Delphi Septuagint

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by Lancelot C L Brenton (ed)

  [16] And it came to pass three days after they had made a covenant with them, they heard that they were near neighbours, and that they dwelt among them. [17] And the children of Israel departed and came to their cities; and their cities were Gabaon, and Kephira, and Berot, and the cities of Jarin. [18] Land the children of Israel fought not with them, because all the princes sware to them by the Lord God of Israel; and all the congregation murmured at the princes.

  [19] And the princes said to all the congregation: We have sworn to them by the Lord God of Israel, and now we shall not be able to touch them. [20] This we will do; take them alive, and we will preserve them: so there shall not be wrath against us by reason of the oath which we swore to them. [21] They shall live, and shall be hewers of wood and drawers of water to all the congregation, as the princes said to them.

  [22] And Joshua called them together and said to them, Why have ye deceived me, saying, We live very far from you; whereas ye are fellow-countrymen of those who dwell among us? [23] And now ye are cursed: there shall not fail of you a slave, or a hewer of wood, or a drawer of water to me and my God. [24] And they answered Joshua, saying, It was reported to us what the Lord thy God charged his servant Moses, to give you this land, and to destroy us and all that dwelt on it from before you; and we feared very much for our lives because of you, and therefore we did this thing. [25] And now, behold, we are in your power; do to us as it is pleasing to you, and as it seems good to you.

  [26] Aand they did so to them; and Joshua rescued them in that day out of the hands of the children of Israel, and they did not slay them. [27] And Joshua made them in that day hewers of wood and drawers of water to the whole congregation, and for the altar of God: therefore the inhabitants of Gabaon became hewers of wood and drawers of water for the altar of God until this day, even for the place which the Lord should choose.

  [30] Then Joshua built an alter to the Lord God of Israel in mount Gebal, [31] as Moses the servant of the Lord commanded the children of Israel, as it was written in the law of Moses, an alter of unhewn stones, on which iron had not been lifted up: and he offered there whole-burnt-offerings to the Lord, and a piece offering. And Joshua wrote upon the stones a copy of the law, even the law of Moses, before the children of Israel. [33] And all Israel, and their elders, and their judges, and their scribes, passed on one side and on the other, before the ark; and the priests and the levites took up the ark of the covenant of the Lord; and the stranger and the native were there, who were half of them near mount Gebal, as Moses the servant of the Lord commanded at first, to bless the people.

  [34] And afterwards Joshua read accordingly all the words of this law, the blessings and the curses, according to all things written in the law of Moses. [35] There was not a word of all that Moses charged Joshua, which Joshua read not in the ears of all men, and the women, and the children of Israel, and the strangers that joined themselves to Israel.

  Chapter 10

  [1] And when Adoni-bezec king of Jerusalem heard that Joshua had taken Gai, and had destroyed it, as he did to Jericho and its king, even so they did to Gai and its king, and that the inhabitants of Gabaon had gone over to Joshua and Israel; [2] then they were greatly terrified by them, for the king knew that Gabaon was a great city, as one of the chief cities, and all its men were mighty. [3] So Adoni-bezec king of Jerusalem sent to Elam king of Hebron, and to Phidon king of Jerimuth, and to Jephtha king of Lachis, and to Dabin king of Odollam, saying, [4] Come up hither to me, and help me, and let us take Gabaon; for the Gabaonites have gone over to Joshua and to the children of Israel. [5] And the five kings of the Jebusites went up, the king of Jerusalem, and the king of Chebron, and the king of Jerimuth, and the king of Lachis, and the king of Odollam, they and all their people; and encamped around Gabaon, and besieged it.

  [6] And the inhabitants of Gabaon sent to Joshua into the camp to Galgala, saying, Slack not thy hands from thy servants: come up quickly to us, and help us, and rescue us; for all the kings of the Amorites who dwell in the hill country are gathered together against us. [7] And Joshua went up from Galgala, he and all the people of war with him, every one mighty in strength.

  [8] And the Lord said to Joshua, Fear them not, for I have delivered them into thy hands; there shall not one of them be left before you.

  [9] And when Joshua came suddenly upon them, he had advanced all the night out of Galgala. [10] And the Lord struck them with terror before the children of Israel; and the Lord destroyed them with a great slaughter at Gabaon; and they pursued them by the way of the going up of Oronin, and they smote them to Azeca and to Makeda. [11] And when they fled from the face of the children of Israel at the descent of Oronin, then the Lord cast upon them hailstones from heaven to Azeca; and they were more that died by the hailstones, than those whom the children of Israel slew with the sword in the battle.

  [12] Then Joshua spoke to the Lord, in the day in which the Lord delivered the Amorite into the power of Israel, when he destroyed them in Gabaon, and they were destroyed from before the children of Israel: and Joshua said, Let the sun stand over against Gabaon, and the moon over against the valley of Ælon. [13] And the sun and the moon stood still, until God executed vengeance on their enemies; and the sun stood still in the midst of heaven; it did not proceed to set till the end of one day. [14] And there was not such a day either before or after, so that God should hearken to a man, because the Lord fought on the side of Israel.

  [15] 16 And these five kings fled, and hid themselves in a cave that is in Makeda. [17] And it was told Joshua, saying, The five kings have been found hid in the cave that is in Makeda. [18] And Joshua said, Roll stones to the mouth of the cave, and set men to watch over them. [19] But do not ye stand, but pursue after your enemies, and attack the rear of them, and do not suffer them to enter into their cities; for the Lord our God has delivered them into our hands. [20] And it came to pass when Joshua and all Israel ceased destroying them utterly with a very great slaughter, that they that escaped took refuge in the strong cities.

  [21] And all the people returned safe to Joshua to Makeda; and no one of the children of Israel murmured with his tongue.

  [22] And Joshua said, Open the cave, and bring out these five kings out of the cave. [23] And they brought out the five kings out of the cave, the king of Jerusalem, and the king of Chebron, and the king of Jerimuth, and the king of Lachis, and the king of Odollam. [24] And when they brought them out to Joshua, then Joshua called together all Israel, and the chiefs of the army that went with him, saying to them, Come forward and set your feet on their necks; and they came and set their feet on their necks. [25] And Joshua said to them, Do not fear them, neither be cowardly; be courageous and strong, for thus the Lord will do to all your enemies, against whom ye fight. [26] And Joshua slew them, and hanged them on five trees; and they hung upon the trees until the evening. [27] And it came to pass toward the setting of the sun, Joshua commanded, and they took them down from the trees, and cast them into the cave into which they had fled for refuge, and rolled stones to the cave, which remain till this day.

  [28] And they took Makeda on that day, and slew the inhabitants with the edge of the sword, and they utterly destroyed every living thing that was in it; and there was none left in it that was preserved and had escaped; and they did to the king of Makeda, as they did to the king of Jericho.

  [29] And Joshua and all Israel with him departed out of Makeda to Lebna, and besieged Lebna. [30] And the Lord delivered it into the hands of Israel: and they took it, and its king, and slew the inhabitants with the edge of the sword, and every thing breathing in it; and there was not left in it any that survived and escaped; and they did to its king, as they did to the king of Jericho.

  [31] And Joshua and all Israel with him departed from Lebna to Lachis, and he encamped about it, and besieged it. [32] And the Lord delivered Lachis into the hands of Israel; and they took it on the second day, and they put the inhabitants to death with the edge of the sword, and utterly destroyed it, as they had do
ne to Lebna. [33] Then Elam the king of Gazer went up to help Lachis; and Joshua smote him and his people with the edge of the sword, until there was not left to him one that was preserved and escaped.

  [34] And Joshua and all Israel with him departed from Lachis to Odollam, and he besieged it and took it. [35] And the Lord delivered it into the hand of Israel; and he took it on that day, and slew the inhabitants with the edge of the sword, and slew every thing breathing in it, as they did to Lachis.

  [36] And Joshua and all Israel with him departed to Chebron, and encamped about it. [37] And he smote it with the edge of the sword, and all the living creatures that were in it; there was no one preserved: they destroyed it and all things in it, as they did to Odollam.

  [38] And Joshua and all Israel returned to Dabir; and they encamped about it; [39] and they took it, and its king, and its villages: and he smote it with the edge of the sword, and they destroyed it, and every thing breathing in it; and they did not leave in it any one that was preserved: as they did to Chebron and her king, so they did to Dabir and her king.

  [40] And Joshua smote all the land of the hill country, and Nageb and the plain country, and Asedoth, and her kings, they did not leave of them one that was saved: and they utterly destroyed every thing that had the breath of life, as the Lord God of Israel commanded, [41] from Cades Barne to Gaza, all Gosom, as far as Gabaon. [42] And Joshua smote, once for all, all their kings, and their land, because the Lord God of Israel fought on the side of Israel.

  Chapter 11

  [1] And when Jabis the king of Asor heard, he sent to Jobab king of Maron, and to the king of Symoon, and to the king of Aziph, [2] and to the kings who were by the great Sidon, to the hill country and to Araba opposite Keneroth, and to the plain, and to Phenaeddor, [3] and to the Chananites on the coast eastward, and to the Amorites on the coast, and the Chettites, and the Pherezites, and the Jebusites in the mountain, and the Evites, and those dwelling under mount Aermon in the land Massyma. [4] And they and their kings with them went forth, as the sand of the sea in multitude, and horses, and very many chariots. [5] And all the kings assembled in person, and came to the same place, and encamped at the waters of Maron to war with Israel.

  [6] And the Lord said to Joshua, Be not afraid of them, for to-morrow at this time I will put them to flight before Israel: thou shalt hough their horses, and burn their chariots with fire [7] And Joshua and all the men of war came upon them at the water of Maron suddenly; and they attacked them in the hill country. [8] And the Lord delivered them into the power of Israel; and they smote them and pursued them to great Sidon, and to Maseron, and to the plains of Massoch eastward; and they destroyed them till there was not one of them left that survived. [9] And Joshua did to them, as the Lord commanded him: he houghed their horses, and burned their chariots with fire.

  [10] And Joshua returned at that time, and took Asor and her king; now Asor in former time was the chief of these kingdoms. [11] And they slew with the sword all that breathed in it, and utterly destroyed them all, and there was no living thing left in it; and they burnt Asor with fire. [12] And Joshua took all the cities of the kingdoms, and their kings, and slew them with the edge of the sword; and utterly slew them, as Moses the servant of the Lord commanded. [13] But all the walled cities Israel burnt not; but Israel burnt Asor only. [14] And the children of Israel took all its spoils to themselves; and they slew all the men with the edge of the sword, until he destroyed them; they left not one of them breathing. [15] As the Lord commanded his servant Moses, even so Moses commanded Joshua; and so Joshua did, he transgressed no precept of all that Moses commanded him.

  [16] And Joshua took all the hill country, and all the land of Nageb, and all the land of Gosom, and the plain country, and that toward the west, and the mountain of Israel and the low country by the mountain; [17] from the mountain of Chelcha, and that which goes up to Seir, and as far as Balagad, and the plains of Libanus, under mount Aermon; and he took all their kings, and destroyed, and slew them. [18] And for many days Joshua waged war with these kings.

  [19] And there was no city which Israel took not; they took all in war. [20] For it was of the Lord to harden their hearts to go forth to war against Israel, that they might be utterly destroyed, that mercy should not be granted to them, but that they should be utterly destroyed, as the Lord said to Moses.

  [21] And Joshua came at that time, and utterly destroyed the Enakim out of the hill country, from Chebron and from Dabir, and from Anaboth, and from all the race of Israel, and from all the mountain of Juda with their cities; and Joshua utterly destroyed them. [22] There was not any one left of the Enakim by the children of Israel, only there was left of them in Gaza, and in Gath, and in Aseldo.

  [23] And Joshua took all the land, as the Lord commanded Moses; and Joshua gave them for an inheritance to Israel by division according to their tribes; and the land ceased from war.

  Chapter 12

  [1] And these are the kings of the land, whom the children of Israel slew, and inherited their land beyond Jordan from the east, from the valley of Arnon to the mount of Aermon, and all the land of Araba on the east. [2] Seon king of the Amorites, who dwelt in Esebon, ruling from Arnon, which is in the valley, on the side of the valley, and half of Galaad as far as Jaboc, the borders of the children of Ammon. [3] And Araba as far as the sea of Chenereth eastward, and as far as the sea of Araba; the salt sea eastward by the way to Asimoth, from Thaeman under Asedoth Phasga. [4] And Og king of Basan, who dwelt in Astaroth and in Edrain, was left of the giants [5] ruling from mount Aermon and from Secchai, and over all the land of Basan to the borders of Gergesi, and Machi, and the half of Galaad of the borders of Seon king of Esebon. [6] Moses the servant of the Lord and the children of Israel smote them; and Moses gave them by way of inheritance to Ruben, and Gad, and to the half tribe of Manasse. [7] And these are the kings of the Amorites, whom Joshua and the children of Israel slew beyond Jordan by the sea of Balagad in the plain of Libanus, and as far as the mountain of Chelcha, as men go up to Seir: and Joshua gave it to the tribes of Israel to inherit according to their portion; [8] in the mountain, and in the plain, and in Araba, and in Asedoth, and in the wilderness, and Nageb; the Chettite, and the Amorite, and the Chananite, and the Pherezite, and the Evite, and the Jebusite.

  [9] The king of Jericho, and the king of Gai, which is near Baethel; [10] the king of Jerusalem, the king of Chebron, [11] the king of Jerimuth, the king of Lachis; [12] the king of Ælam, the king of Gazer; [13] the king of Dabir, the king of Gader: [14] the king of Hermath, the king of Ader; [15] the king of Lebna, the king of Odollam, [16] (15A) the king of Elath, [17] (15B) the king of Taphut, the king of Opher, [18] (15C) the king of Ophec of Aroc, [19] (15D) the king of Asom, [20] (15E) the king of Symoon, the king of Mambroth, the king of Aziph, [21] (15F) the king of Cades, the king of Zachac, [22] (15G) the king of Maredoth, the king of Jecom of Chermel, [23] the king of Odollam belonging to Phennealdor, the king of Gei of Galilee: [24] the king of Thersa: all these were twenty-nine kings.

  Chapter 13

  [1] And Joshua was old and very advanced in years; and the Lord said to Joshua, Thou art advanced in years, and there is much land left to inherit. [2] And this is the land that is left: the borders of the Phylistines, the Gesirite, and the Chananite, [3] from the wilderness before Egypt, as far as the borders of Accaron on the left of the Chananites the land is reckoned to the five principalities of the Phylistines, to the inhabitant of Gaza, and of Azotus, and of Ascalon, and of Geth, and of Accaron, and to the Evite; [4] from Thaeman even to all the land of Chanaan before Gaza, and the Sidonians as far as Aphec, as far as the borders of the Amorites. [5] And all the land of Galiath of the Phylistines, and all Libanus eastward from Galgal, under the mountain Aermon as far as the entering in of Emath; [6] every one that inhabits the hill country from Libanus as far as Masereth Memphomaim. All the Sidonians, I will destroy them from before Israel; but do thou give them by inheritance to Israel, as I charged thee.

  [7] And now di
vide this land by lot to the nine tribes, and to the half tribe of Manasse. [8] From Jordan to the great sea westward thou shalt give it them: the great sea shall be the boundary. But to the two tribes and to the half tribe of Manasse, to Ruben and to Gad Moses gave an inheritance beyond Jordan: Moses the servant of the Lord gave it to them eastward, [9] from Aroer, which is on the bank of the brook of Arnon, and the city in the midst of the valley, and all Misor from Maedaban. [10] All the cities of Seon king of the Amorites, who reigned from Esebon to the coasts of the children of Ammon; [11] and the region of Galaad, and the borders of the Gesirites and the Machatites, the whole mount of Aermon, and all the land of Basan to Acha. [12] All the kingdom of Og in the region of Basan, who reigned in Astaroth and in Edrain: he was left of the giants; and Moses smote him, and destroyed him. [13] But the children of Israel destroyed not the Gesirite and the Machatite and the Chananite; and the king of the Gesiri and the Machatite dwelt among the children of Israel until this day.

  [14] Only no inheritance was given to the tribe of Levi: the Lord God of Israel, he is their inheritance, as the Lord said to them; and this is the division which Moses made to the children of Israel in Araboth Moab, on the other side of Jordan, by Jericho.

  [15] And Moses gave the land to the tribe of Ruben according to their families. [16] And their borders were from Aroer, which is opposite the brook of Arnon, and theirs is the city that is in the valley of Arnon; and all Misor, [17] to Esebon, and all the cities in Misor, and Daebon, and Baemon-Baal, and the house of Meelboth; [18] and Basan, and Bakedmoth, and Maephaad, [19] and Kariathaim, and Sebama, and Serada, and Sion in mount Enab; [20] and Baethphogor, and Asedoth Phasga, and Baetthasinoth, [21] and all the cities of Misor, and all the kingdom of Seon king of the Amorites, whom Moses smote, even him and the princes of Madian, and Evi, and Roboc, and Sur, and Ur, and Robe prince of the spoils of Sion, and the inhabitants of Sion.


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