The Legacy of Vashna

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The Legacy of Vashna Page 9

by Joe Dever

  If your ENDURANCE points total is now 20 or less, turn to 265.

  If your ENDURANCE points total is now 21 or more, turn to 114.


  You place the food before their feet and step away, but they do not touch it until you sheathe your weapon and taste it yourself to prove that it has not been poisoned (erase this Meal from your Action Chart). Ravenously they consume the humble meal in seconds and, when they have finished, they allow you to approach and examine their sickly child. You tell them that you can help their son. Using your innate healing skills, you place your hands upon the boy's chest and let your Kai power flow through into his fever-wracked body. Within a few moments he stirs to consciousness and gives a healthy cry; you have saved his life.

  Turn to 277.


  You whisper the words of the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand and point your finger at the Arch Druid. A tingling sensation runs down the length of your arm which culminates with a bolt of blue-white energy that arcs from your index finger and explodes against the haft of Cadak's staff.

  Your sudden and unexpected use of magic caught the Arch Druid off-guard. He defended himself, but you sense that the bolt has weakened him. Seizing this opportunity, you draw your weapon and rush forwards to attack him before he fully recovers.

  Arch Druid Cadak: COMBAT SKILL 48 ENDURANCE 32

  Arch Druid Cadak is immune to Mindblast and Psi-surge, but he is vulnerable to Kai-surge.

  If you win this combat, turn to 298.


  You kneel between two praying acolytes and begin to mumble along with their sonorous prayer-dirge. A shiver runs along your spine and you begin to feel queasy; a strong aura of evil surrounds the group and your psychic senses are struggling to shield your mind from its insidious influence.

  You notice that some of the acolytes are shaking uncontrollably, and sweat drips from their faces despite the icy wind which howls across the deck. You recognize that they are suffering the after-effects of using Adgana, a potent and highly addictive potion which increases skill and ferocity in combat. You hazard a guess that many of the acolytes were made to take this narcotic before the assault on the quay, to stir them into battle-frenzy.

  You have been kneeling among the praying acolytes for barely a minute when suddenly the war-horn blares a long, discordant tone. All eyes turn to the east where the shoreline can now be seen on the horizon. The longboat is speeding towards the wooden jetty where a large group of red-robed figures are awaiting its return. The prayer-dirge ceases and everyone gets to their feet in readiness to disembark as soon as the boat docks at the jetty.

  Turn to 150.


  You are awoken in the middle of the night by a tremendous clap of thunder which shakes the ground and startles Bracer. At first you think that a new day must already have dawned, for the cave is awash with bright light. But when you prise open your sleep-clogged eyes and look out over the surrounding landscape, you see that the light has a far more sinister origin.

  The sky is alive with hordes of glowing, wraith-like phantoms. They swoop down from the roiling storm clouds and skim the treetops, howling and screeching like insane banshees. A trio of these ghastly apparitions pass within a few yards of the cave mouth and suddenly your head is gripped by a crushing pain. You use your Magnakai skills to erect a Psi-screen to protect your mind from this psychic attack, but your reflexes are sleep-dulled and you lose 3 ENDURANCE points before your defence is intact.

  Turn to 326.


  Drawing on your mastery of psychic defence, you are able to construct a shield around your mind which absorbs the Elder's probe. He learns nothing from his attempt to read your psyche and, rather than admit to failure, he dismisses you as an empty-headed cretin.

  With a growl of disdain, he orders you to rejoin the end of the procession and pushes you out of his way as he strides back to rally those acolytes who are fleeing down the path.

  Turn to 250.


  Using the Brotherhood Spell Levitation you are able to rise in the air and glide over this soft section of the cavern floor until you reach firmer ground. With ease, you are then able to slip past the end of the line of automatons and race towards the dais.

  During your flight across the sagging floor, the Demoness was putting on an armoured breastplate of varnished black steel and was otherwise distracted. But she saw you get around the flank of her automatons and now she is aware of your plan.

  It is clear by the anger on her face that she has no intention of allowing you anywhere near the dais or the Deathstaff.

  Turn to 57.


  You urge Bracer up a treacherously slick path that leads to the entrance. Without once faltering on the difficult ascent, he carries you to the top of the path where two rusty wagon rails disappear into the mine shaft's shadowy maw. You approach, and the instant you are out of the rain, your keen Sixth Sense alerts you to the fact that you are not the only ones seeking shelter here. The scent of greasy fur and the glint of two grey-green eyes in the gloom tell you that you have stumbled upon the lair of a mountain wolf.

  Illustration VII—The scent of greasy fur and the glint of two grey-green eyes in the gloom …

  The wolf growls menacingly and Bracer backs away in fright. Quickly you prepare to use your Magnakai skill of Animal Control to calm this beast before its hunger or its fear make it attack.

  If you possess Animal Mastery and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian or higher, turn to 89.

  If you do not possess this skill or have yet to reach this rank, turn instead to 151.


  Your Mind Charm proves stronger than his will to resist it. With a sigh, he bows his head and becomes completely subservient. Mentally you command him to go and attend to the wounded at the bow of the boat and he obeys at once without question. Those seated around you have now become uncomfortably curious. To avoid their attentions, you get up and move to the stern where a score of acolytes are kneeling in prayer.

  Turn to 124.


  You pass through the arch and feel no harmful effects. But as you descend the steps on the far side, you suddenly notice that a large number of acolytes and Elders are staring at you with hatred and anger in their eyes. You look over your shoulder to see that the invisible curtain of power, through which you passed, is no longer invisible. It is glowing an accusing shade of red.

  ‘Intruder!’ screams one of the Elders. ‘Unbeliever!’ screams another. Then, with a sudden rush, a wave of acolytes comes running at you, many clasping knives and short swords in their fists.

  Acolytes of Vashna: COMBAT SKILL 45 ENDURANCE 40

  If you win this combat, turn to 311.


  Pick a number from the Random Number Table (0=10). The number you have picked is equal to the number of ENDURANCE points lost as a result of the lightning impact and the fall.

  You are left stunned and smouldering by the explosion. Drunkenly, you stagger to your feet and use your Magnakai Discipline of Nexus to extinguish those parts of your cloak and tunic ignited by the blast. Your Weapon disintegrated when it was hit (erase it from your Action Chart), yet it served to conduct some of the energy of the lightning ball away from your body.

  Your terrified horse has halted at the river's edge and you call to him, using your natural Kai skills to calm and control his fear. He responds at once and returns to collect you. Swiftly you climb back into the saddle and gallop away along the river trail, anxious to put distance between you and this deadly storm.

  Turn to 80.


  At Shamath's command, her attendants draw wicked-looking slivers of steel from scabbards hidden inside their robes and, with a cry of vengeance, they come rushing forwards to hack you down.


  These beings are gifted with strong psychic defences. Halve all bonuses you would normally receive if you choose to use
a psychic attack (including Kai-blast) during this combat.

  If you win the combat, turn to 303.


  You accept the package and carefully unfold its silken wrapper to reveal an amulet, oblong in shape, strung upon a length of crude twine. It has been carved from coal-black stone, flecked with grains of metal, which sparkle in the firelight.

  ‘Where was this found?’ you ask.

  ‘In the ruins of Vorn,’ replies Kadharian, ominously.

  If you possess the Discipline of Telegnosis and have reached the Kai rank of Sun Knight or higher, turn to 262.

  If you do not possess this Discipline or have yet to reach this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 49.


  Your punch knocks the Elder off his feet and leaves him slumped unconscious against the gunwale. A deathly silence descends on the deck and all eyes turn to stare in disbelief at what you have done.

  ‘Seize him!’ bellows another Elder, and a score of acolytes spring from the benches to obey the command. You draw your weapon and fight them with breathtaking skill and valour, but eventually you are overcome by the sheer weight of numbers. By the time they have disarmed you and pinned you to the deck, more than thirty of them lie slain or seriously injured in a heaped circle around where you lie.

  You stare back defiantly at the ring of grim faces that loom over you. Then the face of an Elder comes into view and he sneers with disdain when he sees that you are a Sommlending. He places the tip of his glowing wand to your forehead and suddenly there is an explosion of white light. Sadly, it is the last sensation you will ever experience.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  You draw the Sommerswerd from its scabbard and point it accusingly at the Arch Druid, expecting him to wither in the face of its goodly light. But the blade does not glow as radiantly as before: it is as if its powers are being subdued by Cadak's spectral prison.

  With loathing in your heart, you advance upon your despised enemy. He weaves his hands before his face and his image fades. He is using a spell of invisibility but it does not keep him entirely hidden: you can still see the outline of his staff and his body flickering as he moves against the background wall of light.

  Arch Druid Cadak: COMBAT SKILL 50 ENDURANCE 35

  Arch Druid Cadak is immune to Mindblast and Psi-surge, but he is vulnerable to Kai-surge.

  If you win this combat, turn to 298.


  You retreat into the copse, using your Magnakai skills of Invisibility to keep you hidden from the advancing brigands. In their clumsy eagerness to enter the trees, they fail to notice you slip through their lines and circle around behind them. You have outwitted them but you are still anxious that they may find your horse. You move to higher ground in order to get a better view of the copse and, from a vantage point among the boulders, you observe their leader and three of his henchmen hiding nearby, crouched behind the bough of a fallen tree.

  If you possess a Bow and wish to fire an Arrow at the brigand leader, turn to 304.

  If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use the spell of Mind Charm, turn to 212.

  If you decide to wait and observe the brigands a little longer, turn to 98.


  As you approach the hall, you notice that it has only one means of entry — a large pair of double doors facing the lake. A long procession of acolytes are filing into the hall through these open doors and you stop to observe them. It occurs to you that if you are to discover what is going on inside, you will have to enter by the same way.

  A portly perimeter guard passes by and you duck into a darkened doorway to avoid being seen. He goes into a hut opposite and suddenly an idea springs to mind, an idea that could get you into the grand hall. You hurry across to the hut and rush in, catching the acolyte by surprise. A blow to the back of the head renders him unconscious, and quickly you put on his voluminous red robes which completely cover your clothing and equipment (you need not record these robes on your Action Chart).

  Dressed as an acolyte, and aided by your Kai camouflage skills, you should now have no difficulty getting into the hall.

  If before leaving the hut, you wish to search it for useful items, turn to 289.

  If you do not, turn to 143.


  You wield the Deathstaff with strength and confidence. The whirling cyclone ruins the Vortexi attack and bleeds them of their psychic powers, rendering them harmless.

  However, by using the Deathstaff to accomplish this, you have left yourself vulnerable to its insidious power: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

  Make the necessary adjustments to your Action Chart and turn to 46.


  You let fly your Arrow but it is poorly aimed. It arcs harmlessly into the night sky as the archer lands on the roof of the building opposite. Determined not to let him get away, you dash along the street, your eyes fixed on the shadowy figure as he makes his escape across the rooftops of the north quarter. You are twenty yards ahead of him when the street makes a turn and you find yourself faced by a solid brick wall; you have come to a dead end. You are about to retrace your steps when suddenly you notice a rusty iron staircase away to your right. It is a crude fire-escape ladder and it leads all the way to the roof of a linen warehouse. Quickly you climb the ladder, your weapon drawn in readiness to intercept the assassin the moment he appears.

  Turn to 95.


  You unsheathe your weapon and brace yourself to receive their maniacal attack.

  Acolytes of Vashna (in battle-frenzy): COMBAT SKILL 34 ENDURANCE 40

  If you win this combat, turn to 325.


  Suddenly, a sparkling sheet of energy shimmers beneath the great arch, and you catch sight of a huge, booted foot stepping through it. You tremble at the thought of what will happen next, for you recognize only too well to whom the foot belongs. With mounting horror you watch as the Demoness Shamath emerges from the Shadow Gate in her entirety. Here on Magnamund she is five times greater in size and power than in her own domain, and she is hungry to exercise that terrible power.

  She stoops down and plucks the Deathstaff from you as if she was removing a tiny splinter of wood from a lowly insect. Then she points a tree-sized finger at the ground before the dais and a huge hole appears.

  A raging whirlwind arises from this abyss, a whirling vortex which quickly builds in power until it is sucking everything into its spinning black core. Screaming acolytes tumble past and disappear into its maw as you desperately hang on to the dais to stop yourself from being sucked to your death. But your resistance is futile. With a callous flick of her wrist, the Demoness Shamath consigns you to your doom.

  Tragically, your life and your quest end here.


  You draw your weapon and brace yourself as the phantoms swoop down upon you like hungry vultures descending on a corpse.


  For every level of Kai rank you have attained above that of Kai Grand Guardian, you may add 2 to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this fight. If you possess the Sommerswerd, restore 5 points to your ENDURANCE score.

  If you win the combat, turn to 159.


  You raise the hood of your robe and join the procession of acolytes who are filing into the hall. The interior is a dark and forbidding place, decorated with the ritualistic trappings of the Acolytes of Vashna. Spluttering candles dimly illuminate a central altar and a sickly-smelling incense saturates the air. The acolytes encircle the altar several ranks deep and listen intently as two of their Elders conduct a liturgy in praise of Darklord Vashna, and the victory he has seen fit to grant them. They conclude their sinister ceremony by crying out the words, ‘We celebrate this eve of the “Great Welcoming”. May Lord Vashna, our master, vanquish his enemies and rule unchallenged ever more!’

  The acolytes respond spontaneously by repeatedly chanting their master's name. ‘Vashna! Vashna! Vashna!’
they cry, as they slowly shuffle out of the hall in single file. At the door, each acolyte is handed a burning torch and made to parade past the Elders who give them their unholy blessing. You take care to keep your face concealed within the raised hood of your robe as your turn comes to pass before them.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Kai-alchemy, Kai-screen, or Assimilance, add 2 to the number you have picked (these bonuses are cumulative).

  Also, if you possess a Runic Disc, add 1; if you possess the Sommerswerd, deduct 3; and for every rank you have attained above that of Kai Grand Guardian, add 1.

  If your total score is now 4 or less, turn to 322.

  If it is 5 or more, turn to 192.


  As the screaming Vortexi horde swoops down, you pray to Kai and Ishir to give you strength enough to defeat them.

  If you possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 118.

  If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 284.


  As the first of the brigand captain's men emerge from the surrounding pines, you break off the fight and take to your heels, pausing only to snatch up his satchel as you leave. Thinking that his swordsmanship has terrified you into running away, the captain gives chase, but he soon loses you among the dense pines and gives up his pursuit.


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