A Staten Island Love Letter 3

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A Staten Island Love Letter 3 Page 10

by Jahquel J

  I understood that everyone dealt with things different. I had my moment when I didn’t come around Rain, but eventually I got my shit together and stepped in as her father. Parenting didn’t end because you lost a child. As much as I wanted to end my life that day, I knew that it was selfish for me to leave Rain. Shakira had me fucked up with her disappearance act. I was sick of her shit and Rain was asking for her mother. What was I supposed to tell her? I didn’t have an answer for her. I finished cleaning the bathroom and then went into the bedroom to sit down. Just as I was about to turn on sports center, I saw Staten’s name flash across my ringing phone. Picking the phone up, I placed it to my ear.

  “What’s good?”

  “Shit… I’m pulling into your gate now. What’s the code? I know you be changing that shit like every day.” He laughed. You never knew who was watching so I made sure that code was changed every other day.

  “38472,” I read to him and we ended the call.

  I turned the TV on and watched the highlights from last night’s game. My mind was on everything except this highlight. There was so much going on in my life that I didn’t know how to start to sort the shit out. It seemed like I couldn’t catch a fucking break no matter what. Staten strolled into my bedroom and sat down across from me in the sitting area.

  “My boy Samaj gonna be a stone-cold hustler,” he laughed. “He already got more swag than half these niggas on the block.”

  “Nah, he’s going to college and is going to make something of himself.”

  “Yeah, I’d like to see that shit happen. If he’s anything like you or me, he’s gonna be right in the streets… it don’t take much for a Staten Island nigga to start hustling.”

  “We’re moving to Georgia, so he don’t even need to worry about those issues.” Right now seemed like the perfect time to talk about me moving.

  Staten held his hand up and answered his phone. “Oh word? I’m here right now… bet, I’ll come down and open the gate for you,” he said.

  “Who that?” I asked. He was making plans like I wanted all this company. Shit, I barely wanted his company, but Staten did what the hell he wanted. Always has.

  “Messiah. She said she needs to talk to you about something.”

  “Messiah don’t make house calls, the hell she need to discuss?” I was skeptical. Messiah never came to you, you came to her.

  “I’ll let her tell you.” He dipped out the room before I could ask another question. I stood up and headed downstairs. Messiah came into the house and Pat took her fur off. I was surprised she had on a pair of thigh high black stilettos.

  “Messiah, to what do I owe this visit?” I hugged her and she kissed my cheek. “A kiss on the cheek? This must be serious.”

  She gently slapped my cheek a few times and laughed. “You act like I’m so bad. I come and visit…sometimes.”

  “Messiah, you been here once.”

  “I didn’t like your fiancée,” she countered and walked into my office. The kids were in the theater room watching movies so I knew they would be occupied for a few hours before they asked for something to eat.

  Me and Staten followed her into my office where she sat behind my desk and crossed her legs. Everything about Messiah screamed boss. She wasn’t a regular woman, she was a boss. It was rare that she allowed herself to be vulnerable in front of others besides her family. We all joked with Rasheed about how he was able to get her pregnant.

  “Before I get into business, I came to visit Mariah. You know she has a condo by the ferry now?”

  “Nah, she finally left the castle… how you feeling about that?”

  “Eh, I’m not pleased but Mariah has always been independent.” She waved it off. “How are you doing these days?” she stared at me.

  “I’m taking it one day at a time. Nothing else that I can do.”

  “And as far as running the streets?”

  “I check on things when I’m needed. My mind isn’t on that now… I be trying, but my heart ain’t in this shit no more,” I admitted. It was true. I used to have love for the streets and never thought I could leave them alone. It was hard to have love for something that took my daughter from me.

  “I could see that. You know the shows still goes on, even when we’re dealing with shit. Once we show weakness, things go downhill. When we decided to do business, you told me that you were up for the challenge no matter what comes your way.”

  “Yeah, that was when I didn’t have kids and shit. I’ve been thinking…” I allowed my voice to trail off.

  “Of letting Staten take over?”

  “Yeah. Staten has always proven himself and I think he’ll be a good replacement. Me and Free are moving to Georgia,” I added.

  “You’re gonna allow them to run you out of your city?” Messiah narrowed her eyes at me. I could tell that she was disappointed in my decision.

  “Nah, I just need something new. I’ve been in Staten Island my whole entire life. I could probably drive around blind folded and still make it to my destination. It’s time for me to experience something new. Free is pregnant and I want to do shit the right way this time.”

  Messiah leaned back in the chair and dangled her legs for a bit before she spoke. “You have always been a fool for Free. If this is what you want to do, then I’m not going to stop you. You both have my blessings. Make sure you tell her I said congratulations.” She winked and then turned her attention to Staten. “How do you feel about all of this?”

  “Man, the fact that you’re about to be a father again got me a little teary eyed,” he laughed. I wasn’t going to tell anyone that there was a possibility that Zoe could be the father. “As far as taking over, you already know I’m ready and have been groomed for this. Nothing to worry about, I’m good with the decision.”

  “Great. Now, why is that vermin Pook still walking around my city?”

  “That’s why I came over here to talk with Ghost. I was gonna use Liberty, but she not in the right head space to deal with that shit right now. You wanna get your hands dirty once more before you retire, old man?”

  I held my hand out and we dapped each other. “Facts, we gonna do what needs to be done. He’ll be done before the week is over.”

  “Perfect. I’m glad that we handled all of this. I want that man dead. If he thinks he can get out of prison and try to take our money, he’s wrong and needs a clear lesson on how the pecking order works.”

  “He’ll get handled, don’t worry about that,” Staten assured her.

  “And another thing, you know that nigga, Trac?”

  “Yeah, I know him,” Staten said before I could answer. I didn’t know any of these new niggas that were under us. I left Staten to vet and make sure they were good to add to the team.”

  “What you know about him?” she questioned.

  “He’s good peoples… Nigga put in more work than the niggas that been under us for years. We kick it from time to time too. With me stepping up, I might be bringing him on my immediate team.”

  “He good like that?”

  “The nigga hella loyal and he got good ideas… you know I don’t fuck with many people, but I fuck with him,” he replied to me. “What about him?” he turned to ask Messiah.

  “Mariah has a little crush on him, and I know he most certainly has a crush on her. I want it to end.”

  “Siah, he’s next up. He might be a good look for her.”

  “Do you think I give a damn about if he’s next up? Mariah is the heir to a cocaine dynasty. She’s been the next up and damn sure doesn’t need a nigga that is next up.”

  As much as Messiah liked to put on how she allows her kids to be there and how trained they are, she was still a mom. She didn’t want Mariah dating because she wasn’t ready for it. It didn’t matter that Trac was a good dude, she wasn’t ready for her baby girl to enter the dating pool yet.

  “How Rasheed feel about it?”

  “He thinks he’s a good dude too. I don’t give a fuck if he’s a saint… M
ariah doesn’t need to be focused on men right now. She needs to be focused on work that needs to be done. She thinks I don’t know why she has gotten that condo.”

  “Look at Mommy Messiah emerging,” I laughed.

  “Shut up. Handle Pook, and I mean it,” she pointed her finger at me. “And, your man Zeek has closed down everything he had opened here in Staten Island. I’ve heard that he’s heading back to Brooklyn. Are you both even, or is he going to die trying to leave the island?”

  Zeek wasn’t a thought on my mind. Still, after his brother and sister were murdered, I knew he would be coming back. He wanted everyone to believe that everything was peaceful, but he would come out left field and retaliate. I sat back and was calm before and that’s how Summer and Staten got shot. He needed to be handled.

  “Nah, we gonna get at him. I’ll get someone to watch how he moving, and I’ll strike when it’s a good time.”

  “Bet.” Staten nodded.

  “And about the business you have with Shakira’s father… it’s done.”

  “I ain’t hit him in a minute and I been stopped sending work for him to transport. I’ve been using my trucking company.”

  “No, I had all his dealerships on the island torched. Now, maybe he’ll have Zeek help him rebuild. You don’t go against the family.” She stood up, grabbed her purse, and came around the table. “I’m glad we were able to sit and talk. As for Trac, tell him to stay away from my daughter.” She winked and headed out of the office. I laughed because I knew Messiah was serious about Mariah and Trac.

  “She serious, huh?”

  “You know she is. I’m bout to hit Pook up and tell him we got his money,” I walked around my desk.

  “Bet. Call me when we’re supposed to meet up. I’m bout to head into the theater and kick it with my nieces and nephew.

  “Aye, what’s going on with you and Chanel?” I caught him before he left the office. He walked back to the seat and plopped down.

  “She pissed about Liberty and won’t return any of my calls.”

  “Damn, she mad like that? You and Chanel never go a day without speaking unless she in a relationship.”

  “So, you see that shit too?” He narrowed his eyes and asked.

  “Nigga, we all saw the shit. You made her into this princess and now she can’t take that you might be introducing a queen into this castle y’all built. You can have your friend and girlfriend, but that’s only if Chanel wants it to happen. You gonna have to choose.”

  “Why the fuck do I have to choose? That’s like choosing Liberty over my child. Chanel not going to let me see my seed if I choose to continue to be with Liberty.”

  I shrugged. “Nigga, Chanel showing her true colors here… you gotta handle that shit. If Liberty makes you happy, do what needs to be done to keep her. If that means taking custody of your seed, then do it.”

  “Ain’t no judge going to…” he allowed his voice to trail off. “Got it,” he laughed and stood back up.

  “Everybody loves money.” I winked. “And how are you handling the shit with Liberty? I questioned. Free cried to me about it and I wanted to make sure Liberty got the help that she needed. Although I had already knew about Liberty’s drug problem, I kept my mouth shut and let her cry.

  “I’m handling that. We’ll we’re handling it since Free so damn bossy and demanding.”

  “Bet. Let me make some calls,” I told him, and he closed my office door back so I could get Pook’s number and tell him about the money. If I knew that old nigga like I thought I did, he would crawl from whatever hole to collect some money he thought was owed to him.

  “Ma, you don’t need to worry about finding us a crib. Let me handle that. You got enough on your plate,” I told Free as I sat in my car watching Pook swagger into the Cuban restaurant I picked as our meeting place.

  “Yeah, but I feel like I know the areas way better than you do. Alpharetta is my main pick. I want a gated community too,” she continued on.

  I killed my engine and sat in the car for a minute longer. “Free, let me handle where we are going to live, ight? I agreed to move but let me be in control of the move,” I told her.

  Ever since I had agreed all she spoke about was the move. The kids all knew, and they were excited. Shit, I was excited too, but I needed her to trust me and allow me to find us a home. My realtor was already in Atlanta looking at places on my behalf. She knew exactly what I liked and would be able to make the decision when she found the right one. Free needed to be worried about wrapping up any projects she had in New York since she planned to head back to Georgia soon.

  “Fine, I’m just trying to help you out. We’re a team,” she sulked. I knew she was giving me that pouty face she gave whenever she couldn’t have her way.

  “Aye, fix your face.” I laughed.

  “You can’t even see my face,” she giggled. “Whatever, I’m gonna go and take the kids to grab some dinner. Have you spoke to Marisol?”

  “Nah. She hasn’t picked up her phone. I’ll hit Priest and see if he’s heard from her,” I promised.

  “Okay. Love you and be safe,” she told me.

  “Love you too and I’m always safe.”

  She laughed. “Whatever, boy. See you when you get back to the house.” I ended the call and jogged across the street.

  I met at this little Cuban spot because it was low traffic in the area, and I didn’t need an audience witnessing both me and Pook meeting together. When I entered the restaurant, the cashier smiled, and I made my way over to the table that Pook was sitting at. He had a menu in his hand and was talking to the waitress about what food he wanted. I slid into the booth just as he was handing the menu back to the woman.

  “Can I get you something as well, Papi?”

  “Tea… I feel like I’m coming down with a cold or something,” I tried to suppress my cough.

  “The man with the coldest heart is coming down with a cold? That’s something to laugh about,” Pook chuckled and grabbed the menu back. “Yeah, give me that soup y’all make with chicken,” he added on to his order.

  She grabbed the menu and went to put our orders in. I looked around the small restaurant at all the Cuban décor. There were pictures of Cuban singers from back in the day, Cuban flags and pictures with the iconic old school Cuban cars that the country still used to this day.

  “Man, I know you didn’t come here to fucking stare at this shitty restaurant. What’s good?” he asked.

  I laughed to myself because even as an old nigga he still hadn’t mastered the art of patience. The way his leg kept jumping and he was looking around told me that he couldn’t wait to get the money I was giving him.

  “I came here to make sure that shit is straight with us. After I give you this money, I don’t want no issues. I want to be sure that Liberty is good as well.”

  “Man, that bitch can rot in hell for all I care. The shit she did to me, she lucky this is all I’ve done to her,” he snarled.

  “Nigga, did you think about the shit you did to her? Everybody heard about what happened and she had the right to do you dirty. You did her dirty first.”

  “Fuck outta here. Her young ass wasn’t enough for me. She was too childish.”

  “Here’s a hint, maybe you shouldn’t have been looking at a chick her age. That’s neither here nor there, I need you to tell me that she’s good.” I accepted the tea from the waitress. She sat the soup down and Pook grabbed the spoon and dug in.

  “Yeah, whatever. I’m flattered that you young niggas still need my blessing. My name still hold weight in these streets.” He spooned some soup into his mouth.

  “Something like that,” I replied and dropped a sugar cube into my tea. We got a deal?”

  “Nigga, I’ll leave her alone when I fee...” his words were cut short because he started coughing. “Feel like it,” he finished.


  His eyes bugged out his head and he stared at me. “The fuck is in this? My insides feel hot.” I looked at th
e door as Messiah locked it.

  “A little of this and a little of that,” Messiah spoke as her heels made the clacking noise. She put her hand on Pook’s shoulder and then leaned against the counter near our table. “Well, if you really want to know, you have about six deadly poisons mixed into our soup. Ricin being one of them,” she further explained.

  This nigga was coughing, choking, and spitting up blood. His eyes were blood shot red. “You cold ass bitch!” he choked out. “You can’t do you ow... own…work,” he continued to choke as he stared at me.

  “Tsk, tsk, tsk. See, that’s where you’re wrong. I had nothing to do with this. All Ghost’s idea. You’re not worth a bullet to the brain, you should suffer, he told me. You’re a has been who is trying to use his name to make himself relevant again.”

  “I ran this city, bitch! I went toe to toe with your father you silly bitch!” he continued to throw insults.

  “Past tense, ran. If you really ran this city you would have known that this is my mother’s restaurant. You would also know that no one comes here because… well, we don’t focus too much on the cuisine,” she cackled.

  “You’re not going to die right away, nah. In the next three days you’ll be in a world of hurt. My nigga, that shit gonna have you shitting on yourself and all that. Then you’ll die. Greed gets you nowhere. If you would asked to be put on, I would have thought about it.” I explained.

  “Put on! I’m the king of this city!” he spewed.

  “A king has to be dethrone sooner or later.” Staten walked in from the back and sat where I was once seated. He stared at Pook in the eyes. “You asked for the boss, so they sent me dawg,” he smirked.

  “Fuck you. You think that bitch worth your time? She’ll do the same thing she did to me.” The pain from the poison was already getting to him. “She’ll steal and be with the next nigga.”


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