodie of mine that I had shoved in the back seat, it nearly drowns her small frame and comes down to almost her knees. Her body is nestled against mine, her head rests on my shoulder and her leg is draped over mine.

  “Tell me something good Sophie.”

  She looks up at me and smiles. “When I was ten years old there was this boy who lived down the street from us. He used to tease me all the time, call me ridiculous names, typical kid stuff. Anyways, one day after school I was walking home and I was about to pass his house when I noticed him sitting on his front step. Usually he would have shouted at me or said something dumb that would have worked me up but this time he just sat there quietly and stared at me. He did the same thing every day for a week. Finally, I got so sick of it that I marched across his lawn one day and demanded that he tell me what his problem was. He wouldn’t answer me, so I turned around to leave but he grabbed my hand. He still wouldn’t speak and he had this strange look on his face, and then he kissed me right on the lips. I completely panicked and did the first thing that came to mind, I kicked him square in the nuts and took off as fast as I could,” she chuckles over the last part and I laugh at the image of a young Sophie putting some punk in his place.

  “My gran baked his family two blueberry pies and made me walk over there to apologize. He had his hands over his crotch the entire time” her laugh is loud and sweet, her eyes brimming with tears. “I’ll never forget the look on his poor little face, he thought I was going to kill him, I’m sure of it!”

  Our laughter echoes off the lake and into the night.

  “Wow, remind me never to piss you off, I have a very healthy attachment to my balls,” I grin.

  “Fear not, Trace, your balls are safe with me” she leans up and presses her lips to mine.

  “Your turn,” she says. “Tell me something good.”

  I look up at the sky and I’m surprised how easily the memory comes to me, as if it’s been sitting there all along, just waiting for me to share it.

  “I can’t remember how old I was, maybe eight or nine, but one year for my birthday all I wanted was a ninja turtle sleeping bag. I had this idea in my head that I could use it if we ever went camping, which was ridiculous because we never did anything like that. My dad was too busy being drunk and miserable. Anyways, it was a couple days before my birthday and my dad had to go out of town for something, some safety course or something for work. When my mom called me down for supper that night, I found her in the back yard holding a ninja turtle sleeping bag and a pillow. She had a blanket spread out on the grass for herself and a thermos filled with hot chocolate for us to share. We stayed out there for hours, just watching the stars. It was the best birthday I’d ever had. She took off a few years later and I haven’t seen her since. Not that I can really blame her, my old man was and still is a miserable son of a bitch.”

  “I’m sorry Trace,” she leans up and presses her lips against the side of my mouth. “Thank you for sharing that with me, and thank you for bringing me here,” she says.

  We continue to watch the water in comfortable silence. I’ve never opened up about my parents to anyone besides Mona and Cole. I’m surprised at just how easily I want to share things with Sophie.

  A cool breeze comes off the lake and she presses herself closer to me, she slowly brings her hand to the top of my jeans and traces her finger back and forth along my skin. The voice telling me to take things slow is becoming little more than a whisper. One light touch from her and it goes straight to my cock. I’m a simple man and in that moment I’m struggling not to take what I want. What I need. I look down at her just as she meets my stare. Her eyes are searching mine when she says my name softly.


  I pull away slightly and roll her flat on her back. She lets out a soft gasp as I bring my body on top of hers, caging her in with my arms on either side.

  “Is this what you want Sophie?” I need to be sure before things go any further.

  “Yes,” she says.

  “Spread those beautiful legs sweetheart.”

  Her long legs wrap tightly around me. The last thing I see before I claim her mouth with mine is a desire in her eyes that I know matches my own. I press my lips firmly to hers, her dress bunches up around her hips as I rock my now raging hard cock against her covered pussy. I can feel the heat through her panties and my jeans. I plunge my tongue into her hot mouth and claim every moan she gives me. Her hands grip my shoulders. She nips my bottom lip and soothes the sting with a swipe of her tongue. I bring my mouth to her neck, grazing my teeth along her skin as I take my time tasting her. Her breath is coming in short gasps as I trail one hand down her body and rub two fingers along the damp silk covering what I am sure will be the sweetest pussy I’ve ever tasted. I push the fabric to the side and slide one finger inside of her. Fuck me, she’s tight and dripping wet. I push another finger inside of her and use the heel of my hand to massage her clit. She pumps her hips back and forth and fucks my fingers like a goddess.

  “Oh God, please don’t stop Trace.” Both her hands now grip my wrist while I slide my fingers in and out, her sweet honey dripping all over my hand. She’s so responsive to my touch, it makes me want to beat on my chest like a barbarian.

  “Fuck Sophie, you’re so tight baby. Do you like that? Do you like my fingers inside of you?” She moans her response as I pull down the top of her dress and expose her beautiful tits. I take one rosy nipple in my mouth and lightly pinched the other one. She bucks up against my hand and I know she’s close. “I want you to cum Sophie. I want you to cum on my hand and when you do I’m going to lick every drop of you from my fingers.”

  “Yes, please Trace, don’t stop I’m so close!”

  “Tell me Sophie, who’s going to make you cum?”

  “You! Trace, you, only you!”

  Her tight walls close in around my fingers as she throws her head back in ecstasy. I rub circles over her swollen clit while she falls apart, writhing beneath me, gasping my name. When the pulsing in her tight pussy slows down, I pull my hand from between her legs, taking as much of her as I can.

  “Eyes on me Sophie, I want you to watch me taste you,” I lick every drop of her from my fingers while she watches with heavy eyes. “Fucking delicious sweet Sophie.”

  I take my time smoothing out her dress and regretfully cover her back up. I want tonight to be all about her. I nip and kiss my way back up to her beautiful face. She places her hand on my now throbbing cock, rubbing me through the thickness of my pants. I’m wound so tight I nearly cum right there in my boxers. I take her hand in mine and bring her knuckles to my lips.

  “Not tonight Sophie, tonight is all about you baby.”

  “I want to touch you Trace.” God help me I’m going to be jerking off all night long to get rid of this ache.

  “If you touch me right now I won’t be able to stop,” she opens her mouth to respond but I beat her to it. “When I take you for the first time it won’t be in the back of my truck. It will be in my bed and you can bet your sweet ass I’ll be taking my time with you. You’re going to feel me for days, sweet Sophie, I fucking promise you that.” Her eyes widen with anticipation at my words, telling me that my response satisfies her. She rests her head back on my s
houlder and relaxes into me.

  Chapter 8


  I wake up to a very pleasant soreness between my legs. I told Trace that he didn’t have to be in control with me and he most definitely took my advice last night. I’m not a complete novice when it comes to foreplay but it’s been awhile since I’ve been touched like that. I had a boyfriend during my senior year of high school and we’d fooled around a bit but it was completely tame compared to the way Trace manipulated my body. Of course like any self-sufficient woman, I am capable of giving myself pleasure but again, completely lack lustre when compared to the way I fell apart last night. Any dating that I’ve done in the last couple of years has never gone further than a kiss or two. It’s almost as if my body knew that Trace was out there somewhere, waiting. With his hands on me it felt as though I was coming apart, I felt him everywhere. We stayed at the lake for a while longer before he took me home. He walked me to my front door and gave me one last toe curling kiss before he left. I walked into the living room to find Mona and Kate spooning on the couch, this was not an unusual thing. I covered them up with a blanket and headed to bed while thoughts of Trace occupied my mind and then my dreams.

  I roll over and grab my phone off the nightstand to check the time. I picked up an extra shift at the café but I still have a couple of hours before I have to be in. I’m wide awake so I decide to get up and check on the love birds in the living room. Mona is still asleep but Kate is sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee and a magazine, every hair in place. It doesn’t matter if she stays up late or has too much to drink, Kate is always immaculate. It drives Mona crazy.

  “Good morning,” I pour myself a cup of coffee and join her at the table.

  “Hey you, did you have a good time last night?” She asks.

  “Yeah, I did actually. It was nice to get out, I feel like I’ve been working so much lately and haven’t had a chance to catch up with anyone.”

  “Now that, I can relate to. I love my job but some days I wish that old fart would fuck right off and retire already.” Kate works in the Mayor’s office as his assistant. He just turned seventy and refuses to retire. “So how are things going with Trace?” she asks.

  “Good so far, I mean it’s only been a few days but I really do care about him.”

  “I know honey, and trust me when I say that you are good for him. He’s never really had a reason to try before. He’s hot as hell so women have never been scarce and he’s never had to work at making anything stick before. He’s never wanted to. Not until you anyways. It’s kind of a nice change to see him sweat a bit,” she smiles and downs the rest of her coffee. “Well, I should hit the road. I’ll leave you to deal with that,” she says, pointing to Mona.

  I finish my coffee and eat a quick breakfast. Mona hasn’t moved an inch by the time I’m ready for work so I leave her a note next to the Advil and head out.


  Sundays are always the busiest day at the café. My shift is four hours but it feels like I’ve only been here for ten minutes. Before Trace left last night we made plans to have dinner tonight, he’s going to pick me up at seven and take me to The Astoria, a hotel on the outskirts of town. According to Amy, the girl I’m working with today, it’s pretty high end. I’ve seen it in passing but I’ve never been inside. The hotel sits in a low valley surrounded by a clear blue lake on one side and hills of spruce trees on the other, you can see the snow tipped mountains rising up behind it almost as if they are standing guard. The building itself reminds me more of a small castle or mansion rather than a hotel. I suppose that’s part of its appeal, guests feel like royalty for a night or two. The guy who owns it doesn’t actually live in the area, apparently he’s some super wealthy business man who owns hotels all over the world. I check my phone while I walk home and see that I have a message from Trace.

  Trace: Looking forward to tonight sweet Sophie, see you at 7.

  Me: I can’t wait, see you then xo

  I decide that I should text Mona and see if she’s still alive. I’m hoping that she will help me get ready for my date.

  Me: Are you currently among the living?

  She finally responds as I’m climbing the stairs to our apartment.

  Mona: Hardly. I need a shock bra that will zap me in the tit every time I do a shot of tequila.

  I open the door and as expected, find Mona laying on the kitchen floor in her bra and underwear. She does this every time she drinks too much. She claims it’s the only surface in the entire apartment that isn’t made of lava. I put my bag on the chair by the door and lay down beside her.

  “I have a date with Trace tonight. He’s taking me to The Astoria for dinner.”

  Her eyes shoot open and she scrambles to sit up.

  “What the fuck Sophie?! You’re waiting until now to tell me this?! You need to get ready! Let me cut your hair! Please! Please! Pleeeeeaaase!!” She gives me what I think she assumes are puppy dog eyes, but really she just looks kind of crazy. Innocent is never a look that Mona can pull off. She’s been trying for months to convince me to cut my hair. I stand up and help her to her feet.

  “I will let you TRIM my hair on two conditions,” I say.

  She pouts like a child but nods in agreeance.

  “One, you have to put clothes on.” She rolls her eyes and scoffs. “And two, you will give me your treasured red leather pumps to hold as ransom until you are finished. And if you so much as take more than one inch off my hair, I will murder your shoes.” She puts her hand over her heart and it takes all my strength not laugh at her horrified expression. Shoes are her weakness. She thinks about it for a minute and sighs her defeat.

  “Okay fine. I’ll get dressed and I’ll only give you a trim. I promise. Man, when did you get so damn sassy? I kind of love it,” she smacks her lips against my cheek and practically skips down the hall to her room.


  By the time Mona is done with me I only have about ten minutes to kill before Trace will arrive to pick me up. As promised, she gave me a quick trim. Somehow she managed to distract me enough that I agreed to let her do my makeup. Our styles were very different so I was nervous to look in the mirror but when I did I was pleasantly surprised. She lined my eyes but kept the shadow a neutral colour so they still popped but in a very subtle way. She contoured and highlighted my cheek bones and finished off the look with a nude lip gloss. Mona truly has a gift and I’m beginning to think that I should take advantage of it more often. I let her run the flat iron through my hair so it now falls in a sleek curtain past my shoulders. I opt for a plain black cocktail dress and my black wedges. I like the added height but without the sacrifice of stumbling around in stilettos.

  “Sophie, if I didn’t love cock so much I swear I’d attack you right now,” she says.

  I laugh at her very graphic compliment. “Thanks, I think.”

  She leaves me standing in front of the mirror to go answer the door. I smooth my hair down one last time before I go in search of my date for the evening.

  Chapter 9


  I spent most of the day helping Cole and his dad put together furniture for the babies’ room. Cole’s mom had taken Lily shopping that morning and they came back with a truck full of boxes. I couldn’t imagine having two babies at the same time but if anyone can do it, it’s the two of them. Cole has a great example with his parents and Lily has the patience of a saint.

  I leave Cole and his dad to assemble crib number two and head home to grab a quick shower before my date with Sophie. The Astoria has only been open for a couple of years but it’s proven to be a big money maker for the town. During peak season the place is fully booked every night with a cancellation list. Cole’s company was hired last year to add an entire block of rooms in order to accommodate the never ending flow of tourists. Lucky for me we were currently in the off season until the snow starts to fly, so it wasn’t hard to get a reservation in their five star restaurant. I wanted to take Sophie somewhere other t
han Mac’s or one of the other small restaurants on Main Street. Six months ago I couldn’t have cared less about taking a woman out for a meal. Sophie deserves better. I park my truck and head up the narrow flight of stairs. Mona lets me in and then disappears to her bedroom where she claims she has a date with Mr. Bob, whoever the hell that is.

  When Sophie walks into the kitchen it’s like the entire world stops. Everything fades away except for her. She’s always beautiful, but tonight she looks so fucking sexy I’m surprised my cock doesn’t burst through my pants. Everything from her silky hair to the way her eyes glitter has me feeling like a damn caveman. I want every last mother fucker out there to know that she’s with me. I don’t realize that I’m standing there staring like a moron until she clears her throat and begins to look uncertain.

  “Come here Sophie.”

  Her uncertainty is replaced with relief as she walks across the room. I run my hand down her back and pull her close enough so that she can feel how hard I am. I kiss the side of her neck and bring my lips to her ear.

  “Do you feel that baby? All I have to do is look at you and I’m aching” I can feel the shiver that travels down her spine. If we don’t get the hell out of this apartment I’ll end up taking her right here on the kitchen floor. I stand back and allow her to lead the way out the door, my hand remains planted on the curve of her gorgeous ass until we reach my truck. Anyone who sees us tonight will know for certain that Sophie is spoken for.


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