Carver: A Paranormal Shifter Romance

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Carver: A Paranormal Shifter Romance Page 12

by Angela Foxxe

  “She’s got a possible concussion, a few broken ribs, and a lot of bruises; she won’t make it to the rendezvous point,” her nameless partner announced.

  “Shit! Well, we can’t give up, and we can’t take her to the resort. What does that leave us?” Nah said.

  “We maintain a hunting cabin a few hours hike up the mountain. It has medical supplies and a radio. You could call whoever you’re meeting to pick you up there,” Kirk offered, trying to sound reasonable. The two kidnappers looked at each other for a moment.

  “She should make it there,” the nameless one said.

  “Pick her up, but if she dies,” Nah racked the slide on her pistol, a silver colored bullet ejected from the port. She caught it in mid-air, “so do you.”

  Kirk swallowed with a loud gulp.


  “How long till your people get here, Paul?”

  Paul snarled as he put the cell phone down. “This was my people, or at least some of them. The agency has people on the way by helicopter, two hours to touchdown.”

  “I can have the pack out there and searching now, almost thirty of us. This is our mountain, we could find her and have her back before your backup arrives.” Carver was already moving to the door to give the order when Paul put a hand on his shoulder.

  “No. It’s a nice offer, but your people aren’t prepared to deal with this, and we don’t need good intentioned amateurs out there endangering my daughter.”

  Carver bristled, but kept control at the slight.

  “Okay, we’ll play it your way… for now.”

  Paul nodded. “God, Carver, I’m sorry, they have your son too. I’m being insensitive.”

  It hadn’t occurred to Carver to be concerned about either Kirk or Monique… until that moment. Even now, thinking of the two of them out there, he smiled.

  “What so funny?”

  “You asked me if I believed in Kirk, and I told you I didn’t know. But what I do believe in is Monique. If they have her, or she’s chasing after them…” He whistled. “Then they’re in more trouble than they can possibly know. How about I call down for some food, and I’ll tell you a little story about her.”

  Paul nodded.Carver picked up the phone and ordered enough food to last the night.


  The wind whistled through the trees sending a cold chill down his spine. If he were cold, then he knew Portia had to be freezing. Her fingers had a tinge of blue on them, as did her lips. The cabin was hours away. She didn’t have that kind of time.

  “Agent Nah, right? She’s not going to make it to the cabin, we need to find a place to hole up and light a fire. She’s going to freeze to death.”

  The two kidnappers looked at each other, then around the woods. The night was long and cold. There wasn’t anywhere for them to go, or for him to run to. And if he did run, he would be leaving her, and he wouldn’t do that.

  “Do the math, if she dies from hypothermia or from a concussion, she’s still dead.”

  “Take your clothes off and put them on her—we didn’t plan to walk out of here.”

  While he stripped, the other woman rounded up a few sticks, enough to make a small fire. They positioned it behind an upturned tree, enough to block the light.

  Damn, they know what they’re doing. He vaguely hoped the fire would draw attention, but unless someone came very close, they wouldn’t see it. The campfire lit with a few strikes. She kept it small, enough to produce heat with minimal light and smoke. Kirk sat cross-legged in front of it with Portia in his lap and as much of him around her as he could manage. His body temperature ran a few degrees hotter than a normal human.

  Nah stood guard on them while her assistant disappeared into the dark.

  “What’s your plan here Nah? Kidnap Portia for money?” What Kirk couldn’t figure out was that they knew about the wolves, so why her instead of him?

  “This isn’t about money. It’s a message. Your kind has pushed us to this. We were few in number to begin with, then you came, pushing us further and further into the woods. You’ve left us with no choice.”

  Kirk opened his mouth, but was interrupted by the other person’s return.

  “We need to move—something is following us.”

  “Is she ready?” Nah asked.

  Her skin had returned to its normal color and her cheeks were flush, Kirk’s warmth was keeping her alive. They stayed to either side of him, keeping him flanked. Even if he moved fast enough to take one of them down, the other would get Portia. He had no good options but to go along and hope it played out in a way he could save her.

  The terrain didn’t get any easier as they climbed the mountain. The dark sky turned gray. And before long, pink. The sun was sneaking up on them, and once it hit the side of the mountain, Kirk would have a better chance at escaping. The cold morning left a chill on him, but at least his warmth kept Portia alive.

  “You’re shifters aren’t you, but not wolves?” he said, things clicking together in his head. Why hadn’t I noticed it before?

  They glanced at each other, Nah giving an almost imperceptible nod.

  “You’re smart. Yes, we’re shifters. Now, come on. Whoever is following us isn’t far behind.”

  Portia stirred. Her hand drifted up to her head.

  “Ow,” she muttered. Kirk smiled, he kissed her head.

  “How you feeling?” he said as they started their hike again.

  “Like I got hit by a truck. What happened?”

  He dropped his voice to a whisper, “Monique happened.”

  Her eyebrow quirked up, she tried to move her head. She moaned aloud.

  “You’ve got a concussion, and some broken ribs, we’re trying to get you to some medicine right now.”

  “I’m cold.” She shivered, leaning her head against his chest. He smiled, despite the situation, he enjoyed the proximity they shared.

  “Why are you naked?” she muttered.

  “To keep you warm. Try to stay awake, okay?”

  “So tired,” she said, her eyes drifting shut.

  He jostled her until her blue eyes opened again.

  “Stay awake. Tell me about your home?”

  “There’s a strawberry bush in our backyard, I love the way it smells in the spring…” Kirk did his best to keep her talking. All the while his mind was working on a plan. Whatever they were up to, they wanted Portia, and if it wasn’t for money… they wanted to turn her. Whatever they were, there was only one way to turn a woman. And he didn’t like this at all. She was his. Their nature demanded it. If another shifter was going to steal her from him, they were going to have a hell of a fight on their hands.

  The old growth forest loomed ahead of them. While they seemed to have an idea of where they were going, he knew these lands like the back of his hand. His only liability was Portia. She could barely stay awake, let alone run. He couldn’t carry her as a wolf either.

  “I need a rest, I can’t keep carrying her without any food or water,” he said plainly. It was the truth. Even with his strength and endurance, he would need to eat at some point.

  “Over there.” Nah pointed at a fallen log. Her partner held back, hand on her pistol.

  The wind shifted suddenly. A familiar scent wafted past Kirk’s nose. He smiled; she would be there soon.

  “Wake up Portia, hang in there honey.” He kissed her head. The two women looked on, a worried expression clouding their faces.

  “Have you two…?” Nah asked.

  Kirk hesitated; he wanted to lie, but he simply wasn’t good at it. And if they were shifters, they would know.

  “What if we have?”

  Nah fell on him in a blink. Her hand wrapped around his neck, jerking him away from Portia with a strength he couldn’t believe. She held him up against a tree with one hand, her breathing coming in ragged clumps.

  “What are you?” he managed as she squeezed his throat shut.

  “You think you wolves are all there is in the forest? You bet
ter not have deflowered her, or your death will be painful and slow, along with her.”

  Kirk managed to shake his head. The truth was they were interrupted before they did much more than make out.

  The tree next to her partner shook. Nah screamed as massive white paws reached out and tore her away from Kirk.


  Kirk’s legs throbbed. The burning was long gone, now each leg felt like a numb block as they fell with each step. Portia’s eyes opened. Her pupils widened as she saw the sky above.

  “How long have I been out?”

  “Hours,” he huffed.

  He leaned against a tree, not sure if he could take another step. She slid out of his grip, taking her own feet with wobbling legs.

  “Good god, Kirk, how far have you carried me?” she looked down the mountain, from this height she could see the valley far below. The morning mist surrounding the trees and rivers obscured the road and the resort.

  “Maybe three miles, and about seven thousand feet. We’re heading for the winter cabin. You looked like you needed first aid and it was the only place I could think of that might have it. They agreed and we’ve been on the move since last night. But that’s all changed now.”

  In the morning light, Portia looked as beautiful as ever to him. The sun caught her golden hair and shone through it, sending rays of light behind her.

  “Where are they?”

  “Close, but the cabin is right up there. And it will have a radio, and guns, maybe we can hold out long enough…”

  She reached out and took his hand. Her cold fingers sliding between his.

  “I think I love you,” she said, the shock of her own words clearly written on her face.

  “My father always spoke of this, a love that burns in our breasts from the moment we lay eyes on the right person. I… knew that was what it was the moment I smelled you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  She nodded, took his face in her hands, and kissed him on the lips. He encircled her with his arms, drawing her close. Their lips spread open slowly, taking a moment to explore each other. Warmth flooded them both. Kirk sighed internally. This is where he wanted to be, forever and ever.

  When they finally broke their embrace, the sun had moved noticeably.

  “What do they want? Money?” she asked looking down the mountain hoping to catch a glimpse of the people chasing them. Kirk stood tentatively, not sure if his legs would support him. When they did, he took a step toward the cabin.

  “We should go,” he said without looking at her.

  “Kirk, what do they want with me?”

  He just professed his love for her, he didn’t want the next thing he told her to be quite so horrific. Ultimately, she had the right to know. He sighed.

  “They’re werebears… I guess, and they have some sort of beef with your dad,” he said without looking at her.

  “I didn’t know there was such a thing… but I guess if werewolves are possible,” she let it hang a moment. “They want to kidnap me for leverage? Makes sense, my dad has a lot of pull with the Alphas.”

  He took her hand as they started the trek to the cabin. There was more, of course.

  “They wanted to give you to their leader, who would turn you into one of them,” he said quickly. He wasn’t sure of all the specifics himself.

  “If they’re anything like wolves that means… Oh,” she said quietly. “Let’s hurry.”

  The two moved as fast as Kirks tired legs would carry them. His muscles were rested enough that they were back to burning with each step. The rocky ground made it difficult to go very far without slipping and falling. After what felt like an hour, they reached the door of the cabin.

  “What took you so long?” Monique asked from behind the recently-cut wood pile. Somewhere she found clothes and a very large rifle.

  “She woke up, and I needed a rest. How far behind are they?”

  “Not far. I called your dad, they should be here soon,” she said as she broke cover to usher them inside. Johan waited for them with two cups of hot cocoa. Along with eggs and thick strips of bacon.

  “Seriously?” Kirk asked. The cocoa went down smooth and he immediately felt better.

  “You’re going to need your strength for what’s next,” she said with a sly smile.

  Portia went to the table, the food laid out looked too appetizing for her not to eat.

  “What’s the plan and do I get a gun?” Kirk asked.

  Monique shook her head. “There’s just the one. I would rather have a bow, but I know how to use it. Do you love her?”

  Monique’s question caught him off guard. He glanced over to Portia's slim form as she ate her food. His heart swelled with desire when he looked at her. She stopped eating to look at him as if she knew. The warm smile that spread across her face reflected his own feelings.

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “Good, then get some food, you’re going to need your strength.” Monique didn’t answer any of his other questions. He resigned himself to doing as he asked. She left the room, and a minute later he heard the shower come on.

  “What’s going on?” Portia asked.

  “Your guess is as good as mine,” he said with a shrug.

  Johan walked through the room from the small closet with towels in one hand and soap in the other. Kirk focused on eating. A blush started at his feet and spread to his face as he put together what their plan was.

  Before Portia could ask him what was going on, Monique came out to get her. She went with her, giving Kirk a sideways look.

  Kirk went to the window after he finished eating. If the bears got here before his dad, there wouldn’t be enough time to do anything, let alone what Monique had planned.


  Carver paused at the top of the ridge. His sensitive nose sniffed the air. Close. Whoever was after Kirk and Portia wasn’t alone. And they were adept at hiding their scent. But not as good as Carver was at finding it. Twenty-one wolves spread out behind him as he turned, including Paul’s tawny wolf. His whole pack wasn’t there, but close enough. Each one would be willing to die for him, and they made sure he knew it.

  The scent went up the mountain after heading east for more than an hour. Once they made the turn uphill, Carver figured out where they were heading. The cabin. It had to be Kirk’s idea. Whether he knew Johan was there or not, the kid would have backup. After Monique’s call for help, they tried to call her back, but the radio’s receiver must be on the fritz. Part of why he sent Johan up there in the first place. A nudge from his side caught his attention.

  It will be okay. The tawny wolf seemed to tell him.

  Carver growled. Damn right. The pack was riled up. No one threatened an entire pack without facing their wrath. Even without pack magic there would be hell to pay, with it, each one of them felt the anger and outrage of their alpha.

  The pack charged on, wolf paws dug into the ground with each step, propelling them closer to the top of the mountain.


  Monique let out the breath she’d been holding. The first one came into her sights five hundred yards away. Its shaggy brown coat glistened in the sun. She wanted to pull the trigger, but if they knew she had a rifle, they may change their plans. And she wanted them as close as possible. They needed to hear it.

  “They’re here—you’d better change,” she said to Johan.

  He nodded. Already naked, he didn’t have to take his clothes off. His body shivered as his skin morphed from pink to brown then to fur. He fell over on all fours with a grunt that turned into a growl.

  More and more bears emerged from the tree line. She counted five before he came out. He had to be the leader. The other bears were smaller, more round—he was massive, shoulders like boulders as he stomped over the ground. She looked down at the rifle, it was small compared to him.

  The door to the bedroom creaked open, Kirk’s face in the opening.

  “Monique,” he pleaded.

  “It’s the only way. He’s her
e for one thing, and he can’t have it.”

  “How do you know it works?”

  She smiled. “Trust me, it works. Now get in there, and I’d better hear some activity.”

  He blushed and shut the door. Monique never figured she would be encouraging a young couple to fuck. If they didn’t though, the bear would take her and rape her. And that wouldn’t be pleasant at all. It’s not like this wasn’t what they were going to do the night they were taken. She just needed them to commit. It wouldn’t hurt if Portia was impregnated to boot. It would seal an alliance between Paul and Carver, and help them deal with their other problems. Even now, with a shaggy death facing them, the thought of those two men sent a shiver up her spine.

  The leader, flanked by his bears, stopped a hundred yards from the cabin. He reared up on his hind legs, thick brown hair vanished and a man stood there. His manhood was undeniable. Thick hair covered his torso, along with long brown hair that flowed past his shoulders.

  “Send out the girl,” he roared.

  “If all you want is a girl, I’m sure we can arrange something,” Monique yelled back from the window.

  He smiled. “I give you full marks for bravery, but don’t be stupid. You can’t hope to stop us, wolf,” he growled.

  Monique held her hand out to Johan to heel. The last thing she needed was for him to charge out and get himself killed. She cocked her head toward the bedroom and listened. A soft moan drifted across the room. Good, they’ve started.

  Now she needed Carver to get here before they killed her. That would be perfect. She stepped out of the cabin. The rifle was leaning against the inside of the door, all she would have to do was reach in and she would have it.

  “What’s your name?” he asked. She noticed he moved forward as he spoke.

  “Monique,” she replied. Her eyes flickered to the bears on either side closing in around the cabin.

  “Surely your life, and the life of the other two wolves in there, isn’t worth one worthless girl.”


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