Not Even For a Duke

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Not Even For a Duke Page 15

by A. S. Fenichel

  “My ego is properly fed, and I feel quite good about myself,” he laughed. “What I have been privileged to see of you, is also very fine.”

  She took another sip. “It is not that I fear you, Garrett. I wouldn’t wish for you to think my trepidation is a reflection on your character. It is the act itself that I vowed never to endure again. And yet...”

  Sliding lower, he held the glass in one hand and propped his head on the other. “And yet?”

  Aurora drank down the remaining liquor and let it burn down her throat before she put the glass on the side table. She slid down, propped her head on her hand and faced him. Ignoring the warmth that flooded her cheeks, she confessed, “I have a need burning inside me. I didn’t even know it was there, but it has grown within me for a few months now. I find the longer I am in your presence, the more I want to know how to relieve this yearning.”

  Garrett blinked. “I have no idea what I expected you to say, but that was not it. Good lord, Rora. He put his drink aside and ran his hand over his face. “You do not make this easy and you will make me think far too much of myself.”

  “I don’t think that is likely.” She knew him well enough to know he’d never become vain or have false pride. Still, she liked knowing he’d enjoyed the compliment.

  Tracing a finger along her cheek, down her neck and then down her arm where it lay atop the blanket, he said, “You needn’t decide tonight.”

  His touch set her skin on fire and the need that had pooled between her legs grew with renewed force.

  “No? I suppose you will go and have a good laugh at what I put you through.” She pushed back tears. “You will leave in two days and my ridiculous fear will be forgotten.”

  Garrett’s eyes burned as he leaned forward. “There is nothing to laugh about. I may go, but being here with you is an honor, Rora. Do you think I love you less for having feelings and needs that are natural and just? That you thought to explore those needs with me is a tremendous gift.”

  Before she could form a single word, he pulled her bottom lip between his and then the top. His tongue touched the crease between her lips and repeated the gentle suckle on her bottom lip.

  No kiss had ever been so sweet and so erotic. Unable to help herself, she gasped from the shock of desire that lit her entire body.

  “Are you afraid?” he asked against her lips.

  She shook her head.

  “Kiss me back then.”

  Following his lead and her instincts, she moved her lips on his. It was like being kissed everywhere at once. His tongue touched hers and her lower abdomen clenched with want of more. Unable to resist, she slid her fingers into his hair and found it soft as China silk.

  He moaned at her touch, and his pleasure drew even more desire. It was hard to catch her breath and she didn’t want to. Pressing close to him, she let all her soft curves align with his hard edges.

  He cradled her head, coaxed her to tip right and deepened the kiss.

  Sighing with steady pants, she clutched his arm, his shoulder and then his back. When his hand wrapped around her bottom and pulled her against his arousal, she groaned with need but felt no fear. “Garrett?”

  Leaning his forehead against hers, he drew in long breaths. “Rora, if you will let me, I would like to show you pleasure. I can be satisfied to give you what you long for this night. Will you trust me?”

  “I don’t understand.” She wanted to know what he meant, wanted to give him something of herself.

  His fingers were rough with small calluses as they caressed her hip, then down the back of her leg and to her knee. Every inch of skin he touched burned and she wanted to cry with the joy of it. He touched between her knees, separated them before sliding up and massaging the inside of her thigh.

  The need at her core grew almost painful as did her fear, but she wanted to know, to give. She would give him this for loving her. Even if she couldn’t love him the way he deserved, he would have some piece of her.

  As he skimmed up to her center, she stiffened and clamped her knees shut. Waiting for him to pry them apart, she held her breath.

  Instead, he ran one finger along the top of her clenched thighs to the space above where she’d been hurt in her marriage. He was gentle and her legs relaxed as if she were not in control.

  Pausing, he asked. “Are you alright, sweetheart?”

  “I don’t know.” Her voice was rough and strange. Her hips lifted to his finger.

  “The instant you wish it, I will stop. Do you understand?”

  She nodded, eyes squeezed shut.

  “Look at me,” he whispered and stilled that delicious alluring finger.

  Forcing her eyes open, she was rewarded with his steady admiring gaze. Her body thrummed with untapped desire mixed with the fear that had been beaten into her. Yet this man would never harm her.

  He lowered his head and kissed her collar bone before pulling loose the ribbon of her chemise. The lightest tug and the warm air touched her breasts. He traced the tip of his tongue around her nipple.

  Aurora gasped and clutched his back while her other hand gripped his hair and pulled him closer.

  A low moan and he pulled the sensitive peak into his mouth.

  Her back arched off the mattress, wanting more and not knowing how she’d never known there was this kind of delight. Tears spilled from the corners of her eyes. “I didn’t know.”

  Lifting on his elbow, he kissed her lips. “It’s okay.” He kissed away her tears. “You’re okay.”

  Her breasts full and her thighs quivering, she pressed against him, needing more but not knowing how to ask.

  Staring into her eyes with so much love, he slid his hand between her thighs and parted her folds. His finger slid along her crease with gentleness that sent her hips rising from the bed.

  She cried out as he touched her center. He muffled her cries with his mouth and captured every moan, groan and scream of delight. All the while, his finger circled and teased then dipped barely inside.

  “Rora, I want to taste you. Can you hold that delicious tongue long enough for me to heighten your pleasure?” He pressed tiny kisses to her cheek, chin and the tip of her nose.

  She covered her mouth with her hand. The idea of the house knowing they were behaving so wantonly would be too much embarrassment to handle.

  Garrett chuckled before he kissed his way down her neck. Suckling each breast in turn, her body thrummed with something wild and spectacular. Her insides tightened like the string of a bow pulled and ready to fling its arrow. Rib by rib, his lips and tongue fired delight before he dipped his tongue into her navel and she had to pull a pillow to her mouth to stop the cry from escaping

  It was just as well for when his mouth covered her most sensitive place, she could not have stopped the scream of pleasure that escaped and was caught by the pillow. Still, the pressure built inside her while his tongue made magic between her legs. Lips and tongue teased and delighted until she thought she might explode. Her body pulled in on itself and let go with a release that rocked her. She shook with unimaginable pleasure. Her hand released his hair and with both she clutched the pillow as waves of pleasure rolled over her.

  Garrett drew the pillow away and pulled her into his arms as the ecstasy ebbed and withdrew. He whispered words of love in her ear, but her mind was too absorbed in the experience to recognize the meaning.

  Chapter 15

  Garrett might never be as happy as he was at this moment holding Aurora in his arms after bringing her pleasure. “Are you alright, dearest?”

  With her cheek pressed to his chest, she nodded. “I had no idea.”

  The tears in her voice shocked him and he pressed two fingers under her chin to lift her eyes to his. “You must have known what happened during your marriage was not normal.”

  “Of course. And my friends claimed the act held pleasure, but I...” Crystal eyes shone back at him, she blushed and buried her face against his chest. “Thank you, Garrett.” She shuddered. “Woul
d you like to take your pleasure now?”

  His heart missed a beat even as his shaft reacted to the idea. “Tonight was for you. I shall be content with your joy.”

  Pulling her head back she met his gaze. “That hardly seems fair.”

  “If you will let me hold you for a few more minutes before sending me to my own bed, I will have more than I ever dared hope for.” He knew he was ruined for all other women after tasting Aurora and hearing her pleasure. Causing her to show emotion and scream out her orgasm would be a memory held in his heart for a lifetime. Yet she had told him she would never marry and those words rang in his mind and had to be pushed aside before they ruined his perfect moment.

  “I don’t mind you holding me a while longer.” She encircled his waist with her arm.

  He longed to propose, to demand she marry him. However, he knew she would reject him and it would be his undoing. Perhaps he needed to be patient. He closed his eyes against the wave of possessiveness that flooded through him.

  The first light of a new day shone through the east facing window.

  “I must go.” He kissed the top of her head. “The servants will wake soon and I shouldn’t be caught leaving your room.”

  She sat up and pulled the sheet up to cover herself. “And you must leave tomorrow?”

  If he stayed, would she invite him to her bed again? Would she soften to the idea of a lifetime with him? He did not want Aurora as a mistress or a lover for a time. He longed for her for a lifetime. “I should go to Scotland and see my steward. You will be safe once Hexon is gone.”

  “I would like to spend more time like this.” Her blush was enough to turn any man to mush.

  The truth was harder than he expected, but she deserved as much. Still, he held back. “I don’t think delaying my travels is a good idea. I only stayed this long to ensure you and the others in the party were safe.”

  “I see.” Her usual calm mask fell into place. “I shall see you later today then.”

  “Of course.” Pressing his lips to hers, he let her warmth fill him once again. “You really are the most magnificent woman, Rora. Never let anyone force you to settle. You should have everything the world has to offer.”

  With a brief look into those startled eyes, he left and found his own bed for a few hours of sleeplessness.

  Garrett went down to breakfast room, where Hexon nursed a bad head. With a nod to the other duke, he took a plate and filled it. His night of pleasure left him hungrier than usual. “Can you see if there is coffee, Bickford?”

  “Of course, Your Grace.” Bickford took the empty carafe and exited.

  Hexon’s plate was empty save half a piece of dry toast. He sipped a cup of tea. “I suppose I made an ass of myself last night.”

  Nodding, Garrett said, “You did. Do you remember it all?”

  “Not as much as I should and more than I wish to.” Hexon held his head in one hand and put the teacup down. “I’m not inclined to approve of the group under this roof, but it was not my plan to act ungentlemanly.”

  “I’m afraid whatever your plan was, it failed miserably.” Garrett ate a large piece of sausage.

  Hexon’s skin looked a bit green and he looked away from Garrett’s plate. “I shall leave as soon as my stomach settles enough to travel. I don’t suppose a bid for Lady Radcliff’s hand would be welcomed now.”

  Continuing to indulge in the food on his plate despite its effect on Hexon, Garrett said, “If it makes you feel any better, you had little chance before your display of intolerance and temper.”

  “I’m a duke. I thought all women wanted to marry a duke.” Hexon nibbled a small piece of toast and forced down some tea afterward.

  Garrett shrugged. “Lady Radcliff is not like other women. I have known her since childhood and she has always marched to a different tune. I hope you will not follow through with your ridiculous threats of ruination. If you should travel that path, you will have to deal with me. I am very fond of this family and will not tolerate anyone doing them harm.”

  Hexon pressed his napkin to his mouth and then waved it in dismissal. “Whatever I said, I don’t recall. I don’t approve of this school or the type of friends her ladyship keeps, but who am I to ruin a widow. I think arriving at her mother’s invitation might have been a misstep.”

  With a shrug, Garrett said, “The first of many, Hexon. You will have no problems finding another lady of good fortune who will be more to your taste.”

  Grumbling, he stood and left the breakfast room holding his head.

  Bickford brought coffee and poured a cup for Garrett.

  “Thank you, Bickford.” Garrett had a thought. “Perhaps you might see if the cook has something for the Duke of Hexon’s head and stomach. The sooner he’s feeling better the sooner he will be on his way.”

  Eyebrows raised, Bickford nodded. “I shall see to His Grace’s well-being myself.”

  Garrett laughed over a fork full of coddled eggs.

  “You seem pleased this morning.” Helen stepped in and took a seat to his left.

  His mind slipped immediately to his night with Aurora, but he said, “I suppose I shouldn’t be pleased that Hexon is under the weather, but I’m only human.”

  A footman brought her a cup of chocolate and a plate with toast.

  “Thank you, Ben.” Helen pulled the crock of butter from the center of the table and spread some on her toast. “Does his illness mean His Grace won’t be leaving?”

  Shrugging, Garrett ate the last of his eggs and leaned back in his chair with his cup of coffee. “I hope not. Bickford is caring for him. Let us hope the butler knows his remedies for a night in the bottle.”

  Aurora strode into the breakfast room. “Ben, I overslept. Is there coffee still.”

  “Yes, my lady. A new pot just brewed for His Grace.” The tall blond footman, poured a cup and set it at the head of the table.

  “Thank goodness.” She sat and sipped.

  It was impossible for him not to stare at her rosy cheeks and perfectly smooth hair. In a violet day dress, her eyes were bright and he wondered if it was the effect of the night or just the color of the dress. He’d like to think he was the cause for her added radiance.

  “I’m glad you needed coffee as well, Garrett.” She grinned over the rim of her cup.

  With a nod, he said, “I’m happy to have obliged.”

  Helen’s gaze shifted from one to the other before settling her attention on Aurora. “You’re looking very sunny as well, my lady.”

  “It’s only us here. Won’t you call me Aurora?”

  “As you wish.”

  Aurora sighed. “I suppose I’ve woken in a good mood. Do we know if Hexon is on his way to... wherever dukes go?”

  “Not yet, but I think it eminent. He did seem regretful for his behavior if not apologetic.” Garrett put down his empty cup.

  “I suppose that shows some intelligence, but too little too late.”

  Another footman bustled in with some kind of fizzing liquid, looked around then sprinted out and up the servants’ stairs.

  When she’d chewed and swallowed her bit of toast, Helen drank down some chocolate. “He was very keen on you, Aurora. Did he ever have a chance at winning you? If he’d behaved in a more gentlemanly manner, could he have won you?”

  “No.” Aurora practically spat out the word. “I had no interest in the Duke of Hexon, nor would I ever have. The men my mother sends are not all bad catches, but they are not for me. After all, Lord Castlewick was one of Mother’s finds and now look how happily he is married to Mercy.”

  Helen stood. “We have some work to do to make the old nursery into a classroom. I thought that would do for as long as we have only two students. I want to spend some time with the young ladies today and find out their interests. If this is to be the type of school that enhances the minds of women, we need to do things differently than a random finishing school.”

  Once Helen strode out looking very pleased, Garrett said, “Are you we
ll this morning, Rora?”

  Her cheeks pinkened. “Quite well.”

  “I plan to stay today and quit Cheshire tomorrow morning. It will give me a chance to see Rhys and the others when they arrive, and you will have no need for me here. I’m happy the school will work out.” His longing to tell her again that he loved her and wanted her for all time, had to be tamped down. More would have to change than a night in each other’s arms to alter Aurora’s resolve.

  Staring into her cup, she said, “I shall be sorry to see you go.”

  His heart leaped in his chest. “I will be sorry to leave you.”

  A great commotion sounded from the foyer complete with barking dog and Faith’s voice raised in a scolding. “Rumple, no!”

  Faith walked in. Her hair had sprung loose from its bindings as she pulled her bonnet off. “Good gracious, you’re still at breakfast. Are we too early?”

  Aurora accepted the kiss from her friend. “Not at all. I overslept and stole in for a bit of coffee.”

  Garrett stood and bowed. “If you are hungry, I think there is still sausage and coddled eggs to be had.”

  Searching the sideboard, Faith said. “I wouldn’t mind a cup of chocolate.”

  Ben said, “Right away, madam.” And scurried from the room.

  Faith sat across from the seat Helen had vacated. “We stopped in town last night and stayed at The Smoker. It’s a nice little inn.”

  Aurora gasped. “Why didn’t you come to Whickette directly? You were so close.”

  The door opened, admitting Nick and Rhys. Nick dropped his gloves and hat on the chair near the door where Faith had left her bonnet. “We couldn’t come in so late and intrude on your planned dinner. Is there no butler?”

  Garrett shook hands with both. “Bickford has his hands full with a... situation this morning.”

  Rhys kissed his sister’s cheek. “I heard mother was bringing Hexon to court you. Is he the situation?”

  “We should go to the parlor and shut the door. I’ll tell you all you have missed.” Aurora drew a long breath and her gaze caught Garrett’s.

  Not all, he thought.


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