Landing the Big Ones [Hedon Falls] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Landing the Big Ones [Hedon Falls] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 7

by Michelle Graham

  He turned to Serena. “I thought you said it was business.”

  “It is,” she said firmly. “They’ve hired me to do their marketing.”

  “That’s so cool!” Sam exclaimed. “Does that mean we can go back to their store instead of that other one?”

  Serena could feel herself flushing and imagined she must match Liam’s shirt. They looked at her with raised eyebrows. To Sam she said, “I’ve got to go. Be good.” She gave him a kiss and a hug, waved good-bye to Angela, and headed out the door.

  In the elevator, Lance said, “So you’ve been going to other stores. I’m hurt.”

  “It was closer,” Serena said.

  “I see,” he replied. “But now that you’re working for us, does that mean you’ll come back to our store?”

  “I guess I have to,” she said.

  “Try to contain your excitement,” Lance said with a grin.

  The elevator reached the ground floor, and they led her to their giant SUV. When Liam opened the passenger door for her, she looked up and said, “I don’t think I can get up there in this dress.” Before she could say anything else, Liam had his hands around her waist and lifted her easily into the seat. She tucked her legs in and he closed the door, went around to the driver’s side, and slid in behind the wheel. Lance took the seat behind hers and they drove off.

  “How long have you worked at Greely’s?” Lance asked her.

  “Two years now,” she replied. “We moved from Toronto.”

  “We had no idea that’s where you worked,” Liam said.

  “Would it have made a difference?” she asked.

  “We might have come in sooner,” he replied with a smile. She couldn’t help but return it.

  “That was a dirty trick, though, suggesting a working dinner to my boss,” she scolded them. “But I’m going to hold you to that. Business only tonight.”

  “You’re going out with us,” Lance said. “That’s all that matters to me.”

  “So where are you taking me?”

  “Trattoria Marcello.”

  “Wow,” Serena said. “I’m glad I dressed up.” Trattoria Marcello was one of the most upscale restaurants in town. She had never been, but she heard that the food was exquisite.

  “We’re glad you dressed up, too,” Lance replied, leaning forward so his breath caressed her neck.

  Serena closed her eyes as shivers ran through her body. “Behave yourself,” she said. She heard him chuckle as he leaned back in the seat.

  It wasn’t long before they pulled up to the restaurant. Lance helped her down from the front. She went to grab her briefcase, and he stopped her.

  “I told you I wanted to talk business,” she said.

  “And we will,” he replied. “But leave the case out here.”

  Sighing, she took the arm her offered and walked to the front door, stumbling slightly in her heels and glad she had the support. Liam tossed his keys to the valet and the three of them went inside.

  “Mr. Dalton and Mr. Dalton,” said the maître d’. “So nice to see you again. Your table is ready.”

  He escorted them through the restaurant to a secluded booth near the back. It was a round table with a bench seat. Serena slid onto it, and the men sat on either side of her. A bottle of white wine was already on the table in an ice bucket, and Lance filled their glasses.

  “A toast,” he said, lifting his glass. “To a beautiful woman.”

  “I’ll drink to that,” Liam said, raising his own glass.

  Serena flushed and lifted hers as well. They clinked the glasses lightly together and drank. The wine was very good, not too dry but not too sweet either. She didn’t know much about wine, but she enjoyed this one. Before the waiter arrived to take their order, she was on her second glass.

  Determined to keep this dinner focussed on business, she asked, “So what kind of social media have you been using so far with the store?”

  “None,” Lance said. “Neither one of us is very good with that stuff.”

  “That’s okay,” Serena said. “I’ll get a Facebook page and Twitter account set up. Those will be fine to start with. What about your website?”

  “We don’t have one,” Liam said.

  “All right, I’ll get to work on that as well. So many people these days go to the web before they decide if they’re going to go to a store or not.”

  “You didn’t,” Liam said.

  “My friend Lisa suggested your store. Word of mouth is important, and if we leverage the social media properly, we can spread the word even further. I’m assuming you already do print ads?” They nodded and Serena continued, “Okay, I’ll take a look at those, too. Were you interested in doing radio or television ads?”

  “We’re not sure about those,” Lance said. “Are they worth the money?”

  “It’s not necessarily that expensive,” Serena said. “Making the ad can be very simple, especially if you use friends or family to do voices or acting. And a few well-placed ads can do wonders for the business, especially if we target shows that do well locally and use them to follow up on any print advertising. There are always sponsorship opportunities offered by media outlets and we can look into that, too. But we can figure that part out later.”

  “I’d like to talk about you,” Lance said, placing his hand over hers.

  “That doesn’t have anything to do with business,” she said.

  “We have been talking business,” he replied. “Let’s move on.”

  She looked into his beautiful brown eyes, which were reflecting the candlelight from the centerpiece. She swallowed and said, “What do you want to know?”

  “When’s your birthday?”

  She relaxed a bit. “June twenty-eighth.”

  “So you’re a Cancer,” Liam said. “Interesting. We’re Scorpios. Did you know that Cancer and Scorpio are both water signs? They’re highly compatible with each other.”

  Serena blushed again. She had known that. “When is your birthday?”

  “November fourteenth,” Lance told her. “1976.”

  That made them about four years older than her. She drank some more wine, and Liam refilled her glass. She was feeling a little tipsy.

  “How old is Sam?” asked Liam.

  “He turned eight in April.”

  “Where is Sam’s father?” Lance asked softly, and Serena stiffened. “Sorry! Too personal. Forget I asked.”

  Serena sighed. After another large sip of wine, she told them the story as quickly as she could. They listened intently. When she finished, Liam took the hand that Lance wasn’t holding. “That was a really shitty experience,” he said gently.

  “Serena,” said Lance and she turned to face him. “I want you to know that we aren’t like that.” He reached up and stroked her cheek. She closed her eyes and leaned into his hand, enjoying the sensation. “We know what we’re getting into with you and Sam. We aren’t looking for a quick fling or roll in the sack.” Serena opened her eyes again and looked at him. What the hell, she thought, and she leaned forward and kissed him.

  Their kiss began gently, and Lance let her take the lead. She parted his lips with her tongue and slid it into his mouth, meeting his and stroking it gently. She moaned softly as they deepened the kiss but kept it slow and steamy. At last she pulled back from him. She looked over at Liam, then back to Lance. “There hasn’t been anyone else since Jack,” she said softly. “I’m scared.” It terrified her to admit it to them, to make herself vulnerable.

  “We won’t rush you,” Liam said and kissed her. Lance’s lips went to her neck and she felt lost in sensation. Their lips were making her whole body tingle. Her nipples were hard, and her pussy clenched with desire.

  A soft throat clearing brought them back to their senses and Serena saw the waiter standing before them with a tray of food. She blushed as the men moved slightly away from her and accepted their plates. The waiter smiled and winked at her. Serena lowered her eyes to her plate. She didn’t even remember what she
had ordered. The blood was rushing in her ears, and she was hypersensitive to the men on either side of her, to the point where she didn’t notice much else. She wasn’t really aware of tasting her food or the wine. When they had finished and the waiter offered dessert, she declined, as did they. Finally, with the bill paid, the three of them walked out of the restaurant.

  The cool night air helped Serena regain a bit of her composure. She stood holding hands with both of them while the valet retrieved the SUV. Liam helped her in again. They didn’t say much on the drive back to her apartment. Serena was waging a silent debate within herself over whether to invite them upstairs. She knew if she did, they would probably pick up where they had left off the other day. Was she ready for that? As they pulled up in front of the building, she remembered the video she had watched.

  Decision made, she said, “Why don’t you come upstairs?”

  Chapter 7

  In the elevator on the way to Serena’s floor, the tension hung like a heavy cloud between them. Her stomach was fluttering, her pussy was having small spasms in anticipation, and her panties were so damp she worried it was going to start dripping down her leg. When they finally arrived at her door, she unlocked it and showed them inside.

  Angela looked up from her spot on the couch. She smiled brightly and stood.

  “How was Sam?” Serena asked.

  “He was fine,” Angela said. “He brushed his teeth and was in bed by eight thirty. I haven’t heard a peep out of him since. How’d dinner go?”

  Serena flushed and glanced at both of the men. “I think we’ve worked some of the details out,” she said softly.

  “Excellent,” Angela said. “I know tomorrow is your work-from-home day so I’ll see you on Monday.” She picked up her purse and jacket and went out the door.

  Serena closed and locked the door behind Angela and stood there for a moment longer than necessary. What did she do now? Should she strip here in the hall? Drag them to her bedroom? She turned around slowly and looked up at them. She glanced from one to the other. This would have been difficult if there had only been one of them, but with two she was even less sure of herself. She bit her lip and looked down.

  “Why don’t we sit in the living room for a bit?” Lance suggested softly.

  Relieved, Serena nodded and they went into the living room and sat on the sofa.

  The men went to look at the tank.

  “Where’s the other guppy?” Lance asked.

  “It died,” she said. “We seem to be having trouble with them.”

  “The other fish are new,” Lance said. “You didn’t get those at our store, did you?”

  “No,” Serena confessed. “They kept chasing Flippy, and he died sometime the night we got them.”

  “He was probably a little shocked. And they sound like they were aggressive,” Lance told her. He moved to sit on the sofa beside her and rested a hand on her thigh. Liam sat on the other side and put an arm around her shoulders.

  She looked from one to the other. “I’m a little nervous,” she said.

  They laughed. “That’s okay,” Liam said. “You can set the pace. We don’t want to mess up again.”

  “I’m sorry about that,” she replied. “I was just so surprised. I didn’t think that things like that happened in real life.”

  “Where else would they happen?” Lance asked.

  “I read romance books and there’s a whole genre of ménage books out there.”

  “Really?” said Liam. “I didn’t know that. I thought it was just the kind of thing that guys liked to watch in porn.”

  Serena felt her face reddening again and she sat silently. “Serena?” said Liam. “Are you okay?”

  “I watched a porn movie, too,” she said quickly, hardly believing that she was telling them this.

  “No way,” said Lance.

  She nodded, giggling a little. “I was reading a book and they were describing…you know…” She giggled again. “Double penetration,” she whispered.

  “I think I need to read these books,” Liam said. “But tell me about the video.” His hand was tracing circles on her upper arm, giving her goose bumps, and Lance’s hand had moved higher up on her leg, pushing the hem of her skirt further up.

  “I couldn’t figure out how it would actually work,” she said. “You know, the logistics of it. So I Googled it.”

  Lance laughed out loud. “I can’t believe this!”

  She giggled again, too. “I found a video and clicked on it. I understand now.”

  Liam leaned down and nuzzled her ear. “Did you like what you saw?” he asked huskily, and kissed her neck.

  Serena moaned softly. “Yes,” she breathed. Liam’s mouth on her neck was unbelievably erotic, and she felt the need course through her. Lance’s hand was now almost at the apex of her thighs, his light caresses adding to the feelings.

  “What did you do when you watched it?” Lance asked.

  Serena was quiet for a moment. “I fingered myself,” she whispered. One of the men, she wasn’t sure who, groaned.

  “Fuck, I’d love to see that,” Liam said. He turned her head toward him and kissed her hard, his mouth and tongue crushed against hers.

  Lance was kissing her neck and nipping gently at her earlobes. “Would you let us watch you?” he asked.

  Feeling suddenly bold, Serena stood and held out her hands to the two men. They each took one and stood. She kissed first Lance, then Liam again, and led them down the hall to her bedroom. She made sure the door was locked. When she turned back toward them, Lance pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately. His hands fumbled at the zipper for her dress, and he managed to get it undone. He pulled it forward, and she slid her arms out then shimmied a bit until it slid over her hips and to the floor. She carefully stepped out of it then moved away from Lance.

  “Go sit down,” she said to him.

  Liam was already sitting in the chair from the computer desk and Lance took the one that was beside her closet and usually held an article of clothing or a laundry basket. Feeling a bit nervous but determined to go through with this, Serena stood before the two of them. She reached behind her and undid the hooks on her bra. She slid it down her arms, revealing her breasts. Liam and Lance stared. She cupped them in her hands, pulling and pinching her already hard nipples and moaning softly. She could see the men shifting in their chairs, and she realized they were pulling their cocks out of their pants. She smiled and lifted one breast toward her mouth. They were large enough that she was able to lick her own nipples, and she moaned as she did this first to one breast, then the other. She watched with pleasure as the men stroked their cocks.

  After playing with her tits a little more, Serena turned around and bent over the bed. She heard one of the twins say, “You have got the sexiest ass.” She smiled to herself and reached between her legs, gently stroking herself through her thong panties, which were completely soaked. Standing again, she hooked her thumbs under the waistband, pulled the panties down, and stepped out of them. Then she knelt on the bed, her ass up in the air in front of them, and crawled toward the head of the bed.

  She turned and rested against the pillows. She spread her legs wide as she played with her tits a little more, loving the appreciative groans she got. She couldn’t believe how turned on this was making her. She’d never done anything like this before. She lowered her hand to her wet pussy and began rubbing her clit in slow circles, whimpering softly. Then she moved her fingers lower and slid first one, then another into her cunt. As she moved them in and out, she watched the men’s hands moving swiftly up and down their dicks. She withdrew her hand and rubbed her juices onto one nipple, and the slippery liquid made her fingers feel just like a tongue. Then she lifted her breast again and licked her cum off the rosy peak.

  “Fuck,” Liam murmured.

  She repeated the action with the other breast, extremely turned on now. Serena lowered both hands between her legs and, as she had the other night, began to finger he
rself with one hand while the other rubbed her clit furiously. She was moaning a little more loudly now as she raced toward orgasm. She closed her eyes and threw her head back, crying out as the spasms racked her body in wave after wave of pleasure.

  When the orgasm receded, she lifted her head to see the men working to quickly undress. She watched appreciatively. Their chests and arms were well muscled and had a light mat of hair. But what really held her attention were their beautiful cocks. It looked as though they were identical there, too. They were long and thick, and she wanted them inside of her.

  Liam finished first and jumped onto the bed. Serena laughed as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her, his tongue tasting her juices inside her mouth. He moved his lips to her ear and groaned, “I have never seen anything so incredibly sexy.”

  The bed dipped as Lance joined them on the other side of Serena. His mouth came down on hers and she kissed him eagerly. Hands roamed over her body, squeezing and kneading her tits, stroking her slick pussy. Lance lowered his head to her breast and sucked the nipple into his mouth firmly. He licked it with light strokes and used his teeth to gently nip her. Serena cried out again. It was a new sensation but she enjoyed it. She felt Lance move between her legs, his dick poised at the entrance to her cunt, when a reality managed to reach into her lust-fogged brain.

  “Condoms,” she gasped. “Do you have condoms? I’m not on anything.”

  Lance moved back slightly and gave a frustrated growl. “Shit!” he exclaimed. “I didn’t honestly think things would go this far. Liam?”

  “I don’t have any,” he said.

  “Fuck!” Serena exclaimed. “I want you so bad, but I’m not going to risk another pregnancy.”

  “I’m sure we can find ways to have fun,” Lance said, lying down on the bed between her legs. “Can I lick your pussy?”

  “Don’t bother asking, just do it, dammit!” she snapped at him. She reached down and grabbed his hair, lifting her hips to shove her pussy in his face. He thrust his tongue between her lips and darted it in and out of her cunt, doing with it what he couldn’t with his cock. Serena moaned loudly and ground herself against his mouth. He moved his tongue up her slit until he found her engorged clit and he began to lick it furiously. Liam’s mouth was on one breast while his hand worked on the other. Serena was sure she’d died and gone to heaven. Lance’s mouth on her pussy was driving her quickly toward another orgasm. The brothers worked her body with their tongues, and she finally came in the most intense orgasm of her life. She screamed out with pleasure, bucking her hips against Lance’s face, her hand buried in Liam’s hair as he sucked on a nipple.


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