Anything She Wants

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Anything She Wants Page 4

by Unknown

  “Oh my god.” Mercy blinked. “You’re going to have to pinch me. I think I may have just had one of my erotic dreams again.”

  Carly reached over and pinched her thigh, smiling.


  “Well, you said to pinch you.”

  “That was still mean.”

  “You know you liked it.” Carly stood up and held out her hand. “You okay?”

  Mercy paused for a moment and grinned. “I think I am.”

  “Good. Because spanking you has given me a wicked appetite. Let’s go eat.”

  Mercy held onto the table and got up on shaking legs. “How about the salad place next to your bakery?”

  Carly made a face. “Are you kidding me? After all that passionate sex, I need some real food. Besides, you and I aren’t finished yet.” She handed Mercy her clothes.

  “I was hoping you were going to invite me over to your place for some dessert.” Mercy grinned, waggling her eyebrows suggestively. “I hear there are some cupcakes that need to be eaten.”

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Blurring the Boundary

  Sarah Ellen

  Katherine watched with feigned amusement as her co-star Alex dashed from the set towards her trailer. Her pent up energy had been all too obvious in the scene they had just shot. And, if past experience was anything to go by, she’d bet her last dollar that Josh Daniels would be making the most of this heaven sent opportunity. A fact that left her feeling both dismayed and deprived. Of course, she’d felt it too; any good actor felt the pull of their screen character’s emotions overspill into their private life from time to time. It was the nature of the job. On this occasion though, it seemed to be affecting her far more than it ever had before.

  She wandered over to catering and helped herself to a cup of coffee. Alex had only been allowed to leave because the set had needed rearranging. All too soon they would be back in each other’s arms, guiding a forthcoming audience’s belief toward their increasingly torrid, passionate love affair. A love affair that had somehow weaved its way into Katherine’s mind. So much so, that it almost seemed reality.

  She carried her coffee over to a small isolated table avoiding the large numbers of staff and crew essential to such a big production. Usually the most sociable of people, today she felt drained and out of sorts. The weather wasn’t helping. The air conditioning on set had broken down and everyone was feeling the heat. Not wishing to lose even the smallest time to a looming deadline, the director had decided to push on. The repairs could wait until well into the night.

  She took a sip from her cup and set it back onto the table with measured control. Although outwardly calm, inside her mind was absolute turmoil. Her scenes with Alex were pushing her to a place she’d never been before. Now, even when working, she found she’d almost stopped thinking in character; she was responding as Katherine. And it wasn’t just being in such close proximity to Alex that made her breathless and lightheaded, it was the way the scenes played out. The sexual tension between her and Alex had been crafted superbly and Katherine was struggling to contain her own feelings. Her desire was at times overwhelming, but she didn’t have the luxury of a non-battery toy to bring about her bittersweet release.

  “Are you ready?” Alex bounded up to her, catching Katherine unaware.

  “Yes.” She took a last swallow of coffee and got to her feet.

  “Then come with me.” Alex casually linked arms with her and steered her towards make-up.

  Katherine fought the impulse to shake herself free. Alex had no idea as to the effects of her slightest touch. No idea that Katherine’s nipples immediately thrust against her cool silk shirt. Alex was oblivious to the downward tug of longing her touch created at the junction of Katherine’s legs. Feeling almost faint, she was relieved when she reached the stool she should sit upon.

  The attention Katherine received was minimal, a quick flick of powder to remove the sheen from her face and a re-touch of her lip gloss. Seated beside her, Alex took a little longer. Katherine waited patiently as the make-up artist uncomplainingly reapplied most of Alex’s make-up. Although to Katherine’s eyes, she remained impossibly gorgeous, her brief interlude with Josh had smudged a once perfect application. Fortunately, her creased clothes wouldn’t matter. Her imminent scene with Katherine involved rolling around a large bed. Katherine was dreading it.

  Kissing Alex had been simple in the beginning. Despite having never met before, they’d formed an easy friendship within days of being together. Both had denied doing any background research, or reading any snippet of press coverage to catch an insight into the personality of the person cast alongside them. However, Katherine suspected that, when it came down to it, Alex had been as meticulous as she had been. And although the current media attention focused incessantly on the same-sex action involved in the movie and not the love triangle it promised, Katherine knew that neither one of them had acquired any bad press involving any such past relationships. It was one of the reasons she’d agreed to take the part. An actor should be able to play any role, she’d reasoned, but a sex scene with a woman would be far easier with someone as straight as herself. There’d be no blurring of boundaries. She glanced over at Alex as she slipped down from her stool and nodded to her that she was ready. So, what had changed?

  Way back when Katherine had agreed to practise their first kiss because Alex was wound up about it, she’d considered it unnecessary. In her opinion, then, an on-screen kiss was just a choreographed movement the same as any other. Now, she’d have to disagree. The chaste, dry kissing they’d embarked upon in Alex’s trailer bore no resemblance to the on-screen, greedy, open-mouthed, tongue-fucking kisses Katherine had become accustomed to and, if she was honest with herself, longed for.

  Perhaps the difference had arrived with Josh. Because they shot non-sequentially, Alex’s scenes with Josh intermingled with theirs. One sex scene, out of necessity, followed another. That, combined with Josh and Alex’s illicit off screen relationship, had shifted the dynamics. The result was a new-found sexuality that oozed from Alex and surreptitiously settled upon Katherine, transforming the way she felt about her co-star.

  It had been Alex who changed her approach to the kiss, flicking her tongue provocatively between Katherine’s lips before running it up against her teeth. The first time she’d tried it, Katherine had thrown her a look of surprise but the appreciative words from the director seemed only to spur her on and Katherine had to admit it felt right for the part. Then there was the smoldering look Alex had acquired; when her brown, mesmerizing eyes burned liquid and bright, and when Katherine found herself lost inside them. Since then she’d become far more receptive to those kisses than she knew she ought to be. Each time Alex nuzzled her mouth, she found herself wanting more contact with her smooth, warm lips—wanting to taste more of the hot, wet orifice beyond.

  She followed Alex to the edge of the bed where moments later she would throw her down and pluck the clothes from her body. Already, she could feel the heat gathering between her breasts, feel the pulse building between her legs, feel both excitement and dread pulling at her soul. If she couldn’t keep a handle on this particular scene, then how the hell would she manage the next? The most demanding of all.

  Alex gave her a quick wink and then moved into her embrace as the clapper board sounded and “Action!” was yelled.

  Katherine concentrated hard, pulled Alex to her and kissed her fiercely. Alex responded by taking her tongue deeper into her mouth and gently sucking it. An arc of desire rushed through Katherine’s body, forcing her to open her eyes. She saw Alex too had opened her eyes and was staring at her with an intensity she’d never seen in anyone before. Her legs buckled as passion overcame her. She dragged her mouth away and pushed Alex roughly back onto the bed. She peeled off the tank top Alex was wearing and threw it to the floor. Her breath left her with a rush as she stared in awe at the two perfectly formed round globes directly in front of her. Oh, how she wanted to
reach out and touch them; to just forget the script and hold such beauty in her hands. Lost in her own fantasy, Katherine’s imagination took over until a sound jolted her back to reality. She looked down to find she was caressing Alex’s breasts. Oh god! What were her hands doing there? Where was the bra she was supposed to remove just before the end of the scene? This could not be happening. Embarrassment washed over her. While she could enjoy the challenge of improvisation, she was way beyond her comfort zone on this occasion. Alex gave an encouraging moan and seemed to sense she needed help. Katherine felt Alex’s hands join hers and together they fondled Alex’s breasts. Bewildered, she allowed Alex to guide her fingers over her erect nipples, feeling their hard puckered surface. Forgetting herself and craving more, she leaned in for a kiss.

  “And cut!”

  Katherine jumped to her feet and, oblivious to the sound of applause, raced towards her trailer. She needed to be alone, to get her head back in shape. So many unanswered questions flashed through her mind. What was happening to her? She’d never experienced feelings of such intensity before. And for a woman! Where the hell did that come from? And who had encouraged Alex to remove her bra? Was it someone who’d guessed her feelings, playing a sick joke? She moistened a face cloth under the cold faucet and pressed it to her temple before lying on the bed. Unsatisfied desire still burned within her, but she refused to touch herself. Angrily, she pushed a vision of Alex and Josh indulging in fraught, uncomplicated sex from her mind.

  The knock on the door reminded her she had no time to think of Alex and Josh. She needed to ready herself for the scene she had come to dread the most. In the beginning, she hadn’t feared it at all. The script had called for a scene of oral seduction and, like the kissing, Katherine reasoned, it would be carefully choreographed, mechanical even. A head bobbing beneath the covers, the director had said. The close-ups would be on Alex’s face and not Katherine sprawled between her legs. They would both be wearing flesh-colored underwear. And lastly, the scene would be performed on a closed set, from which all but the most necessary of staff would be excluded. Easy for a detached professional, Katherine surmised. Not quite so easy for her at this moment; filled with a longing she’d only guessed at before and a seemingly limited amount of self control.

  “Five minutes, Katherine,” a voice outside her trailer called.

  “I’ll be there,” she responded.

  She took several deep breaths and felt her anxiety begin to recede. “You can do this,” she told herself.

  She met Alex on the set. They laughed together as they were each handed a robe and the flesh-colored panties.

  “Sexy, eh?” Alex whispered.

  They changed behind discreet screens and Katherine emerged feeling self-conscious. She made her way towards the enormous bed and climbed into it. Alex too hopped on, then settled beneath Katherine.

  “Just remember, Katherine,” the director said, “don’t overdo the movement.”

  “Do you know how many times he’s told me that?” Katherine asked.

  “Well, here goes.” Alex grinned.

  On cue, Alex began kissing her and Katherine’s resolve immediately started to crumble. The insistence of Alex’s prying tongue and the pink softness of her lips set her heart jumping. Her panties felt tight and constrained. She could feel the beginnings of moisture tracking its way down. The memory of Alex’s breasts and the sensation of her rigid nipples beneath her fingertips filled her mind. She wanted to explore them once more.

  Instead, she reluctantly lowered her head and burrowed beneath the covers, almost crying out when she came to the junction of Alex’s legs. The fact that Alex too was affected by the heat and feeling aroused was obvious. The unmistakable aroma of a sweet muskiness reached Katherine’s nose. That it was almost certainly the result of Josh’s recent attention and not hers, failed to bother her. Intoxicated, she felt an immense urge to kiss the prominent mound; to feel its heat jammed against her lips. This close, she could make out the contours of Alex’s separated labia. She wriggled nearer, compulsion driving her forward, then suddenly threw the covers back in panic.

  “I can’t breathe,” she said.

  The second take was no better. Alex’s kisses grew progressively more insistent in the build up to Katherine making her way down the bed. And Katherine, past caring how Alex perceived it, responded with increasing eagerness. Reluctant to leave Alex’s attentions, she felt a gentle pressure upon her head, urging her down. This time, unable to help herself, she placed her mouth where she’d longed to only minutes before, and teased her tongue along the moist fabric, only to find Alex leaping out of the bed.

  Katherine sat on the edge of the bed, desperately trying to focus on the scene and not what was happening to her own body. It was easy to see Alex was also finding the task difficult, and Katherine wished she could help her. The solution, of course, was to stop any spontaneous reaction resulting from Alex’s performance. From now on, she vowed, she would strictly follow the direction offered and get through the scene as best as she could. Alex, it appeared, had asked for a bathroom break and Katherine hoped she wouldn’t take long, as the intensity of emotions threatened to overwhelm her.

  Alex didn’t look Katherine in the eye as she very modestly removed her robe, leaving Katherine to worry that she’d gone too far. The nature and urgency of Alex’s kisses moments later though, dissuaded her of that notion and soon they were locked in a passionate embrace. Yet again, it was Alex who urged Katherine to take her place beneath the sheets; this time with a quick nod.

  Katherine pulled the covers over her head and pushed her way down, noticing as she did the beautiful naked swell of Alex’s abdomen and wondered how she’d managed to miss it before. As she moved lower, all thoughts fled her mind.

  Alex was no longer wearing the flesh-colored panties.

  Powerless to hold it back, Katherine gave a low husky moan. In response, the dark mound rose up in front of her, offering glistening, pink folds. Alex’s hands found her head and pressed her urgently towards its centre. There was no mistaking her intention.

  Katherine kissed its crown avidly, breathing in the aroma it offered before snaking her tongue down through the slippery folds and flicking the erect nub with its tip. Nibbling, sucking, teasing, she could feel Alex’s juices running down her chin. No longer a character caught up in a movie, she knew she was playing a part far bigger than any she’d played before; one that had been written especially for her. Her hands reached up and cupped Alex’s breasts; their warm softness amazing her once more. She grazed her knuckles against Alex’s taut nipples, then edged her hands lower beneath the covers. Alex groaned and Katherine again felt the tight material of her soaked panties against her. It was no good, as much as she wanted to please Alex, she had to touch herself.

  She thrust her fingers down past the elastic waistband and felt the liberated hot rush of slippery wetness. With a practised hand, she stroked her aching flesh. Alex strained against her, tilting her pelvis, inviting more attention. Katherine raised her mouth slightly, giving her just enough room to accommodate her hand, then gently eased one finger inside. Alex groaned her approval. Katherine added another finger and slowly slipped them rhythmically in and out. Alex matched her pattern, increasing her speed, urging Katherine to keep time with her thrusting hips. Lifting her head, Katherine stepped up her pace and applied more pressure with her fingers, driving harder and harder into Alex’s tight cavity. No longer needing to stroke herself, she placed her other hand low beneath Alex’s back, copying the upward movements; accentuating the relentless passage of her fingers in and out. In and out.

  She felt Alex tighten and begin to spasm beneath her.

  “Tell me,” she urged softly. “I want to hear you scream. I want to know just how good I’m making you feel.”

  Almost immediately, Alex exclaimed the first of several throaty shrieks, leaving Katherine in no doubt about her ability.

  The faint shout from someone in the background brought Katherine ba
ck to reality. Wiping her mouth on the sheet, she cautiously lifted her head and carefully rearranged the covers so as not to expose Alex.

  Hurriedly searching for her robe, she glanced at Alex and saw her lying motionless on her pillow. Tears streaked her face.

  “Hey.” Katherine gave her a quick hug, all too aware of the curious glances they were earning. “That was inspired,” she said. “Well done.”

  Alex picked up on her subterfuge and dabbed her eyes with the sheet. “Personally, I thought there was a little too much bobbing.”

  “Perhaps,” Katherine concurred. “Would you like to discuss it over a drink?” She held out Alex’s robe and slipped it around her. “Or is Josh expecting you?”

  Alex ran her fingers up Katherine’s arm and grabbed her hand. “Josh Daniels’ expectations are of no importance whatsoever. My trailer! Now!”


  L.C. Spoering

  My mother had this dress when I was a kid: long, red, and strapless. It ran down the length of her body like a second skin, flaring out at her thighs. The top cupped her breasts like overflowing bowls, and seemed to defy gravity—surely, no dress could contain a body like that. She wore it at least once a month, when she went out.

  There were probably other dresses, but that’s the one I remember: scarlet, tomato red, fire engine, poppy, the red of blood just as it wells at a cut. The dress that dreams are made of.

  This was my perception of women, growing up, and this is important, they say. I watched my raven-haired mother with her hourglass body and slow, sly smile, and that dress that screamed sex and power before I knew what either were. I watched her from my bedroom window as she headed out, and anticipated the day that I, too, would wear a dress. Just like that.

  That day never came. I am not the kind of woman to command a room with my breasts, nor would I ever want to be. Where my big child eyes longed for the time when I would slither into red silken fabric the way my mother did, as I stretched taller, and as my hips widened and my own breasts started making my chest ache in gym class, I knew it was not meant to be.


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