The Love of a Latino

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The Love of a Latino Page 9

by Ewing, A. B.

  “Yes Raphael, I need you. Please make love to me.”

  Leaning forward he trapped her mouth in another kiss, tasting her, savoring the feel of her hot breath against his lips. Without breaking the kiss he scooped her up into his arms heading in the direction of one of the spare rooms. He didn’t fully understand how his mother had done all this but he was thankful. She had indicated that she would be out for the entire night hinting that they would have the house to themselves. No doubt she expected them to end up making love.

  The bedroom was large and in the middle of the room nested a large bed. The house rested on private grounds, which meant there were no neighbors. The long curtains were pulled wide open, the moonlight streaming into the room, casting a shaft of light across the wide bed. Raphael lowered her to her feet placing kisses along her jaw and neck. He undressed her slowly, pulling the dress over her shoulder, and then removing her undergarments. Guiding her down on the bed, he stood away from her, his eyes feasting on her magnificence.

  She brought her hands up in an effort to veil her nakedness. “No Dahlia, do not hide yourself from me. I want to see you like this, your gorgeous body laid out before me. You are superlative, do not ever doubt that.”

  Not taking his eyes from her, he undid the remaining buttons of his shirt and then his trousers. When he was finished discarding his clothes, he stood before her, his naked body like that of a Greek God. Easing himself down to the bed, he stretched out next to her, his arousal pressing against her side and could not help chuckling when she whimpered. Resting his head on an open palm supported by his elbow, he traced the tip of a finger from her lips down her neck and then encircled one of her darkened tips. His hands continued to search her body until his palm came to rest on the mound of her belly.

  “My baby is growing inside you, Princesa. You have given me a gift more precious than anything and I thank you for that.”

  He rose, coming to kneel between her parted thighs. He rested an ear against the swell of her stomach, both of his hands on either side of his head. He stayed like that for a little while, squeezing his eyes shut, holding back a tear that threatened to spill. He felt her hand on his head, resting lightly in his hair. When he finally raised his head to her, there on her face, he saw what he needed—her love for him. Pressing a tender kiss on her belly, he lay above her resting his weight on his arms. Taking his head in her hands she drew him to her, sorting his lips.

  He kissed her then for what seemed like ages, her hands wreaking mayhem on his body and when he knew that he no longer was in command of his need , he whispered in her ear. “I love you Dahlia, mi princesa.” And caught her cry in his mouth as he made her his.


  Chapter 9

  Through the open window, Dahlia could see the moon hanging high in the sky. She lay in Raphael’s arm, one leg thrown listlessly across his thighs, her belly pressed against his side, her cheek against his chest. His long arm was wrapped around her shoulder, a lone finger teasing the skin of her upper arm as it played back and forth. She inhaled lightly taking in the scent of his cologne. For the first time in her life, she was truly content.

  Lauralyn had been right; Raphael was in love with her. It was so hard facing him after all those months, Dahlia wasn’t sure what to expect. This is what she had hoped for though, that Raphael would tell her that he did love her and was happy about their baby.



  “I’m not going to wake up and find that all this is a dream will I?”

  “If it is a dream, Baby, then I do not wish to wake up.”

  Placing her palm flat on his chest she rested her chin on it. “Raphael…?”


  “Are you really happy about the baby?”

  “Dahlia, do not ever doubt that I am anything but happy about this child. It is a blessing, one that I will always cherish. ” He stared at her for a very long while. She opened her mouth to ask another question but he cut her short. “No more questions, Dahlia—at least not from you, but I have a few. Tell me how my mother came to find you.”

  She groaned and fell back against the pillow, closing her eyes. She really hoped she would be spared having to answer that. A smile tugged at the edge of her lips. Beside her, she felt him move and when she opened her eyes he was hovering above her.

  “Can’t you ask your mother?”She whined.

  “No mi amor, you are going to tell me, and if you don’t…”His words trailed off, his hand grazing the tip of one breast through the sheet. She gasped sucking in a breath.

  “You like that, Querida?” She nodded her eyes fixed on him. He leaned close to her and flicked a wet tongue across her nipple. She arched to his touch, her body straining towards him. He grinned. “If you tell me mi amor, maybe I will continue.” He was teasing her and she loved it. His hand moved under the coverlet to cup her breast. “So are you going to tell me?” His finger glided across her nipple.

  She did! She told him every detail of all that transpired from the night she ran out of his room half-dressed to the day his mother showed up. All through her confession Raphael’s fingers tortured her skin and time and time again she had to stop to catch her breath or wet her dry lips with her tongue. When she was finished her breathing was shallow and her body ached to be possessed. Raphael did not disappoint her. He loved her as she needed and when they finally drifted off to sleep, the sun had begun to rise in the morning sky.


  Lauralyn tiptoed in through the front door. Raphael’s car was stilled parked in the driveway, which meant he was still here. And if things went the way she had hoped, her son and her soon to be daughter-in-law would still be asleep. The clock in the hallway said seven thirty a.m. but the house was quiet.

  She was glad Alejandro had decided to go straight to the office from the condo. She would have her hands busy this morning and she didn’t want him distracting her.

  Busying herself in the kitchen she was cautious not to make any noise. Taking some eggs from the well-stocked refrigerator, she started preparing breakfast for the mother to be, all the while humming the tune “Hush little baby.” Soon she was going to be a grandmother; therefore, she needed to start learning kid friendly songs to sing to her grandbaby.


  Always the early riser, Dahlia admired Raphael’s sleeping form. The coverlet was draped carelessly across his waist, leaving his chest bare to her. Her gaze traveled across his chiseled face and she smiled at how relaxed he looked in his sleep. One of his arms rested below his head the other still laid at his side. He was so handsome. She still was not used to the idea that such a man could love her. Her eyes roamed hungrily down the length of his body, to his steely chest and yet lower. She thought of the part of him that lay below the sheet and once again she felt the heat pool between her legs.

  “If you keep looking at me like that mi amor, I cannot be blamed for what I do.”

  Her eyes shot up to his grey ones and she blushed at what she saw in them. Embarrassed at what she was thinking, she lowered her head.

  Grasping her chin in his big hand he urged her to look at him. “Do not ever be embarrassed of what you feel. I can see it in your eyes. You desire me as I desire you. This is one of the things I love about you; your passion.” Taking hold of her hand he guided it down to his hardness below the sheet and she gasped at the first touch.

  “I have been inside you so many times throughout the night and yet one look from you and my need for you is more than I have ever felt. I belong to you, Dahlia. I am yours to do with as you please.” His eyes were now a smoky grey and Dahlia felt him swell beneath her hands.

  “Touch me, Dahlia. Pleasure me.” He commanded his husky voice penetrating her senses, crushing her embarrassment. Her hand began to stroke his length and with every sound that escaped his throat, her touch grew bolder.

  His hand came up to cup her breast and when she looked at him his eyes were closed as he fought to stay in control.
Determined to please him, Dahlia dredged up every memory, every love scene she had read. She knew just the one to use. Releasing his hardened length she rose above him to straddle him. Leaning over him she stared into his eyes, taking his lips with hers. Every time he tried to touch her she pushed his hand away, instead using her hand and mouth to do things to him she didn’t know she was capable of.

  It was only when he cried out, “Dios mio, Dahlia, por favor, I cannot stand this torture any more. I must have you,” that she obeyed him.

  Long after, Dahlia was tucked safely at Raphael’s side, but she could sense something was wrong. He was rigid and he had not said a word after they had made love. Mortified that she had done something to displease him, Dahlia felt tears well up in her eyes. She had never done such things to any man, but she had obviously done them wrong.


  Raphael was jealous. He was sure that she had been a virgin when he’d first made love to her. There was no possible way someone as inexperienced as her could have done the things she had just done to him. He drew the only possible conclusion he could come up with—she had another lover. Another man had taught these things to her. He had taught her how to become a better lover. Raphael knew he had no right to be angry with her. They were not together. But how could she claim to love him, if she had been with someone else? Could it be possible that the baby was not his? A knot formed around his heart at the possibility.

  Drawing away from her, he sat on the edge of the bed, his back to her. He didn’t know how disguise all the different emotions that were coursing through his mind.

  “Raphael?” He heard the confusion in her voice. When he didn’t answer she placed a hand on his back. “Raphael?”

  Turning to her, his gut twisted when he saw the tears in her eyes. Whatever anger he felt dissipated when he saw doubt in her eye. He didn’t care if she had been with someone else or if the baby wasn’t his. He loved her and she was here with him. The rest could be fixed.

  “Why are you crying, mi amor?” He cupped her face wiping at her tears with his thumb.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to disappoint you. I did exactly what the book said,” she wasn’t looking at him; instead she chose to stare at some imaginary spot on the bed.

  “The book?” Now he was the one confused. “What book, mi vida?”

  “A novel I read. I wanted to please you, so I tried something I read once in a book.” She admitted shyly.

  And then it dawned on him. She had been reading a book when he first saw her—a romance novel. Breaking into a ridiculous grin he kissed her full on the lips.

  “Oh no, Querida, you did not disappoint me. On the contrary, I quite enjoyed what you did.”

  “So then, why are you angry with me?

  “Because I am a jealous fool.”


  “You see, my precious; I thought surely it was another man that had thought you those things. So imagine how foolish I feel now that I know it was actually a book. Now I think that I may need to buy you some more of those books.” He teased, lowering his face to place another kiss on her lips.

  “You thought there was another man? There has never been anyone else but you.”

  “And there will be no other, as there will be no other woman for me. Now, Princesa, as much as I want to lay you back on this bed and see what more you have learned from your books, I am hungry and I think you would need to use the bathroom.” With one final kiss, he rose from the bed, stretching his arm above his head. Dahlia’s throat tightened at his muscular form, as the morning sun cut through the drapes and fell fully on him. Stunned at where her thoughts began to stray, she threw the coverlet aside and took the robe Raphael handed her. He was right; she did need to use the bathroom and something to eat.

  When they finally went in search of food in the huge kitchen, it was only to meet a complete breakfast and a smiling Lauralyn awaiting them. “Buenos dias. I was beginning to think I would have to bring breakfast to you.” Lauralyn mocked with a huge smile on her face.

  “Good morning, Mamá. How long have you been back?” Raphael greeted his mother with the customary kiss.

  “Oh, long enough.” She answered sending a wink in Dahlia’s direction that caused her to blush various shades of red. Had Lauralyn heard them?

  “No need to be embarrassed, Child. I know what it is to be in love and enjoy the pleasure of making love.” This only caused Dahlia to blush a few shades deeper.

  “Mamá!” Raphael warned.

  “Fine, Hijo, I’ll behave. So tell me, when’s the wedding?”His mother asked changing the topic.

  Raphael sat at Dahlia’s side an arm around her waist. His mother placed two plates on the island in front of them. “As soon as Dahlia will have me.” Raphael placed a kiss on her cheek before digging into his eggs.

  When his mother turned to look at her, Dahlia looked at Raphael who was busy cleaning off his plate. Looking back at his mother, she answered honestly. “I don’t know. I know I want a small wedding though. And if we could I would like to get married home, in Trinidad.”

  Raphael stopped to look at her. “Is that what you want, Dahlia?”

  “Yes, it would make me feel as if Mama was there.”

  Caressing her cheek Raphael whispered, “I will deny you nothing. If this is what you wish then so be it. We will get married in Trinidad.”

  “Okay, that’s settled. Just give me a date and I will arrange everything. Now, if you two will excuse me, I have some calls to make.” Lauralyn disappeared into the hall.

  Dahlia sat at his side still not believing that all this was happening. She was getting married to the most wonderful man and she was having his baby.


  “Yes, Amor?”

  “Is there a phone I can use? I have to call my sister.” Directing her to the study Raphael reached for his mobile intent on making some calls of his own.


  “Oh, Dahlia, I can’t believe it. You are getting married.” Natasha beamed through the phone.

  “Yes, and guess what? We are having the wedding home in Trinidad!” Dahlia gushed, with a giddy smile on her pretty face.

  “Oh, Dahlia, that’s great. When will you be back?”

  “I’m not sure, but it will be soon.”

  “I can’t wait to see you. Tell me, how did he react when he saw you?”

  “Let’s just say he was happy to see me.” Dahlia turned a deep red. He had showed her how much he had missed her.

  “You sound happy.”

  “I am, Natasha. I really am.”

  “I can’t believe my baby sister is getting married! But I have some news of my own—I’m pregnant!” Dahlia’s older sister announced.

  “Natasha! That is great news! I can’t wait to see you.” A knock from the open door resulted in Raphael’s handsome face peering through it.

  “Tash, I have to go but I promise I’ll call soon. Please give Roger my love.”

  When she hung up he came to her, lifting her to sit on his lap as he seated himself on the large leather sofa. Placing a hand on her stomach he kissed her deeply, passionately, and fully of love.

  “I must go to the office, but only for a short while. Do you wish to go with me, or do you want to stay with my mom?”

  “I will stay here. I’m a little tired.”

  “It is my fault. I have been selfish, not thinking of your delicate condition. I should have allowed you more rest last night.”

  “If I remember correctly, I was just as selfish as you. Don’t worry. I am fine. Go…I promise that when you get back I will be rested.” Hating to leave her so soon he kissed her again but finally released her and headed for the office, determine to get back to her as soon as possible.


  That night as they lay together, both satisfied after a delicious round of lovemaking, they talked about everything. Raphael had insisted she stay at his place which she agreed to. At least she wouldn’t have to worry about his mothe
r hearing them when they made love.

  Raphael told her about his boyhood days, growing up as an only child. He told her about his yacht and the company’s private jet, he briefly mentioned Sarafina and assured her that what he and Sarafina had was not love. In turn, she told him about her mother and her father. She told him about living in Boston and Natasha’s pregnancy. They discussed the wedding and he promised to take her to Spain after the baby was born. They considered names for the baby, and Dahlia insisted on the name Arabella if it was a girl. After she told Raphael about the dream she had the morning after she met him he agreed that Arabella would be the perfect name if it was a girl. Raphael also took the opportunity to translate all the Spanish phrases that seem to confuse Dahlia. She decided she loved being called amor.

  When the early hours over the morning came, Raphael made love to her again, assuring her once more of his love before they finally fell asleep.


  Two weeks after, Dahlia and Raphael stood on the Maracas Beach and said their vows. Natasha and Roger were there as well as Lauralyn, Alejandro, and Raphael’s grandparents. The wedding was small but intimate just as Dahlia had wanted. A small reception was held at the Maracas Hotel. While their family partied until the morning, Raphael and Dahlia snuck away to their room to be together for the first time as husband and wife.

  His family left the day after, but Raphael and Dahlia stayed another two weeks. She spent as much time as she could with Natasha. Soon she would be too pregnant to travel so it would be months before they saw each other again. It was hard leaving her sister behind, but she was happy that she was starting her own family.

  When it was time to leave, Dahlia cried like a waterfall. She loved Raphael and knew her place was with him, but it made her sad to leave home again. In an effort to comfort his new bride, Raphael promised to fly Natasha out to spend some time with her. When they were soaring high above the clouds, Dahlia leaned her head against the window and couldn’t help but feel that she was leaving a part of her behind.


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