The Alpha's Mate:

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The Alpha's Mate: Page 5

by E A Price

  “Me either.” Both women started as the deep voice rumbled through the kitchen. Adam was stood leaning against the doorframe.

  Rosalee pouted. “Tough.”

  His voice become low and held a hint of a growl. “Someone broke into your house while you slept last night, you could have been hurt. I’m not leaving you alone, if I can’t be with you I’ll make sure someone else from my pack is.”

  She placed her hand on her heart mockingly. “Oh wolf boy, I had no idea you cared.”

  “There’s a lot you don’t know.”

  She snorted. “I don’t need a bodyguard.”

  “It’s not such a chore to guard your body.” He chuckled and winked at Liv who was stifling laughter behind her teacup.

  “Yeah well, I’m spending the day cleaning the house and getting it ready to be sold, so if you’re hanging around you’re helping. You think you can handle that hairball?”

  Adam walked over to the table and placed his palms on it, leaning over her. Rosalee felt herself warm at his nearness. She sat on her hands to stop her hands from pulling him down to her for a kiss. He practically purred at her. “Bring it on.”


  Rosalee had taken her time getting ready. She had carefully chosen an outfit that would make the sexy wolf hot under the collar. She was wearing a pair of tight high waist black shorts with a white see-through sleeveless shirt over a lacy vest.

  If the way his eyes had widened and the bulge in the front of his trousers had grown was any indication it was a good choice.

  After a few mild protestations from Rosalee they were driving to town in Adam’s truck to buy some cleaning supplies. Liv left them to go man the reception desk at the Sheriff’s station.

  On the drive over Adam kept glancing at Rosalee’s legs. She was wearing the same shoes as she had when he first spied her in the grocery store. Her legs were so long and toned, god he wanted to feel them wrapped round him so badly. He shifted in his seat awkwardly, his erection was pushing uncomfortably against the zipper of his jeans.

  He heard a small sound. Rosalee was sniggering. He gripped the steering wheel tightly forcing himself to focus on the road.

  Rosalee looked out the window. The small town whirred past. It really was quaint. She’d never lived in a small town like this, it was a breath of fresh air. The people were relaxed and friendly. Spending time with Adam was nice. She could get used to this.

  No, she wasn’t staying. She would get bored and move on eventually, like she always did. She shouldn’t get attached. She knew this was true, so why did her insides churn at the thought of leaving?


  Adam and Rosalee stopped by the grocery store and picked up some cleaning supplies. Rena was working again. Rena smiled, flirted, batted her eyelids. Under Rosalee’s scrutiny Adam remained as susceptible to Rena’s coquettishness as a statue.

  Adam was gratified to see that it pleased Rosalee.

  They returned to her house and spent the day cleaning and getting rid of junk. Iris Bennett sure did amass a lot of crap.

  They chatted throughout the day, both Adam and Rosalee spoke about their childhood. Rosalee told him stories about all the different places she’d lived, Adam about all the naughty things he did as a child. Which made her laugh hysterically.

  He told her about what it meant to be part of a pack, not just being the leader but also being in charge of the pack run business. She told him about her career as an artist, or lack of career as the case currently was.

  He was pleased that she asked questions about pack life and glad to fill her in on the details, she was interested and thankfully didn’t seem daunted by it.

  It was nice being with her all day. When she brushed past him he caught her scent, a brief touch of her skin. It was exhilarating.

  Of course it wasn’t easy working with a rock hard erection or a wolf that was pushing him to bond with his mate... immediately. As time passed he was starting to think his wolf was right. It would be so easy to just pull her down to the ground, rip her clothes off and slide home into her warm, tight body...

  “You know I appreciate all the help you’re giving me.” Rosalee was inspecting the pictures on the hall wall.

  “It’s my pleasure. Nice pictures.”

  He came and stood next to her, shoulder to shoulder. The air was heavy with desire. Both his and hers. Rosalee had felt like her body was on fire all day due to the nearness of the hot man mountain, and was embarrassed at how wet she was. She prayed he couldn’t tell.

  He pointed to the beach scene in Mexico. “I like this one.”

  She cocked an eyebrow at him. “Yeah? What do you like about it?”

  He tipped his head and regarded her with interest. “Honestly I don’t know, it just appeals to me.”

  “It’s mine.”

  “Well the whole house is yours.”

  “No, I mean it’s one of mine. I painted it.” She smiled at him shyly.

  A look of pride came over his face. Wow, he had one talented mate. “I’m impressed, perhaps I could persuade you to paint my picture. I’ve always had a mind to hang my picture over the mantle.”

  She snorted. “Conceited much?”

  Adam put his hand on her shoulder and she shivered under his touch. “In my wolf form.”

  “Well, that is your best side.”

  He looked at her in earnest, his natural Alpha nature pushing through, his dark grey eyes pierced her. “So would you? Paint me?”

  “Yes...” He could have asked her for a kidney at that moment and she would have said yes.

  “Good.” He considered offering to buy the Mexico painting to prove how much he liked it, but he might come off as an ass kisser.

  Noticing the amenable mood his mate was in he quickly asked her, “will you have dinner with me tonight? At a restaurant?”

  “Ummm, okay...”

  Deciding to change the subject before she had time to consider why she had so easily said yes he asked, “so you’re definitely selling the house and land?”

  “That’s the plan.”

  “Would you consider an offer from me?”

  She looked at him with narrowed eyes. “You want my land?”

  Adam coughed a little embarrassed. “It umm backs onto pack land, we were kind of hoping to expand the pack territory a little.”

  Ah. Now it made sense. The continued attention, staying at her house last night, insisting on helping her clean even though it’s obvious he hates it. It’s about the land.

  She had hoped it was about her, that he was so interested in her that he was going out of his way to impress her. But really he was just trying to butter her up to get her to sell to him for a good price.

  She was disappointed but not surprised. She gently shook her shoulder out of his touch, reluctantly he dropped his hand.

  Her voice was a little detached. “I’ll give you the details of my grandmother’s lawyer. Feel free to make an offer to them.”

  Adam sensed her displeasure and wanted to reassure her. “I’m not here right now because I want your land, I’m here to make sure you’re safe. The land is second to your safety.”

  “Ummm hmmmm.”

  His wolf whined at the sudden change in mood from their mate.

  “Rose I need to tell you...”

  “Maybe we should get on. The spare bedrooms need a lot of work.”

  Rosalee climbed the stairs not waiting to see if he followed.

  He sighed, surely she wouldn’t stay mad for long? Oh, fuck.

  Chapter Seven

  Adam’s plans for a cosy dinner to get to know his mate were sunk. Adam had tried to reason with her but Rosalee in light of his confession about wanting to buy her house and land said she had changed her mind and instead insisted on going to Bar Luna. She said she wanted to see more of the little town, which naturally included the local watering hole.

  He suspected that Rosalee was planning on flirting up a storm to make him jealous. Part of him was a little pleased tha
t she wanted to make him jealous. As childish as it was it meant that she wanted him to care.

  He planned to dispel any feelings of annoyance she had by lavishing her with so much attention that she completely forgot that there was anyone else even at the bar. An easy task, he doubted he would even be able to take his eyes off her.

  She was wearing a short emerald green sheath dress with a pair of gold strappy sandals. Her long silky brown hair flowed loose, the ends teased into curls. God she looked gorgeous. He was in a constant state of arousal because of her anyway but the dress she was wearing almost sent him wild.

  Rosalee sashayed into the bar with Adam trailing behind. Hell she knew how to make an entrance. A multitude of men immediately looked up and admired her. On seeing the Alpha’s scowl they immediately looked away. His beast snarled at the other men but was content at their submission.

  Adam greeted Andy the bear bartender and introduced him to Rosalee before ordering drinks. They settled at a high table set against the back wall of the bar.

  Rosalee scanned the bar, there were some good looking guys here although sadly they did nothing for her. She already had god’s gift to women standing only inches from her, the heat from his body almost giving her sunburn. Every other man seemed inadequate.

  She did note that Hans the wolf, and unhappy Pizza Moon chef, was sat in one corner of the bar. He was with the two Deputies, Gabe and Jake, she met the day before and a hunky man who looked to be a couple of years older than her. He raised a beer in Adam’s direction and grinned, Hans meanwhile stared daggers at the occupants of a table at the other end of the bar.

  Melody the witch, and unhappy Pizza Moon waitress, was sat in the other corner with two other young women and a young man. Melody was too busy throwing narked looks at Hans to notice anything else. The young man was draped over the blonde young woman and they were chatting whilst the black haired woman seemed to be smirking in her direction, it was a little disconcerting.

  “Who are they?” Whispered Rosalee, using her eyes to motion in Melody’s direction.

  Adam’s lips curled up. “You haven’t already forgotten Melody have you?” She gave him a little growl which made his arousal twitch and his wolf leap in joy. “Alright, alright. The blonde is called Kayleigh and the other is Dena, both witches. The guy is Gary or Greg I think, he’s a mechanic. And human.”

  Adam was irritated to see the looks flowing between Melody and Hans. Good job Hans’ brother Acksel was here. He better keep a tight rein on him tonight.

  Adam had thought to surround Rosalee with happy couples, which might entice her to want to mate and stay with him. Unfortunately the majority of mated couples his age had young pups and were too exhausted and busy to come out and make him look good.

  Adam had tried to entice Alec to bring Liv to the bar, but Alec being Alec he had kyboshed any thought of bringing his little mate to a bar containing single males. If Alec had his way he would have kept her locked in their home. His next thought had been Terri Lin the librarian and a younger wolf in his pack called Mal Tanner who were currently dating. Terri unfortunately had a stomach bug.

  Slim pickings meant he had to settle for his sister Mac and her ‘friend’ Luke. Adam didn’t really want to ask what was going on there. As far as he was concerned Mac was a virgin, and would stay that way until the day she died. He had also considered Carly and on again off again boyfriend Bryce, but their constant bickering wasn’t exactly the picture he wanted to paint.

  Rosalee nudged him. “Hey look there’s your sister.”

  “Hey Rosalee!” Mac called out and walked over to them. “Nice to see you again, you still bustin’ my brother’s balls?”

  Adam growled at his sister. Rosalee looked at him sideways and smiled wickedly. “Would I do that?”

  “No Luke tonight?” Rumbled Adam.

  Mac jutted her chin at him. “No, we’re just friends you know.” She snapped at him. Clearly he’d touched a nerve.

  “Drink Mac?” Andy’s voice rolled over them.

  Mac turned and looked at him. “Yes, please... a beer please.”

  Adam didn’t fail to notice the longing looks that passed between the two of them. Adam growled lowly and the two snapped to attention.

  Mac turned back to them and the three of them chatted pleasantly about the bar and the patrons who all called out greetings to Adam. He was on a first name basis with nearly everyone in town.

  Rosalee was talking animatedly about her experiences as a waitress in Mexico. They laughed and listened enraptured. Adam ignored his concerns regarding getting her to mate with him and instead let her melodious voice flow over him. It soothed him. Covertly he looked around the bar. Mostly men. A lot of whom were casting glances at Rosalee. Their focus settling on her legs. Their arousal was evident but none seemed inclined to do anything about it in the Alpha’s presence. Good.

  Casually he placed a hand round Rosalee’s waist. She stiffened slightly before relaxing into his touch. Her cheeks pinkened but she continued her story undeterred as if having his hand on her was the most natural thing in the world. Which of course it should be.

  Adam pricked up his ears at a familiar man’s voice. He recognised that man. Where from? He spun round to see Ed Buchanan emerging from the back office with Kim. They were talking lowly and chuckling between them.

  Ed was a red wolf shifter who lived in Alexandria. He was a close friend of Liv, having grown up together. Thankfully his easygoing nature hadn’t been tempered by Alec who, when trying to woo Liv, had attacked Ed thinking him to be a potential threat. Ed if anything had actually found it funny.

  Adam was glad. He liked Ed. His nature although more docile was very akin to his own. The incident hadn’t deterred him from returning to Rosalee, although Adam suspected that had more to do with Kim, the gorgeous six foot wolf shifter and manager of Bar Luna.

  “Adam! Mac!” Ed came over while Kim made her way behind the bar.

  Mac greeted Ed enthusiastically and introduced him to Rosalee.

  As much as Adam liked the man his wolf huffed at this interloper. His hand tightened at Rosalee’s waist and angled her body closer to him. He growled when she shook Ed’s hand. She smirked at him and leaned up to whisper in his ear, “down boy.”

  Mac and Ed sniggered.

  “How’s work going?” Asked Mac politely. “Ed’s a big fancy pants lawyer in Alexandria, he just occasionally comes down her to talk to us little people.”

  Ed grinned smugly. “We managed to settle a big case out of court, so I’m celebrating.”

  Mac roared with laughter. “And you thought the best place to celebrate was in snoozeville? Seriously? Where’s the after party? A morgue?” Mac really didn’t stop to think before she spoke.

  A look of mock hurt covered Ed’s features. “Are you questioning my mad party skills?” He shuffled his hips in a small dance.

  Mac kept a straight face. “Yes, yes I am.”

  He grinned. “Fair point. It’s just been kind of exhausting recently, I decided to celebrate by just having a few nice quiet drink here in my favourite watering ... and oh god I have literally turned into my grandfather. Now that I say it out loud I hear it. If I start asking any of you to sit on my knee so I can tell you how I lost my eye in the war please punch me.”

  “Consider it done.” Adam slapped him on the back and everyone laughed.

  Ed called over to Kim to get him a beer giving her a devilish grin and a wink. Handing it to him she winked in return.

  Adam looked up as a pretty red head came into the bar.

  Oh shit. Adam swallowed and tried to think quickly. Her name was Julianne. The last time Julianne was in town she had spent the night with Adam. They had met at this very bar. Julianne had been forthright and asked him to spend the night with her.

  He accepted and they spent a satisfying few hours together. She had gushed at how good he was and told him to look her up if he was ever in the city. He agreed that she should do the same if she was ever back in
Rose. He worried that she had come back for him. That wouldn’t go down well with his mate.

  He roughly grabbed Rosalee’s hand. “I need to talk to you.” He hurriedly dragged her down the back corridor into the office, her protests dying on her lips.

  He shut the door behind them and gently pushed her against one the walls. He put a hand on either side of her head and leaned down towards her. His mouth was only an inch from hers.

  “I need to tell you a couple of things and I don’t want you to get all pissy or scared and run away.”

  Her body shivered with awareness at how close he was. She was constantly aroused in his presence but being caged in like this made her insides quiver in anticipation. Despite herself she enjoyed the feeling of dominance radiating from him and heat pooled between her thighs. Her voice sounded strangled. “Oh?”

  He tried to keep his voice as even as possible. Not easy given that the scent of her arousal was flooding the room. “That woman who just came into the bar, her name’s Julianne and I slept with her. I told her to look me up if she were ever in town again.”

  Rosalee pouted. Was he dumping her to go off and have sex with another woman? He moved one hand to her face and ran his thumb over her bottom lip. She wanted to take it in her mouth and suckle it. Her mouth yearned to taste him anyway possible.

  “I’m telling you this because I don’t want there to be any secrets between us. I’ve been with lots of women but that doesn’t change how I feel about you. Here and now is the only thing that matters.”

  Her mind was hazy from lust but she could just about make out the jist of what he was saying. She closed her eyes trying to concentrate. “Us?”

  “Yes, I wanted to tell you someplace nicer than this but... you’re my mate.”

  Her eyes snapped open. The look in his eyes was intense. Passionate, animalistic but also longing and needful. “Mate?!”

  “Yes. We are mates.”

  Was this real? “How can you be so sure?”

  “Well the fact that I’m walking round with a tent down my pants twenty four seven is a dead giveaway.” He smirked but quickly sobered when he saw her anxious expression. He ran his fingertips down her cheek, gently stroking her. “I can scent that you are my mate, my whole body knows that you were meant to be mine. My wolf has been going crazy for you, the urge to mate you, protect you and provide for you has been pushing him. You are my true mate, that other half of my soul. You are the only woman in the world for me, you were literally made for me. You are mine.”


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